<br />88- 104553
<br />
<br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covcnant and agree as follows:
<br />19. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender sball give notice 10 Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's
<br />breacb of any covenant or agreement in Ibis Security Instrument (but not prior 10 aceelerallon under paragraphs 13 and 17
<br />unless applicable la.. provides olherwlse), The notice sball Sl"'Clfy: (a) Ihe default; (b) Ihe action required to cure the
<br />default; (c) a date, noli... Ihan 30 days from Ibe date Ihe notice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured;
<br />and (d) that fallure to cure Ibe default on or before the date specified In Ibe notice may result In acceleration of Ibe sums
<br />secured by Ibill Security Inslrument and sale of Ibe Property. The nolice shall further inform Borrower of the right to
<br />reinstate aner acceleration sad the righl 10 bring a court action to assert Ihe non.exlslence of a default or say olber
<br />defense of Borrower 10 acceleration and sale. Ifthe default Is nol cured on or before the dale sl"'Cified In Ihe notice, Lender
<br />at Its oplion may require immediate payment In full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument wllbout further
<br />demand and may Invoke Ibe power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to
<br />collect all expenses incurred in pnrsulng Ibe remedies provided in tbls paragrapb 19, Including; hut not limited to,
<br />reuoll.lble altomeys' fees and costs oftille e,idence.
<br />If Ibe power of sale is. invoked, Trustee ,baJJ record a notice of defaull In each county In which any part of the
<br />Property Is located and shall mall copies ofsucb notice in Ibe manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower sad to Ibe
<br />otber persons prescribed by applicable la... After Ihe lime required by applicable law, Trustee shall give public nolice of
<br />sale to tbe persons and in Ibe manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on ~orrower, shall selllbe
<br />Property at public aoclion 10 the blghesl bidder at Ibe lime and place and oneler Ihe terms designated In Ibe notice of sale in
<br />one or more parcels and in any order Trustee delermlnes. Truslee may poslpone sale of all or any parcel of Ibe Property by
<br />public announcement al Ibe lime and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or il5 designee may purdulse Ibe
<br />Property al any sale.
<br />Upon recelpl of payment of lbe price bid, Troslee shall dell,er to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying Ibe
<br />Property, The recllals In Ihe Truslee's deed sball be prima facie e.idence of Ihe lrulh of Ihe Slalemenl5 made Ihereln.
<br />Trustee shall apply Ihe proceeds of Ihe sale in Ihe follo..lng order: (a) 10 all expenses of the sale, Including, bul not limited
<br />to, Truslee's fees as permitted by applicable la.. and reasonable attorneys' fees: (b) 10 allIUm. secured by Ibis Security
<br />lD5trument; and (c) any exceu to Ibe person or persons legally enlilled 10 II.
<br />20, Lender In Poues.lon. Upon accelcration under parngraph 1 q or abundonmenl of the Property. Lender (in
<br />pers"n. by agenl or by judicially appoimed receiver) shall be entilled to enter upon. take possession of and manage Ihe
<br />Propeny and to collectlhe rem, of Ihe Propeny including those past due. Any renls collecled by Lender or Ibe receiver
<br />shall be applied finl 10 payment of Ihe cosls of managemem of the Propen)' .nd colleclion of rents. includmg, but nol
<br />hmiled to. receIVer's fCe!I. premiums un receiver's bonds nnd reasflnable atlorJle)'~' fce::!i. and Ihen to the sums secured by
<br />Ihis Securily Inslrumenr.
<br />21. Recon,eyance. Upon p.yment of all sums secured by Ih.. S.,,:unt)' lnslrumenl. Lender shall requ"'l Truslee 10
<br />reconvey Ihe Propeny and shall surrender Ihis Securily Instroment and.1I noles eVldencmg debt secured by Ihis Secunly
<br />Inslrumenllo Truslee. Tro'lee sh.1I recon.ey Ihe Property WllhoUI warr.nly nnd wllhout charge 10 Ihe person or persons
<br />legally enlitled to II. Such person or penons sh.1I pay allY recordalion <os's.
