<br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenan, and agree as rOllow~,8 - 1 0 4 5 6 2
<br />19. Acceleralion; Remedies. LeDder sball gin Dolice 10 Borrower prior 10 acceleralion Collo"inR Borrower's
<br />breacb oC any coveDanl or allRCmeDI in Ihis Security IDstrumenl (bul nol prior 10 acceleralion under paraRfapbs 13 and 17
<br />unless applicable law provides olberwisel. The Dolice shall specify: (a) Ibe deCault; (b) Ibe aellon required 10 cure the
<br />deCault; (cl a dale, nollesslban 30 days Cram Ibe dale Ibe notice is given 10 Borro"er, by wbich Ihe defaull must be cured;
<br />and (d) Ibal Cailure 10 cure Ibe default aD or beCore Ibe dale specified ID Ibe notice may resull iD acceleration oflhe sums
<br />sccured by Ibis Security Inslrumenl and sale oC Ibe Property. The nolice shall furlher inCorm Borrower oC Ihe righllo
<br />relnstale afler acceleration and Ibe righl 10 brlnR a court action 10 asserl Ihe non-exlslence of a default or an). olber
<br />defense of Borrower 10 accelerallon and sale. (flhe deCaull is nol cured aD or oofore Ihe dale specified in the notice, Lender
<br />al lis oplion may require immediale paymenl in full oC all sums secured by Ihis Securit). Inslrumenl wilboul Curlber
<br />denland and may IDvoke Ibe pe"er of sale and any olber remedies permilled by applicable law. Lender sball be entilled 10
<br />collecl all expenses Incurred in pursulDR Ibe remedies provided in Ihis paraRfapb 19, includinR, bul nol Iimiled 10,
<br />reasonable allorneys' Cees and COSIs oC tllle evideDce.
<br />If Ibe pewer of saie Is in.oked, Truslee shall record a notice of deCault in eacb ""unty in which any part oC Ihe
<br />Property is localed and shall mall ""pies oC liUch nolice in Ibe manner prescribed by applicable I.w 10 Borrower and 10 Ihe
<br />olber persons prescribed by applicable law. After Ibe lime required by applicable low, Truslee sholl give public nollce oC
<br />sale 10 Ihe persons and in Ihe manner prescribed by applicable law. Truslee. wilhoul demand on Borrower, shollselllhe
<br />ProperlY 01 public aucllon 10 Ihe hlghesl bidder allhellme and place and under Ihe terms deslllDaled in the notice oC sale ill
<br />one or more parcels and In any order Truslee delermlnes. Truslee may poslpene sale orall or any parcel oflhe Property by
<br />public announceme,,1 al Ihe lime and place oC any pre.iously scheduled sale. Lender ur ils desillDee may purchase Ihe
<br />Property at any sale.
<br />Upen recelpl oC paymenl of Ibe price hid, Trustee shall deliver 10 Ihe purchaser Trustee's deed con.e).ing Ihe
<br />Property. The recitals in Ihe Truslee'. deed .hall be prima Cacie e.ldence uf Ihe Irulh of Ihe slalemen.. made Iherein.
<br />TrUSlee .hall apply Ihe proceeds oC Ihe sale in Ihe CollowlnR order: (al to all expenses of Ihe sale, includinR, bul nollimlted
<br />10, Truslec's Cees as permltled by applicable law and reasonable allomey.' fees: (bl 10 all sums secured by Ihis Security
<br />Instrument; and ((') any excess 10 the penon or personslcplly enlitled 10 il.
<br />.z0. Lender in Posses'5ion. Upon acceleratIOn under paragraph IQ llr ahanutlnmcnt of Ihe Property. Lender (m
<br />person. b)' ligen! or by Judlclolly appomted receiver) "huH be enlltled 10 l:ntC'r upnn. tak.e possessJOn uf and managl: the
<br />Property and 10 coHeet the rent~ of the Property mcluding Ihose past due Any ren1!i collc..~ted by lender or the' rc.."Ce'lvcr
<br />shall be applu:d first to payment of the co~ts or management of the Property and collecllun of rent!.. includmg. but not
<br />IImlled 10, receiver's fees, prem.um~ on recC':1VC'r'~ bond~ and reasonahle a1tl1rney"" 1'1.""'\' and then to the ..um\ s~ured by
<br />IhlS Security Instrument.
