<br />UNIFORM COVENA~TS Borrower nnd Lender covenant and agree as follows'
<br />I. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due
<br />the principal of and inlerest on the debt evidenced by the NOle and any prepayment and late charges due under lhe Note.
<br />2. Funds ror Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a wrinen waiver bi Lender, Borrower shall pa~'
<br />to Lender on the day monthl). payments are due under lhe NOle, until the Note is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") equal to
<br />one-twelfth of <a) l.early taxes and assessments which may atlain priority over this Security Inslrument; (b) yearly
<br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) l.early hazard insurance premiums: and (d) yearly
<br />mortgage insurance premiums, jf an)'. These items are called "escrow items, ,. Lender may estimate the Funds due on the
<br />basis of current darn and rea.'ionable estimates offurure escrow items.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an instilution the deposits or accounls of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Fund... to pay the escrow items,
<br />Lender may nol charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing the account or verifying Ihe escrow items, unless
<br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable Jaw permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and
<br />Lender may agree on wrillng that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires inlerest 10 be paid. Lender shall n01 be required to pa)' Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds, Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits 10 the Funds and the
<br />parpose for which each debit 10 Ihe Funds was mnde TIle Funds are pledged as additional securit). for the sums secured by
<br />this Securily Instrument
<br />[fthe amount of ,he Fands held hy lender. together with the fUlure mnnlhly pnyments of Funds payable priOTlO
<br />the duc: dutes of the escrow Items. ~hall exceed the amount n:qulrcd to pay [he escrow i(cm~ when due. the excess shall be.
<br />at Borrnwer's option, enher promptly repallt to Borrower or credited to Unrrower on monthly paymenrs of Funds, tfthe
<br />amount oflhe Fund\ hdd by Lcndt::'-I'i 1101 ..uffiL'leOl to pu~ Ihe l'~rn\.\ Hems ",'hen due. Borrower ..hall PH}' to Lender any
<br />amounl neccs\ary ro male up Ihe ddkJcnq' In IIn,' or mort' ra)'ment\ u!. reqUired hy lender.
<br />Upnn payment 10 full of all 'um.. \cl'un:d h~ 1111\ Sel"urlt~ In..rrumcnl. Lender tihall promptJ)" refund 10 Borrower
<br />any Funds held by lender If lIndr:r paragraph I'~ I he Property" ..old nr :Jcquued b~' Lender. lender shall nppl}'. no later
<br />than immcdiardy pnur 1(1 Ihc ,ale of Ih,' J1rnJ1l..rt~ or II.. :J1.'4u1'ltlon h~ L.ender, any Fund... held hy lender at the limc or
<br />applicatlon 35;J craht .llgalf1't.llhc= 'U01' ,o:ur('d h~ 1111" SL'l'unr~ In...trumcnr
<br />J. ApplicatJon or P.)'m~nt'l. l:nle\" applll'uhlc Ill" prtl\I(Ic~... Il1her"I~, allpaymenl' reccl"cd by Let1dr:r under
<br />paragraph!i I and.2 ,hall be IIpphcd fir,.. In hue.' dlargc, dUl' under Ihl' :\lOll'. "cl:nnd. In pre-paymenl charges due under the
<br />Note; thud, to amoum, pa)'ahlc unde.'r parap:flIph ~. founh, to mtcrc-.t due. and hl't. In pnnclpul due
<br />4. Cha'les: Uens. IJnrro,,"cf ..hall pa~ allla,"~. ;l'''e"menl', I.'harge,. Iinc, and Hnll\l'JtI(ln~ llUflhul.llble 10 the
<br />IJropert)' which may allalll pflllnl~ lI\rr 1111' SeL'urll) In\lrul11elll, ..nd lC'a..ehoIJ pa)n1ent.. (Ir ground renl'. sf any
<br />Borrower "hall pa~' IhC\c Ilhh~:IIl<,"'" mlhL' mumu:r pnwldnlll1 pllralZr.Jph 1, pr If rIlll p:ud In Ihal manner. 1J0rn.1\\'cr ,hall
<br />pay chern on IImc dlfa:ll) l(l1hc.' pcp_no II~L"1t pa)n1CI1I Uorrll"cr ,hllll prompll~ furm..h lol.endcr all nnllcC'lo (lfamnul1I'
<br />10 be paid under Ihl' parnltr,llph If UnrrmHr rnalwoC"'t IhC'c pa~ment.. Jm.'c(I~. Ullrro"t'r ,hall prompt I) furnl\h hl Lender
<br />reccJpt!. c\'3delll,;mg Ihc pa~'lI1elll..
