<br />
<br />88- 104'(38
<br />
<br />r
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<br />
<br />BoffO.." ITrull0ra) l.lnl1llf1ltlnd Ihal1hedocurnllnl thlltha BorrowlltlSllTtlllbcullo .,lllcule II 8 Deed 01 TrulIl And nDllI mortgago Ind thallhe power 0111111 ptOlllded
<br />lor In tho o..d of Trult provides lubltanUally dlllerenl rlghtl.nd obllgallon.to the Borrowor' than II mortgage IlIlhe event 01 D dol "mil or breach 01 obllgallon under the
<br />0Md 01 Trull. IncludIng, but not limited to. the LlInder', flohtla hive the ReGt Propertv .old by the Trultee wl1houl anv judIcii I proceeding or foreclosure. 8orrowen
<br />,.present.nd wlrr.nt thllthla Icknawledgllmllnt was IIloculed by them belore the I!IlltCullon at the Deed of Trusl
<br />
<br />7~gk".t....
<br />(Frank E. Kolar)
<br />
<br />Borrowor
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLETE thll portion ONLY II Ihl ....1 propllrty dlllCrlbed conll.t, of INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND.
<br />U8ppllcllbl., complet. aNL Y ONE .lIh.r A, B. or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowlcdg&lhatthey are about to execute the following Deed 01 Trusl upon the roal estate described therein The Bortower(sl. and each of them II
<br />more Ihan one. do hereby disclaIm their right to designate a homestead putsuanllhereto. No pert of the homesteed 01 either ollhe Borrower Is} 15 presently or will In the
<br />luturebesituated upon said real estate. TheBorrower(sl underslnndthntll ellher cstabllshesa homestead onany patl 01 said reel eslBledutlng lhc lime the Deed of TrulIt
<br />remains unaalished Bl1da lien upon said real estate. there Sh31l be no nghllo make a deSignation 01 homestead In lheeventol n toteclosurc orlrustoe's salewilh respect to
<br />said Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />The 8orrower{slacknowlodgethat they ate aboulloexecule the lollowmg Deed 01 Trust upon the real eslale deswbed \MarCIn The 8~rrower(sl. and each olt~em II
<br />more than ono. do hereby waive thetr nghlto deSignate iI homestead pursuanltherato The Borrower(s) understand that they have the nghl t.o meke 8 dasignahon 01
<br />homestead and Ihat bye.ecull119 thiS waIVer. they are waiving rights otherWise available lot Ihe purpose 01 allordmg them lhe opportumty 10 telam their homeslead In the
<br />event or a dlllaull upon the Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuanlto tho Farm Homestead Protection Act (Secllon 16-1901 et seq ReVised Statutos ollhe Stale 01 Nebtaska). tho Borrowerlsl. do hereby deSIgnate lhe roal
<br />property described in Ihe "DeslgnallOn 01 Homestead" atlached herelo and Incorporated herl!ln by lhls relerence
<br />
<br />BOllower
<br />
<br />Bortower
<br />
<br />THIS oeeD OF TRUST '$ mil"'''' ,u 01 ,h:! 2,9thdhY 01 August 19 a.p. bv and IImong the Trustor, l~rank E. Kolar.
<br />a single pet:SOD___ Wh05l'millllngIIddross15 ,152.9. AlleILA'l.enue__Grand Island,
<br />~ 68803-2930 _ (henM.'Borrower I IheTrusWe William G. Blackburn, a member..of.1.he,_NE St;lh~ Bar Assn.,
<br />whosemailingaddtoSSls P~Q.~___a..Q.>t ,~~.8j).L_Cxanq t~h~nd, NE f:jQ~.97.:-_2~JHl ._____lherem"Trusteo").
<br />and the BenefiCiary, _EhlEL.P.oints. Bank
<br />whose matllng add less IS .1'_..0... Box_ l5.o71 Grand Island, NE 68802-1507 /hllreln "'Lender")
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERA TlON. Includmg th(' mdetJtedne!ls Idlmlltll"l IWIt'll' iHill In,st hewll' CftHl!(Hl, Inl! .ecolpl 01 wnlch 15 howbV acknowledgod. Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocably granls.hanslers. convuVs and as!ltgnslo T.usteo IN 1 RUST WI TH POWER OF SAl E lor lt1e bunel1t and 5eelln!v 01 Lender, under ilnd subJeclto the
<br />lerms and condlUons helelnaller sel lorlh. lhe real p.opertv dC5CFlbl'd AS tollows
<br />
<br />A tract of land comprising the Northerly Forty-Five and Five Tenths Feet (NIIS.S') of Lot
<br />
<br />Five (5). In Block Twenty-Six (26), Packer and Barr's Second Addition, together with the
<br />
<br />Southerly Twenty-Nine and Five-Tenths Feet (S 29.5') of vacated Blake Street lying North
<br />
<br />of and adjacent to said Lot Five (5), all In the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together WIth all bUildings. ,mplovemenls. lI_lule". sllcett. alloy! pllssagowavs easements 'lghIS. pllvileges and appurtenances located theleon or In anywise
<br />pertaining therelo. and the raniS. .ssues and plOllts rewelSlor15 .1nd lomqmdels lt1ereol, including. bul not lImited 10. heatmg and co01lng equlpmenl and such personal
<br />ploperty that i!lallached tothlJlmprOVemenlll soastocollslltute nll.IWl!, lllld 10getncr With the nomestoad or marllnllnleresls,.1 any. which mlcresls are hereby released
<br />and waived; all of which. mcludlng replacements and addlllonllhorelo, '5 he.etJy declared 10 be a pari olthe real estate secured by Ihe lien 01 this Deed of Trustand olt ollhe
<br />foregomg being IlIlerred 10 herem as the -'propertv
<br />
<br />This De1Kl 01 Trusl shllllsecure la) the paymen' ollhe pflnc'pal sum and mterost eVIdenced by BOHower.s noto and/or cwdll agreemenl dated
<br />
<br />August 29 1988, hawmg a matullly date 01 _Eeb.r.uilr~ -.2.51_.19.19 m the Oflgmal prlnclpalllmounl 01 S I.~il.1LQ.Q---'!-O_O__ ___ltnd any and all
<br />mOdilicationll.eatllnsionSBnd renewalslheleol or therelo and any and alllulule advances and raadvances helCunder pursuant 10 one 01 more promissory noles or credIt
<br />agreementl(hereincalled"Note"I.(bl the payment ololtutt sumsadvllnccd by Londello protecttflesecuntyollhe NOll' Ie) fhuperlOlmanCll nUcovenanls and agreement
<br />01 Borrower nt forth heRlin. and (dl all mdebtednessilnd obligations 01 BOIIow!!r 10 Lendel whether direct, mducct, absolule or contmgent .1nd wflelhel anslng bV nolu,
<br />guaranty. overdraft or olherWIH.
