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<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST ("Secunty Instrument.'lIs made on August 17,
<br />. The trustor" Floyd Jay Rockwe II, an unmarried person
<br />("BoITo"'c:r") The trustee I~ Earl
<br />
<br />D. Ahlschwede
<br />("Trustee"). The beneficiary is
<br />
<br />The Equitable Building and Loan Aasoc iolt ion . Whlchi~organizedandex.isting
<br />underthelawsof the State of Nebraska ,andwhaseaddres"s 113-115 North Locust,
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, 6880 I ("Lender").
<br />Borrower awes lender Ihe pnnc.pahum of Twent y Eight Thousand and no/lOa --------------------
<br />_ ___________________________ -{)"lIa" IllS. S 28,000.00 I TillS debt ..."denced by Borrower's nole
<br />dated the urn.: date ti thiS Secunt)' In!i.trumenl ("Note"J, which pro\'ldo fOT monthly pa)'lnenh. with the full debt. ifoot
<br />paId earher. due and payable on September I, 2U08
<br />ThIs Secunty In!l.trumenl secures 10 Lender (a) Ihe repayment of the debt e\ldenced b~' the Note. wath mlerest. and all
<br />rencwl.ds. c1tcnsions and mochfic.ll.tions.. (b) the pa)'menr of all other ~um~. \\'lIh II1lereM. .advanced under paragrnph 7 10
<br />protectlhc securilY oflhl!!. Sccunly Instrument, and (c) the performance of Dnrro\\.'cr''!I co".enunb and agreements. For thiS
<br />purpose:, Borrower .rrevocably granls and conveys 10 TruMe<, on lrusl. "'lIh power of sale. the followmg d"",nbed propeny
<br />
<br />located in lIall COUnl)., Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Seventeen (In, aod the Wesl One Hnl 1 (W~) 01 Lot Eighteen (18), in Block Five
<br />(5), in Horris 11.ird Addition to Ihe City 01 Grand Islnnd, Ilall Counly, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />which has the address of
<br />
<br />220 West 19th Street,
<br />IStreet]
<br />
<br />Grand I s land
<br />fC'1..1
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />6880 I
<br />IZlp Code)
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WITII all Ihe improvemenls now or hereafter erecled on lhe property, and all ,",,,,,men". nghls,
<br />appurtenances, rents, royahies, mineral, oil and gas righlS and profilS, water righls and slock and all fi>lur", no" or
<br />hen:afrer a part ofthe property. All rcplacemenlsand additiansshall also be covered by this Secunly (n..rument. All oflhe
<br />foregoing i. referred to in Ihis Security Instrument as the "Property."
<br />
<br />BoRROWER COVENANTS thai Borrower i. lawfully seised of the estale hereby conveyed and hIB Ihe nght to gran.
<br />and convey the Property and that Ihe Property is unencumbered. eAcept for encumbranco of record Borrower wafTon(!t
<br />and will defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subjecl I" any encumhrances of record.
<br />
<br />("Property Address");
<br />
<br />THIS SEcllRITY INSTRUMEr..,. combina unifonn covenan15 for naliorlal ase and non-Uniform ":(I"'cllant~ Willi
<br />limited variationl by junsdiction to constitute a uniform security instT'J.menl co....enng real propeny
<br />
<br />
<br />form 3028 )2113
<br />
<br />" I............ ..,. .."11' f,.,!, 1~l!oI'olf!,ti 11l;1'.~ "'Oil
<br />,........~ '....~~-..., ".io,1_JIIO '.eDO.~".""
<br />