<br />21, Recon,eyance, Upon payment or all ..urns \t'Curcd b)' Ihl" SC1.:urlly Irl,lrunu-nl, Lender shall rC'qu~1 Trustee 10
<br />reconvcy the Pro~rty and 'Shall 'iUrrCndef th., Srrunt)' Instrumem and :Ill nntes C'\ddennng denl 'tccurcd by Ihl'!'! Sn:unl~'
<br />In~lrumcnlto Tru~tee. Trustee ~hal1 rccon\oe)' the I)roperly wl1hour \\arrant~ ,tOll \\lIhnut dlllrgc 10 tht'" pcr-.on or re"ons
<br />legally enm1cd to It. Such pef'ton or pcl"'\on... !IohaJl pay Dn)' recon.1allon ,,:11..1..
<br />22, Sub!:IUute Trust~. Lender, at 11\ opium, may from llmc In lime rl'mll\C' Tru..lCC' 3mJ appmn1 a \Uccc.."''Mlr lru"iotec
<br />lo any Trustee appointed hereunder hy an Im.lrumenl recorded In Iht' \,."(Iunt) In "'hlr.:h Ihh SC\:'unt) In~lnlmCn11S ra:urdc..-d.
<br />Without convc:yonce of the I)rnpcrry, the \UCCC'l...or 1ru\1ee ..hall "'Ul:l..'l"C."d In alllhe IItle. rrnwcr Dnd dUII~ conferred upon
<br />Tru"ee herein and by appheable law
<br />23, Request for SoUces, Borrower requC'!loU that (.'Oplo. of the nutlCe. of ddault and \ale be ..cnl 10 BftflOWer',
<br />addr"" wllleh ,..he Prnpc:ny Addr"".
<br />24. Riderlto this Security Instrument. If one or more nder\ Me c,C\:u1ed h) IJorru,,,"C'1' and n:cordnJ tngetht'r "'lIh
<br />Ihls Securtly Instrument, the co\'cnanb and agrcemC':nl~ of C':Jli.:h ...udl mlc( ...h;lll hl" uU':tlrporalcd mto lmd ...hall amend and
<br />supplement the covenants and 3grCC'nlenl!t of thiS Sccunl)' Im.trumC'f1t ,"If lhe nderC"'} were a parl of Ilu"io Sl"(:I.mty
<br />In,'rumen,. (ChLock appheable box("'l\
<br />@ Adjustable Rale RIder :..::: CundomlDlUm Rider 2-4 Famlll. R,der
<br />
<br />o Gradualed Payment Rider == Plaoned UOl! Dev<inpmen' Rider
<br />
<br />~ Olher(,) (spec1fyl ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
<br />
<br />BY SIGNING BELOW, BOffO\\'er accept!. and agrees 10 Ihe' lerm' and t.:o\'enanh contamed 111
<br />lnslrumenl and in any rider(,) executed by Dorrower and recorded wllh II
<br />
<br />~P~~
<br />
<br />of ' --- . '\ ')
<br />:._~.'!I"('Y t:t': I:~_,.;/
<br />lSpK. IeiGw n. Lme FOI Aanow'-dvrwntl .
<br />
<br />Ih" ScrurilY
<br />
<br />..(5001)
<br />-80ffO.e.
<br />
<br />(Seal)
<br />-Borrower
<br />
<br />STATE OF
<br />
<br />............lie~:;M..... ..... }
<br />
<br />. . . . . . . . .. . . .1JMt... . . . . . . .. . . . . ss:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Coregoing in"rumenl w., acknowledped before me this. . .. ... . .~Ot.~ . DA,Y. OF. .AUG.UST.,. . .198~...........,..
<br />
<br />My Commission expires:
<br />
<br />J.212ili89
<br />
<br />
<br />AND(d~~h
<br />
<br />
<br />J\\l~\~:
<br />
<br />
<br />. t..... ....
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />bJ ..... .GAYUliW. .L. r.I;:T,F;\!.~PN. Am> .~f:~J;:N. Y..I\. r.~T!,.RS~. !. .H1,lS.BAN.D
<br />(person(.) .eknowl
<br />
<br />.J;IIMlIlllAIY. .SUb" lii.~.. .
<br />_tl1J15C1[R
<br />" . IIy Co.'lIllI up Dot 1B. I'.
<br />
<br />Notary Public
<br />
<br />Thil instrument wn:s prrpuTC'd by
<br />