<br />
<br />Borrower. to grolecl ih~ security 01 this Deed of T,ust covonants and agrees wllh Lender aslollow5
<br />
<br />1 ......1 DlPrlndJml..d Int.r..l Borrawot shalt plOmptlV pay when due tne prinCIpal 01 and mleleSl on and.1ny fUllS O' ch/l.ges prO",df'd 10 Ihe NOlu or on Ihl5
<br />Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />2, ,..." Borrowltrlllh. owner ollhe Property. hallho light and authorltv 10 conwev thc Property llnd warrants thatlhe hen cleater:! herubv '5 a Illsland prIOr hen on
<br />1he Property. .xcepl..mlyotM'WI$6 be leI fOlth herem. and the execution and dellvlllV 01 thiS Dood 01 TrUllI does nol "Iolate anV contracl 01 olflol otJhgahon 10 whu:h
<br />Borrower il subject
<br />
<br />3 T5aeI.,~'" To pIIy when duo allta.es. speCIal a!lle!l!lmontsand all oilIer charges agalnlllhe Property anCl. upon Willi,.., ClelTlllnd by Lendel to pllV to
<br />LenMr such amounl.1 m.y ~ sulllclenlto enable Ihe Lender 10 pay !ouch ta"lIl. Usellment5 or olher cflalges as they tJecom.. dUll
<br />
<br />.. I~. To keep the Ptoperty InSUled aglt"st damage by lire. hazards mcluded wlthm Ule lerm. e_fended co~erage' and such olho. nlllarels ilS Lenaer 'Iloll'
<br />requlle.1n amounl. and wIth COmp8","8Cceptlble to lender. Ind wltfllol5 pavabla 10 the Lendor In case otloS! under such pohCles Ihl.' Lunlle. ,~;lulno'l/Cd 10 adlull.
<br />C;Olll'C1 and compromiH. .lIclalm'lheleunder and Ihlll nayotho oP\lon of applVlng all or PI It ollne 'n5u.ance p.oceuds III 10 atlY IndeblOdlll!lIS SOCUltleI nelllhy antl ,n Mn:h
<br />ordt'r 41 Lend.r m.y deltrrmmtl.lllj10 Ihe Borrower to ~e used fOI me repair or 'Ollofahon ollhe P.operly o. (lOll 10' .lny otnPI PUlPOSP 0' ubll'rt ..all,ll\llo.y 10 Lt""h"
<br />.lthoul.,fK1lng the lien ollhlS Ot!ltd 01 TruSIIor the lullllrnount !eculed hercbv bclole !lUCfl paylnl.'nt OWl." 'oo~ pl.1(I' ^n\' .1p["lhCllhon 01 1'''lrl'I''l'i'O "'oJl'l1h"I".'~~ 'in,,",
<br />nol extend 01 ~tpone 'he due dale 01 any pllymenl. undel Iflu Noltl 01 curo allV dlllaull In,,...undl!l O' ",\'IlW""'"
<br />
<br />5 ..a.nanc. A~,. and Compltenc. wllb L.... Dorrower Inat! ~"ep the Property ,n \Ioml (<Jlloj,T..". "',,' "'1'.,.. ,,-.,. I",.n 1'1. ",.. "1 "" ,. .t".
<br />Impro."me-nl -",en nt.If be damaged o. der;tloyll'd shall not cummll 0' pelmll any walle 01 delell0rllllll" Cll the PIUI""'~ 'i...,11 .",. 't."" '.1' I....., . ',.t."", """r ...",.
<br />an1' 01Ihe,mplo~E>ment'on1hePlopellf tihlll nolCommlt !lullel 01 pOlrm'lanYlcltotJe donll In O' "'>0" ,hll P'tll,,"l~ ." "',Iol""" ,.f "". :.,,,,, . "'\J'.I.t' .", .1'.,1
<br />tinlUp.II. .nd plompllydl.ctlJi'go11 DOllowel 'COII.ndlt.penleall hens. encumtlllnC.1 Indt h'lrQ'" 1"","1l ""1'\.1'"'' ." .nl"",'.1 ,1!J.t ..~I "',. I'" .... '. "'''. I"'" ,,,,,,,,,,,
<br />