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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fallows: <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due <br />the pnncipa) of and interest on the deht evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insuranee. Subject to applicable law or to a wriumw.aiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on ,he day monthly payments are due under Ihe NOIe. un,il the Note is paid in filII. a sum ("Funds") equal to <br />one-twelfth of: (a) yearly and assessments which may auain priorilY over this Security Instrument; (b) yearly <br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property. if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly <br />mortgage insurance premiums. if any. These items are called "escrow items.'. Lender may estimate the Funds due on the <br />basis of current datn and reasonable estimates offuture escrow items. <br />The Funds shall be held in all institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items. <br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds. analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items. unless <br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and <br />Lender may agree in wriling that interest shall be paid on the funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires ir.lerest to be paid. Lender shall nol be required to pay Borrower Bny interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower. without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit 10 the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by <br />th,s Security Instrument. <br />If ,he amount of the funds held b~. Lender, together with the future monthly pyments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of the ocrow items. shan exceed the amount reqUIred to pay the escrow items when du~. the excess shall be. <br />al Borrower's opuon. euher promptly repaid to Borrower or credited 10 Borrower on monthly payments or Funds. Ir the <br />amount of the Funds held by lender IS nol sufficient to pay Ihe escrow lIem!t when due. Borrower shall pay 10 Lender any <br />amount necessary to make up the defiCiency In one or more payment!<. a~ requlrcd by lender <br />Upon payment In full of all "mm!l secured by this Secun!)' In~tTumcnt, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower <br />any fund, held by Lender. If under paragraph I q the Property" ,nld nr acqu'R-d by Lender. Lender _hall apply. no later <br />than Immediately pnor 10 the ~Ic of the Propert)' nr 1I!l a..:qu"'ll1on hy Lender. an~ Fund~ held h)' lender al Ihe lime of <br />llpphcallun a,'t a credil agaJOM the !turns secured by thl" SecunlY In...uumenl <br />J. Application of Payments. Unl~s applicable law prn\llde\ t'therwIse. all paymenh recel\'ed by Lender under <br />paragraph, 1 and 2 _hall be applied: first. 10 lale charges due under the ~ote. _econd, \0 prepayment charges due under lhe <br />Nole; third. to amounl_ payable under paragraph 2; founh. 10 mter",t due; and la_t. to pnncipal due <br />4. Charln; Liens. Borrower ",hall pay all ta~C\. a\.~!<t.mcnl'. charge-.. fino and ImpO'!iltlOns altnhutuhlc 10 the <br />Propcny which may aU am pnont) over thiS Secunty In!ttrument. and le3,ehlrld paymcllt!t or ground rcnl~. If any <br />Borrower shall pay Ih~ obllgallons 10 the manner prOVided In flaragraph~, Of Ifonr paid In thai manner, Burruwer shall <br />pay 'hem on I1mc dlrectl)' to Ihc pc:r.lln olA'cd paymenl. IJnrrClwer ..hull prnmpll~' furml\h In tendt'r nil nnl1cC'Io (If amounl~ <br />10 be paid under Itll~ paragraph If Borrnwer makC'i thC'\e paymC'nt.. dua:I!). llorrl1",er ,hall promptl}' rurm..h In l..ender <br />receipts, C'vldem:mg the payment' <br />Borrower ~hal1 promptly discharge ~my hen ",,'hlch hd.\. pnnnl~ o\cr lill' SC'4.:urlly (n'!rumenl unlC\, Durrower_ ell) <br />a~rl:C5 m wnlmg In lhe paymell1 oftheobhgalulU \Ccurcd hy Ihe hen III a manner Ul.',,'cptable In Lendef, (h) ,,'llnlett'!i 10 good <br />fauh the hen b). Of dcfC'nd~ agalO'!i! enforcemenl of lhe hen 10, legal proceedlO~~ ",,'hll.'h In Ihc tc.u.Jcr', nplnlun operate '0 <br />prc\'entlhC' cnfon:emc:nl of the hen or forfeiture of any part nf Ihl" PWflCrll, nr tel 'L....ur~ frllm Ihe holder oflhe Iicn on <br />agreement sall~faClof)' 10 lender ,ubtndmatll1f.llhC' hen 10 thl~ Secunl~ In\trurnenl If Lendcr dctenmn~ Ihal an~' part of <br />the Property 1!Io !lIubJcct In a Iten wlu"h ma)' attain pnnnt) u\c-r thl'" SC'I.:unl) In!tl1umenl. LCl1dC'f ma)' {!:I\'C: lJorrower a <br />nollce: Identlfymg