<br />88- 104531
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENASTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fo11ow*'l;
<br />I. Pay'ment of Principal and Interest: Prepayment and Late Charges. Bor'ower ,hall promptly pay when duc
<br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment anJ lale charges due under the Note.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject 10 applicable law or to a wriuen waiver by Lender, Borrower !-ohall P;lY
<br />to under on the day monthly paiments are due under 'he Note, unLiI the Note is paid in full. a sum ("Funds") cquallO
<br />onc-twc:lfth of: en) yearly tnxt:\ and assessments which may aHain priority over this Security Instrument; tb) yearly
<br />leasehold payments or ground rent' on the Property, if uny; Ic) yearly hazard insurance premiums: and (d) yearly
<br />mortgage insurance premiums. irany. These: items are called "escrow items:' Lender may estimate the Funds due on the
<br />basis of current data and reasonable estImates of future escrow Item:~.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an Institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an inst;tul1on). Lender ,hall apply the Fund, to pay the escrow items.
<br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items, unless
<br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fund.!. and applicable law pennits Lender to make !luch a charge, Borrower and
<br />Lender may agree in writmg that mteresl shall be paid on the Fund~, Vnle....s an agreement I~ made or applicable law
<br />requires interest to be paid, Lender "hall nol be reqUIred to pa~ Borrower any lntcresl or eannngs on the Funds, Lender
<br />shall give to Oorrower, WlthOUl charge, an annual accountmg oflhe Funds ~howing credits and dcbll~ to the funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to Ihe Fund!'t was made. The Fund, are pledged a~ additional secunty for the sums secured b~.
<br />this Secunty Instrum.::nl.
<br />If the amount or the Funds held h~ Lende" logcther tnth the ruture monthly payment' or Funds payahle pnor to
<br />the due dates of the e~ro\\' lIt'm~. ,,-hall exceed 1he amount rcqum:d to pa) the ~cro\\' Hems. when due, the C.1l.ces...... shall be.
<br />al Dorrower', opllon, either promplly repaid to Borrcw,'er or crt:dl1oo h' Borrower on monthly paymenh of Funds. If the
<br />amount of the Fund!!. held hy Lender IS nol !tufficlcnt 10 pay Ihe ~C'TOW Item!<o when due. Borrower ,hall pay to Lender an)
