<br />88-
<br />
<br />10478E
<br />
<br />NOS,UNIFORM COVENANTS norruwer nnd Lender further CCl\'cmmt and agree as follo"'s:
<br />19. Aceele...tlon; Remedies. Lender shall gI,e notice to Borrower prior to Dcceleration rollowtnR, Borrower's
<br />breach or an)' eoveRan. or agreement in this Securit)' Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under parogropbs13 and 17
<br />unless appllOlble la.. provide. otherwlsel, The nnUce .hall speclfl" (althe derault; (bl the action required to cure the
<br />default; (c) . date, not leu than 30 days from tbe date the notice is Riten to Borrower, by which the default must be cured;
<br />and (dlthat failure tn cure the default nn or berore the date specified In lbe notice may result In .eceleraUon 01 the sums
<br />secured bl' this Security Instrument and .ale nf the Property, The notice .hall furtber infnrm Borrower of lhe right to
<br />reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to Bssert the non.existl!nce of 0 default or any other
<br />defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified In the notlcc, Lender
<br />at as option may require Immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without fureher
<br />demand ODd may invoke the po..er of sale and any other remedies permitted by opplleoble 10". l..endershoU be entitled to
<br />oollect all expense. Incurred In pUrlulng Ibe remedies prnvlded In thl. paragraph 19, Including; but not limited to,
<br />reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence.
<br />If the power of sale is lnfoked, Trustee shall record a notice of ddault in each county in which any part of the
<br />Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the
<br />other persons prescribed by applicable law, After the time required b)' opplicable Jaw. Trustee shall Rhe public notice of
<br />snle to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee. ",'Uhout demand on Borrower. shall sell the
<br />Property at public auction to tbe highest bidder at the time ond place and under the terms designated In tbe notice or sale in
<br />one or more parcels and In an)' order Trustee determines. Trustee roB)' postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by
<br />public announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee mD)' purchase the
<br />Property at any sale.
<br />Upon receipt of payment of the prlee bid, Trustee shall delil/er to the purchaser Trustee's deed conl/eying the
<br />Propert)'. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie efidence of the truth of the stDtements made therein.
<br />Truster shill apply the proceeds flf the sale in the following order: (a) to all expenses of the sale. including. but not limited
<br />tn. Trustee's fecs as permitted b)' applicable law and reasonable anorne)'s' fecs; (b) to all sums secured by this Security
<br />Inslrumt'nt: and Ie) an)" cx.c.css to the person or pcrson5Ie~lI)' entitled 10 it.
<br />20. Lender in Posscssion. Upon ac.:ccleration under puragrnph If) \lr uh:mdonmcfll of Ihl' ProperlY. Lender (in
<br />per,"II1, h)' agent or hy JudiCially appmnled recel\'cr) ..hull be cntitled 10 enl~r upun, lake- pn~"c""I(l1l of llod manage the
<br />Properl)' and In collcct Ihe rcnl~ of the Propen)' II1dudmg thO'oe pa..t due_ Any relit.. collel.'led hy Lcndcr or thc recciver
<br />,hall he apphed fif'it lO payment (Jf the CO!!t.. of management of lhe ProperlY unu l.:olh:ctlllTl Ilfrenh. Induding. but not
<br />hmned tn. rcccI\'cr'!-o f~. prcmlUm' tin rl"Ccl\-C'r', hond!' and rC'Olsonahlc allllrney',,' fce.., and lhen In the sum~ secured by
<br />thiS S.:cunty Imilrument
<br />21. Reconveyance. lJfKIO payment (If all sum.. ..cl.:ured by thl!,; Security In,lrunlelll. l_cmlcr ...hull requ.cst Trustee to
<br />reconvey Ihl: Propen)' and \l1all ..urrender Ihl' Secunt)' ln~trument and all nnh~!-o cv,dcnclIIg dchl ..ccured hy thiS Security
<br />!nstfumcnllo Tru!llec. Tru!otC'c ,hall rc(ome)' the Pmpcrty wlthoul wammly llnd wllhllUI dlitrge Iu Ihe person or person!.
