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<br />88_104568 <br /> <br />If Lender required mortgage insuranc. ..~ a condition of malting th. loan secured by this Security InstrumCllt, <br />Borrow.r shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in .ffect until such time lIS th. requirement for the <br />insurance tenninates in accordance with Borrow.r's and Lender's written agreement or <br />I. IDlpectlon. Lend.r or its agent m.y make reasonabl. .ntries upon .nd inspections of the Property. Lend.r <br />shall give Borrow.r notice Blth. time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable ca\IJC for the inspection. <br />9. CoIIdeam8don. Th. proceeds of any .ward or claim for dam.ges, direct or Consequential, in connection with <br />any condemnation or other laking of any part of the Property, or for lieu of comIemnation. are h.reby <br />assigned and shall be paid 10 Lend.r. ; . <br />In the evenl of. total taking of the Property, the proceeds sh.1I be applied to the sums !CJCUred by this Security <br />Instrument, ...hether or notlhen duc, with .ny .XCCII paid to Borrower. In th. event of. partial taking of the Property, <br />unl... Borrower and Lender otherwise .gree in ...riting. Ih. sums oecured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br />tb. amount of the proceeds multiplied by Ihe fraction: (.) the IOtal amount of the sums !CJCUred immediately <br />before Ibe taltins. divided by (b) the fair market valu. of th. Property before Ihe taking. Any balance shall be <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If th. Property is .ban<loncd by, or if, aner nOlice by Lend.r to Borrow.r th.t the condemnor offers 10 <br />malt. an a...ard or ICttl. . claim for dam.ges, Borro....r f.ils to respond to Lend.r within 30 days an.r the date the notice is <br />given, Lender is .ulhoriud 10 collecl and .pply the proc:ccds,.t its ol'lion. .ith.r to restor.tion or repair ofth. Property or <br />to the sums secured by this Security Inslrument, wheth.r or not then du.. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise .gree in wriling, any applicallon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br />postpone the due dale of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br />10. 1IcIrM_ Not Relcaed; ForlIearaace By Leader Not. WaI,.r, EXlension of the time for paym.nt or <br />modification of amortization of the sum. secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lend.r 10 .ny successor in <br />intCTCIt of Borrow.r sh.1I nol operale to the liability of the origin.1 Borrow.r or's successors in <br />Lender sh.1l not be required to commence procccdinp .gatnSI .ny successor tn interest or refuse to extend lim. for <br />paym.nt or otherwise modify .mortization of the .ums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument by reason of .IlY dem.nd made <br />by lhe orilinal or'. succesaon in interest. Any forbearance by Lend.r in ..ercising any righl or remedy <br />shall nol be . ...aiyer of or pra:lude the.xercise ohny riaht or remedy. <br />11. s.c--a... AIIlI- Road; JoIat ... SnenJ UahlIII)'; Co-a1pen. Th. coyenants .nd .greements of <br />1M Securily Instrument shall bind and bencftt the .uccesson .nd Ulians of Lender .nd Borro....r. subjecl to the provisions <br />of 17. Borrower's coyenants.nd aarClCtllenll sh.1I be joint .nd ..v.r.l. Any Borrower ...ho co-sign. this Security <br />Instrument but doco not execute the Note: (.) is co-signinathis Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and CODY.y <br />lhal's inten"t in Ih. Property under the t.rms of thi. Security Inslrument; (b) is nol penonally obligaled 10 pay <br />Ihe .ulIIIlCCured by thi. Security Inslrument; .nd (c).area th.1 Lender .nd .ny Olher m.y .g.... to extend, <br />modify, fortlar or malt. any ICCOtIImodalions ...ith reprd 10 lhe I.mll of Ihi. Security Instrumenl or the NOle withoul <br />th.1 Borrower'1 consent. <br />12. ... a..p.. If the loan lCCured by thi. Secunty Inllrumenlls subject to . law ...hich tICt5 maxImum loan <br />chara", .nd lhat ..... i. finally interpreted 10 lhal Ihe inl.ral or oth.r loan characs collecled or to be collected in <br />conneclion ..ith the 10UI exc:ecd lhe pennined limi.., lhen: (.llny .uch loan charae .hall be reduced by Ihe .mounl <br />necessary 10 reduce the char,e to the permined limit; and (b) any sum> .Irady collecled from Borro....r which .xc:ecded <br />permined limitl ..ill