<br />Borro\lo'cr ..hall rrul11J1th tli'lo\.'hlHj:.l~ dll) lien \\'hll.-h ha, pnorll) mcr Ihl' "cl.'unl~ In"lruml'nl unit".. nnrw"cr (a)
<br />+.Igreo III "'ntmp hI Ihe pa)flJrnlllf Ihe nhhgarll1f1 \1.'L'urcd h,' Ihe hen 111 a munner an'l'ptahlt' III Lcnder. fhll."t1Uh....... III f:llnd
<br />rauh lhc hen h~. OJ ddcfI(h a,p:1II1I\1 C'l1forl.:~mc.'J11 01'111(" Itl'n 111. le~Hll1f,~C't'JlIl~' "IItL.h III the l.ender'.. 0(111110n I1pernlc lu
<br />prc\ent the CJlhlr(:em~1I1 of Ihe- Ill'll IIJ fm'ft"llurc of an,. pari tit lht' IJrllpcrf). or (d 'C\."ure' (rum rhe JlIlhkr tlf Ihe he'll an
<br />agrt'C"mclIl ~11\(i1L"Cllq III I e'ntJe'r ,uhClrtJmutlnp: Ihe' lien III 011'" SCl'Urll\ 111~lr\lf11l'nl IfI elllkr dcr('rnllllt"' Itloll ';II~ PiUlllf
<br />Ihe Properl) 1\ 'UhJCL'1 III a hen ""hh:h nH') .1I1dlll prltlrll~ 11\l"T Ihl' Slt~:urll} IrhlrUl1Icl11. I.ender 111") ):1\(' Uorr,,\\'rr a
<br />nulll:C' uJcnurYlIIg Ihe llcn Uorro\\.t'f' ",hllll ,all,r, Iht' ht'lllll LIl..L' tlnl' III flltHI.' tlllhe .1I:1I1l1l'" -.clltlrlh .d,"l\I.' \\1111111 10 dOl""
<br />l1fthe ~1"1ng of nnlll.'t'
<br />5. lI.urd Insuran('e. HorrO\H'f ,hall keep rh(' ImpIO\t'rnl'f1h nlm C\"lItl~ Ilr heft';ll"tl'r l'rt'I.'h.'d ,In the.' Prl'pcfl~
<br />lD~ured agalU!tot 10"'''' h~ lire, h,:u..auh Included \~..lIll1n the krill "l"\It'fh1rd n\\l'r~~e" ;Ind all~ Illtler hal.1Td, ftll \\ 11I..;h I cndC"r
<br />reqUlr,", III~Ural1l.'~ rhl' In'loUrUIIL:C ,haJJ he: mlunlulncd m the ..mwunh illlJ 11Ir rhe perllll.h rhill !-,'nder fe4ulfC"'o The
<br />In!lourancc carTlcr pn1\"ldm~ Ihe m"'uranl.:c ,haJJ he dlO,<:n h~ 1I,'rlll'o\('1 ,uhle,.:t III I ('Ih,ll-r', <.tppro\al \\tlllo:11 ..hall nul he
<br />unrca~nnl.lbl)' \\'l1hhcJd
<br />All In!.uranl:C p'lhc10 ;md f~lIewal" ...hall ht' .ac..:cpluhle III l.e-nJer and ",hallllh.:ludc a "'Iandard I11llrl!-Mgc ,"Iau,,,
<br />Lender ...hall ha\c Ihe n~llIlo huld Ihe {lohcle!l. und renc\\ul.. If I.-cndcr re4ulrC""o. Uorr,'"cJ ...hall prllmpll) gl\C to Lender
<br />all ra:r:apb uf paid prr:nllunt!l and rcnc\\aJ nollce'!!. In Ihc C\e.'nl of Jo,,,,. lJorw\\el ,hull ~I\l. prompt 1I01",:e In the m...ur:mL."C'
<br />carner and Lenuer. Lemler nus) mule proof t)f 10..... If n01 maLic rfl1mpll~ h~ Ullrnt","cr
<br />Unl~~ lender and Burro""er IJlhcrwl'e.' a~rt'1." In "rlllfI~. lI1..uraru;e rJt~,:r:L'd.. ,hall he apphed III rc-.lomluJIlllr repair
<br />of Ihe Propcn}' dama~ed, If Ihe rntoral1un 11r rC'palr I' L:'L'urh'mll"all~ "ca~lhle ;slld LCluJC'r'.. "L'1:UrU) I'" nol I~"cnl-d, If Ihe
<br />ro.toratlUn or repaIr I!\ nl\! L'l:tlllomlcally fea..able lJr Lcnder'" \eL:lIf1l) "puld he k"!l....cnL'd. Ihe msurant:C' flHlI.'CC,th ...hall hr-
<br />apphed to I he.' ...um... !.ccurcd h) thb SeeUnl) In,lrumenl. \.\hcther \If nul I hell duc "lIh af1l c:lt,t:t"', paId hi BOrTo"er If
<br />Borrower aha.ndl1n~ the Propcrt}, or doa nollln\W(r wnhl11 10 ",ta~", 01 nolll"e fwm Lend,'r Ihallht" lO""uranc(' Larncr ha,
