<br />88- 104528
<br />
<br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as u condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument.
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiums reqUIred to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the
<br />insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law.
<br />8. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Prcperty. Lender
<br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any u\\lurd or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with
<br />any condemnation Of other taking of any purt of lhe Property. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby
<br />assigned and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br />Instrument, whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial taking of the Property.
<br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately
<br />before the laking, divided by (b) the fatr market yalue of ,he Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be
<br />paid to Borrower,
<br />If the Property is ahandoncd by Borrower, or if. after notlce h~ Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to
<br />make an uward or settle a claim for damages, Borrower falls to respond 10 Lender within 30 days after the dale the notice is
<br />given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the f'TOceeds. allls optlon, either to restoration or repair of the Propert)' or
<br />to the sums secured by this Securily In!-ltrumcnt. whether nr not lhen due:,
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrlung, an~' upphcallon ofproceed~ 10 principal ~hall not extend or
<br />postpone lhe due dote of the monthly puym~nts reft:rrcd 10 in parugmphs I and:! or change the amount of such paymenl~,
<br />10, Borrower !\lot Released; Forbearance Oy Lender ~I)t a \\'aivcr, Extension Ilf the time for pu)'menr or
<br />modification of amortization of Ihe ~um~ secured by thl~ Seeunty In!o.lrument gnmtcd by Lender 10 any successor in
<br />interest of Borrower shall not operate In relea!ole lhe liabihl~ of the l1ngmul Borrower or Borrower\ successors in interest.
<br />Lender shall nol be required to commence proceeding!. agaln"t an~ ..ueec\'..or in Interest or refu!o.c tll extend lime for
<br />payment or otherwise modIfy amorll.l..atlon ufthe sum~ scrured n~ thl" Seeunl~ In..lrumenl by reasun of any demand made
<br />by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors 111 mlcro.l. Any fnrhcaram:e hy I.enuer 10 cxercIsmg any right of remedy
<br />shall not be a waiver of or preclude t he exercise of any righl or reT11ed~
<br />11. Successors and Assigns Bounr'.: Join. and SCl'crllll.iabiJity; Co.signers, The CO\'CTtant!<. and agreements of
<br />,hi~ Securit)' Instrument shall bind and henefil file SUCcc,",or\ and uM,lgn!o. of lender om! Borrower. ~uhjecl ro the provislOn!t
<br />ofparugraph 17_ Borrower\ ctl\'cnant!-l and agreemenls ~hal1 he JOll1t and "c\'cral" Any norrn\\('r who cll-slgn., thi~ Security
