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<br />b Ernl"."' OOmlln.lnll(lt>r 1IIIbIDDy "'''tQntIlJ..,11 r.llmponll'lllon 1"'1'1'1"11 l",mllgt'" .1no 01111'1 f"'VlTIl"'I" III 1I~lIl1llhlll(llnlll,or PrUCllU(l1l I'" C:O"'lIICIIOn wllh <br />cOl\rlnmnallon Df 011\(1' tAlunn 011110 Ploporly 01 rH"llhareol or IOlconvDyllnr.n III Iml/ olcondomnnlloo Lnndl" al1nllll(l on'llInd 1Illllopllon 10 I:ommonco. nppolU In llnd <br />plclI',,,lo In 111 own namo enyacllon 01 proclIodmOIi. IInd :,hnll nllo Do (Inll!ll'tl 10 ml!.ko nny compfOmlsn or IfI!IIrmonl In connnellon Wllh IUth tnkmn 01 dnmn(Jo In tho <br />oV1lnl an" pOlllon olIn, Propllny 11.0 lnkon or ""mngod, Londo' ."nll h"...o tho optmn In 11, !Iolo and llblOllllo I1II1Clt'llon 10 npply nllauch Procoodll. nllor doduclm(J <br /> <br />ai~~~f~~I~~~IO~:~~:::"~I~:~~~~U~:~\JbC~II~~:~~~~~~':~I::~~I~~c~r:~~O:r~~~,~~I:j~~~ 1~~~~I~~~~~,~:~~t~':~:~~~~v ~~: ~ne~~~~I~~dD~~: ~~nll~~IB~~~ ~~'~rr~~~:dO::~ <br />Cl:J'dablctlneU ,hall nOI a_tend or postpone the due dltlo 01 any ll"ymenlS unOor lhO NOlo 01 curo IInv delllulllhN(lundor or heroundQr <br />.r- 7,Lllnder.lnthoevent 01 Borrower'sfQtlura lopcrlormllnyol thecovenenlll hlHoln 01 malic nny pllymcntlllcqUlred homlly.orlf anV dCIIII laken 01 <br />~:~Of'::,cao::~npgD~D~~~'::rda~~I~~I~aa~~:~~~:~~~c~~;r~':::;~~~!o~:l~~:i~~~~~~~~~~;~:t(>~~~~ It~I~~~7,~~:~~c~~un~r~~~ W~;j~~~I'I~~~I~~f~~~ ~:; :,~~a;: :~~tl~~~~~~~~ <br />OeemsneCOSSllfY 10 protect tho seculltV heroal Borrower ~hall. ImmedlalelV upon demond Itlerolor by Lcndor, pay 10 Lender nil coals and ellponsea Incurrod Ilnd suma <br />..-t;:~::e(>b~~Jn~~~ds:~;~n~:~t~~n ~~~d~rOs~:~~~~~ I~~~~:~~' :~:~~~:~~I~~:~~vr~e~I:~~Ocg~:~~'y~~~~~nl'le:::; 1~~r~~~~~lt~~ ~a~oh~~~~I~~=r'n IrlO Nolo. whlctl shall boaddod 10 <br /> <br />8 Eftnl. al o.rlulL Tho fOllOWing shall constltule an eyenl 01 dllfaullllndcH Ihls Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />\ (al Fallule 10 pav anV ,"stallmenl 01 prlnC1pal or '"tcresl or any olher sum secured heroby when due. or Illlluro 10 pny when due nn)' olher IOdehledflB9s 01 <br />Borrower 10 Lender; <br /> <br />CC) (hi A breach 01 or delaull under any p'ovlslon conllllned In lhe NOlo, thiS Deed 01 TruSI, nnV document which secures Iho Note. and any olher <br />c;:C) encumbrance upon Ihe Properly <br /> <br />(c) A wril 01 ellecutlon or allachment orany Slmlllll process shnll he entered against Borrower whIch shall become a lion on theProperlyoranv porllon <br />Ihereal ar mlelesllherem; <br /> <br />Idl There shall be hied by 01 ogomsl Barrawer an acllOn under any plosonl 01 lulure lederal. slalc or olher slalulo. law or regulntion relatmg Ill' <br />bankruplcV. ,"solvency a. olher rei lei for debtors; or Ihere shall be appomled anv lruslee. rcceIVer or Ilquldalor of Borrower or 01 all ar nny part ollhe Properly. ar <br />Ihe rCllls. Issues or profilS Ihereol. or Borrower Shell make anv general assIgn men I for Ihe benelil 01 crodilars <br /> <br />Ie) The sale. Iransler. assignment. conveyance or furlher encumbrance 01 all 01 any part 01 or any mleresl In the Properly. ellher voluntarilV or <br />mvolunlanly, wllhoullhe OIlj:HBSS wtlllen consenl of lender <br /> <br />(II II Borrower IS nOlan indiVIdual, me sllle. transfer. asslgnmenl. conveyance ar encumbrance 01 more Ihan ____~ ___ percenl 01 (II a corporation) ils <br /> <br />Issued and oulslandmg slock or (II a parlnershlPI _~____ percenl 01 par1nershlp mrerosls <br /> <br />g R.m~lu:Aee.leratlon Upon D.lault1n Iheevent af any Event of Delault Lender mav declaro all mdebledness secured hereby to be due and payable and Ihe <br />same shalllhereupon become due and payable wllhoulany presenlmenl, demand. prolest or nollce olany kmd Therealler Lender may <br /> <br />la) Demand Ihal Trustee ekerClselhe POWER OF SALE granted herein. and Truslee shalt lhertlallercause 80rrower's Inleresl m Ihe Properly 10 be sold <br />and Ihe ploceeds Ill' be dlslribuled. all In Ihe manner plovlded In the Nebraska Trusl Deeds Act <br /> <br />(b) Eilher m person or by elgent. wllh or wllhoul bnngmg any DctlOn or proceed mg. or by a receiver appomled bV a courl and wllholll regard 10 the <br />adequacVol lis secunly. enler upon IIndlake possesSlQn 0' thp Proporly. orllny part tnareol. m ItS oWn n,lme or In Ihe name 01 the Truslee. and do any acts whIch <br />II deems necessary or deslrabte 10 pre!ierve the value. marketabllnV or renlablllly 0' Ihe Property, 01 part Ihereol or Inleresllherelfl. mcrease the Iflcome <br />Iherefromorprolecllhe sccunly herool and Wllh 01 wllhoullaklng possession ollhe Ploperly_ sue lor orolflerWI5e collecl the rents, Issues and profitsthereol. <br />Includlflglhosepasl due and unpaid. and apply Ihesame. less costs andekpenses 01 opera lion and collecllon mc'udlngallarneys'lees, upon any mdebtedness <br />secured hereby. all 10 such arder as Lender milY delerm100 The entering upon and takmg possessIon 01 Ihe PloperlV. Ihe collecllon 01 such renls. Issues and <br />prohlS andttleappllcallOn Ihereolas aforesaid. shall nol cureor waive any delaull or nollce 01 dl."ilUll ht!reunder or Imalldate any act done In response losuch <br />delault or pursuanl to such notice 01 delault and. notwlthslandmg Ihe conllnuance In pa'isP'sslQn ollne Plopelly (.or the collecllon. receipl and apphcahon 01 <br />renls. Issues or prohls. Truslee 01 Lender shalt beenllltod 10 ellerCIse every IIgnl prav.ded 101 to any a' the Loan Instrumenls or by law upon occurenca 01 any <br />event 01 defaul!, Includmg Ihe tlghl 10 e..erCIselhe power of sale. and <br /> <br />lcl Commonce nn acllon 10 loreclose thiS Deed 01 TrllSI as a martgage appoml a lecelVer, or speCIfically enlorce any ollhe covenanlS hercal. <br /> <br />Noremedyhere'n conforred upon or IC:ierved to Trustee or lender 15 Inlended 10 be ekcluslveol any other remedy herein 01 by law proVided or permItted. bul oachshall be <br />cumulallVe shall be m addlllon 10 every other remedy glvlm hereunder or now or herealter e",sllng at law or m eqUITy or by stalule and may be (uerclSed concurrently. <br />mdepenoenUy Dr sur.ccss....eIV <br /> <br />10_ Trull... The Tluslee may resIgn al any lime Wlltlout cause and lender m,lY ill ilfl\, hme clnd wIII'ouI Cilusa ilppornl il successOl 0' suhstltule Truslee Trustee <br />shall nol be liable lor any loss 01 damage unless due to acllonable negligence or willful !ll<SCOIH:!ucl