be refunded 10 Borro....r. Lend.r m.y choooe to m.k. Ih" refund by reducing Ihe principal o...ed <br />under the Note or by maltin,. direcl paymcntlo If. refund reduc.. pnnclpal. the reduction w,lI be Ireated lIS a <br />partial prqNlyment wilhout any prepayment ch.rae under the NOll'. <br />13, IAllalalioll Alfecdq I..endet-'. R1Pra. If enactment or esp".II01l of applicable has Ihe elfecl of <br />renderina any provision of Ihe Note or this Securily Instrumenl unenforceabl. Iccording 10 ils terms, Lend.r,.1 i.. oplion, <br />m.y require immediale payment in full of .11 sums secured by Ihis Secunty In.trument .nd m.y lDyok. .ny remedies <br />permined by pa....raph 19. If Lender exercises Ihi. oplion, Ihe 51.pupecifled in the second paragraph of <br />paraaraph 17. <br />14. Nod.... Any nOlice 10 provided for in this SecurilY In51rumenl .hall be given by delivenng il or by <br />mailina il by flnl c.... unless .pplicabl. law requires use of .nolher m.lhod. The notIce sh.1I be dlrecled 10 Ihe <br />Property Address or any olher .ddress d..ignales by nOlice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sh.1I be given by <br />flnt claD mail to Lender's add.... Sl.ted herein or .ny olher add.... Lend.r design.tes by nOlice 10 Borrower. Any nOlice <br />provided for in this Security Inllrument shall be deemed to haye been IlIven to Borrower or Lender when given as provided <br />in Ihis ~ragraph. <br />Ill. GownII8a UW; SeYCTablIlI)'. This SecurilY Inslrument shall be Bovcrned by fedenlllw .nd Ihe I.... of rhe <br />jurisdiclion in ...hich the Property is located. In Ihe evenlth.t any provi.ion or clause of ,hIS Secunly Instrument or Ihe <br />NOle conllicts wilh .pplicable I...., such conlliet sh.1I not ....ecl other provisions of thi. Secunly Instrumen' or the NOle <br />which can be given clrect without the conllictina provision. To this end the provisions of thIS Secunty Inslrument and Ihe <br />Not. are declared to be sever.ble. <br />16. 80rr0wer'1 Copy. Borrower shall be giyen one conformed copy of the Note .nd ofthi. Secunty Instrumenl. <br />17. Trulfer of die Property or . Beae8dai latenst II Corrower. If all or any pan of th. Property or any <br />interest in il is sold or tran....rred (or ih beneficial inlerest in IS sold or transferred .nd Borrower is nol a n.tur.1 <br />penon) without Lender'I prior wrinen consenl, Lender may. .1 ils oplion, reqUIre immedi.le paym.nt in full of.1I sums <br />secured by this Security Instrument. However. this option sh.1I nol be exercl!lcd by Lender .f exercise is prohibited by <br />fcdcral ..... II of the date of this Security Instrumenl. <br />If Lender ellen:iJes Ihis option. Lender .hall give noti"" of .cceleration. The notic. shall provide. period <br />of not leu than 30 days from Ihe dale the nOlice is delivered or mailed wilhin which Borrow.r must pay .11 .ums secured by <br />Ihis Security Instrumenl. If fails to pay Ihese sum> prior to Ihe e.piralion of Ihis period. Lend.r m.y invoke any <br />remedies pennined by this Security Instrumenl withoul furth.r notice or demand on Borrower. <br />II. 8arnnrer'. Rlpt to Relamte. If meets certain conditions. Borrower sh.1I h.y. Ihe nght to <br />enfon:cmcnt oflhis Security Instrument discontinued.1 any time prior 10 the arlier of: (.) S daY' (or .uch other period as <br />.pplicable law may specify for mnslatement) before sale of lhe Propeny pursuanl to .ny power of sale conlllDed ID this <br />Security In.trumall; or (b) enlry of. judgment enforcing Ihis Security Instrum.nt. Those conditions .re th.. Borrower: <br />(.) pIIYs Lender all SUIIII ..hich Ih.n would be due under Ihis Security Instrum.nt .nd the NOle h.d no accelerauon <br />occurred; (b) cuns any def.ult of any other covenanls or agreanenls; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforclDg thIS <br />Securily 1:lItrument, including. bUI not limited to, reason.ble .nomeys' fees; .nd (d) takes such .ctlon as Lender m.y <br />reason.bly require 10 assure lh.t Ihe lien of this Securily Inllrument. Lender's nghts in Ih. Property .nd Borrowe", <br />obliption to ~y Ihe sums secured by this Securily In.trumenl sh.1I conllnue unch.nBed. Upon relDst.lement by <br />Borrower, Ihis Securit). Inllrument and lhe oblia.lion. oecured hereby shill remllD fully declive IS ,f no Iccelenuon b.d <br />occurred. HOW1:>"1:r, Ihit right 10 reinst.le sh.n nOI.pply ID Ih. cue of .cederauon under paragnpbs IJ or 17 <br />