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<br />(Spac.e Aboye This Lme for RecorcSlng D.lt.ll
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<br />
<br />THIS DEED Of TRl!ST C"Secunty Inslwmen1")" made on August 16.
<br />19 88 Thelru,tor" Clifford Eo Steele and Meta L. Steele, e~ch in his and her own right,
<br />and dS spouse of each o:her ("BorTo\A'er") Th~lrustccl~ Earl D. Ahlschwede
<br />f "T rusree") TlH:' beneflctary IS
<br />The Equitable Building and Loan AS5oc:..atiun. ,\Ahlchl!!.l1rg3n1Zedandexlsung
<br />undcrthelawltof the State or Nebra_'ika ,and\Ahll'eaddr~"I' 113-115 North Locust
<br />Street, Grand Island. Nebraska 68801 ("Lender").
<br />Borro\\'cro\\oe\olenderthepnnclpal,umof Nine TIlousand and nollOO --------------------------
<br />___________________________ Dollar-.(l' S 50 9 UOO 00 I Thl,debt 1"~'oIden(cdb\ Rorro\\'er.~note
<br />dated lhe: !!.ame: dale a!l thl" Secunl> InMfumenl ("~nle"), \\hICh p~Il\ldC" fllr m(lnlhl~ pa)omc:nl!ol, .."Ih Ihc full debt.tfnot
<br />paldearher,dueandp.yableon September I. 1995
<br />lln~ Secunl)' In!.1rument -.ecurC"\ to Lender (allhe rcpayment of the den I e\ldcnced h~ the !\:ntc. with m(er~t, and all
<br />rencwal!... eUC11!1olOn~ and modlfkallon\, (b, the p.:J)'menl of all ,)(her '\unn., \lt1lh IfItcrnl. ad\unccd under paragraph 110
<br />proJect the ~unly ufthl"lo SeL:urJl) In'1rumenr, and (c) the- perf~lrmanl.:r of Oorro\\cr', co\,conanl.. and ;!l:!recmenl~. For lhl~
<br />p.urpu\e. Ourro,..cr Irre\'Oo.;abl~ ~rtlnI" and co"\e),rn 1 ru~I~. to Iru,1. wlIh f'l'\\Cf of -.ale. Ihe followm~ docnbed property
<br />
<br />localed In Ilall Coun.y, Nebr;"iol1;
<br />
<br />All of Lot Seven (]). in Bluck Fivt. {rd, uJ BOnntlo Brju' AddilllHl [Ll the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County. Nebraska,
<br />
<br />l51rt!r1lJ
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />~'tIJ
<br />
<br />wbleb has the address of
<br />
<br />1220 West 4th
<br />
<br />Nebra.iol1
<br />
<br />6880 I
<br />1111] Codel
<br />
<br />TOGETI1ER. WlTlI all (he ImproowCJnents now or hereafter erected on the propcny, and all ea~menl\. nghls,
<br />appurtenances.. rent'\, royalties. mmeral. 011 and gM nghts and profH!t.. watcoT rlghl!!. and \Iock and all fh.tur~ now OT
<br />hereafter a pan oflhe propcny. All replacemen.. and addlllom sha!l.i", be co\tred by Ih" Secunt) Inmumen. All "flhe
<br />foregomg is referred '0 m thIS Secun.) Instrument 85 the "Propcn) "
<br />
<br />BoRROWf,A COVENA.NTS thai Borrower 151 lawfully iC'1~ of the ~tale hereby (nn"c}'cd and ha~ the nlj(hl 10 grant
<br />and convC)' the Prope:ny and th31lhe Propeny is unencumbered, excepl for encumbruncC:\ of record Borrower wafTanl\
<br />and will ddend generally (he ulle to the Property against all c1s.1ms Bnd demands. ..ubJ~t..t to an> C"n("umhrI1n("~ Ilf rCl:ord
<br />
<br />("'Property Add,..,").
<br />
<br />THIS SEClHUr.- 1~'.nrRl'MENT combmClo umfonn cO\lenant~ fOf natumal u!>(' nnd non-Uniform \.\HC"llanr.. "'lth
<br />hmItM varlallon, by JunMin:f1on to conMUule a umfonn ~unly m':lolrUmenll"ll\-Cnn~ rt'aJ proper1~
<br />
<br />
<br />'ornl 3028 1'1 83
<br />
<br />....".. ,'" J~' ,""'.'" '.
<br />1.1IOO".:I-~',....,_.' '.. '". 'aoo 3.5.-....3.
<br />