<br />88-
<br />
<br />104528
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<br />NON. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br />19. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following BorrDwer's
<br />breach of any covenanl or agreemenl In Ihl. Security In.lrumenl (hut nol prior to aceeleralion under paragraph. 13 and 17
<br />unles. applicable law provide. olherwi.e). The noliee .hall .pecify: ia) Ihe defaull; (h) Ihe aelien required 10 cure Ihe
<br />default; (e) a dale, nOlles'lhan 30 day. from Ibe dale Ihe nollce i. given 10 Borrower, by which Ihe default mu'l be eured;
<br />and Cdllhal failure 10 cure Ihe defaull on or before Ihe dale .pecified in Ibe nolice may result in acceleralion of Ihe sum.
<br />secured by Ihis Securily Instrumenl and sale of Ihe Properly. The nolice shall furlher inform Borrower of Ihe righllo
<br />reinslate after accelerallon and Ihe righl to bring a court acllon 10 as.ert Ihe non-exi.lence of a default or any olher
<br />defense of Borrower 10 aecelerallon and .ale. If the defaull is nol cured on or before Ihe dale specified in Ihe nOlice, Lender
<br />al It. oplion may require immediate paymenl in full of all .ums secured by Ihis Securily Inslrumenl without further
<br />demand and may invoke Ihe power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicahle law, Lender shall be entitled 10
<br />collect all expenses incurred in pursuing Ihe remedies provided in Ihis paragraph 19. including; bul not limited 10,
<br />reasonable attorneys' fees and costs oUitle e.idence.
<br />If Ibe power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a nollce of defaull in each county in which any part of Ihe
<br />Property I. localed and shall mail copies of such nolice in Ihe manner prescribed by applicable law 10 Borrower and to the
<br />olher persons prescribed by applicable law. After Ihe time required by applicable law, Truslee shall give public ;;ollce of
<br />sale 10 Ibe persons and in Ihe manner prescribed by applicable law. Truslee, withoul demand on Borrower. shall sell the
<br />Property at public auction 10 the highe.t bidder at the time and place ond under the terms designaled in Ibe notice of sale in
<br />one or more parcels and In any order Truslee determines. Truslee may poslpone sale of all or any parcel of Ihe Proper!)' uy
<br />public announcemenl al Ihe time and place of aoy previously scheduled sale. , .ender or ils designee may purchose Ihe
<br />Property al Iny sale.
<br />Upon receipl of paymenl of Ihe price bid, Truslee .hall deliver 10 Ihe purchaser Truslee's deed conveying Ihe
<br />Property. The recitals in Ihe Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of Ihe lrulh of Ihe .Iatements made Iherein.
<br />Truslee shall apply the proceeds uf the iSle in Ihe following order: (alia all expenSE!) of Ihe sale. including, bUI nOllimiled
<br />roo Trustee's (res as permiucd b)' applicable law and reasonable attorneys' recs; (bl to all sums secured b)' this Security
<br />Instrument; and (c~ any elcess to the persnn or personslCKall)' entitled to it.
<br />20. Lender in Posscssion, Upon ;h':L:dcraIIOn under paragraph III or ahandonment of the ProperlY. L~ndcr (In
<br />per!ton. by agent or by JudiCially app'llnled receiver) 'l.hall be entitled to enter upon, lake PO!\"~"lOn of .and manage the
<br />Propeny and to collect the rt"nt!. of the Prnpert)' mcludlng thuse pl1!ool due Any ren... colk-cted h)' lender or the rc..'CC1\'er
<br />shall be applied fir~[ to payment or the L:O,j\ of managemer.i of the Proper1~ and collecllon of rent,. mcludmg, but not
<br />hmned In, receiver', fee!., premIUm... on rCL:Clver', hond!ol and rca!ooonahlc: aHomey" fe~, and then 10 the ,urn... secured b~
<br />thl!!. Sc..'Cunt~ Instrument
<br />21. Reconveyantc. Upon payment of all 'turn... ,C'curcu hy tlm. Secun1y hl\trumenl. lender ,hall requl"'t Tru'Ic..~ 10
<br />reconvey the I)roperty and ,hall ","urrender Ihl\ S~unt)' Inlttrument and all nute\ c\'ldencmg dehl ...c......ured h)' till" Scxurll~
<br />In~1rument to TruMC'C: TrU\IC'C' \hall rccoo\!:)' the Property WllhoUI warrant) :.md without L"hotrgc 10 the per,"lO Ilr per.o"'
<br />legally entllled In 11, Such pcr~nn or pchon~ ,hall pa) an) ro,:ordallon f.:n\(\
<br />22, Substilule Tru5tt.."e, Lender. all" optIOn, ffia)' ffllm tune 10 lime rc:mo\'t~ Tru'tcc and appnmt iI 'UL:&:C"l\Uf Iru\lc:e
<br />10 nny Trw~tcc appOInted hcrC'undcr b)' nn ,",trumenl rC'C"ordcd 10 Ihe county III ",'hll."h lhl!ol ~t:'l'unl~ 111\lruIIII:IIII... rcnlrdc..-d
<br />Wllhnul clm\'c~'nlll:e of the Property, lhe "'Ul'C~\Or rruMC'C' ,hall ...uccC'ed 10 allthc 111 Ie. rm\'L'r Jnd dUII~' f..'onfcrroo upon
<br />Tru".., hc,olll and h~ apphcablo law
<br />23. Request lor Notices, 8orro",er rC'~uol' rhal corle. of the nollce... of defauh and ,ak he 'cnl III Borrower'!'.
