<br />88-
<br />
<br />104558
<br />
<br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition or making the loan secured by this Security Instrument,
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the
<br />insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law.
<br />8. Inspection. lender or its agent may make reasonable entries. upon and inspections of the Property. Lender
<br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with
<br />an)' condemnation or olher takmg of any part of the Property. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby
<br />assigned and shall be paid 10 Lender.
<br />In Ihe evcnt of a total laking of Ihe Property, the proceeds shall be applied 10 Ihe sums secured by this Security
<br />Inslrument, whelher ur nol Ihen due, wilh any excess paid 10 Borrower. In Ihe evenl of a partial laking of the Property,
<br />unless Borrower and Lender olherwise agree in writing, Ihe sums secured hy Ihis Security Inslrument shall be reduced by
<br />the amounl of Ihe proceeds mulliplied by the following fraClion: (a) Ihe 10lal amount of Ihe sums secured immediately
<br />before Ihe taklOg, diVided by (b) the fair markel value of lhe Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />Ir the Propert)'ls abandoned by Borrower. or if. aflcr notice by Lender 10 Borrower Ihat Ihe condemnor offers to
<br />make an award or seule a claim for damages. Borrower fnil!o. to ropond to Lender wlthm JO duys after the dale the notice is
<br />given, Lender is authonzed to collect and apply the proceeds, al1ts (lPIIllI1. either 10 rL"\ltlral1nn or repair orlhe Property or
<br />to the sums secured by this Security Instrument. whether or nol then due.
<br />Unless Lender and BOfrower otherwi!te agree In writing, any apphc:allun of procccd!o.ln pnllclpal shall not extend or
<br />po~tp()ne the due dale of the mnnthl~' paymenls referred to in paragraph!o. 1 and ~ or change the amou1l1 of such payments.
<br />10. Borrower SOl Releasedj Forbearance Dy lender ~ol B "'aiver. ExlenMon of lhe time for payment or
<br />modificnllon of umnrllzallon or (he: ~ums ~ecured by Ihl~ SeCUnl) lns(rument granted hy Lender to any successor in
<br />mlen..osl of Borrower \hall nul uperale In relea\e the hubllny of the onginal norrower or Borrower's ~UCCCS!\ors in lnterest.
<br />Lender shull not he reqUired 10 commence proceedlng~ agumsl any 'tuccC's\or In mlefC"'l1 (lr refu,c to e"-tend time for
<br />payment or otherwl..e modify umurllznttnn ufthe "um\ ..ecured by 1111" SL"('unt) hlstrumenl hy fCa!l.OIl pfall)" demand made
<br />by the origmuJ Burrower or Burrower\ ..ucce~sors m Inh:reM, Any forbearance b) Lender 111 C\CrCIMng any' nght or remedy
<br />,hall not be a wal\'cr or or (lredude the excrcl~e or any nghl ur rcmcd)
<br />11, Su~~.....ro and A..IJIIU Bound; Jolnl and Se.eral Uability; Co-.IKner.. The ""venallt' and agreemenls of
<br />thl~ Secunty In~1 rument \hall hmd and benefit (he Mlcces!tnrs and a!t'lgll~ or Lender and Borrower, subJtX'1 10 Ihe pftl\llsh)n~
<br />or parugraph 17 Dnrrowcr'!\ cnvcnant!l and agrccmcnl~ !thall be Jomt and ,C'\'eral, An)' Borrower "'ho cn-slgns thiS Secunty
<br />(nstrument but doe\ not C'J.C'cute the NOle: (oj I'" L'o..\igmnp: Ihl!\ SeL'unly InMrumenl only tn mort[!age. grant and COD\'C')"
<br />lhat Uorruwcr', IIItef(..~lm the Properl)' under the lerm!ll (lf1Im. SeLUrlt) h"lruJI\cn1. (hi 1\ lIut pcr..llllally nhhgalt:d 10 pay
<br />lhe sum, \ecurcd h) Ihl\ S,ol.:urIlY IfI'~trumCt11. and (I.:) ugree... Ihul l.elHkr and :111)' of her BllrTll\\'Cr may agree III e""-Iend.