<br />amounl "eco.~ry 10 make up IhedeficlC~"C:Y In one nr mon: ra~mcnl' U~ n:qulfed by Lender
<br />UJX-'" payment 10 fulInf all ,um~ ,ecured hy thl' SC'curH~ In...trumcnt. Lendcr ",hall prumptly refund to Borrower
<br />an)' Fund!t held by lender If under paragruph IQ lhe Propen~ I' ,old llr al,.'4ulrt.'1i by Lender. lender \hall apply, no later
<br />than Immedlutcly pnor 10 the \ale (If the I'ropcrt~ IIr II' al.'qul,l1lUn h~ l.emkr, .111\ Fund... held h) Lender at the time of
<br />apphcallon U~ a aedn agaln~t the ,urn, \,ecurrtl hy lhl' Secunl~ In'trulnenl
<br />3. Application of IJ1)'ments, t 'nl('\, applu.:ahle la\\. pr(\\.ldc... ,lIhe:(1.\"(', ..tll pa~01C'nl' rt.~el\L"d h~ Lender under
<br />paragf3ph!r. I ami ~ '!Ihall be arphcd h"'t. 10 laic L'har~C' dllt.' under lhe: '"(t.' 'L"".:lmd, III rrepa~ ment charge.. due under the
<br />Note. thud. to aml1unh J'U~ahle under rara~rarh ~. fourth, III ullerC'\1 dut." am! Ja't, ((' pnnL."lpal due
<br />4. ('1Iargn; IJen5, IJnrrl1\1tcr ..hall ra~ alll:uC'o. .1....e"n1cnh. l har~t."', fine" and Imptl\lIlOn' aunhu1ablt.' 10 the
<br />Propcrl) which :na) aU:un pnorlt~ "\.er ItH'l Sc'\:unl\ In..trulnr:nl. .InJ h:'a...dwhJ ra~mclII' nr gTl'und renh. If an~
<br />lJorro'4cr ..hall pa) thC"tC' ohh~alltln"lf\ tht' mallm" rrtHdot'd III pM.1j.:raph:, Ilf llnnl pau,t In Ihal manner. UI'rwwcr ...hall
<br />pa~ them llntlmC' direct I) tn the pcrlloun ll,-,nJ P;l)n1C"1l1 Bl1fff'\'\.C"1' ...halll'rtlll1p'l~ fuml,h hI l.cuocr all nol!l:C""o t,f amounh
<br />III ht.- paul undcf Ihl\ parn~raph If Uorrtl\\,cr malL"' Ih("~ 1';I\mcnl" dnn,1h. nOHm\Cr ...h,,1I pTPmpll~ fUfTl.,h 10 Lender
<br />r('\.'(,lpl!o e\'uJcllt:1Ilg (he: pa~'mcn"
<br />llorTnVtcr ..hall prompt'1\ dl,""'haflIc ;1I1~ IIc" " t11\. 11 ha... pnonl) Ol,C"f Ih!'1t SC'\.'unl~ In..uumclII unlC', BllrtI1\\('r (a)
<br />"8r", 111 "Hlun~ to the pa)rl1ent ot thc IIbhgalllll1 'oC'L.urC'd"~ Ihe hen In a m:.al1ner at:i:C"planle tl1l.cnocf. Ih) L.'tJulc:"h III ~(kld
<br />fanh Ihe hen h). or defend\ agBIn" CnflJn:C'menllllthe hen m, le~.al pfuccn.hng.. ....hlcJllIl the l.ender... Opll1111111lpcratL' hI
<br />pre\em Ihe ~nf(1n.'C1nenl of the hen or forfcHure of .In) parlllf the IlfC1pt"rI~, (IT (d ..a,;UTC"\ from IhL" holdcr llllhL' hen an
<br />ap:recmcnl uu",fal;lUr) to Lender "uh(lHlm.stm~ the ht'u 111 thl' ")C\:unl\ lu...lrunu:nt If lender dclC"rmml"' Ihal "n~ parl tit
<br />IhL" 1'I'I1(1l'rl) I" '\uhJC\:1 In a hcn ....,tulo."h f11.J~ ilu;un prlllrll\ mer lhl\, St,."l.:unl~ 11l,lrumelll. LendcI rua) t::1\.c Unrw'Acr a
