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<br />88-104553 <br /> <br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by Ihis Security Instrument, <br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the <br />insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law. <br />8. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the PrC"perty. lender <br />shall give Borrower nut ice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying :'e3sonable cause for the inspection. <br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award Of claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with <br />an~' condemnation or olher taking of any part of the Property, Of for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby <br />assigned and shall be paid 10 lender. <br />In the evenl of a lotal taking of the Property, the proc..,ds shall be applied to the ,urns secured by this Securily <br />Instrument. whether or !lol then due. with any excesli paid to Borrower" In the c\'cnt of a partial taking of the Propeny, <br />unless Borrower and lender olherwlse agree in wnling, the sums secured by this Secunly (nslrUmeal shall be reduced by <br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by Ihe following fraction: (a) Ihe tOlal amounl of the sums secured immediately <br />before Ihe taking. divided by (b) rhe fair marker value ofrhe Propeny Immediately before the taking. Any bulance shall be <br />paid to Borrower, <br />If the Propel1y ,.. abandoned by Borrower, or If. after notice by lender to Borrower Ihal lh~ condemnor offers ro <br />make an award or seule a cJmm for damag~. Borrower failf.IO respond (0 Lender wilhm 30 da)'~ after Ihe dale the notice is <br />given, lender is aUlhonzed 10 collect and apply Ihe proceeds. al Us oplllln, euher to rcslurarwn or repair oflhe Propeny or <br />to the sums ~ured by thl!. Secun1llus.trumenl. wherher or nOllhen duc. <br />Unles~ Lender and Borrower olherWlse agree an wntmg, Bny applicatIOn of rrocC'ed~ to principal shall not e:uend or <br />po~lpone the due dale of Ihe monthly pu)"ments referred to in paragraphs I and:! or l'hange the amount of such payments. <br />10. Borrower ~ot Released; Forbearance 8y Lender Not. "'.lwer. ExtenSion of the lime for pa)'ment or <br />modification of amortization of the "um~ ,c:curr:d h~' Ihl~ Secunl)" InMrument granled b~" Lender 10 an)' !'tucccssor in <br />mterest of Borrower ..hall nol opC'nUe tu rdeaM:' I he hnblltl~" of the ongmal Borrower or Horrower', 'IoUCCC!iSOf'i 10 mterest <br />lender \hall nol be rcqum:d to commence PH)(."CC'dIn8-' aguln"il any \uccC'\snr 10 mter",1 or rcfu,e' In extend lime for <br />paymenl or otherwlr.e modify amortlla11on of the !'lum... !tt"l:ured h~ 1 hI"- SCl'unty In...trumenl by reason (,f uny demand made <br />by the onglnal Borrower or ]Jorrowcr', !tUCC~~iOr!t In Inlerest An~ fnrhe;JrancC' by !.ender In c"ercI"'In~ an~ nghl or remedy <br />\hull nol be a wal\'cr of or preclude the C'lI.crctsc of an~' nght (If rC'fIlcd)' <br />II. SU<<eUOn and AHlins Bound: Joinl and s....rat U.bllily: l'o..iJlllen. The"m cnnnl' nnd agreements of <br />thl!t Secunl)"ln"1rumenl !thaII