<br />offered 10 c;C'tlle a churn. Ihen lender ma)' I.:OIla:llhC' lIl'urant.:e rnx,et:lh LC'nder ma) U"C Ihe pJt)("('C(J\ III rep.ur or r("'l.lOrc
<br />the ProperlY or to pai suon ~cured MY Ihl' Sa..unl~ In..tt"urnt:IIL u.hclhcr nr nol then due: rhe lfJ-da~ pt."r1nd u,.11) hc~m
<br />when the notice I~ gl\cn
<br />Unh.."!o<..lcndC'r and Borrowl:f(ltherwl..e i3grcc m \\ rilIng. an~ arplll."alum 'Irpn}(l"Cth Itl prlnl.:lpal ,hall nol elltcnJ or
<br />postpone the due datco~(hc month I) pa~mc:nh referred 10 In paragraph, I and ~ tlr I.:"hangt." lhc amounl nfthe paymef1h If
<br />under paragraph p:~ the Pro('lCrly IS acqUired b} Lcnder, Bornl\.\'er''t right tll al1~ lII,uranl..'c pt.IIIL1C" and prn..:ccd... rC"'oulllll~
<br />from damage.' 10 Ihe Propen)' pnor 10 (hc ncqul~l!lon ,hall paMllo L~l1der 1(\ Ihe e\lclll of the 'urn.. 'cl.'ured h~ Ih" SI.'l'UrH~
<br />In~trumcllt Immc<hately pnor 10 Ihe acqUlsHltlrt
<br />6. P~nH.tJon and \taint~nance 41' Properr}': Leasehllld~, BOfru" t'r ,hdlllllll dc."""tfl1~. rJarna~(." OJ "Uh"I.U1II01J1~
<br />change 1he Prorert~., allow Ihe Properl) h1 delenorale.' or commll "'-a'llc: If th"" SL'l.lIrll~ In..lrUIT1r-1l1 1'1 !Ill ,I It'iJ''C.'huld,
<br />BOfTowcr shall compl) Wllh Ihe pro\ISll1ll!'o {lfthe lea!'.e, and If BOt"fO"'CT d1.:4111r~ fet' tIlle.' tlllhl' Prllpl.'t"l\. Ih(." k:t..dhlld ;UHt
<br />fee lule "hall nOI merge unles.., lender agrcc~ 10 tht' merger to \\ nl1np:
<br />7. Prolet'lion or Lender', Hiatus in lhe Propert}': \!ortaaRc Insurance. If BOrrtl~('"f 1:111.. 101 rafllrlll thr:
<br />cO\lenanl!l.llnd agreemenl!! conlall1t'd m rhl'io Securlly In!'ollUn1t:'lIt. or Ihl.'fl' I' a legal rrl1\'l'(."t1IT\~ I hOtI rnOl~ "l~flllilallll~ alft'l't
<br />Lender''lIj nghl!\ In Ihe Properl)' (such J.~ ,I procecdmg tn hank.ruplq', pmhalc. fllr I.:"OJ1JCII1nill11111 lit III ('l1ftlrlt' la"", III
<br />regulations), then lender ma)' do and pay for Whll(C\Cr I!\ nC:L"C\\ar) III prOlcclthC' \alul' I,f tht' Pfllpt'r1 \ Jlld It.lldc..,.... nr:hr,
<br />10 the Property lender's, a('llon~ mOl} tndude paymg an~ 'loum.. o;,ccured b~ ;1 lien \\hll'h ha.. rrlltrll~ ,'\(" Ihl.. SeL"lJn'~
<br />InSlrUmcllI. uppcanng In courl. paling rCll\onable IJlttlrflC')"!\' fee... and elltcrlng nn Ihe Phlpt'rt\ r.. rn,lkl; ft'pollr.. AlrlhlU/lh
<br />Lendcr mal lake aCI11111 under Ihl'!io paraltraph 7, Lender doe\ nol halo C 10 dO"ll
<br />An)' amount' olsbur\Cd by Lender under Ih" paragraph 7 ..halll1t."l.'IIITH: Ut..1dIIIIW..; {jt.""1 ,11 11. r I I 'v. tOr "Cl.. Uft.'J h\ I hi"
<br />Securlly In\lrUmenl lInt!:,,,, Hl1rrllw('r .lIld lender ngrl.'c It I lllhcr lerm.. (If rLt~ ItIt.'UI. ~ lll....e .1111,1\1nl' ..11.111 h(."al Illler e"l r,11T1l
<br />the dale' or dl'ihur"-CTf1L'1l1 ;II tht" '1t\ll' f<Jle' lInd \hutll1e ril~lIhl('. \\lIh 'IJll'rC"l, I'i"lll ....,."'(. !f'llJl '\'lllkt I,' 11,'lrt't\t'r
<br />ft'<JuC'!'Ung pa)'OlCnl
<br />
<br />88- 104558
<br />