<br />nolh.:e .dc-nllf)'m!; the IIl~n B.llrrn\\er ..hall ....11..'" Ihl" lIt'n or l;Jle IIl1e t,r I11llre lit the .Klhlll' ..el fpnh .1.....I\e.- \\Ithlll III d,,)\
<br />of Ihe gl'loU11t uf nullce
<br />5. naurd Ins.ur.nc~. Umro'AC'f ..h"lI ,,"Cl"p 1h(' unprl1\t'l11clIl' 1111\\ 1.''''1111': lU hC"rc,J,f'tcf l.'InICLI PII Ihe I'wpc'rt)
<br />m'luln14~alll\1 h~,. h~ IHe. ha'4rd~ mdudC'd "lIhln Ihe' (('rm "t...lclHlcd l.:t'\.C'n:~c" aud .111\ 1\lht'I ha/4ud.. 1.11 "hlL h 1.1..IILler
<br />rcqulfC'\ ID!lurant:c I hi" III"'UlaIlL.'C ..hall he nuulltamn.1 UI the .Inltlun'" .tlllJ fllr Ihe.- ['("1111(1.. Ih.ll I endl.'r InJllIrc, Ihe
<br />I1I\,UI311..:(" carner pltl\.ldl1lj.: Ihe m..Ulillll't' \'hall Or ...hl"'.cn 11~ Utlffll....er ...u\1lnl 1\1 I L'ni.lef" "PJl','\,J1 \\. Ill... It ,hil111ll11 he
<br />unrc3....'natll) ...nhhcld
<br />All m~uranL'r pt.lht.:lt""l l..nd II:lIe'lll.al... ..tl.JlJ h(' ,J......:C'f11ahk III 1 endt'r .Il1d ,h.lUlu...ludc.J ,tantldrd n"Ir1IM~C' dau,e
<br />Lender ..hall h3"C' Ihe ngln hi holllthe fM1hLIC'o ,md rt"nc" ai, If I ('nde. f"'4U1rC"\l. Uorfl1....e. ...Iull ph1mpll\ ~I\.C III tcmJer
<br />all rcXC1pl!I or paul prclnlum!'t .Ind ren...",alllotlcc."\ In the C'"clIl 'It II"", (tnrfln\er ,hall 10:11,(" pftlmpl 1I1111...t' lolhe H1'UnU1L'C
<br />t.'arnc-r noLi Lender 1.('l1oer ma) 111.1kc rru'.llllll11.....lr Iwl made" prompt I) h~ UUrrtl"Cf
<br />linin... Lender and Ilornn,u""r (llhcr\ltl...e at;rC'e 111 \\flhnt;. lI1..urlJu..c rruLt.'nl.. ...h.lll he .IrphnllCl fL"tl1r~"UHl or rcpiur
<br />of chl:' Pn1pt!r1) dam3~('d, If Iht' fntllralllltl llr repaH I.. C'l.:onPlmL.:o1.ll) fC3"hlc iSm! I t.'Ihlcl'., ",('L'Ufll~ " UIII ic...'Cned If tllt'
<br />r~lllr..t.llnn llf rcpaH I' mIl C'l..t'rH'ml~all~ le.il~I"k 1'1 I C'lIdC"I'\' -.c"\.:Ufll) '-',Iuld he:- I~....:'ned. Ihl' I.nuranlc pftxccd\ ..hall he
<br />applied 1l11he ..um... \C'\,'ured O} t}u... Sa.:unt~ In...lrunletl1. \l,hc:thC"r lIr 0111 then duc, '-'lIh iSn~ nl.C""o' p..Ild to U1Irro\ltcr II
<br />Borruwer abandou!llhe I'ropen), \" Jl~ \\Ot .tn,"cr 'AlIhm .10 oa)'.1 nlllll.:c fn,'ll I cnocI tll.JI {ht' In,urani:C' t.:arner h3'
<br />otfc:rC'd to \C'ulc a d.:l1m. Ihel1 I cnder m~~ t:(,II~'t the Hl1o,UraOF..e Pfll\:c'n,J... l.ender ma~ u...~ thc prtlit..C'Cd' I" rt'p.tlr IIr rC"\lUre
<br />the Propcn) tlf 10 pa~ ..urn' ,C\.'urt'd o~ lhl" Sc-t.unt~ (n..1rume.-nt, ~ht'1he:r .\r nol 1hen due rhc lO-da) peflt'''.! ~III hcllm
<br />~'hen the noUce I'" gl\.CII
