<br />88- 104531
<br />
<br />If Lender requirr:d mortgage m~urancc as [1 condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument,
<br />Borrower sha1l pay the premiums reqUlred to maintain the insurance in effect until such lime as the requirement for the
<br />insurance terminates in accordance wllh Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law.
<br />8. Inspection. lender or Its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Prcperty. Lender
<br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with
<br />any condemnation or other lakmg of any part of the Property. or for conveyance 111 lieu of condemnation. are hereby
<br />assigned and shall be patd 10 Lender.
<br />In the c\-'cnt of 3 total t3kIng of the Propert)', the pf(lce~d" ~h.ull be applied 10 Ihe sums secured by this Security
<br />Instrument. whether or not Ihen due, with any eXccs~ p:ud to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property,
<br />unless Borrower and lender olherwlse agree 10 wnting, the sums ~ecured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br />the amoun: of the: proceed'i multlphed by the followmg fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately
<br />before the laking. dIVided by ihlthe fair market \'alue' of Ihe Property Immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be
<br />paid 10 Borrower
<br />Jf Ihe ProperlY I" ahandoned b~ Borrowcr. or If. after notice hj Lender 10 Borrower that Ihe condemnor offers to
<br />make un award or ~ctlle a dalm ftlr damage.., Borrower fall, tll rc'pond 10 Lcnder wuhm ~O day' after Ihe dUle the nouce is
<br />gl~en, lender I~ authonzed to collecl and apply (he prot.:c..~d~. 3111\ (\pllnn. euher to re."lluallol1 (Ir rep.ur of the Property or
<br />(0 the "urns s('curro h~' thl~ Sa.:unty ln~trum('nl, \\ ht'ther or nOlthen due
<br />L'llles.!'\. lender lJnd Rorrower othcr"'I!tt' agree m wTllmg. an) arpllcallon of pTl~ccd~ to pnnclpal shall not ex lend or
<br />poslpone Ihe due date of the rn(lOlhl) paymenl!'\. tcfc:rred III 111 paragruph!'\. 1 and:! Llr change the amount of !iuch paymenls.
<br />10. Borrower ~ot Released; Forbearance D). I.ender ""'ot II ''''ai,'er. EXlensum of the lime for payment or
<br />modlfical1on of amor1l1..atlOn of the ,urn.. ,cL"ured hy Ihl' Sel.."unt~ In~lTument gmnlc..'tI hy Lender 10 any ~uccessor m
<br />mteresl of BorroYt"C'r ..hall nOlll~ral(' 10 rdca..c the hnhlhl~ nl" the oTl~mnl BOrnl\.lo'er or Dorrnwer""i 'UC'CCS."OTS 10 mleresl.
<br />lender ,hall not he rcqulfl:d to ~ommt'n~c pro(t'edlnp;' :I~iJm'l ,Ul\ ..u....cC",,'r 111 mleresl Ilf refu."c 10 C:\lCO'" Ume for
<br />palmenl or nlhcnn!l.C modlf} nlllorhlatwn Ilf the ..UIn" 'el'ured hy 111\'. Sel."unl~ In..trumenl h~ re.aM1J) of an~ demand made
<br />b)' lhe ongmallJorrowcr or Burrower', "UI:,,"C',,",llp. 111 mler,",l ..\11\ fllrht"":uaIlL.C h~ l.ender 111 t"u'rct'lRf= <1n~ Tlghl ,u remedy
<br />"hall nnt be- a \1o'Ul\.r:r or or preclude the: C'UfCI\.C nf an~ rt~tl1.'r relT1ed~
<br />II, Succeuon and AuIIM Hound; Joint ane! Se\'rrallJabilill: Co..siancrs. lhe I.."P\enanl" and agreement" of
<br />1111" Scc;urll~ InMru01t'nt .-.hall bmd and hC'ndillhc 'UL.L:~,,'r' and a"'l(!.n" of Lender and Uorro\\er, \uhlCl.'t III 1he JlrO\.l'iollln~
<br />uf pamgraph 17 IItJH(l\11er', \."o\.enallh and agrct"mcnh ..hall he 101111 and ..e\"('ral Any Ullrw,",cr ",ho L'll...IE:n...lln.. SC\."unl~'
<br />In\1rUmcnl hut dCle\ nol c:\M:ulC' Ihe ~lllC (ill I' L".\I~nll1E: 1111' Sn:un1~ In'1rument onl~ 1(1 mllrtgil~C'. griln1 and \."un\'C'y
<br />thullJorroWot"r'''lI1lcrnt 10 the Itfllp<'rl~ undt"r tlu: lerm.. Ilt 1111" SC'1:unh IU'lrumenl. Inll' nol p<'.f\.tmall} obh~:alcd 10 pay
<br />the ..urn.. ....a.urn! h} Ihl' Sccunl~ 1r1,lrUnlClIl, al1tl h t a~reC'lo Ih,lt I cnder .Jlll1 an~ 11111ef Ul1rro'4Cf ma~ uEtrce 10 e~lcnd.