<br />addrc!l.~ which 1\ Ihe I)roperty Addrt"\\
<br />24. Riden to this Security In.strument. If (me Ilr mure nder\ are elloecull'tJ. h)' Ullrrll\\Cr nnd rt"C(lrdnlloge1her ....,llh
<br />1111\ Secuflt)' Im~lrumen', lhe cm'enan'" and u!trccmelll, Ilf eUL:h ...neh nder ...hall be 1Oi.:orp1r:1led 11110 and ,hall amend and
<br />supplemenr (hc ~O\iC'nant' "nd agreerllt'lIh tlf Ihl... ScL'Urll)' Im.ITument a!rl. If lhe ndl.'r(,) \.lot"rc a pari of Ihl... Sa.'unty
<br />(",Irumcm (Chod apphcahle bn.(",.11
<br />~= Adjustable RUlc Rider ' CllndoffillllUm RldC'r l-...l ramll) Ruter
<br />
<br />:=-.: Gruduuled Paymenl Rider
<br />
<br />Planned l'nl! Dc\-dopmr:nl RllJer
<br />
<br />=: Olhorj_, l.pec,ryJ
<br />
<br />BY SIGNINli BEl ow. norrn\o\'cr ill..'l.:Cpl' and a~r<<" to the Ir:rm, and l.:mcnanh L:llnlalncd III Ihl.. Sr:cunl)'
<br />Inslrumon. and In an~ r1dor(_lo.""utod hj JI"rrnwor and 'ccorded"'~ .
<br />
<br />4y !. k;~, ISoal)
<br />
<br />Craig L(JKul ish -80no...er
<br />
<br />'-f-l /'
<br />.:.."\ 0-~...h Y.-, . u. .'
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<br />j{ ...-J i~ l:.J.,/I.....
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<br />(Soan
<br />-Borrowef
<br />
<br />Laura A. Kul ish
<br />
<br />SI,\lI ot NIIsK.\,Io..,\
<br />
<br />Hall (1IUll"....
<br />
<br />On Ihi, 16th oa\' 01 August ,Ill 88, hl'lpl'L" 1111'. IhL' IllhJl'I"I!-!Ill'do ;1 ~Ol<ll). Puhlll
<br />dul~' l'ommi!\..ioIlCU elllU qu.tlificd for ..alJ L.'OUIlI).. rL'r"llnall~ (<llIll' era i g L 0 Kul i 5h and Laura A. Ku Ii sh t
<br />each in his and her own right1 and as spouse of each other, . Il1ml' ~nll\\1110 hl'lhl'
<br />IdcllIical pcn.un('" whose namc(\! <Ill' ..uh"L:l'ihcd III lilt" tllfl'~OIllI! 1I1\IrIlIllL'11! ,Il1J .ti.~llll\\IcJ~l'd IhL' l''\L'dlllllll
<br />thereof 10 bt' the i r \"olunl'~L) <Jd and Llcl'lL
<br />Wilnc\!ol my hund LInd nOlarial..eal al Grand Island).. Nebraska
<br />dute nforc\aiu. )
<br />
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<br />III "';Ild 1111l111\. fill'
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<br />The uuul'r..,gr1l'u i.. Ihe holuer ,'I I Ill' 1l0ll' III III1In \l'lIJ[n! 1,\ /111\ Ill-nIp! J'll\T .....ll.! 11,'1,' ,lI 11,'1..
<br />\\ tlh all 0111.:1' luJehlcdnev. "l'L:lllL'U h, 1111" I h'l.d (d Illhl. l1a \ t' hl't'r1 r.II~1111 t 1111 \ ('II d' .1,' '_ h ,Ill \
<br />nnlt.' nr nOIl''' and lhl~ Ikcu tit 1rll..l, \\1111.11 .lIl' l.kl1\l:1t'd IIl.tel"",. and III [1,.,1I1....., :1",;,'
<br />nil"' hL'ld h, ~1l1l UlltllO, !III~ DL'l'd III I 11hr r" 111,- I""n..pt! 'If ['el'.1I11> kt',dl'\ '.11;'11 tl 'j",
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