<br />ti [mlnlnl OOm,ln. Lundt'! II !lumby ll"IOllfld nil r.omponlllollon Awn. I" dllnlllgllr. /lOll U""'I 11lIyoHm,,, 01 ,.'hlll 1111'1111116110, Plnel'ucla I 111 connllchon ......Ih
<br />conctllmnmllon or Din." 111~1I\~ 01 IhoPrOJ'!ollYOf J'l"" '''Of Dol or IOfconllOVllncn IlIlwu 01 cundnmnnllOn Lond", s'lnll bn lInltltod BllIll OpllOIl 'Ol~ommonco, appallr In und
<br />pfOIDCIllll'1I\ .11 own nllma.nV lIttlcn 01 plQcaodmgl, nnel :;hnll nllD tlo onhllod 10 mnko tiny comrllomllm 01 M'lll('monlln connOellOn Wnll 'Ilch Inkll1g or dnmnOG In Iho
<br />avonl .oV pOllloo 01 tn., Proparl\' II ao IDkon or t1nmllgod. Londo, Ihnll hnvo 11"10 opllon In .t. aoln nnd nbllolulo dlllie'ollon, 10 npplv nllllllch Plocencla, nllo, deducting
<br />..-lhllrolrom all co".ande_l)e'oSol mCUI'cD bV'1 In connucllOn Wllh such proconds. upon nny IruJDbtodnoSI lioClI.t'd 'lOlObV nnd In Iluch ordor III Londo. mnV t'lU!ormlne, or 10
<br />......ppIV..1I suth Ploceodl, sTlor lueh dt'ductlOnl, 10 lhe rOSlorntlOn ollhe P,ope,ly upon suth cundll10na 85 Londer mnv delormmt' Any oppllcntlon 01 Frocoodlllo
<br />~dClbtodnon Ilhall nOl oJ:lend or pOSlpone lho duo dAle 01 any pllymenlll undellho Nolo, o. CUrll nny {Jolnul! !horoundOl or horoundOl
<br />
<br />.f'- 7 PerformanC.br L.nd.r.ln thocvontol BOlrOWO(Slalluro loporformnny Ollho covenont!l horomor mnknnny paymants roqUlred homby, or II nny nct Illlnkonor
<br />.::.....Iogml procceCJmg commoncod whiCh mnlorl.llllyalfoclll Londo(slnlorestln tho Properly. Lllndel mny In lis own dllerel!.)n, bllt Wllhou! obtlOnllon 10 do 60, ond wIthout noUco
<br />""'J1o or demand upon Borrowor and wllhout rolooSlng Borrower !rom Bny obligallon. do anI' lICI Wlllch Iho BOlrowor hlllllloroed butllulllto do ond may nlllo do ony othor nct It
<br />Ollems necessory 10 prOleCllho security hllleol Borrowor Shall, Immodrnloly upon demnnd Ihorolor by LendlH. pnv to Londer nil costs nnd e~penaos mcurred nnd sums
<br />-'pJ:penrted bV lenderln connectlun wllh the eJ:erClllO by Lender of tho loregolng fights. looelhe. With InterestlhOJOon atlho rlIlo provided In Ihe Note, WhiCh Shall be added 10
<br />"he Indllble~ne!lS secured hereby Londor Shall nOllncur any porsonatliabllllY becauso 01 anythIng II mal' do or Offill 10 do horounder
<br />
<br />B E..nt. of D.rlutt. The lollowmg Shall conslllule an ovent of default under lhls Deed 01 Trllst
<br />
<br />(al Failure 10 pay any InstaUment 01 prrnclplll or Intelest or IIny other sum secured hllreby when due, or tiulu'" 10 pay when duo any olher Indebtedness 01
<br />Borrower to Lender;
<br />
<br />\
<br />~
<br />
<br />tbl A breaCh 01 or delault IIndor any prOVIsion conlalned '" the Nole. lhls Deed 01 Trllst. any Oocument wlllCh secures tho Nole. and nny other
<br />encumbrance upon Ihe Property,
<br />
<br />Ic) A Wlit 01 oJ:ecution or attachment or any SImilar process shnll be enlelod ng;:unSI Borrower which shall becomo n tlon on Ihe Propelly or any portion
<br />Ihereof or inlereslthoreln;
<br />
<br />Id) There shall be flied by or against Borrower an achon undor any prosonl or luture loderal, slalo or olher statulo, law or regulation rolallng to
<br />bankruplcy. ,"solvoncy or olhllr relrer fordeblors; or Ihere shell beappolnled any trusleo, receiver or hqUldalol 01 Borroweror 01 all or any part 01 tho Property, or