and shalt nOl be mqwr..rt 10 lilkn any aCllon tf1 connocllon wllh Ihe <br />enlorcemonl 01 Ih1S Deed 01 Trusl unless mdemntlled, III ,lHlllng 'or all cosls, cOmpen'iilllon or I"pen'ies wt\lf:h l110lY hu i1S!HJrHIlf>f1 tr1l'rl~Wllh In artdlllon TruSlUe may <br />become a purchaser al any sale 01 the Properly iJudlcllll or uflder the power 01 sHle granled herein 1 IlOslpone Ihe Sille 01 all or any pu' I.on ut Itm pIllJlE.!'ly. <IS prOVIded by law. <br />or selllhe Properly as a whole. or 10 separale parcels or 1015 <br /> <br />11 Fulu' Upon lequesl 01 Borlower, Lender mllV al ,ts opllon make addlllOnal and lulure adVHnces ilnd reildv,lnces to Burrower Such advances and <br />readvances. wllh interest lhereon. shall be secured bV Ihls DCL>d 01 Trust At no lime shalllhe pllnClpal i1mount 0' ltle Indebtednoss 5UCWIld hy thiS Dlmd 01 Trusl. nalm- <br /> <br />cludlngsumsadvanced loprolect Ihesecurtlyoi Ihls Deed 01 Trusl, ellceed Ihe oflqmal p,mr;,pillalTlounl stated herem or 5 75,000 t 00 whichever is <br />grealer <br /> <br />12 Mlacell.n.oul Prowlllonl. <br /> <br />la) Borro.., Nol A.le...d. E_lenSloll u, tht! lime tor payment 01 nllld,llcahon ot 1II"0I1lriltlon 0' !hI' sum,> SIH:W,'<J hy HllS DeE.!d 01 Trusl granled by <br />Lender to any successor 10 mlerest 01 8urrower shall not oper,lte 10 releeue. In ,lny milnnel Ow lril[llllty of the OlllJmnl BorrOWI" ,111d Borrower's successors m <br />Inlelesl lendershall nol be reqUired to commence plocoe"lngs ngalnst !luch SIJCCI'!o50' 'If ro!lll'O lo l'~lend Irmotu! pilYITUJlI1 fir nlhOIWI!le modllyamorlllahon <br />ollhe sums secured by thiS Deed 01 Trusl by reason 01 any demands m,lde hI' Inl' o"grnal BOHrh"'" anrl Ballower 5 '>\JCr:l'SSOrS In Inlomsl <br /> <br />lbl L.nder'.Po..n. WlthOul a"ecllng the Ilablltly a' nny oth!!r porson IHlbhllo, Illl' pilynwnl alany obllQ;Ihon herem mIH'llorll'd, and wlltloulllllecllng <br />Ihe hen or chargeollhl!! Deedol Trusl upon any portion olthe Ploperly nOllh"" 01 H1t'lI'tofofl! rcleusell as sl~cur,ly IOf lilt' lull amounl a' allunpnld obllgallons. <br />Lender may. ham time 10 lime and wllhoul flollce (Il 'elease any pl!rsun 50 1'11111" '''I t!.'Imrl Ihl' millurlly or alter an\, 01 the terms 0' any such obllgallons, (1111 <br />glanl olhermdulgenccs, (I'll release 01 reconvey or causelo be rCleaSIJd or rm_on"E.!yt'rl ,II ,lI'V IIITlO al Londer S opltonsany parcol, porhon 01 all al the Properly. <br />lv}lakeor relea~e anv olheror additIonal seclHlty faf al1vohlrgahon him~'" ml'f1hmu'rl or IV'J makllcompOSltlollS or other il"ilngellmnls Wllh deblars In relalion <br />Iherelo <br /> <br />lcl Forb...ranc. br L.nd.r Not a Walv.r. Any lorbearilnce by Lendl~I H1 ".I'Il '51rll] ilny fight or lemedv hOleundm, or olherwI!!l.lllllorded by itpphcablo <br />law. shall not be a waIver 01 or preclude Ihe e_erClse 01 ilny such fig hI or remedy 1 h'J Il'ocureml>nl 0' Insurance or lhe paY'Tlenl alt/lkes or Olher liens or chargl.lS <br />by Lender shall nol be a waIVer 01 Lender's flghl to accelerale Ihe malurlly 01 11m ,ndeblodnoss secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trusl <br /> <br />ld) SUC(:.IIOtl and AIIIgnl Bound; Joint and S.v.r.' UlbllllV: Clpllonl. Ttle covenants and agrllemenls herem canlamcd shall bllld. and the rights <br />hefeunder shalllnlJlo to.lhe respectIve successors and aSSign!