hind Bnd benefit the 5UCCC\!tllr\ and Z1'Mgn!t (If [..cnder and I'-}rmwer. "uhJccl III the:- pro\'i~ions <br />of paragraph 17 fklrrOWer'fj, CO\'CIlanl!l, and agreement!!. ,hall be: Jlllnl nnd \e\oeral. An)' lJorrnwer \\ohn cO-\lgns Ihis SC'Cunty <br />InMrumenl bU1 doo nol eaeculC' che NOIC': (8) IS CO'\l(lnm~ chi, ~Cf:unl~ II1\rrumcnt onlllo morlgage. gram IInd con\'ey <br />Ihal Borrower\ mlC'rl:'\1 In the ProJlC:n) under Ihe Icrm, IIf thl' Se."1.'unl~ In..lrumenl. (h) I' fwl penl1nnlI)' nhhg.alcd to pay <br />Ihe "umi\ \ccurcd b} Ihl!\ SCL'unly In...lrument. nnd h't ap.rrC'\ th;lt I.endt"r and all) other Uorrmn'r muy agree 10 eXlend, <br />modify. forbear or make any IIccommodallnm, \1...lh regard hi Ih... I(Tm' 11'- thl'" St"l'Unl) In,Iru01t"111 ,Ir Ihe Note wllhom <br />thai Borrower'!. "on~nl <br />12, l.o.n C1a.raa. Ifth(" loan \C'Curcd by thl!t SCl:unl~ In"lrUI11("I1II\ \UhlC1:1 hi ~.Ii1"" ""hid. ,el.. ma,umum loan <br />l'hlll'j;O. Ilnd thnl lu", ... 6nllll)' Interpreled \0 Ihal Ihe Ifllcrco.l or ot h("r Imm ehargC"'\ t:nlla:lcd or In he collecled in <br />connection with Ihe' lOin C1Cetd th~ pemlllled hmlb. Ihen (a) an) \udl loun l'har~c ...hall he rcdu~:ed by Ihe amounl <br />nC'CC'!t"Ury 10 reduce Ihe charge' In 1he penmtlC'd hmlt, Dnd (hi an~ ,urn' already l'olla:led frnm nnrrnwer which cxceed(."lI <br />pcnml1cd limns Will he refunded 1u Burrower Lcnder mOl) t.'hou..e III make th" h~ rcducmg Ihe pnnC:lpal owed <br />under thC' NOle or h) malt.ll1g a duect pa)'ntellt 10 Uorro\lter If a refufHJ rt"dm'C\ pnnupal. I he: redul'tlull \ull be treated U\ u <br />panull prC'pa)'menl INlthOUI un) prep.a~mC'nf charge' under Ihe Nute <br />13, Leaislation AffectinK Lrnder~. Ript.. If ennelmenl .Ir C\plr:ltIlUl uf .J.rph~.uhk l.uw\ hU!l> the ctTecl of <br />rendenng Dn)' pro\ol!\llln l.Jfthe Nnte or Ihl' Sa:unl) In\IfUmenl uncnfnrceahk .h:t.orJmg t(llh lcrm~. LendC'r. DIll!. OPUOII, <br />mn)' require' Immedlale p.a~mcnl In full IIf all ..urn.. \CCured h~ thl' SC'l'Url1) In...rrUIl1L'nl and OlU) In\ukC' any rrmedlo <br />permllled h) raragraph IQ If Lender c~C'rL'I\C\ Ih", opium. LC'fuJC'r ,hall take IhC' '1C'f" 'pel...rficd In Ihe ~nlld rruragraph of <br />paragraph 17 <br />14, ~otirr.. An~ IIllth.:e 10 D(lrru~cr flfllltldct! for 111 thl\ SC'l-unt~ In,lrurnC'rH ,hall he gl\ell b)' deh\crmg n or h~ <br />mullm!; It b~ finot cla!a.\ mall unlC\s appllcahle' la\\ n:quuC"'\ u-.c ~,' ~l1Iolhr:r melhod "I he nolll"t' ..hall ~ thrcclr:d hi Ihe <br />Propc(1)" Addrn.. or iJn~ ulher addrC?t.' Borrower de\lgnalC"l h) nllllt.C' 111 I cnder An~ nllllL:e lU Lender ,hall be pl\-en by <br />fif1tl da" mallw Lender".. addrC'\ ..ullcd hcn:m or iJn~ other .lddn...... Lender dC\lgnalC' h) nlll1L:C IlllJorrU\\icr Any noUce <br />pTll\"lded for In lhl\ Sccunt) In",trument ..hall he Jecrncd III ha\e hcrll glltCIl 10 Hnrrn\\cr or LcmJer "hen gl\'en u' pro""lded <br />In t hl50 paragraph <br />IS. Goycmlna L..w: M1"crabllit)". Thl'lo St'\.urll~ In'trumenl ..hall hc gll\t'rned h~ fcderalla\\ and the law uflhe <br />JunschetJon In ,,"hJ(.'h Ihe f)ropcr1y I~ lOl.'"3tcd In lht' t'\ent lhut all~ prll\'ISHlO III t.:bJu"C' of Ihl!'l