<br />2l. Subltltule Trullee. Lender. allts opllon. may from lime (o1lme rcmoyc: Trustee ond appomt n succcssor Iruslee
<br />'0 any Trustee appomled hereunder by an mslrumeOl recorded 10 Ihe counlY 10 which IllIs Secunty Instrumenl is recorded.
<br />Wilhout con.eyane<: of Ihe Propeny. the suee..",r lruslee shall ,u<ceed 10 alllhe IIlle, ,>oW" and dUlies conferred upon
<br />Troslee herein and by applicable'aw.
<br />23. Requesl 'or NoUcea. Borrower requesls Ihal cop.es of Ihe nolice' of default and ..Ie be sent 10 Borrower's
<br />address which iSlhe Propeny Address.
<br />24. Riden to tbls SecurUy lnatrament. If one or more nden are e.ecutro by Borrower and recorded logelher wilh
<br />Ihis SecurilY Instrumenl. Ihe covenanls and agreemenls of each such nder ,hall he IIIwrporaled iOlO and shall amend and
<br />.upplemenl Ihe covenanls and agreemenls of thIS SecurilY (n..rumenl .. If the nderCs) were a pan of IhlS Securily
<br />Instromenl. (Check applicablebo.(c:s))
<br />o Adjuslable Rale Rider [] CondommlUm R,der ~ 2-4 Family Rider
<br />
<br />o Gradualed Paymenl Rider
<br />
<br />[J Planned Unll Devdopment RIder
<br />
<br />o Olher(s) (specify I
<br />
<br />By SIGNING BELOW. Borrower occopl> and agrees to the lem" and <oven.nl' conlamed
<br />Instrumenl and 10 any nder(s)e.eculed by Borrower and9[;recONed wllh; II Itk.
<br />
<br />
<br />s A. Jth.e
<br />
<br />~fn~
<br />
<br />Susl"e H. White
<br />
<br />in this SecurilY
<br />
<br />...........ISeaI)
<br />-80",,...,
<br />
<br />.....(Seal)
<br />-80.......
<br />
<br />ST A TE 01' NEIlR"S~".
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County.....:
<br />
<br />On lhi!. 17th du)' of August .19 88. hl'fon" IlH.'. (he unJc"'I~HH:d. u Notary Publk
<br />dulycommissionedandqulllificd for'iaidcoumy.personall~,..:amt' James A. White and Susie H. White,
<br />each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each other ,Ill me knO\\lIlll hl'thl'
<br />identical pcrsonht \\'ho~e nnmc(li.) arc "iub!icrihcd to Ihe foregoing m'lruf1It.'nl and .h:knu\\kdgcd Ihl' t:'\l'\:wjon
<br />thereof 10 be the i r \o!untary act and deed,
<br />Wilnes\m)' hand nnd nOlarial..C'al [I( Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />dale .for...ld.
<br />
<br />III ,.ull l.:llUlIIY, 1h<.'
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<br />
<br />My Commi..ioll C'''"C''~(I. ,1':'.- If/I'
<br />
<br />The' undC'r\igncd i.. lhe holder of Itll.' null' 01 "ntC'o, \l.'l.'urrd h\. rhl\ I ked III 1111" .....i1ld 1I\11l' III 11Illl'~. tll~~,ht'r
<br />v.ntl..1I olher I1nh:tHf"dnc..~ \i.~'urecJ Py Ihl~ Ut."("d of 1 rll'il. hn\.C' nt'(On pil1d III IIIII ',1\1 .IIl' hrlrl", ,I,rl'lll'd "'latlle! ~.II(1
<br />nOl<' c.,. nOIe:' 3UJ Ihh Deed nt Tnl\I, "-1114.'11 ml'de1'H"rcd hl'Tl'h\. illld III fl'lllll\n, \~lthplll \~;lIlanl\. alll11l" nt,lll
<br />IUt"'" hrld h)! ~-ou under (hi" Ill'ell IIf tltl\l 10 Ihe penon III prl"OI1.. kFlitll\ l'lllllh'" thnl'l'l
<br />
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