<br />the rellls, ISSIIOS or prolils thereol. or Borrower shall mako any generat aSSlgnmenllor the benelil 01 credItors
<br />
<br />Ie) The sale. transler, asslgnmont, conveyance or furlher .~_ncumbrance of alt or anI' part of or any Inlerest In Ihe Properly, ellher voluntarily or
<br />,"volunlallly, wllhoutlhe eJ:press written consenl 01 Lender
<br />
<br />(II II Borrower rs not an ,"dlvldual. the aale.lransfer, assignment. conveyance or encumbrance of more than ''____ ~ percenl at (IT a corporal ion) 115
<br />
<br />Issued and outstandIng stock Of (II a partnerShip) ______ percenl 01 parlnershlp Interests
<br />
<br />9 R.m.dl.l; Ac~lel'llUon Upon O.f.utl. In lhe e~enl 01 any Evenl 01 Default Lender may declare all mdebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and Iho
<br />same shalllhereupon bocomo due and payable wllhoul any presentmenl. demand. pro lest or nollce of any kind Therealter lender may
<br />
<br />(a) Demand Ihat Truslee exercIse the POWER OF SALE gran led herein, and Truslee shall thoroaller cause Borrower's inlerest m the Property 10 be sold
<br />and the proceedS to be dllllflbuled, allm the manner prOVided In Ihe Nobraska Trust Deeds Act
<br />
<br />lbl Either m person or by agenl, wllh 01 wlthoul bringing any achon Of proceedmg, or by a receiver appOinted by a court and wllhout regard to Ihe
<br />adequacy OlltS securllV. enler upon and take possessIOn of Ihll Proporty. or any p<1ftlhoreol, In lIs own name or In the nameollhllTrustee, anddoanyaclswhich
<br />It deems necessary or deSIrable 10 preRervc the value. marketabllily or rentabIlity of Ihe Property, or parI themol or mlerest Iherem. Increase the mcome
<br />therelrom orprotecllhe security hereof and, wllh or Wllhoultaklng possosslon 01 Ihe Properly, sue lor or otherWIse colJecltho rents. Issues and prolilslherool.
<br />IncludIng those past due and unpaId, and apply lhe S,lme. less costs ilnd e~penses 01 operatIon IInd collection Includ.ng attorneys'loes, upon any Indebledness
<br />secured hereby. aU 10 such order as Lender may delermme The enlerlng upon and 1,1klng possessIOn 01 the Property, Ihe collecllOn of such renls. Issues and
<br />prof.lsand lheappllcatronthereol as aloresnld, shnll not cureor waive any detault or nollce of delllutl hurcunder or Invalidate any acl done In response losuch
<br />delaull or purlluant 10 such notice of defaull and, notWrthstandmg the conllnuance In possessIOn ollhe Property l>r Ihe collecllOn. recelpl and applicalion 01
<br />rents, Issues or prollls. Truslee or Lendor shall becnllHod to e~ercIse every rrgnl pro~,ded for In any 01 lhe Loan Instruments or bV law upon occurence 01 any
<br />event 01 default. ,"cludlng the "Uhllo e~erClse the power 01 sale. and
<br />
<br />Ic) Commence an action 10 foreclose thIS Deed of Trust as a mortgage apPOlnl,' receiver. or slJecl1lcally enlorco any 01 the covenanls hereof,
<br />
<br />Noremedv herem conlarllld upon 01 reserved 10 Trusleeor lend~rls Intended to beeJ:clus....e ot .1ny olh~r r~ll1edy herem or by law prO~lded or plnmlltea, but each Sholl be
<br />cumulallvo, shall be m addlllon 10 everV othc' remedy gl~en hereunder or now or horeallef eKlsllflg at law or 10 llqUlly or by slatute and may be eUHclsed concurrenlty.
