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<br />UNIFORM CoVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenanland agree as follows: 88- 1 0 4 562 <br />t. Payment of Principal and tnterest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due <br />the principal of and interest on the deblevidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject 10 applicable law or to a wrillen waiver Joy Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note, unlil the Note is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") equal 10 <br />one.twelfth of, (a) yearly and assessments which may allain priority over this Security Instrument; (b) yearly <br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Properly. if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly <br />mortgage insurance premiums, ifany. These items arc called "escrow items'" Lender may estimate the Funds due on the <br />basis of current data and reasonable estimates offuture escrow items. <br />The Funds shall be held in an instilulion the deposits or accounls of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds 10 pay lhe escrow items. <br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items, unless <br />Lender pays Borrowe. inlerest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and <br />Lender may agree in writing that inleresl shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires inlerestlo be paid, Lender shall nol be required to pay Borrower any interest ar earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credils and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit 10 the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by <br />this Securily Inslrument. <br />If lhe amounl of Ihe Funds held by Lender, together with the future monlhly payments of Funds payable prior to <br />Ihe due dal"" of lhe escrow items, shall exceed the amount required 10 pay Ihe escrow ilems when due, the e.cess shall be, <br />at Borrower's oplion, either promptly repaid to Borrower or crediled 10 Barrower on monthly payments of Funds. If lhe <br />amount of the Funds held by Lender is nol sufficient 10 pay the escrow items when due, Borrower shall pay 10 Lender any <br />amount necessary to make up the deficiency to one or more payments as required by Lender. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lendcr shall promplly refund 10 Borrower <br />any Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 19 the Propeny IS sold or acqUIred by Lender. Lender shall appll.. no laler <br />than immediately prior to the s.ale: of the Propen)' or lis acquh,ition by Lender. any Funds hdd by lender at the time of <br />application as n credit against thc sum~ ~ccurcd by Ihls Secunt']' Inlitrument <br />3. Appllealion of Paym.nll. Unless applicable law proVides OIherwtse. all payments receIVed by Lender under <br />paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: fint. to laic charges due unller Ihe Note: second. to prepayment charges due onder lhe <br />NOle; Ibird, 10 amounts payable under paragraph 2; founh. '0 IIlterosl due; and 1051, to pnnclpal due <br />4, Charges; Uen!, Darrower ..hall pa)' all t.U,~, u!t~e'!olm~nts. chargL~, finO and 100po~Ulons anributahle 10 the <br />Property which may allam pnonr)' o\ler thl~ Secunty In!oltrument. and lC"'oI.!'tehold paymt:nts or ground ren1~. If any" <br />Borro\\'cr shall pay theM: ohhgatu"lh' 10 the manner pru\lu1t."lI In pamgraph 2. or If nol paid In thaI manncr, Borrower shall <br />pay them tln time duel,tl)' tn Ihe (lCr'\on pavmcnt. norrower ..hall promptly fur01~h tn lender allnotlco of amounts. <br />to ~ paid under thl'\ paragraph If Borrower makt.~ Ihese paymenh dlrccth. nnrrower shall promptly fum1~h h1 Lender <br />receipts eVidenCing the paymenl!l. <br />Dorrower !\hall promptly dl\4:harge any hen Whll'h ha~ pnnrll)' o".cr 1111.. SC'l~unl)' Imolrument unk"!\~ Borrower: (a) <br />agreo In wnllng to Ihe payment oflhe obllgatlun sa:ured hy the hen In a manner acceptablc h.l lender; (b) conl~ts In good <br />faith Ihc hen by, or defends agaln!!!t enforccmenl of the hcn III, leBal proccnhng!lo winch In the Lender"', oplnllln operate III <br />prevent the enfurcement uf the hen or forfeiture: of an)' J'l3r1I)f Ihe Propefl)'; (lr (c) ~ccurC!i from the holder of Ihe hen an <br />agreement !tJltlsfaclol)' 10 Lendcr 1tubordinl.lllllR Ihe lien to Ih., Sc..:unl)' In!totrumenl If ll~ndcr dclcnnm~ that un)' parll1f <br />the '-ropert)' II. ~ubJccl 10 a hell which mil)' alloln pnorl1Y O\C'f thth SC',..unl) In~trumcJ1t. Lender may gl\C' Borrower u <br />noUee Idcnuf)'ing the: hen Borro~'er !thaI! \lJ1I!tfy the hen llf lake one or more of the aCllon~ ~1 forth above wuhln 10 da)'," <br />of the gtVlOg of nUllee. <br />5, Hazard Iniiurancf. Horro\\'er \lull1 keep Ihr Imprn\l''Olcnt'' IUlW C',u~lmg or hcrcufrcr ercctt.