> 01 Lender and Borrow!!! sublecllo lhe prOVISlon~ 01 paragraph B (el heleol All cavenilntsand <br />agr~ments 01 Borrower shall be lomt and several The captlons an" head lOgs or lnf! pal/lgr,lphs ollhls Deed ol.T,uslafO lar convenience on IV and nre nollo be <br />used 10 mlerprel or dehna Ihe provIs1ons hereol <br /> <br />(e) Reque.lforNoUen. The paltles hereby Icquest Ihal a capy 01 any notiCE.! 0' Oil"au II hl'reunder and a copy of anv nollce alsale hereunder be mailed to <br />each party 10lhlsOeed olTrusl allheaddresssellorlh abovc'n Ihemanner prescllbed by applIcable law E~cepllor any other noltce fOqulfed underapphcable <br />law 10 be given In anolhel mannel. any nollce prol/,ded 101 In thiS Deco 01 Trusl Shall bl' given bv ma,llng such no lice by cerlthed mall addressed to the olher <br />par1le!. al the address sellorth above <br /> <br />Any nollce prOVIded lor In Ihls Deed 01 Trust shall be deemed 10 have been g'ven 10 Borrower 01 llmdel when glVEm Iflltle mannor deslgnilled herein <br /> <br />III InlP4ellan.Lender may makeor caU:ie 10 be made reasonable enlrleS upon ano ,nspeCI,on!>o' lhe Property pral/,ded IhlU Lende. shall QIVI~ 80rrower <br />notice ptlor 10 any such Inspecllon speCllylng reasonable cause therelor rplaled Ill' Lender's Intere5t In Itle Property <br /> <br />IgJ Reconwrane.. Upon pavmenlol all sums secured by Ihls Deed of Trusl. Lendel shal! request Trustee 10 reconvey Ihe Property and shall surrender <br />ItlIS Deed of Trusl and all nOles eVldencmg tndebledness secured by Ihls Deed 01 TluSllo Truslee Truslee shall reconvey Ihe Ploperly wllhoul warranty and <br />wlthaul charge 10 Ihe person or persons legallV enlltled therelo Such person 01 persons shall pay all COSIS 01 recordation II any <br /> <br />Ih) PetlDnaIPfDP4rlr,Securllr Agr..m.nL As add1110nalsecurtlyfor the paymenl ollhe Noleall ".'ures equlpmenl. and olher personal properly used <br />,"connectIon wllhthe lealestateollmprovemenls localed Ihereon. and nololherwlsedeclalod 0' deemed lobell pllrt ollhe toal estale secured he'eby. shall be <br />sub,eclloasecufl1Ylnteresl '" lallOI 01 the LendtHUndpr IhoNebraska Untlorm Commercral Code ThIS 'nslrum'1Il1 Shall beconslruad liS a SecurIty Agreomenl <br />under saId Code. and the Lender shall have all the rig hIS and remedies 01 a secured party under Selld Code'" ildlllllon 10 the Ilqhls .lnd remedies crealerl under <br />and accorded lhe Lender pUlsuanl to Ihls Deed 01 T'ust <br /> <br />III $eonrabtUtr. In IIle evenllhllt llny PIOVI"lon ollhlll Delldot TruslconlllCI "'Ith appllcabhJ l,lw or I"l!rlecfllll~d Invillld 0' olhl~lwl~illllm",rOlll!llble SuCh <br />conlhctormflhdltv shall nol affecllhe olhel prOVISIons ollhls Deed 01 TIUS! or the NOfIJ WrllCh (.1'1 lIe glvnn elfl'(! w,lhoul tne conlllll,ng prOIl,slun arll:! tll Ihls <br />end the provISions 01 the Ol!led of Trust and the Note ale declaledlo be severable <br /> <br />80llo_r nas e_ecullld Inl& Of!lld 01 TruSlthe dall! written above <br /> <br />,~,.4 ~/<~ <br />(Frank E. Kolar) <br />