<br />InSlrumcnl but does Itut eXt.'"Cute Ihe Note: (a) IS cn-"Ignmg tlu!t Secunt" InSlrument "nl~' 10 mortgagc. granl and con\'ey
<br />thai Horrnwcr', mler.:sl 1I1111e PropL'r1~ under the lernl" ()f lhl\ SCL'ufny In,lrumL'nt, (h) I' lUll per..onally ohhgUlcU to pa~
<br />the 'iurns ~ccurcd by Ihls Se:1.'Unl'" In,lrUl11cl1l. amI (d al!rcc\ Ihat LenON and ~Hl) other Unrrll"'er mt1)' agree 10 eMend,
<br />modify. forbear or makc ony lIecommmlllIH1Tl' wnh regurd III lhe:' lernl' "f Itw. Sc\.'unl~ In..trurnenl or Ihe Noh~ ",uhnut
<br />thul Borrower's consenl
<br />12, Loan Charges. If the Inan ",CL'llfCd h) Ihl", SCl'unl~ In'lrllmcnt I" ,uhJt:l.t III iI 13\\ whll'h '0('1.. maximum loan
<br />chargC!i. and thol law IS finull~' mlcrprctc.oU '0 Iltat tlie mterest or III her loan L'hargl" culk~IL-d or 10 be t.:ollC't:loo In
<br />connection with the loan e"ct'cd Ihe pcrmtlled hnul!-. Ihen_ (al all~ 'Ill'h loan charge ,hall hc reducc.-d hy Ihe amounl
<br />nect.'S~lIT)' to reduce Ihe charge Itllhe pcnmllc:d limit, and (b) aU~' 'Uf1\'- alr~d)' collecled [mOl D(lrru",~r \\o"hlt::h exceeded
<br />permitted limit~ Will h~ n:funLled to Borrower Lender may dHJtN:' III malt.' fhl' refund h~ redu~lIIt: the prlll~tpal owed
<br />under Ihe Nole ur h) muklllg iJ direct puymenllll Ilorw\\'c:r If a refund redul'c.... pnn""lpul, tht: reducllolI \\'111 he trealed as. a
<br />partial prepayment wnhl1ul an) prepayment ~harge under Ihe NUle
<br />13. l..cglsll.ion AfJectinR lendert!l. RiRhls. If cnn~'mC'nl ur r\plr;Jtloll of apphcahlc 13\\' ha!'lo Ihe dTrxt of
<br />rcndenng an)' proVl!otlO11 of lite NllIC: llf 1hl' Secunly In,,1 runlt,'llt unenftllceuhlc a~,,'ord1l1g Itllh len"'. I.cnLler, OIt Ih 11['11101\,
<br />mu)' require immediate: pa~menl 111 full of all ,um, 'l.C~urC'd h~ Ihl.. SL"curn~ III..lrument ami ma~ lI1\t1ke an~ remedlL~
<br />permuted b)' parugraph 11) If Lender C!\dl'I~!o. Ihl' optum. Lender ...hallluke Ihe ..tep" "~Itied 10 IhC' ~...:tlnd p.aragraph of
<br />paragraph I7.
<br />14. Notices, An) n0111.:( 10 Borrower prll\1detl fl'r II1lhl'o ';L"I.:UTlI~ In..lrument ..hall he gl',ell h~ ddl\'cnng II I1r h~
<br />mailing it hy first da~s mall unlc,\ applleahlc: la\\ re4uln..... u..e III .mother melhud fhe IUHll.'t' "hall he dlrel'letl 10 thc
<br />Proper1)' AddrC!o~ or al1~' olher addrc'~ Bnrro\u.'r tlt"'lgnall"\ h~ nnth.l' tll I ellJer ^11~ not1\.'C hl lender ..hall he gl\cn O}
<br />fir.-.1 c:Ias~ m:ullo lender'.. addrt...., "Ialt~d herc:1l1 or an~ tllhl'r addre.... Ll'nder dc:!olgnalt'\ h~ !WlllC' Itl normwe. An~ fhllll.'C
<br />proVided for In tlu!oo SCl.'urHy (n..IrUmenl ..hall he: dccmed III hu\t' ht'cn gHen 10 Borrn\\er liT I.cllLkr ,,'hen g!\~n ;... pro\ldc..-d
<br />1Il1hl!io purngraph,
<br />15, Governing l.aw; Sc'Verabillt)'. Thl... SC'i..'unl~ III,uulIlelll ..hall hi' ~tl\l'rnt'd h~ fL"dera~ law alllilhe liI\\ of lhe
<br />JUrlMhcltol1 111 whll:h (he IJropc:rty I' Illci1led- In the e\enllhal an~ pfI'.."liln II' Liau,e tlf 1111" SC'l'lJfll~ 11I..trumt'1I1 or Ihe."