<br />modlf). forbear or make an)' .1I...i:llmmlk!ah(lfl'l. "1111 rC"~ard lel Ihe h,'rm'l. Ill" 1h" Se"..unl~ In..lrumefll nr lhl' NIl1c \\"lIhout
<br />I hut IJorrmu'.r'\ "..on...cnI
<br />12. 1.0.. (''haran. Ir the- Inun \e'1:utro tw lh" 'cL'UI11\ In..lfunwlU '" "UhJl,{,'r hl:l 1a" "ll1....h ..e'1"" maJ.mmm Inan
<br />..:hargc!l., Ind Ihal I",,"' I' (maUl IOlcrprC'lcd ..0 lilat IhC' 111't'f~1 IIr lllhrr It'an l.."hJ'~("' ~.plIl;'1..tn.t Ilr to he' 1.."01lt"l,,'IOO III
<br />conna:lIon with Ihe' luan C,"l"eaJ the pcrmll1aJ IImlh. lhl"n C..I all\ ..udl 1I1J.11 \,hilq.:r ..h..1I t.... ,cdu(cd h~ lhe amuunl
<br />nece\...ary hi rcdut.:c thc charge I" thC' pcrmlllcd 110111, imd tilt .an\ ..urn' ..I't"ad, LI1I1nlnllf'''U Iklffll~l'" ",Iudl C'ucatctl
<br />pemuned Iamlh .....111 he refunded 10 Hl.lrrl1\\e. I.ender ma~ . hO\1,,(, I.. "'...... Ihl.. 1("IUlIll h\ Inlulo-lfllol Iht' pnnl.."l(MI O\\'aJ
<br />under ll1e NOlc or h)' makmg a dUC'1.:1 pa~r1Ienlltl Uorru,""ct It iI fdund frlhlLC"'lo pi 1111. Ip.,I, Ih.. IrduLlIllU ......11 be Ireared u"" a
<br />parllal pre(3)'mcnt WI1Ih1UI nn~ prcpa)r1Ient I.."har~e unde, IhC' ,-,.'e
<br />1.\. l..egil.aliua Arrt"C'lina l.enckrt, Rlahts. II l'naLlmrfll IIf n,plI"llilll ,.j ,IPlllh.,lhll' 1.1"''' h.I'\ Ihe dll('L:1 lIf
<br />remlcnn,g IIn) pro\.I'to.on of Ihe ~nk or Ihl~ St't.'unt> In,uumenl ulIenl."I.t"Jhk .Ill 'lldlllj.' I,' II~ Il'fllt" I C'lhlC"f.;U II' llponn.
<br />mu) requlrC' Immediate- pa)menl In tullllf..1I "UIl1\ \t't..ured h\ Ihl" "K'LUJII~ In,lrullu"1I1 .lful nt." 11I\1I1..c:- "II~ remcdleoo.