<br />lln~C\.'" lender and H(lHII"t"1 ~\lh(,Nl'C' ap,rcc III Wfl1tn~, an~ appl1L"alltm ll~ rrllt.:~Cl,j.., III pnn....lpa\ ,hOlIl TH II C'\ll'nd 11f
<br />pottlpone the due date of tht' monlhl~ ri]~mcnl" rderred to In para~raph.. 1 ,.nul ~ nr changt' the amnunl pt Ihl' I'.., fIIt'nl" It
<br />under paragraph lq the Propcf1\ I' ucqulred b) Lend.:r. Dorw\\cr'.. f1~hl 111 an' lf1\'uram.:c ~,ltt:lc:--. and ['lil\.<"t't1' rC"1ulttl1lZ
<br />frmn damage 10 Ihe Properl ~ "nor to I hC' acqul..uwn ,hall pa.... to Letll.kr lei the l: ,lent (If 1 he ,urn, 'I...... urcJ h\ I h,.. ',,'1. uf II \
<br />In\,1rumenllmmcdli1lcl) prlOl In the at:4ul\,lIlon
<br />6. Prrwnation.net 'Iainten.nee of I'ro~r')': uaseholds, lklrro\\.cr ..hall n(1t de"ln'). d.lm.l~c ,1f ..uh..I.IIIII.III\
<br />i:hilJ1~c the Pwperty, nUll"" Ihl' Pn'pcrt~ tll d~t('Tltuate or Il.-ommlt ....a'le 1f Ihl' Sct.:unl~ In'lrUT1ICll1 I' on .J 1t.';1-.ch"ld
<br />BorToa.cr ....hall cvmp)) \Io"lIh the pnwllo.h1n,.,f the lea\-C', and If B(1rrov.cr a~qU1rt" fee tllle l(l the l'I"prn~ lhe kil'l\"h"lll .Jud
<br />fee tide ~h1l1l not merge unle\~ Lender 3~rCOt to Ih!:' merger 10 wnllng
<br />74 Pro1Ktion or Lcndero'li Rightl in the IJroperty: 'lorlPKe Insurance, If Ullff i1\.\. I.., f.lIl.. I.' pC",lllrlll !tH.
<br />co\"cnanl" and agrecmenh t.:ol1lamC"d 1I1,11I'~ SeL'unl~ 1"..lrument. or lhC"re I....) 1L""i!<J1 rn'lCttdll1~ lh.lt m.l\ "1~ll1ft..arlll\ ,11'ed
<br />Lcndc:r'ft nghl~ 10 the I'roperty t'!lul.:h a~ a procecdll1iZ In oankruph:\ prl1hale, fl,r l,tllldcmnal"ln lIf II' Cnll'll,\" la"'''' liT
<br />rcgulnllOn\l,lhen under ml.lY dn llnu pa~ for "hnte\.er I' nc:cC\'ar~ 111 pn11C'1,.'llhc \alut" I\flhe P'llpt'n~ and I t.'lukr.... r1~hh
<br />In the Profl(rlY Lender'" .J.l.:lU'"' ma~ IOdudc pUYlIlg an~ ..um!'t ,el:ured hI, ,I !1l"fl l\.hh.:h 1M' rllllfll\ PH" Itl!" ....nunllt
<br />1l1!itrumenl, appcann,it In cl1url. pa)lOg rell'lm:Jhll" allorne~'. fCC\ anJ cnlt.'rlll~ I'n Ihe" Prllr....t1~ II' malt.t' Icp.llr" ..\llh,'ullh
<br />Lender ma)"lakC' acllnn undef Ihl\, f'ar;t~rarh'. l.ender doc'!! nol h.a\.C' 10 dl' ...,'
<br />An) alTluunt' tlldlUr,cd h) I L""ndC'f undcf th" paragraph" ..hdll t.CLI'lT1l' ,.~tdllll'TJ;lI .1('111 .,1 li.lrTI\\~l" ""'l urt'd b\ lhl"
<br />Sccunt) In'trurnr:1l1 l'nlC'\'l Bt1Tn'....C'f ,lilt! I ,:nder .Igrct:' In lIlhl" ICTn'" {If ra\ mI.'"!"!. 1 tll'''l' ,lfllpunh ..hall heM '111C'fr"1 (, (l1Tl
<br />Ihl:' datt' of (h~"ur\.l"fl1rnl :II Ihe ".111' Ltl\" dl\d ..h;1I1 he pa\i\hle". "lIh ,nlcfl'..l IIp,'n I1..Ih.t' "..m Il'rhll'f 1,' Blllll'"l"r
<br />rcquC"\hnp: pa~ rI1r-fH
<br />