<br />Icgall)' cnlUled 10 II. Such pc~on nr per...on\ ,hall pay an)' rccordal1OIl cu!-o(!-o
<br />22. Substitute Trustee. Lendcr. at II' uptlon. may from lime to lime remove Trustee and Ilppoinl a successor lrustee
<br />h1 un)' Tru!!tce appolTlIed hereunder hy an mstrument recorded In the county In whlL'h thl" Security In!otrumcnt is recorded,
<br />Wllhuut com'cyance of Ihe Properl)'. the 'UCCCS!ioor lru'tct' !-ohall ,uccecd 10 all the litle, power and duties conferred upon
<br />Tru~tcc herein and hy applicable law.
<br />23. Request for ~otjCe5. norrower rctlue5b thltl \:Oplt'!t of the nolU:c!\ or dcflluh and ,nil' he "l'nl 10 Burrower's
<br />addro.~ which i!o the Propc:ny ^ddrC':'i~.
<br />24. Riden to this Security Instrument. If une or more nder!'> are ellecuted by Borrower and recorded together with
<br />thl!o Sccunty In!'>trumcnt. the CO'o'cnnnt!\ llno agrecmenl!'i of each ..uch rider ,hall he IIlcorpllratcd 11110 and !'oohall amend and
<br />supplement the c01lcnant!i and agreements of thl!o Sc(.:unty In!tlrument a\ If the f1dcrh) wcre a part of lhls Security
<br />Instrument.IChcck apphc3ble hm,(csI)
<br />= Adjustable Rate Rldcr . ._~ Condominium Rider ~ 2--4 Family Rider
<br />
<br />= GraduDted Paymcnt Rider
<br />
<br />~~~ Planned Unit Dc\dopmetll Rider
<br />
<br />:-=' Other(,) [.pecoryJ
<br />
<br />D\' SlliNING BElli", Borrowt'r accepls and agrcc:s to lhe
<br />In!i.trument and In an)' nder(s} C'1let:utecl hy norrower and recorde
<br />
<br />
<br />and \.:(}\C\1anb conuuned III thi!'oo Security
<br />
<br />"~"
<br />
<br />, ..,(Seal)
<br />-aorrow,"
<br />
<br />~::~
<br />
<br />..,(Seull
<br />-BorrO.!!I
<br />
<br />SI,,\tl- ()I Nl..IlR.'\~Io.-\,
<br />
<br />Hall (lllllll\ ~,:
<br />
<br />On Ihi, 31st don 01 August .IY8H hdtll\' IIll', Iht: IlIlJl'''lgl1\.:d. a '"tilf\ Puhlll..
<br />July \.:omml....lom-d ami 4uahfll:11lm ~;IIO \.'OIlI1I~. fll" ~"IHIII~ ,::1 fill' Troy U. Spencer and Pame I as. Spencl!r.
<br />each in his and her u.....n right, and as SPOUSl' of each other ,lllllll'J..lltl\\III(\ht:lhl'
<br />Identical pcr..oll(..' \\1"'''1: lIana"I.,) <-HC \Uh'Crlhl'U 111 lhl' 1I"n!\lllll-! 'lI~trlllTll'1l1 atlLl lllJ..llll\\kd)!t'd Iht' l'\l'(lIIHiIl
<br />thereor In he thei r \Illuntaf~ :1\.:1 and O\.'l'J
<br />\\'llnn.. my hand and nolilTlill 'c~l ill Grand Is Lan
<br />dale af01c'ald,
<br />
<br />
<br />111 ~.lld ll1UIl!\, lilt'
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<br />IJ:---M II ......1
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<br />~h l"omml.....on C'\PIlC''', 9-I-ff
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<br />I he ~J1UI('t\l~ncd 1\ lilt" h. .Idl" .., I Il\.' 11.11," tor 11"1l"' .,-, IIi' ,I b, 'I" 1)...1. d I, ,,,I ....1 "I 1'"
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<br />n.'" IIrl.1 r,\ \"11 Illl.lt-I 1111. IhTll "I 11\i~' ro, Ill. i'I'T~"lI ..r r--' , "
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