<br />perm1l1ct1 h} para~rarh 11' If" ll"ndC'f Cll"rn,C\. th'''l1('t111I1, Lcndl"1 ,h,,1I t.....r IhC'" ...1qt'\o "'flC"t IlInllO !hr 'ro.llnl1 rarattraph l1f
<br />f'JI'.gr.l'h 17
<br />14. Siltic'n. An~ Ill'lIl..C !1I1~'ff(l'ACf prll'hJn.I fllr 111 111l" 'l"l urtll h,..Uumrtll ...h"111 hI" ~I\t.n h~ ddl\rrm~ II or h~
<br />mailing II h) fa"1 <.:la" 01:111 unlC'lo' .1pph(ahlc la\\ fC'4UlrC"'lll,r "t J,lll'thC'r f1IC"lhltd Ihc. 11I11"'r \h.lll he dlTcL'lc..-d tll thl."
<br />IJf(lpC'rt~ Addreo.., or an~ "llhcr .llhtre..... lJorrl'\\C"r dC'lolltnalt..' h\ UlltJlC. h' I efldrr I\m IIlIlIl(' 10' I ("Ihlrr ...hall h(' J:1\en h}
<br />fint daSs,lmlllltl tenJer... .:u1drt." ...1.:.aleJ hert"'1Il PC JIl\ IIlhl.:f .1ddrC'lo" I C'fukr dC'''~II..I'''' h\ n..llu' !,. Uilnll\u:r Arq,' nOIlc..'('
<br />pnl\"lded for III 1111~ S('nlnl~ In"rumenl ,h..ll he dl"C"mt"tt III h,...(' ht-cn io!l....-n I.. n,"rll\\C"1 ", 11-IUkl "hen f.!'''CII ;1\ prmldec..l
<br />III 1111\ paragraph
<br />15. Gonmina I....; ~verabUil). Ihl' Sa..unt~ In"fumenl ..n:!ll hl' ~11\n111'11 tl\ Il"lkr;III.," .tlllt Ihe 1:1"" 'If I he
<br />Jun~dlcll11n In \\'hKh th~ Pftlrc:r1~ I" ll-...:alt"d In Ihe t"\C:l1llhal all~ pnl\"ll'n .If .1.lu,,(" "t I hi... 'C'l..lIlll\ In..lrumenlllr Ihe
<br />Stltecnnfhch ".llh arrl1L"ahle l.a\\. ..u..h ":llnftKt ..hall nlll atTt't.'1 olher prml"ll.Il~ .If lht.. 'CLUrll\ In..uumenlllr the !\IOIe
<br />whll."h ~al1 he gl\'el"l dfl('Ct a-llhoUI the nmtlKtlO1Z prn\l'lt1l1 Tlllhl' end the fl'-I1\I'llIn" I,i" Ih" ~l"L-Urll~ In'lrument and Ihe
<br />SOle Are ItC\.'larcd f() tlC ~\erahlC'
<br />16. Barrawt'r.s Cop)'. Ullrrll~er ..hall he- gJ\t'n lmc:' lo-.Ilnforrned "'I.lr~ Ilf thc 'I'll" and lIt Itll" ""n...urtl ~ lll\lrumcnl
<br />17. TrJlnsrrr or the Prnpert, nr I IJeneficidl Intcrl'!t1 in Borrowcr, II allllf an~ pari Ill' (he Propc:rI~ nr an~
<br />Inlerest In HI'" ..old or Iran,ferrC'd (pr If.s hcndh:lal InlerCtI In n(lrrower I' ,old .'1 tr:H1,ferrt'd and 1l0TrllVt-er 1'" lIor a natural
<br />peN'") wlIhout l-C'lIder', rnllr \Hllle-n L.iln~n1. LendC'r ma~, al It, o['l1on. fcqUlrc lInrlle(h:llc pajmenl In fullllf all 'urn"
<br />\l'\."ured b} Ihl~ Sa"ufII} In'l.lrument Hll\\C\C'f. rlll' npll1lll ..hall npI he: c\elL"l"t'd h\ (clHkr If e'ercl"c I'" rrllhlhnetJ h~
