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<br />88- 104562 <br /> <br />If Lender required mortgage: insurance 85 a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, <br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the <br />insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable Jaw. <br />8. Inspeclion. Lender or its agent may make: reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender <br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. <br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with <br />any condemnation or orhcr taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby <br />assigned nnd shall be paid 10 Lender. <br />In the e....enl of a 10lal raking of Ihe ProperlY, the proceeds shall be applied to Ihe sums secured by this Security <br />Inslrumenl, whether or nol then due, with any excess paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial taking of the Property, <br />unless Borrower and lender otherwise agree in wnting, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br />the amounl of lhe proceeds multiplied by Ihe following fraction: (a) Ihe IOlal amounl of lhe sums secured immediately <br />before lhe taking, di"lded by (b) lhe fair market "alue of the Propeny Immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be <br />paid to Borrower <br />If the Propeny IS abandoned by Borrower. or If, after nollee hy lender to Borrower Ihm the condemnor offers 10 <br />make an award or seltJe a claim for damages, Borrower fad!!. 10 r~p(lnd to Lender within 30 day~ after the date lhe notice is <br />given, lender is 3U1honled to colJecl and apply the proceeds. 31 lis option, cuher (0 rC!\lnrallon or repair oflhe Property or <br />10 Ihe sums st.'Curcd by Ihi.. SccuTl1ylnslrument, whether or not then due <br />Unlcs.. Lender and Borrower olherwlse agree in WTlllng, any lIpplu:alloJl orproceed~ 10 pnnclpal shall nol extend or <br />posrpoll~ Ihe due dale of Ihe: monlhly paymenls rcfcrrt.>d tolU paragraph, I and 2 llr change: Ihe amounll1fsuch pnymenls, <br />10, Borrower ~ol Released; I;'orbearance 8)' Lender ~(Jt 1& "'sher, E.ucnsllln of Ihe lime for pa~:mC:nI or <br />modlficauun of amortu:allon of Ihe sum!<l ~c:cun:d hy Ih" Secunt~ In..lrunlenl grunled hy I.ender 10 any succ~sor In <br />mten,"M or Borrower !lohull not operale 10 release Ihe hablhl) Ilf fhl.' nn~lnal Bllrnlwc:r ~lr Borrower's !l.llCCe..'\Ors in in1crest. <br />Lender ..hall nol hc rC4ulred In l'ommel1l.:C prnl.:cedlng!'l i1~lUn'l .U1~ 'Ul'n""or In IIItl.'rc!'I1 llT rc:fu\c 10 extend lime for <br />paymcnll1r olherwl~ modify amortll.a1ioll uflhl" \um, !'ot'L'urc:L1 h~ lhl' SeclITlly III'lrumenl ~r n.'.l\on of an}' demand made <br />by Iht' oi-1gll1aJ Borrower or Borrowc:r\ \u!:cn""lr\ 111 mlcre\1 ^n~ forhc:anHh:e h~ Lender In C.IIcfL'I!'omg any nglll or remedy <br />shall nol be a "'31\-cr of or preclude the C.ll.Crel~e: of an) nghl nr rcmt.'dy <br />II, Successors and Assigns Boun~ Joint and Seyeralllabllit),; ('tNtiixnrn, rhe co\-cnunh and agrcem~n1~ uf <br />1111~ Securl1)' In~lrument ~hall hind and bene-lit the !loUCCe5!loon und u!t.Mgn"- uf L~nder and Horw\\'cr. ,uhjCClln Ihe prm,islon\ <br />of paragraph l' UOrTo",er\ co\-'cnanh and agrccmenl' !lhall he JUI01 and ,c:"...:rul An) Borw"l'r" hll "'llo"lgn, 1JU!I Secunt)' <br />In..trUll1l-nl hUI doC\ not C'll.l'L.'ulc Ihe Note (a) I' !:o.!'Ilgmng Ih1!'1 S('t..'UTlI)" In!olrumel1l onl) 10 lt1{1rlgap.e:, gran1 IJnd ctln\-'C')' <br />lhal nurrnwcr\ mlerc'l In Ihe Proper1)" under Ihe Icrm!lo of Ihl' St't."Ufll) In,lrumel1t. (hI I.. nol pcr'tlOall~ ohlt~alcd 10 pay <br />Ihe ..cL'ured h) tlm. Sct."UTlI) IU\lrumclIl, und (t.') agrt't"\ Ihal I.cnOt" ulhJ .111) III her UOTrll\\Cr mal) u1=rc."C." 10 elucm.I, <br />modify, furhc.u lIr ma~t' .111) ,1L.'commodUlIons wllh rcgard tn Ihe Icrlll!t of Itll~ St."CUTlI)' In!'tlrument or Iht' Stile ""hoUI <br />Ihat lJuno\\cr\ L.'ol1!locnl <br />12. Loan Charge!!, If thc Joan ,-ecured n) Ihl.. Sc-curll) In,lrumcnl I' \uhjccl In a 1.1\-' \\'llIl:h 't'I~ rna"-lfOum loan <br />dlllrge.., and lhal lu", I" finalJ) Inlerpreled '1I Ihal rht' Inlcr~"1 tlf olht'r loan 1.:'"har}:l."\ L'nllel.:led tlr III he: L'llllcc.,tco 10 <br />l'onncL"llof! \,I,'llh thc luan l'\\."cc:d the pcrmlllc.d I!nUb, then lal an) ..ud1 liMn .:hilr~e ..hall he rl-dul'CtJ h) Ihe amounl <br />ne-l..l........ry III rl"dul'c the- l.:harjtt' tn Ihe pcnmtled 110111, and (h) an), 11lrcmJ)' ~ollccted froll1 nnrTll",.:r '"-111..:11 C\"d <br />J"lCrmllll-d IIOUI'" Will he refunded 10 Uorro\\'cr Lender mll) d111l1'tl:' 10 lT1a~t' Ihl!'l r{'fund h) reducm~ Ihl' prml'lpal owed <br />under Ihl' Note ur h) mitL.m~ a dlrccl (layment 10 IJormwcr Un refund rc:L1uL'C' pnnclpal. Ihl" rl-ducllon "".11 he 1realed a\ a <br />parllal J1r('(lil}'rn~nII,Ulhout ~n)o pr('pa)'menl!:har~c under Iht' NI1I!' <br />13, 1...cJ,tilihltJon A"4.'('tinR l.endcr'\ Rh:hb_ If ellaclnwnl nr t"PH;111il1l Ilf apph..:ahle I.a"", ha, Ihc dTccr Ilf <br />rendering ()n~ pm\"I"lOn ufthe: NOle (Ir (hi, SCl.'Uf1I~ 1J1,lrumC:1I1 UI1t'nfnrl'cOIhll- .l":\.:'lluJmt: III If, Icrl1l"l, I t'ntler. alII' (lpllUn, <br />nUl~ require Immediate p"yrnC'nI 111 full nf..1I ..e(urco tl~ rh... ~c1:unl~ In'1rumt'nl ilnd m<lY In\O"'t' ;111) rcmt'dl('\ <br />permll1cLl hy pOlmgruph III If Lc:ndC'r t'\l"rl"1"l.", Ihl' OplUlU, LcnJcr ..hall tllkc the ,tcp' 'pcCltied IIIlhe 'e\.:'lll1d para~raph of <br />parap:rallh l' <br />14, ~uli"c!ii, AII~ nutl!:c III Borrou,er PW\ldL'd li.H mlhl' Sc..:urll) In,rrunlC:nI ",hall he P:I\CII h~ dch\cnfll-! 11 or h~ <br />InJuhU!f; 11 b) hr\1 da!l!l. mll1l unlo..., llPphc.3blc 1.3", requlrn u..c of annlhcr method rhe JJlItll.:C 'IIi-mil be dnected III rhe <br />Propcr1~ Addre"!I or an~ olher uddre'o'" Dllrrou"cr dC""tlglUlle" n~ noW.:e 10 Lender An) nolll:e hi Lender ...hulJ he ~I\'('n h) <br />tiT',1 dD!'I' mUll III Lcndcr'~ addr~ \Ialcd herem or any othcJ .:ujdrC'!'o" Lender dClrt.,tlnal~ b~ "OIKt' 10 UnrroYocr An) nOUl:e <br />prcl\'lded for In Ihl\ Seeunl)' In!l1rumcnt ...hall be deemed 10 h~\e hccn ~I..en 10 BnrnnloL'r or I.cnder "hen gl\en a.. pru\-'ldcd <br />trt I b" purngruph <br />15, Go~eming Law; Sel'erability_ Tim, 5<<unl) In..,runlC:J1l ..hall ~ 1=lI\erncd h~ (cder.lII~I"" ~IIIJ Ihe lay. Ilf lhl" <br />jun!tdu:llon 10 \\'hll..:h Ihe Properl}" I!I Il-k.:alrd" In Ihe e\-'cnl Ihal an) prm'l'>Illllllr