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<br />88- 104568 <br /> <br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />19. AecelenltlOlll Remedies. Leader shaI1 IIlYe aotIce 10 prior to acceleration foUowlnll's <br />~ ohn)' corCIWII or IllI'ftment in tills Secarll)' Instnunent (bat not prior to acceleration under paraarapbs 13 aud 17 <br />IUII_ appUsble Ia.. prorlda otllerwlse). 'lbe notice shaI1 specify: (a) the default; (b) the actloa required to cure the <br />defult; (c) a date, not leallaaa 30 days from !be date the notice is pren to, b)' ..hJcb the default mast be cared; <br />aud (d) that faIIare to CIIl'e the default on or before the date specUled In the notice 1118)' result In acceleration of the SWIIS <br />HCUred b)' this SecurIty IDSIrWIIent and we of the Property. The notice shaI1 farther. inform of the ......t to <br />reinstate after .......eratloa and the ript to brina a coart actlon to asHrt the nOD-esisteDce of a deraalt or au)' other <br />def_ of 10 acceleration aud we. lUbe default is not cared on or before the cIate specUled In the notice, Lender <br />at III optioa 1118)' require Immedlale pa)'IDent In fall of all SWIIS secared by tills SecurIty IJIItrament w1thoat farther <br />denwld and 1118)' Inroke the of we aud lID)' other remedies penaltled b)' appUcable Ia... Lender shaI1 be entitled to <br />coUecl all npe_ Incarred In panalnR lbe reIIIedies prorlded In IlIis parqraph Ill, Incladfnllo bnl not 1IJnIted to, <br />reuoaable attoraeys' r_ and coas of tide erldenee. <br />If the of we is Inroked, Trustee .....1 record a notice of defaull In each coonty In ..blch an)' part of the <br />Property is located and lbaII aWl ClIJIles of socII bOdce In the IIWIner prescribed lIy .ppUsble Ia.. 10 and to the <br />otller penoIII prescribed by applicable I.... After Ibe tllIIC required by .ppllcable Ia... Trustee shaI1l11re pabUc notice of <br />we to the penons snd In the lIWIIIer prescribed by applicable Ia... Truslee. ..Ithoul denwld on., .....1 seU the <br />Property It public aacllOlllo the hlpest bidder at IlIe time and place and onder IlIe terms clealllJlllted In the notice ofaale in <br />one or more parcels and In any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone we of all or auy parcel of the Property b)' <br />pabllc .nnouncemenl st the lime and place of any prerlousl)' scheduled .ale. Lender or Its cIeaI(IIIee I118Y pnrchue the <br />Property at an)' we. <br />Upon receipt of payment of Ibe price bid. Trustee shall dellfer 10 Ihe purcbuer Trustee'l deed CODreylna the <br />Property. lbe recitals In the Truslee's deed shall be prima fscle crldence of Ibe lruth of tbe statements IIIllde therein. <br />Trustee aballllppl)' tile proceeds of tbe ..Ie In tbe follo..1lI1I order: t.' to all ezpe_ of the sale, Indudfna, hut not 1IJnIted <br />10, Traatee'l fees u permitted b)' .ppllcable la.. and reuoaable sUorae)'s' fees; (h) to all SWIIS secared b)' tills SecurIty <br />Instrumenl; aud tc) an)' ncea to tbe penon or penoIIIlep1l)' entllled lolL <br />20. Lender In "_Ion. Upon acceleralion under paragraph 19 or abandonment of Ihe Propert)'. Lender (in <br />person, by agenl or by JudiCIally appoinled receiver) shall be enlitled 10 enler upon, lake possession of and manage Ihe <br />Property and 10 collecl Ihe renls of Ihe Property including those pasl due. Any renls collected by Lender or the receiver <br />shall be applied finl to p.ymenl of the cosls of management of the Property and collection of rents, including. bUI not <br />Iimiled 10, receiver's fees, premiums on