<br />fcdenllll'A a~ nf the- dntr: Il! lh,.. Seeunl'\- In,lrumenl
<br />If LcndC'r cxercl'C'\ (hl'\ Oplh\l1, i.endl'f ..hl.:lll gl\C' Unrrml,-cr Ilolll.:e Ilt alo--I...c!cr;umll The noun,' ..hilll proVide a (lCnud
<br />Ilf nnl In... Ihan ),0 dll~''\ frum .he dale Ihe nollce I' ddlllered llr mailed \lo-Irhlfl "' hKh Bnrro\\t'1 mu,,' pa~ .,11 ..urn.. ,ecured h~
<br />th1\ St'CUftl)' Im,lrumenl If Ullrrowcr fall...1<l Pil) lheo.c ...um\ pnor 10 Ihe" l."'plfall11n (lffhl-. rt'f10U, I elldcr mu10 lf1\lIl..t' :In\
<br />rC'mn1Il=~ pcrmlllcd by Ihl\. Secunl) In'i.ITUment \\Ilhnut furlhC'r nolu..e or dC'fTlOJnt1 nn Borrower
<br />18. Borro.iPr', Rlahr to Hl'instate. If Uorro\\'er mt'el'\ ('crtalll ~nndllllln.., Borrm1.C'f ,hall hu"C" fhl" n~tll III h;,\('
<br />enforcc:menl of1hl" Sn"unl> (",lrUmenl dl!lcnnllnUed it! an~ lmH: pnll( Illlhe' rarher of Inl" da~..lllr ,udlllther pcrulLl a...
<br />apphcable law ma~ ..pcl"lf~ fur fCIn..lutemenll hdnre \ale- pI" the" Prppc..rt\ pUf'.uanl III .lr1\ rc'"t"'f nf \ale: ~lInl"'lfIl'd 1111111\.
<br />s.ccunl) In!t1f\lfllcn1. or 10) e-lllr) IIf a Judgment cnfnrcm~ Ihl-. "iI'LUnl:. hl..lrumenl I hll"ot' nmd'lllm'l jlfl' Ihal Bnrfln\C'f
<br />(at pa~.\ Lender all \um.. "hKh then \\'ould he: due lmdcr Ihl' ~Ct.-url1\ In'ltrumenl anJ Ihe '11lC had nil .llu:lrra1I1ltl
<br />Ill.:c..urrC"l.l. Ih) I:urr<i any defauh Il( an~ lIlher .;o\-t"n;anl'\ or agrl"CfTll:nl\, ''-1 pay.. .111 t"\pt.,1'o1.... UlLIHrt"J In C'1I111rL.III~ ftH"
<br />~UTlI) In'lrumcnl, In(ludm~, hul nt" IImlled In. rc-.I..nnahlc allllrUt:\'. ft"C"o :Jnt1ILlII,l~l"'o "lllh :IL.III'" .1" I t'1I11e, llW\
<br />re-...".lInahh r..-qulre Irl a....urc Ihal tht' hen pf Ihl\ "i~\:urll~ In"lrUmel1l, I ('od(",... rltdll... III lhl' Pr"pt-rt\ and Hllfl"\lrr....
<br />.lhhJf;811Iln rn pa\ Ihe" ..urn.. 'C't-utt"tj n\- Ihl" "\(oI..IlTll\ I 1I"f Iln1('fJ [ "hall ~"fltlll\1I" lln.. han"-:I'd t r,lll rC.III"I,lrt"rTlt"nl h,
<br />Ilnrrn'Ar-r ,hi'" '\(,"\11(11\ 111'lrUnlf'nl ;"Illlj lh(' rlbll~lIIH.li' '-C"\'urt"d ht::'ren\ ~h.lll rr-flI':lllI 11111\ rill'. 11'" ,I" 11 fl' .h .l'lri.llh'l1 h.hl
<br />'-"luffrd IIp........t:''r I hl\ 116t111 I" rl"I"...lar(" ,h;\P n, ,t Odprl\ ITI Iht' _ .,,(" <If ,h' rlrl _Ill' ,n ',ndn :'.1' "..-r :q'h.. 1 : "f I ~
<br />