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<br />88- 104568 <br /> <br />UNrFORM COVENANTS. Borrow.r and Lend.r cov.nlint and agree &S follows; <br />1. Paym.nt of Principal ad Int....t; and Lat. Charges. Borrow.r shall promplly pay wh.n due <br />Ih. principal of and int.resr on rho .vid.nced by rho Not. and any pr.paym.nt and lat. charges due und.r th. Not.. <br />2. Fundi for Tun and IlUIuranc.. Subjeclto or to a writt.n waiv.r by L.nrl.r, Borrower shall pay <br />10 Lend.r on Ihe day monthly paym.nts are due und.r the Note, until the NOI. is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") .qualto <br />one-lw.Jnh of: (a) yearly taxes and assessm.nts which may attain priority over Ihis Security; (h) yearly <br />l.....hold paymenls or ground renls on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard insuranc. pr.miums; and (d) yearly <br />mortgage insurance premiums, if any. These are called "escrow" L.nd.r may estimat. the Funds due on Ih. <br />basis of currenl data and reasonable estimates offutur. escrow <br />Th. Funds shall be held in an instilution Ih. deposits or accounls of which are insured or guaranleed by a federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lend.r shall apply th. Funds to pay th. escrow items. <br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying Ih. Funds, analyzing th. account or verifying th. escraw items, unless <br />Lender pays Borrower interest on Ihe Funds and applicable law permits Lend.r to make such a charge. Borrower and <br />Lender may agree in writing that shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires interes! to be paid, Lend.r shall not be required 10 pay Borrow.r any interesl or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall lPveta Borrower. withoUl charge, an annual accounting arlh. Funds showing credils and d.bits ta Ih. Funds and the <br />purpose for which OloCh debit to Ih. Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security far th. sums secured by <br />Ihis Security Instrument. <br />If the amount of Ih. Funds held by Lender. logeth.r with th. future monlhly payments of Funds payabl. prior 10 <br />the due dates of the escrow items, shall exceed the amounl required 10 pay th. escrow items wh.n due, th. .xcess shall be. <br />al Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower ar crediled 10 Borrow.r on monlhly payments of Funds. If th. <br />amount af th. Funds held by Lender is not sufficient 10 pay the escrow items wh.n due, Borrow.r shall pay to Lend.r any <br />amount necessary to make up the deftciency in one or more payments as reqUIred by Lender. <br />Upon payment in full or all sums secured by Ihis Securily Inslrumenl. Lend.r shall promplly refund 10 Borraw.r <br />any Funds h.ld by Lend.r. If under paragraph 19th. Property is sold or acquired by Lend.r, Lend.r shall apply. no later <br />than prior 10 the saI. or th. Property or lis acquisilion by Lend.r, any Funds held by Lend.r atlh.tim. of <br />application.. a credit againstth. sums secured by Ihis Securily Ins! <br />3. AppUc:atlOD of P1r)'mellta. Unless applicabl. law provides, all paymenls received by Lend.r und.r <br />paragraph. I and 2 shall be applied: fint, 10 lal. charges due und.r Ih. NOI.; second. 10 prepaymenl charges due und.r Ih. <br />NOI.; Ihird, 10 amounts payabl. und.r paragraph 2; fourth, 10 IOI.resl du.; and lasl. 10 prinCIpal du.. <br />4. CIIulIee; U-. Borrower shall pay all taxes, IWOSSm.nts. charges, fines ana impositi!!!Is anributabl. to Ih. <br />Property which may attain priorily ov.r Ihis Security Inslrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, ir any. <br />Borrower shall pay Ihese obliptions in rho manner provided in para.raph 2, or If nol paid in Ihal mann.r, Borrow.r shall <br />pay rhem on rim. direcrly 10 th. penon owed payment. Borrow.r shall promptly furnish 10 Lender all norices of amounts <br />ro be paid under this paragraph. If Borrower makes Ihese paym.nll directly, Borrow.r shall promptly furni.h 10 Lend.r <br />receipts evidenclO' the payments. <br />Borrower shall promprly discharse any hen which h.. pnonly over IhlS Secunty unless Borrow.r: (a) <br />agrees 10 writing to rhe paymenl or rho oblilarion secured by Ih. h.n 10 a mann.r acceptabl. to Lend.r; (h) conlests in good <br />fairh the lien by, or defends aplnS/ enforcement of Ih.lien in. lopl proceedin.. which in lhc Lend.r's apimon operale to <br />prevenl the enforcemenl of Ih. lien or farfellurc of any part of th. Property; or (c) secures from Ihe hold.r of th. h.n an <br />alrccmenl salisfactary 10 Lender .ubordlOalinl Ih. hen ra IhlS Securily Inslrumenl. If Lend.r d.lermines Ihlr any part of <br />th. Property is subjecr 10 a lien which may allain priariry over Ihis Secumy Inslrumenr. Lend.r may gi.. Borrow.r I <br />narice identifyin. Ih. lien. Borrow.r .hall salisfy Ihe hen or lak. on. or more of Ih. acUons set forth above wilhin 10 dlYs <br />arlh. Iivinl of nalice. <br />S. HuanlI_. Borrower shall keep the Impro.ements no... ....Iing or h.raCler erecred on Ih. Property <br />insured again.. loss by fire, haZlrdS included ...uhlO rh.lerm .'