receIver's bonds and reason.ble anomeys' fees. and then 10 Ih. sums secured by <br />Ihis Securily InSlrum.nt. <br />21. Recoawe)'aace. Upon paym.nt of all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrumenl. Lender shall requesl Truslcelo <br />reconvey Ih. Propeny and sh.1I surr.nder IhlS Secunty and .11 notes .vld.ncing debl secured by Ihis SecurilY <br />InSlrument to Truslee. TruSlee sh.1I reconv.y Ihe Propeny wllhoul w.rr.nly and WilhoUI charge to Ih. person or persons <br />I.gally .ntilled 10 it. Such person or persons sh.1I pay .ny record.lion coslS. <br />11. Sallltltale TI1ISteI. Lender, .1 Its option, m.y from nme 10 time r.move Truslee .nd .ppoinl. successor lrustee <br />10 an)' Trullee .ppoinltd hereund.r by .n inslrument recorded in Ihe counly in whIch IhlS Security is recorded. <br />WIlhout convey.nce of the Property, Ihe successor tnlltee sh.1I succeed to all the IIlle. power and dUlies conferred upon <br />Trustee herein.nd by .pplic.ble I.w. <br />13. ~ for NotIcea. Borrower requeals Ib.1 copies of the nOlices of d.f.ull .nd sale be seDl 10 Borrow.r's <br />.ddreu which is the Property Address. <br />14. IlI*n to ~ Sec1IrIty lastnuaeat. If one or more executed b)' Borrow.r .nd recorded 10Rether with <br />this Securily Inllrumenl. lhe covenants .nd ...cements of each such rider sh.1I be incorporaled inlo and sballamend and <br />supplemenl tbe covenants .nd .areements of Ihil Secunty Inslrumenl as If Ih. nder(s) . pan of IhlS Securil)' <br />Instrumen1.(Check .pplicable box(ea)) <br />o Adjustable Ral. Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2'" Family Rid.r <br /> <br />o Gradualed P.ymenl Rider <br /> <br />o Planned Unil Devdopment Rider <br /> <br />~ Oth.r(s) (specify] Acknowledgement <br /> <br />Bv SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepls and q..... 10 Ibe I.rms .nd cov.n.nts conwned 10 Ih.. Secunly <br />Inslrumenl and in any rid.r(s) execuled by Borrower and m:onled with it. , <br /> <br />...~lit/~dg~.k:...... .........(5..]) <br /> <br />-8om>Mf <br /> <br />Delbert L. Sheeks <br /> <br />................(SeaI) <br />....eon- <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />Coumy 50S: <br /> <br />On Ihis 12 day of August. 19 BB . before lOe. th. und.rsign.d. a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for .aid county. personally cam. Delbert L. Sheels, unmarried <br />I 10 m~ known 10 br (he <br />id.ntical person(s) whose nam.(s) are subscrib.d to lh. foregoing instrument and acknowl.dg.d Ih. e..cution <br />thereof 10 be his voluntary act and d..d. <br />Will1ess my hand and notarial at Grand Island, Nebrask <br />dale aforesaid. <br /> <br />My ~ission e.pir.s: <br />'/( '1.9. /f'Yc: <br /> <br />_ IITARY.SU <br />-) UMS\IlAN AEDM"N <br />._ /. / .,~u, 11;\; ~9j) <br /> <br />, _V.., ~......_. ~-.L- &. '-'-""~C--.- <br />'-....:..X4,-........ "';9'"'""""1:4'... .,.:r;~.........,...-. <br />~-_., -...- NOlan PublH: <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br /> <br />DlY.lhe <br /> <br />To TRUSTEE: <br /> <br />The undenlKned is the holder of the note or notes 'iecured by Ihls Deed of Tnt\!, SauJ nole or nolc.'~. ({l~l'lhc;r <br />with all olher indebtedness secured by (his Deed of Tru!it. ha\'(' been paid in full. You are hcrch~ llla'dell III (anLt.I....uJ <br />note or noles and this Deed of Trusl. which Brc delivered hereby. and In rea:on\C'.... ....,thoul ,..arral1lv. all tht, t,..lalt' <br />now held by you under (his Deed of Trust 10 the pC'f,;on or pc-nons le[lall~ CI11ltlcJ Ihl"fC'ltl . <br /> <br />Date: <br />