the hen 8c.Jrro\\'C'r !lohull ~II!lofy the hen m lake nne or ml'll" llflhe acllon~ ,,--c' ronh abme \\'11111010 day' <br />oflhe gtVlng of nOll,e <br />s. nazard In5uranc:e. (klfrn",,-er ,hall kttp Ihe Impn1\t'mcnl' 11lI" c\I!l.lIng or hcreufler erected un the IJropert) <br />In!lured aga.n!llll~~ by fire. haurd!!. Included ",,-'llhln Iht' tenn "c'lcndnJ Cll\CrattC'" and an) ()Iher hazard.. fur which Lender <br />rcqulfo m~urancc. Thl!l In!l.uran..:c !thaI! ~ malnlilmrd In Iht: amounl' and for ,he pc:noli\. that Lender requlre'\- TIlt' <br />In!turuocC' carner pro\lldmg ,he 1n!luranc-t' !lohall he chn~n h~ Uorrl'\\cr ,uhle...:1 hi Ll"nt.1er', appC<<l\'ul \\' '!ihall nol be <br />unreaMlnablv wnhheld <br />AlIl~surancc pohC10 and renewal!\ ",hall be llCL"cpUthlc hi Lt'IU!r. and ,hullll1c1udc u ,tandllfd monga~e duu!lC' <br />Lender !Ihall ha\'C' thC' TIght to hold the pohclo and rCI1C'\\ul!lo If tcnoe. requlTC". IklrrnlAC'r shall plumpll)' gl'\iC' In Lender <br />nil rccci(lts of paid premlum!l. and renewal nollen In Ihe C'\el1lllll..t\;!lo, lJurrll\'Cr ,hull ~l\C' prompllloUce In Ihe m~uran..:e <br />carner and Lender. Lender mu)' make prouf of 1m,s If nlll made' prt1mpll~ h~ Uorro"'c, <br />Unl~ Lender and Borro~'er otl1er'A-'I!'c agree In ....'nllnp.. lII'UHUIl':C l'ft"Ct.-d." ,hall he: appheLllo fC'ltllratlOn or rcpalr <br />of the Propen) damaged. .f Ihe n:MllraUun ur rC'palr 11t C1o:unum.c.alJ~ fC'aMble and lender', 't.'l."unty I'" nol lo\C'ned If Ihe <br />restoration or repair I~ nol economical!) fea'lble or Lender", ,"eL"Unl} \\oulo be lo..encd. the In!lurancC' proceed, ...hull be <br />apphed tllthe !tum~ !lC'Curcd b)' Ihl'-' Secunt) Im..trumcnt. ....hclhcr o. nut Ihell due. "'lIh an)' C'Il.CC"S paid 10 Dorro\\-cr- If <br />Borrower abandons the Propcn). or dllC!t nol am.....'er ""1111111 ,'\0 day... a 1101l..:C' frum Lender Ihat Ihe lI1'rourance carner ha!o <br />offered to 'tCltle a d:um. thcn lender ma)' collectlhe lO~uranct' procct'd, Lender mB) u~e the procc:ed!lo tn repair or r(!Slore <br />Ihe Propen)' or 10 ra~ ,um!ro \CC'ured h~ 1hl' SccUfll} In\lrumenl. \\hClhc:r or nol Ihen due, The .\O-day pcnnd \\"111 began <br />when Ihe notice l'!i ~I\cn <br />Ulllcs~ LC'f1der and olhcf'\\'I~e <tgTt.~ In .... filing. an) apphcatHlIIlIf proceeds to pnnl."lpal ,hall nol eAlend or <br />po51(klnc the duc date of the monthly payment' referred to III paT3graph!o 1 and:! Of change Ihe amount of the paymenl,. If <br />under paragraph 19 the IJropc:n} l!l acquired b) Lender. Borw""-'cr'"" nghl In any' lO\uranL't' pohcu:~ and proceeds rC"ulrlOg <br />rrom damage to Ih~ PropC'n)' pnor 10 the acqUisition ...hall pa\' to Lender to Ihl: (',-tent tlf rhe ,um.. 'ccured h~ rh" SC'CUflIY <br />tnslrumentlmmedl3tcl)' pnur 10 I he acqmSll10n <br />6. Presenation and l\taintena8ft 0' Property; Leasebnlds. ,hall fHII dC'IH'~' damage or ,uh!ttanll3lly <br />change Ihe PropenYl aUou.' Iht' Propen) to detenonuC' or commU waMC. If th., SCl.:urll) In'trumcnl I!\ on a Ic-d:-.ehold. <br />Borrower sh..U eompl)' Yo'lIh Ihe pn'l\lsl(m!lo or,he lc:aM:, and 1f Dorro\\'er acquires fee !ltk 10 tht' I.rtlpcrl~. (he lea...chold and <br />f<< tiUe shall nol merge unl~s Lcnder agrees (Q Ihe merger 111 Yo'nnng, <br />7~ Protectioh or Lcnckr., Rights in the Property; :\lortKJI~e Insurance. If Uorw\\cr fall, hl perf(lrm the <br />co...enants and agrecmcnts. conlamed In Ihl~ Security Inslrumen1. nr Ihere" a 1C'~al procecdlll!{ thaI ma~ 'Igmfic.:,mtll affect <br />Lender's nlht!. in Ihe Propert)' (~uch as a proceeding 10 b:mkruptcy. pruhalc. for 4.:ondemnallllll or tll ('nfnrce In\\', or <br />regulations), then ln1dcr ma)' do and pay for \\-'hatC\'er l'!i nO:C1I~ry 10 prolcl.t rhe ..alue of lhe Propert~ and lender', nght, <br />10 the PropeT1)'_ Lendcr'!. ac1ton~ ma~ IOdul!c paying any \um\ \t..~Ufed h). a ht'n ....hKh hu, pnllrll) o\er Ihl.. Srcunl) <br />In!lolrument. appearing In coun. papng rea!KJI1uble Dttorney~' fee\ and entering l'll Ihe Pr(lpl'rl~ 10 maJ..e It'paln Al1hnu~h <br />Lender may take acllon undcr rhl~ paragraph 1. under doC'...nl1l ha\-c In dt) '0 <br />Any arnoul1l\dl",bu~ hy tL"llder under thl~ paragraph ., ~hall ~Ilme aJdlllOnal dchlllt Bprhl"'Cf """1:urc:J h~ 1111" <br />Security lO!olrumC'nl llnlC'\, Borrower Hnd lender agree (0 otht'r leTln' (If pa~ ml'n!. lht......c .InIPunl.. ,IJ;,II hear 1IllefC"1 frilnl <br />the dale of dlSbul'Cmcnl I.'ll Ihc NOh,. rale and \hall he Jla~ablt'. "tlh tlller,,"'l, UP,'ll tllllll..'1' lfllm l,t'fUjl'f II' HnIYtI"H'r <br />requeun{t pa) menl <br /> <br />88-104553 <br />