<br />lndepenaelllly or sur:cesSl~ely
<br />
<br />10 Trull.e. The Truslee may resIgn <1l any lime wlthoul cause nnd LonOer may alany lime and Wlttoout callSH appornt a S\Jccossor Of subslllute Trustee Truslee
<br />shall nol bo liable fOI any loss or damngo unless due 10 IIchonflble negligence or WIUlul rrll~conduct and shall nol De H!Qwrt'fllo t.1~e ilny aehon IrI conf1Hctron wuh the
<br />enlorcemenl 0' Ih'!l Deed of TruSI unloss Indemnrhed fO WHIm" lor all costs, cOmpl'nSilhon 01 I,.penses WhIC~1 mily Ill! assm'lall'dlhWIJWIIII In addition Trustl!l~ may
<br />becomeapurchaseralanysaleollhe Properly (judiCial or undorlhl! power 01 salegr<1nled helt!m) postpone the sale 01 all or ,ln'1 pu"lon otltw pr()pcrty .IS prOVided by law.
<br />or sell Ihe Ploperty as a whole. or In separate parcels or lots
<br />
<br />11 FulurwAd...nc... Upon roquesl 01 BOHower, Lendel may at ItS option make addlllOnal and lulure ad~ances and read~llnceslo Borrower Such advances and
<br />readvances. wllh Inlereslthereon. Shall be secured by Ihls OecCl 01 Trusl AI no 11m!! shall the prmClpal amount ollhe mdehtodr1C5s slfcu1l!d hy thiS Oiled 01 rrust, not m-
<br />
<br />l;ludmg sumsaevanced to prOlecllhesecunty ollhls DeeCl 01 Tlust o~ceed the origInal prlnClpill ilnlOunt slaled hon!ln or S 75, 000. 00 whlche~er is
<br />greater
<br />
<br />12 MlaceU.n.ou. ProYlslons.
<br />
<br />(a) Borrow.r Not Rele.l.d. ElllenSloll olthl' lime for p,lyrnenl or mfldlhcallon 01 iHIlOllllaholl 01 thl! sums ~"CI1f1',J by tl11S Oiled 011 rusl granled by
<br />Lender 10 anI' successor 1M mleresl 01 Borrower shull nol operalc to mlense. 1M any manner IIle lIabltrly 01 the OflYHlll1 BOlfoWIH nlld Borrower's sllccessors In
<br />mtereSI lendershall nol be requllcd tocommllnce rroclledlllgs agillnsl surh SUC(I'!IoSOf 11' rl!IIJSp.l(}I~KllJn(] llnm till pnynWIlI or ottlorwlsernodlfy amorlizallon
<br />01 the sums secured bV lhls Deed 01 Trust by .eason 01 any demands mlldtl hy Hm ungUlal BOflOWI~' and BOHower 5 SuccP5s0rs lfllOloresl
<br />
<br />[bl Lend.,..Po..rl. Without alleClmg Ihe liabilIty olllny olhor perS(ll1lrnbll' Imlh!' pilyf11t!r11 01 IIn'1 obhglltlOIl hlJreIf1111IH"lOnl'd. and wltnoul allecllOg
<br />thetlenorcharge ollhls Deed 01 Trust uponan'f porllon of thl' Property rWllhl,n o. thl"llloIO!lJ releilsed 115 secunly tor Ihl! IllllllmOlln! 01 illlunPIl.dobhgllllons
<br />Lender mav.lrom lime to lime and Without notIce (I) reloilstl nlly pmson 50 Illlhlt~ (1l1l!oh!nr1lhl;' l11illu"'Y Qralter any 01 Ihe lerms 01 any such obligatIons, {ull
<br />grant other mdulgences. (Ivl reteaseorretonvey 01 cause to be released or fl!tO'l~t!Vl-'d .11 <lny IllllH allender !loptlonsany parco!. pori Ion or aU 01 the ProperlY.