Set.:urll~ In...lrumr:nt or Ihe <br />Note COnnleh ""llh apphcable law. ...uch !:noftlct ..hall nnt affect olher prO\"I!lIOn~ tlllhl.. Sel,..unl~ In'lolfUment or Ihe." NOle <br />which can be gt\en dfcct u.'llhnur Ihe conthl.."unp prn'l"I~llJn Tn Ihl\ end Ihe prO\"I'll1n... of Ih" Se'....unl) In'lrumcnl and the <br />Note' are declared to he !lC'\ocnlble <br />16. Borrow~r's Cop)'. Borro","'er \hall be gl\Cn one conformed C(IP~ e)f the ~OIC um.lllf 1hl' 'iccuTlty In\trumcnt <br />17. Trander of tbeo Propert)' or a Beneficiallnternt in Bonower. If allm an~ rart of lhe Prnpcr1~ or an) <br />mlerC"!ilmI11!t \Old or lnmsferred (or If a beneficial mlere<ilan Borrower" ...old ur Iran..fC'rrt'd and Uorro\\'er" nol a nalural <br />pc'f'Onl U."l1hOUI Lendrr', pnor ""rllten com,cnl. Lender ma!, at 1I!t opunn, requlrt'" Itnnu:dlall' pa~mcnt In full of a.1I 'ium, <br />'IoCcured by thl~ Sccunt) In!llfumcnl. Howe\"e'r. lhl!!. opium ...hall nOl })(' e:\e'rnto.e:t..l h} I,endt'"f If t'ur....l\c I' prnhlhllcd by <br />frderalla..... as [lfthe date ofthJ!t Secunt~" In\lrUmenl <br />If lender ellerclses Ihl"o option. Lender ~hall gl\'C~ Borrower nollct" of 1Jl'L:clCfllllllfl Tht' 1I0llee ..hall pnwlde a pCrlod <br />nf notles, thDn ]0 day!) (wm the date the notice I' deh\~red or malle'd wllhln Whll'h HOrrll\\'Cr IOU'1 p<l) all 'e....un:d hy <br />Ihl\ Set.:url1)'ln'iitrumenl_ If Borro"cr fall\ 10 pal Ihese "urn... prlnr In lhe eXplTntlC1I1 of Itl1" rerllH..l, Lend~r ma) Invoke itny <br />rC'mcdics pcnnined bYlhl!! Securi1~' In'lrument wuhout further nollL:e or demand IlI1 BnrTf1\\ er <br />II. Borro.eor', RjKbI to Reinstate. If Borrower meet... (;("rtUII1 condlllon" Borro\\cr ,hall ha\oc fhL' nghl III ha\!.' <br />cnforcemrnl oflhls Sccurlly In!lrUmCnl dl\contlnucd 1U ilny lime pnnr 10 the l"arhL'r of lat ~ l1a\-'... (or 'IOI:h lllhL'r pcrulCt a.. <br />lIflJlhc3ble lau.' ma~" '\flC'Clf~ for felO\.Ialemenl) hdnre ....Ie (lflhe Prnpcny punuant III :In) pt\\\L'r I)' ,.:tlc L"l\lltamcd In Ih" <br />Securlly Im,trumcl1l, or (b. enlry of a Judgmenl ("nfore;ng Ih" Sccunty In"'lrument Thll'l.' ,..:llnUl1ll1n... llfe Ihill nllrr-",u,C'r <br />4a) palo" tender all ""urn" \\ohlC"h then wuuld he due under rhl' Sa:unl\' In"Humen! and Iht.' SOil" IHld 11(1 a,,",,:deralhHl <br />OC:i.:urred. (bt curn al1~ default of any olhcr cOH:nan1!l. or agreemcnl,,'fd pa).. ,111 npen\C'... III....urrcd In enforL:In": 1111' <br />So:un1li In\trumt'nl, Includmg. hut nol limited to. retl'\Onuhlc allClrney..' fen" ;md 1c.1) IltlC"o ...udt ;telHm a\ I.endrr mil) <br />rCllwn.llb1~" require In 3.\\urC' Ihal the hen of 1hl' Se1.'Unl) In,!rument, I.("Jlder.... n;dlh In Ihe Pft'pl.rt~ and (l'lrrll"H'r\ <br />nbha,lJ,lwf1 10 p.1~ 'he '\urn.. \('t'ured h~" Ihl\ Sl":lIn!~" In'\trumt"f1f ..hull c:onllOUI." unl'h!tf1tzt"u l"p~'n rl"III'I,IIl"tT1rIJI h\ <br />RnrrO\lllt'f, Ih,!' Sct-urH) In\.trumenl 1100t Ih(~ nbhgallllll'l ~l.:ured hnch\ ..h:11I remain full~ rlfn:I I" ,. ;>... If 011 ;\ll't'!rl ;1111111 h,ul <br />'l(:L~urrro tlo'Wot"\"l"r, Ihl\ r1(::tll In rcmt,lal(' dl.llilllnt appl:. In rllt' ,-lI...("..f ,]1. i..f'Il"Y;llulI' lIlllk, P,I' liP' aphl, 1 t I" I ~ <br />