dau~ of fha, SnUnl) IU'lrUrT1elll or lhe <br />NOh: conflil..:h \\"l1h apphcabh: la",,", such \."onfllcl ,hall nol affecl lither pTOU\lUII!Io lIf rl1l', SCl.:urll) In..trurnenl OJ Ihe ~IlIC <br />which can be gl..c:n CffCCl ~'Ilhout the conflu:lmg pro....IIlilon. TOlhl\ end the prU"""Hln.. ~lf 1111, Sn'uflly In,lrumcnt allLl Iht' <br />NOlc: arC' declared 10 be: !'oc:\-ec.I1blc" <br />16. Borrowter's COP)', Borrower "hall he gl\'en nile l.'onfl1rmed ..:oP) nflhe 1\:ole and Oflhl' Sl'l.'unl~ I",rrumenl <br />17" Transfer or the Property or a lJeneficlallntcreSI in Borrower_ If aU 1Ir an)' part lIf Ihe Prllperl) or an) <br />mlcre!lol m Ill.. !told m Irum;ferrct.l (or If a bcndicull1111erl.'-SIIII Borro\\:cr I.. !\old or Iran..fcrrl.-u and BurTCH,H'r 1\ nlll a narur:!1 <br />penon) wllhoUl lellder'~ pnor wnllen ':on~elll, Lender ma)., al Ib "pilon, reqlllre Inuncdlalc pa)01t'nl 111 ruB of iJlI, <br />\,Ccured b)' Ih!!, Se~urllY Instrumen., Howncr, Ih,~ optum ..h~11I 110t be e~cl\,:I,<d h~" Lender If e\erl'l~ I' proluhltt"\1 h~ <br />federalla\\' U!lo of the dale of .hl~ Secunl)' J nMrumenl, <br />If Lende! c,.erci~ thts. option, Lender !'thall gl\-C Born)",cr nollCt' of al.:l.'elerallon The nl>lll:C ,hall prll\ ILlc d pcrll1d <br />or noll~~ Ihan 30 da)'~ from Ihe dale:' Ihl~ oollce I' delivered 01 malleLl wlIhll1 \\-'hh:h Borro\\-er l11u...1 pa~ .JII 'UIII" .,C1.:url'd h~ <br />lhl!) Secunl)' Ins1rument. If Borro\\'cr fails 10 pay 1ht.osc ~um') pnor 10 ,hc C.IIplral1oJl of thl' penod. I cndr.:r rn.l~ 1lI\ll"l' i1Il~ <br />remedies pc-rrnl11ed by lhi.'i Secunty Instrumem wnhout further nullce or demand un Borrower <br />18. lkwrower's Ript 10 Reinstate, If Borrower mee1~ certOIl1 c.:mu..llllon.., Borro\\-cr ,hall h.iJ\t.' Ihl' nghl III hOtH' <br />enforcemc:.n1 ofthl!lo Security InstrumeRI discontinued at rmy lime pnor to Ihe: curher of \uJ 5 <Ia), (III "Il"h pI her pl'nlld ii' <br />applicable Il1w may \JlCclfy for rC'in!i.lalCmeno hcfor~ !k}Jc of (he Property pur!luanl III an) pO\\ier o. ,_Ill' (1llll,llfll'lJ III ,1m <br />'Securill hl\lrUmenl; or Cb) cntr)' (lfa ludgmenl enforCing thl" Scrunl~ In!tHumenl Tho"'-C \.:'onJlllllfl" arc Ih.11 UilfrP\Iol" <br />(a). paY!lI Lender all sume. which Hlen WOllld be: due under lhl~ Security In,'rumeol and Ihl' '\jOll' h.lJ II" ,1"l.l'k',II"lfl <br />occurrro, Ch) cure".. any dcfa.ult I1f !tny other co....enanh or agrec:mcnh" (I..") ril~~ all C_\~lCn'L'" tn(llfrC'd III l.'flll'fllll~ Ihl.. <br />Sccunly IO\lrumcnt, IOdulhn.... )UI ""i hmlled to. rcll~(lnllbl~ illlomey,' fct.~, and Cd) l.1kC' ..lkh i1..1hlll .1' I ("hll" 11\_,\ <br />n:ow)f1ubl)' re4ulre to ~u"un: ',hili the hen of Ihl~ Sct:uruy Im,lrurncnl, Lender'.. rlghl" 111 Ihe Prlll'lt.'l'l\ ,ill..! 11~"I""l'l .. <br />onhgallon 10 pay the "um\ ,Ct ured by tIll" Sct:urity 1""lrument ..hall L'llllllnuc uIKh.U1!:l....1 1 pOll r"ll1\I,ilt'r1ll'lll h\ <br />nflrrO'AlCI, Ihl' Secunt)"\lm.:nl and the obh8a1l0n~ \et.:ured h~reb) ,hall remain full~' clft."l"lIH' ;I" II flt' .ILl dn ,II hill h,lll <br />Il(:t.:urrrd Un'A"\OCf, Ihl.. nghllo rem~lalt:' \haJJ nol apply IlIlhe L~I1'C nr an.c!c:r.l(Jon ulIlkr fl."ll agl aph.. ll, ,., 1 . <br />