<br />(vi lake or release Bnyolher 01 addlllonalseculIly lor any obllgilllOIl hml!1rI m.",t,f)l1l'fl (If (V'I Mlakl' compOSitIOns Of olher arrangements wrlhdebtors In rellllion
<br />lheleto
<br />
<br />Ic) Forb..r.nc. br L.nd., Not. WaIY.r. Any forbeaf;"lIlCI! by LlJlld.!r H11~"!f~"!oll1g ."lny rlghl or lomedv hereunder or otherWIse allorded by applicable
<br />lB.. Shall nolbeawlllverol or precludelhee~ortlse of.,ny such rlghl or remedy 'rw IIIOCUrlmll:'nt 01 InSIl,anceo.Ihe pay",ent 01 In_esorolher trens or charges
<br />by Lender Shall nol be a warller of Lender's nghllo accelerate Ihe maturity of the mdebtednoss SeCul(!d by Ihls Deed 01 Trusl
<br />
<br />(d) Succeuon .nd A..lgn. Bound; JDlnl.nd 5enrat Llabllll,: C.pllonl. TIle covenanls and agleemenls herem contalnod shall bind, and Ihe lights
<br />heleunder Shall mure to, Ihe rElSpeCllve successors and assIgns 01 LenCler and BorfOWl;'r !'.ublect to lhe prOVISion!' 01 paragraph 6 (el horeol AU co~enanls and
<br />agleemenls of BOlro.el5hallbelomt and severat The captIons and headIngs 01 Thepllragtllph5 or Ihts Deed ol.Trust are 10rconveOlonceonly and 010 not lobe
<br />used 10 Inlerplel or detlne Ihe prOVISions heleol
<br />
<br />Ie) Requ..llorNoUc... The parlleshereby reque"l that n copy 01 any notlCllol delnutl h~reulldel andn copyol any notice ols"lehoreunderbem;:l1led to
<br />each parlv lolhls Deed 01 TruSI allheaddlellsset forth above," the manner prescribed by applicable 1,1w Ellcept for an)' olher notice leqwred IInder applicllbte
<br />law to be gIven m anolher mnnner, any nOllce prOVided tor mlhlS Deea 01 Trusl shalt be gIven by mailing such nollce by certllled matI ,lddressed 10 Ihe other
<br />partIes. at the address set forth above
<br />
<br />Any nohce prOVided lor In Ihls Deed 01 Tlust shall be .:leamed to have been given 10 BOHQwer or Lender when given tIl the manner destgnatod herem
<br />
<br />ltl IlUpei:Uon. Lender may makeOI cau5eto be made reasonableenlrle!i upon and mspecllonsollhe PfopNly prov.dod lhnl LenCler shallglvll Bormwer
<br />nollce pllOllO any such IOspecllon "pecllYlng reasonablo cause Iherelor JOlated to Lend!!r's IMlereSI In the Properly
<br />
<br />tgl "RKOnn,.nce. Upon pBymenlol allllums secured by thiS Oiled 01 Trust, Lender shall request Trustee 10 reconvey Ihe Properly and !lhallsurrender
<br />thIS Deed 01 TruS18nd all notes eVldenClOg Indebtedness Iloculed by thiS Deed 01 Trust 10 Trustee T'uslee shall reconvoy the Property wllhout warronly and
<br />wlthoul charge 10 the person or persons legally enlltled therelo Such penon or persons shall pay ,111 COSls 01 recOrda lion If any
<br />
<br />lhl Penona' Propelrtr. SKurtlr AgrMm.nt. As addthonal sccullly for Ihe payment 01 the Nole alltl Klures oQulpmenl. and othor personnl property used
<br />10 conneCllon WIth the real eSlale or Improvements localed the roan, and nol olho'wlse decli:lred or deemed 10 be a part oT Ihe roalesllllo secu'l'd horeby. shall be
<br />subJeclto.seCllllly mleraslm lavor 011helendl!r undpr lho Nebraska Unllorm CommerCial Code ThiS 'ostrum'tnl st1alt beconslrued as II Security Agrf!emenl
<br />under sBld Code, and Ihe Lender Shall have alllho IIghls ilnd remedies 01 a secured party undel smd Code In IId'tllton 10 lne flQt1ls and lemedms created under
<br />and accordeCllhe Lender pUfsuanllo Ihls Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />Iii s...1'IIbItity. In the eventlhal any p,ovls.on ollhls Deed ot Trust confl.ct wllh applicable lilW or /lIr!r1eLlnre(j mv,11,,1 or (jlhl!'Wt~tl \IMl'nlr"Hl.;Vllllle SljCh
<br />conUlcl or 1O...lldlly lhall not.llect the other plOVlsrons olthls Dee(] 01 Trust ollheNole wh'Ch c.1n he lJ'v,m ..1!tICI wllhotJtth" COnU'CI.nq PlOW'S"''' ;lfld lu lhlS
<br />nnd the proVlll0ns 01 lhe Deed 01 Truslllnd Ihe Nole are declou!d to be !ievelable
<br />
<br />Bo"o_, nas t!ulc.ulD(1lnll Deed 01 T'ustlhe dale wlIllen abowe
<br />
<br />~r?C::/<~
<br />(Frank E. Kolar)
<br />
<br />SW'll""'"
<br />
<br />Bo"",......
<br />