-d on 1he Pmpell)' <br />in!>>urcd 3gum!lot lu!.!. b) firC'. halard!t II1duded wlllunlhe term "c:..tcmlc:d ,o,,'eruge" and all) nlher huzard!! fur which lender <br />require!. 1R!rlUranCe, Thl!t m\UrUilCe '!iIhltl1 be: millnlaulI:d In Ihe "nUlunl-. dl1d fur the penod.. that tender rcqU1fo. Thc <br />in!l.urunce carner prll\.'ldlng the lII\urance '!iIhall be chl~n b} IJnHOy,'t'r \Ub)a:l hI Leluk(.. tlpproval which !!hall not be: <br />unreaMlnablr withheld. <br />An II1~Ural1Ce pohC1C:' and rcncwul!>> ~h.l111 be acceptable' 10 Lemler and ,hall Include ;I ..landard marl gage dau!.C" <br />lender shall have lhe nghtlo hold lhe pollclC> and renewal. If !.endcr re4u".... 1I0rro,,'er .hall promp,ly g"e ,<> Lcnder <br />all receipts of paid premium!l and renewal nuUcCJot 1111he e\oC'l1l \)f h~\. Ilorrower ~hall gi.....C' prnmptl1ollCC' wtl1e lIl~urance <br />carner llnd Lender Lender mll)' make proof llflll~" If nol mude promptl) b)' Bllrrowcr <br />Unla!lo Lender and Borrowcr otherwise: agree 10 w'ntlng, In,uran\.-C' prncC'a.b !l.hall be apphed to r~torallon or replolf <br />of the ProperlY damaged. ,f the resloratlOn or repa" I> economIcally f..""bl< and l.en,I<", 'lCCunty I> no' lessened. If the <br />rcsloralllln or repan I'" nol o.::onomically feASible or Lender'!. !leCUfll) ....,llull! be IC!l.~cnc:d. the lR!.uranct' procced!t shall be <br />apphcd tllthe \um!l. ,"ecurcd b)' thi:. Security lm.trumcnt, whether or nol then due. .....nh Iln)' eXc~" paid 10 Borrower. If <br />Borrower abandnn!llhe Propen)', or doo not answer within 30 day'!l a notice from Lender Ihatthc:' In!turancC' carner h3!lo <br />olfcfed tu "cllle a dalm. then lender ma)' collecl the lO!l.urunce proccM!I, lender ma)' uSoe the pnx:cah (0 repair or rOlore <br />the Prupcrt)' or It) pll)' !roum:. !l.CCurcd b} Ihl~ Security 'nstrumenl, whether or nol then due_ The 30-day pcnod Will hcgm <br />when Iht nutlce l!l gl\'cn <br />lInl~~ Lender and othcrwi!l.c agra III wflung. lln~ applicatIOn of prOf;ced~ 10 pnnclpal \haH 1101 e:\lC.~nd or <br />po!tlpolle the duC' uat(' df the momhly pa)'mcnt.. referred III in paragrllph~ J and 2 or chanse the amounl of the pa)'menh If <br />under paragraph IQ Ihe l)rullCr1}' l!t acquired by Lender, 80rro\\-e:r'.. right to nn)' lO!turnncc pohcles and lUOCC'C4h, re~ul1l11g <br />from damage Illlhe I-ropc:ny priorto the acqUlslIlon Sohall pa!l'!\ to Lcnder 141 the extent oflhe ,urn.. "cL'uroo h) ,Ill" Securlly <br />In!ltrumel1tlmmedlatel~ pnor to Ihe acqUisition. <br />6, .Imena.ion and !\falnleuau of Properly; Leasebolds~ Borrower ..hall ntH dC'atrt)y. dama(!c \)r ..uh\lantlall) <br />change the Property, allow the Property to deleriorate or ..:ommU waMe If thl\ Securll)' In~lrumcnl I" l1n a Ic:.a..chllld. <br />8orro""cr ,lulU compl)' ~'lth the pro~'1!l.ion~oflhc: I~.llnd lf80rrllwer acqulre!l fC'C' tule III the 1)f1)pcrJ), Ih(' Icu\('hold and <br />fee tide !lihal1 nol merge: unless lender agrees 10 the merger In wnting <br />7. Prolrc:lIon or Lender'. Rip.. in th. Proprrty; MorlllllKe Insuranee. If lIorrllwer fail. to perform Ihe <br />co\'cn;ant~ and agreements containcd in this Sccunly Instrument. or there l!i a lcgal procrcdmg Ihal may "lgmlicanll) atfa'l <br />lender's flghu. In the Properl)' (!tuch w. a proceeding an bankrupl":)'. probale, for condemnation or In enforce law.. ur <br />regulation~). then Lender may do and pay for whatever is neces~ry to protecllhc vBluC' nflhc IJropc:rty and Lender.... nghh <br />an the Prorc:rty. Lcndcr's actions. may Include paying Ilny sum~ ~curcd by a hen which has rnnnt~ O'o'cr 111I~ Sc:curu)' <br />In!.lrumenl, appearing In courl, paymg reaMlnable attonu:)'s' fe~ and c:n1cnng (In the Propen~ In mull, rl'palf't Ahhoulth <br />Lender may lake o<:lIun undcr tillS paragrnph 7, under does not hn\'C' to do so <br />^n~ amounU, dl1lbu~ h~' Lend,., under IhlS paragraph 7 shall become addlllf)11al debl of Uorrll\1a er .."cured h)' thl" <br />Secunty In~trumc:nl lInl~'i. Borrnv er and L cnder agree 10 other 1crm~ of payment. rhc!l.e 1.lnlllUnl~ ,hilll mlcrc\.l from <br />the datt of dlsbut\Cmenl 31 the ~~nl.:' rate and shall be pil~"8ble, Wllh IOIC'r~t, upnn nolll."(' from 1 C'J1dc:r III Borrower <br />n:qUOllOg payment <br />