<br />Nute conniels wllh apphcanlc la\\", ...uclt coufllc( ..hall nlll affect t1lht"f prO\l..um., Ilf Iln, SCl'unl~ In'trumenl or the ~t1t('
<br />which cun be gl\"en effecl \\'lIhuUI Ihe Cllnnll.'ttll}! pnWI'ltll\ ro till' emJ lhe PTlI\I'\ltm" of Ih" Secuflt:, Ill,trumenl .and thc
<br />:"'-JOIC arc dedarcd to be ~..-cranle
<br />lu. Borrower.s Copy. Borrower ..hall he gl\cn one nmformed l.'tlp~ nllhe Stile and Ill' Ih" Securlt:, tn\ITlnnenl
<br />17. Transfer or the Property ur u Beneficial Intr.rest in Uorruwer, If all IIr an~ pari Ill' lhe IJrllpert~ or aT1~
<br />mtcresl in 11 is sold Of tramJerred (m If a ncncficIl.11 mtere"\lln Burro" ~r'" ,old 01 lran...fcrrl"u and flnrrnwcr I' Tlill a mJlural
<br />JleflioOIl) wirhout lcndtr", pnor wntten L:lllt\cnl. 1 cnrler Iml)', alU.. oplllln. reqUire II11T11e:'I.h;HC pa~mcnl In full of all ,urn"
<br />!it."Curoo by this Securi!} In!oolrumcnL Howc\'c:r. thl' oplUHI ...hall nol ne excn..'l'cd h~ I cnder If CU'rCI\t" I" prnhlhllC'J h~
<br />federal law u'" orlhe date of lhl' Sccurlly lu\trumcnt
<br />If lender eXCTCI"'C!'o thl" uptlon. lender shall give Borrowcf n('llce I)f accdC'ralloll The nollce.' ..hall prlll.lJc a perltld
<br />nfnOllcss,lhan.30 duy.. from the dale 1hc nollce 1\ dcll\cred or mallcd within wh!l.:h Hnrfllwer mu'-t ra~ all.,um., 'l:\,.'urcd h~
<br />Ihl.. St:\:urlly 1nstrumenc If Borrower fUlls In pay Ihe~l' \urn'" pnor to lhe: ellplrallon of Ihl.. penix!. I.cnJer ma~ III\O\o.C an~
<br />remedies permittl::d by lhl!> Sc:cun1y 1n'olrument WlIh01l1 funhc:r notKe or demand (In BllrTlIWer
<br />18, Borrower's RiKht to Reinstate. If Borrower meets l..'cr1um cnndlllol1\, Borro\\cr ,hall hu\(' the TIght 111 h;1\1:
<br />enforcemen1 ofthi!o. SecurilY In...1rumcnt dl",,'('ntlllued at any lIn1l: pnor tn Ihe carller of- (a) 5 day' (or ..udl "I her perHld a..
<br />apphcable law may ",peclfy'for rCIIl!o.HHel11cnl' hefllrl' ,alc Ilf Ihe PTtlpcrt~ pUT'ouunl lCl lIn~ power .,f ..~k lillllalJll't! III Ihl'
<br />Secunly Instrumenc or (hll"T1lry of i1.Jud~mt.'nl t"nforung th" Sc\.-tlrllY In,lrumr:nl Tho'\c I..'nndlllon.. are thai Bnrrp\\l"
<br />fill pay' Lendcr all ...um.. \\,llIch (hen would he' Ilue under Ihl.. "'iI't'UTlI~ In'UllmeTlI and Ihe :'Jull' had Ill! ald.'leratlPll
<br />m'L'urred, lb) cur~ iJny Jefilult nf I1n~ tllhl" 1,:lI\ellanl... 01 il)tIe.'clllenl", Ii..'I pay.. "II c..pen........ 1O"'lIrn..d 11\ ('ntnrull).! 1111..
<br />"'ict.:unf~ (n"'lrument, IIlduUlJ1g. hUI filii Illtllled III, rea'HI\i1hh- illtllmc.,." rce..., and hH lakc.. ...uch "elll," a.. I nllkr 111."
<br />ren"onably reqUire 10 a"'UfC Ihat the hell "Ithl" "'cl'uTlI~ In,lfulTlen,'. I ender'.. T1~III... HI lhe." I)rllpl.'n, al1d Bnlrp\....."...
<br />ohllgatlon 10 pa; The ..um.. ..t~\.ufl:d h~ Ihl'o ~Cluflt~ In...lrUrTlCnt ..hal~ L"I'fllll\lIC UlldlallJ!l'U l 1'1'11 rl'II1..lall'lTll'1l1 b\
<br />~hlrrowef.lhl" SCI-tJr1t~ In'lrlllTlCnl ilTllt Ilw "hll~lltl""" ..elllfrd tu,'rl'h... ..hall frmalll fllll\ ,,"!Tel-l I" t' .... It Ill' "1~,('II.I,III,'n h;hl
<br />''l.lUfft"d Jlowl;'vcr, Ih" rt~tl1 III f('In..llll(' ..hall IIot ,Irrl\ III 111(" t,I'" "f ;)U 1,1,,'r.III"l1lll11kl r.tr;lt:1aph... 1 . ," \-
<br />