.xlended co..rag." Ind Iny olh.r haZlrds for whIch Lend.r <br />requir.. insurance. This msurance shaJl be malnlalned In Ih. Imounls ami for Ih. penods lbol Lender requires. Th. <br />insurance carri.r providinllh. insuranc. shall be chosen by Borrow.r subJ<'Ct 10 Lend.r's approval which shill nal be <br />unre&lOllably wirhh.ld. <br />All insurance polici.. and ren....ah shall be acceplable 10 Lender and .hall IOclud. a stadard mort...e clause. <br />Lender shaI1 have Ihe righr 10 hold Ihe polici.. and ren.wab. If Lend.r reqUires, Borro....r .holl promplly give 10 Lender <br />all receipli of paid premiams and renewal nOli.... In rhe evenr or lou, Borraw.r .hall.... prampl nolice 10 rhe insurance <br />carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promplly by Borrow.r. <br />Unl_ Lender and Borro....r alh.....ise alree in ...riunl' msurance proceeds shall be applied to restoralion or r.palr <br />of rhe Property damaaed, if the rarararion or repair is cconOlDlcally feasibl. and Lender's security is not ICSiOIIed. If rho <br />raroration or repair is nor economically feasible or Lend.r's securily would be lCSSCf'ed. Ihe insurance proceeds shall be <br />applied 10 the .ums secured by this Security InS/rument, wh.lh.r or nol Ihen due, with any excess paId to Borrower. If <br />Borrower abandons the Property. or does not answ.r wilhin 30 days a notic. from Lend.r Ihat rho insurance carrier has <br />otrered to selll. a claim. lhen Lender may collecr Ih. IOsuranc. proceeds. Lend.r mlY u..lh. proceeds 10 repair or reslor. <br />rho Property or to pay sums secured by rhis Security Instrumenl. whelher or nol Ihen du.. Th. 3O-dlY period will <br />when rhe notice is pven. <br />Unl_ Lender and Borrower OIherwise a.ree in writing. Iny apphcarion of proceeds 10 pnncipal shan nal..tend or <br />postpone rhe due dal. oflhe monlhly payments referred 10 in .I Ind 2 or chang. Ih. amounl oflhe paym.nts. If <br />under paragraph 191h. Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower'. nghllo any msurance policlcs and proceed. resullml <br />from dIunaa.IO lhe Property prior to the acquisition shall pass 10 Lender 10 th. of Ih. sums secured by Ih.. Secunly <br />Instrumenl immediately prior 10 the acquisition. <br />6. ~ and MaiJI_ of Prv,erJr; Leuebolds. Borro....r shall nol destroy. dlmag. or subslanllllly <br />chanae the Property, allow the Praperty 10 deterioral. or cammil .....te. If .his Secunly Instrum.nt .. on a r....hold. <br />Borrower shall comply wilh Ih. provisions afthe I..... and if Borro....r acquires ree 1111.10 Ih. Property, Ih.I....hold and <br />fee rille shall not mer.. un..... Lender lhe meraer in writinl. <br />7. PrGtectloII of leIrder'. R1pb In I'" Property; Mort.... Insurance. If Borro....r flil. 10 perfono th. <br />covenants and asreemen.. contained in Ihis SecurilY Insrrument. or ther. .. a proceeding rhll may sign.ficanlly l!fecl <br />Lender's rilh.. in the Property (such.. I proceeding in bankruptcy. probal., for condemnallon or 10 enforce Ilws or <br />.....larions).lhen Lender may do and pay for is necessary 10 prolectlh. valu. ofth. Property and Lend.r's righlS <br />in the Properly. Lender's aclions may includ. payinl any sum. secured by I h.n ...hich has pnonly o..r Ih.. Secunly <br />Instrument, appearinl in court, paying reasonabl. IIIom.ys' f.... and enl.nng on Ih. Property to mlk. r.palr' ....lIhough <br />Lender may lake aclion under this paralrlph 7, Leoder does not have 10 do so <br />Any amounll disbursed by Lend.r under Ihis paragraph 7 shall become addlllonal of Borro....r secured by Ih.. <br />5ecunly Inslrum.nt. Unl_ Borrow.. snd Lender air.. to orh.r I.nos of these amounls .hall bear ml.resl from <br />the dale of dRbuncmerll .. the NOIf: ratr and shall be pIIyable. wnh Inrerest, up:m noUce from LcndC'r 10 Borrowrr <br />r<quoslln. payment. <br />