<br />modify, forbear or make any u,,:commodnllnn!\ with regurd hi fht" lerm' llf Ihl' Sel'unr)' InMrumenl or Ihe Ntllc \\'lIhout
<br />lhul Borrower', cllO'enl
<br />12:. 1.oan (''haraes. Irlhe loan \C\."ured by Ihl\ Sel.'"urll~ I n...lrumclltI!> ,uhJel.;' to a In\.\" 'U..hldl..el~ maximum 10:111
<br />chargC!.. and Ihol 10"'" I!t tinoll)' mlerpreled 111,(1 th.1t lhe InterC"tl or other loun ....harltt"\ clllle:ctC'd elr 10 be collected In
<br />l.."OnnCCllon wllh Ihe loan elcced the pcrml1led IImlt'i. then tal any ","uch loun charge \hall I)C' reduced by Ihe: amount
<br />nect.~!o.ar)' 10 reduce: Ihe chnrge 10 1he permlUed limn. nnd (hI an)' \um"," already coll~tC'd from norrO\~'er which exceeded
<br />pc:nmlled IUllIb Will be refunded to Borrower Lcnder ma) ..:hoo..e 10 make Ihl!\. refund hy reduclI1g the pnllclpal ownl
<br />under the Note (If h) making u dm:ct payment to IJnrro\\.'cr Ir u rdum..! rcdul.:n pf1n~Jpul, the rc.."'t1U1.:lIll1t Will he trealed U!ol a
<br />partial prepayment wJlllaut an)' prepaymcnl churge undcr Ihe Note
<br />130 I~Killlllon ....fI'rc..na Lender', RIR,hts. If eTulclmcnl !If cllplrallun of apphcahlt' I~l\\\ hu!t die dfeCI of
<br />rendering UIl) pru\'l\lon of the Note nr (hi!. Seeunl)' lnMrumenl ulu:nftlfl.;cable a'L'nrdlll~ In lh lerm', lender. ;lllh opt inn.
<br />may rcquITe Immc.."thutc paymenl III rull of ull \um\ ,c(,'ured h) 111I~ Seetlnty lu\trulI1enl anti mil) lI1\oil.e all)' rcmedl~
<br />pcrmllled by pnra~r:Jph I Q If Lender c~crCIM:~ thl' opllon, Lender ...hall take Ihe ~tep'" "'"pc(,'lfied I11lhe ...t"1.:ond paragraph of
<br />purugraph 17
<br />14. SOlicelo, An) tull1L'e In UUffl1",cr prtl\'ldl..xI for 10 Ihl\ S('I.'unl) h''tlrumclIl ,hall he gl\l"11 h) lIchH:nng 11 or hy
<br />mUlhng 11 by fir...t da!ol~ mall unle\\ apphcahle law requlrn 1l~C" Ill' another mClhnd Thc (wlI,,;e ,hull he: dlrc(,'letllO the
<br />Propcr1y Addn.."!Io' llr an) other Budre!o.!'t Borrower dc,ignale\ h~ 110111..<." III Lcnder An~ f1ull....<." 10 L~nder ...haJJ be gl\'en hy
<br />fint c1us,!t mall 10 Lcndrr'\ addr~!o. ....lIted herem or !lny other addrL",' Lender de.lgnaln h~ lhilu:c: 10 Durrower Any nOllcc:
<br />provided for In Ihl!ol SeI,,:un1~ 111~lrumC'nl ,hull he deemed to haH' hc:en gnell hllJnrro\\ocr Ilr LenJt'r "'hcll gl\'en iI\ pnwided
<br />10 .h" purugruph
<br />IS. GOlcminR Law; Seyer.bUh,.. Thl!'lo Sccunl)r In,trulIlent ..hull he ~\l\crnctl h\ fcoerall,," altJ rhe law oflhe
<br />Jurisdiclion III which the Property" loc3led In the ('\'cnllhal an~ prml"on or diJu'c 01 thl' SeL:unt) In,lrUlIlcnl or Ihe
<br />NOle confticls with apphcablc lav.. ,uch connu:'t ,hall not affecl (1lhcr pro\I!\lOn' nrlhl\ SCI,.'Unl)r In..lrumcfll or lhe Note
<br />which can be gl\'Cn cffecl wlIhout Ihe connlctlOg prU\'I\1t1Jl rlllhl' end Ihe (lfO\'I"on" of Ihl!ol Sel.;urll) In,rru01enl and the
<br />Note ure declared 10 be ..e..eruhle
<br />16. Borrowrr.s Copy. Borrower ..haB be gl\'cn 1ll1C l,.~nnfnrmetl Ct)p~ of Ihe ~llle and nf I hl\ Secunty InSlrument
<br />17. Transfer of the Propert)' or a lJeneflcial Interest in Burro,,'er.. If a!lor aJ1~ part III the I)roperry or all)"
<br />Inleresllll it IS 'ilold or tran"ifcrrro ((lr If a bc:lIdiclallJ1lCrL~lln Burrower 1\ ..old Ilr tran,rerred ;lf1d Borrowcr 1\ not a "atuml
<br />pcrwn) wilhout Lender", pnor \\'flttcn con!o.cnl. Lender may, al II... npluHl.. require InHncdwlt' pa~ menl 111 full or all -,U,",
<br />~ured by lhls Sct:unl) (n!o.lrUnlcnt. Howc\'cr, thl\ npllon !'Ihall not he e~cn.:"ed h~ [c:ndl'r If ("xercI'tC I.. prnhlhllet! h)
<br />fedemllaw as oflhe dale of Ihl'" Sccuntv In!ttTumenl
<br />Ir lender C':\erCIS~ Ihl' opllon, Lender shall gi\iC' Borrower nollce of al."(.'e1erall<m rhe UllrlCc ..hall pro\oldt' a pcnl.ld
<br />ofnotles'i than 30 day!. from the date Ihe notice i!io delivered or malled ""-lIhm v. hldl Hnrnm ~r fl1u'l pa} all 'um, ,~cure:d h~
<br />Ihis Secunt)' Instrument. If Borrower fails 10 pa) Ihoe sum~ pTlor 10 lhe ~"plrallflO of rill" pcOtxJ. l.ender rnll~ 1Jl\o,,"t" iln)'
<br />remedies permitled by thiS Security (nslrumcnl withoul further nllll,,;e or demanJ nn Borrower
<br />IR. Borrower', Ript to Reinstate, If Borrower meeh ccrtum condllHlO!'oI, "ncrower ,h.,lI hil\(" Ihl' nght to ha\'c
<br />enforcement or this Sccunly In~trumcn1 discontinued 01 any time pnor 10 rhe c:arher Ilr- (al ~ day... (or "Ul"h olher pcnnd U!'o
<br />upphcuhlc: Inw may specify for relOstalemeOl) before sale of Ihe Propert~' pur"uUII1 tn an} pO\\oCf of ..nil' l"untalncd In 11m,
<br />Sccuril~ In!itrument; or (b) entry or a judgmcnl cnfordn@. fh" SCCUnl) hl,rrUmCf1l Iho..e \.'nlllhlllln... art' rhat Borrower
<br />(a) pay"" lender all ,urn!' which Ihen would be due under t111' SCI:unly In,trumcnt !Snd Ihl' ~I*' hud fill u\.'l'c1cr;l1tnJ1
<br />l\Ccurrcd; (b) (.'urC'!!. any default of uny olher C01o'C'nanlS lIr agrccmcnl!ol. (el pay!'. 311 e\rc~T1'l" IT1l'urrt'"j 111 l'nrt1rt'1l1~ tl1l'o
<br />Seetlnty In'ilrUmenl. mcluding, hUI nnl hmiled 10, rcu\ollllhle ulHlrncy" fce..: :0111) I~I) lale... "ulh ;U,;II(lII.t\ Il"rhlel mll~
<br />reasonabl) reqUIre 10 assure thutlhe hen or Ihl'i SC'cUf1I~ In..trumenl. I C"nfJt"r', n!!t.l" If} Iht' I'rtlprrh ami IIllrnll.\'t'r'..
<br />nhhgntlon to pa)' the ...um' .:.c....Uft"(J h~' Ihl'lo St"cunty In..lrumcnl ,hall ,',-111111."" ',In\.h.Hl~t.d I ("'"n 11'1 11'1 1I1 t'lIll'll I h\
<br />8orrnv.er,lhl\ S('(:unl~' In...lrulTlclIl and Ihe IlnligiltlOIlr. "C'ClHCd hcn:h~ ..hu'! C"Tllallllulh dlf'lll\("' .1" 11 1111 ,1\ ~'I'I('lllll\ln h;ltl
<br />ncl. urrc:d IIn.....("\.l.'"f. thl' nghlln r~1I1"IIlU: ..hall nol uprl~ Il1lht" va\(' ,," alL( It" .111.111 unlin r,lT,t~"'r'h.. 1 \ <If 1 -
<br />