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<br />ss- <br /> <br />104528 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follow<: <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promplly pay when due <br />the principal orand interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. <br />2. Funds ror Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the NOle, until the Note is paid in full, a sum ("'Funds") equal to <br />one-twelfth of: (a) yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument: (b) yearly <br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property. if any; (c) yearly hnzard insurance premiums; nnd (d) yearly <br />mortgage insurance premiums, iran)'. These items are called "escrow items." Lender may estimate the Funds due on the <br />basis of current data and reasonable estimates of future escrow items. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall npply the Funds to pay the escrow items. <br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds. analyzing the account Of verifying the escrow items. unless <br />Lender pnys Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable luw permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and <br />Lender may agree in writing that intercsI shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Bnrrnwcr any Interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower. without chnrge, nn annual nccounling oflhe Funds showing credilS and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the funds was made. The Funds un: pledged as additional !-.ccurity for the sums secured by <br />this Security Instrument. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together With the fumre monthly payments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of the eSCrow items. shall exceed the amounl required tl1 pay the escrow items when due. the excess shall be~ <br />ut Borrower's oplion. either promptly repaid to Borrower nf credited In Ilorrower llJ\ monthly payments or Funds. If the <br />amount of the Funds held by Lender is not 'oulficlcnt tn pay the t..~crnw I1cm~ \lo hen due. Borfower shall pay to lender any <br />amount necessary to make up the deficiency III one or more payment\ u!>. required hy lender. <br />Upon payment in full of al1 ~um!\ !\ccufed by rlns Securl1Y 11l!>.lrumcnl. Lender !>.halJ promptly refund to Borrower <br />any Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph }<, the Prnpt'rty 1\ 'lIld or m.:q\llrcd by tender. Lcnder- shall apply. no later <br />than immediately prior tn the sale of the Property or 11\ i.1I:4UI\1110n h~ Lender. any Fund!'. held hy lender at the time of <br />application as il credit against the ~um" \e..'\.'ured h~ tim, Sccurlty III\trunH:nt <br />J. Application or Payments. L:nlc.."!-.!>. applicahh.' law prll\'ldc\ otherwlsc. all paymenh rccel\'cd hy l.ender under <br />paragraph, 1 and 2 ...hall be applied: firM. In late chargc\ duc under thc Note; 'il."i:tlTld. l;l prepayml'nt charge!\duc under Ihe <br />Note; third. toamounlS payable under pUfai:lTilph~; founh, to 1I11erc~t due; and In!>.l. to prmctpal due <br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrowcr ,hall pay aI11aM:~, a!\!\c!\.srnent!\.. chuq;~, fin~ and Impo..lllons aunnutahle to Ihe <br />Proper1)' which ma)' anam pnllnly tl\'er tlm" SenlTlt)' In\trumcnt. and lea!\chuld paymcllt'. or ground rcn..... If any <br />Unrrower '\hull PIlY thoe onhgllllOlI"ll1 llle.." mallner provided III para~raph 2. or Ifnl1t p.ud III that manncr. n(lrrnw~r ,hall <br />pay them on lime dlfl:clly tl1 the r~r\lIn P\\.cti payment. Dnrrnwcr ..hull promplly furm\h w Lender all Iwtl(."(..... \If amtlun1" <br />tll be puid under till'. paragraph If Burrtl\\c' fIlllb.e.." Ihe..e I'uymcnl\ dlrecll~. Ilurrnwcr ..lmll promp(l~ furm\h In Lcnder <br />rccclpb cVldcncmg the paymen" <br />Ul1Truwer ...hull promptl) UI\lharttl' .Ill) he..n \\llIl:h ha' pTlnnl~ ll\Cr 1111.. SCl..'urll~ In..lrUlIlenl unk..., UnrrO\\i(.( la) <br />ugn:c!lo 111 wnllng In the plI)'lIlelllllfthc llhlll!,alloll "'l",=un~d h~ lhe hen 111,1 manner ill:ccptahle..'lo I.clHJcr. Ch) Clll1h:,t..111 gU(ld <br />fnuh the lien b)', or dcfend:\ ugulfI'lenroH:e..'rnent lIf the hen 111. legal pruccedlll};\ whu.:h mlhe Lcndcr', i1pl11IlUl ,'pc:ratc to <br />prevent the enflJrccmenl \11' Iht' h("1I .'r forfc~lIure of any part of the ProperlY. ilr (c) ..c....~..urC!\ from Ihc holder of Ihe hcn an <br />agreement !\atl~faclury 10 Lcmkr ,uho(l.Jlnallll~ Ih,' hell 10 Ihl\ Secunty hl'1rumenl, If Lender delcrnlll1l"' thai any pari of <br />the 11rnperty l!t ,uoJect wa h(,1I \\ llldl 1T1i1~ al1uUl pflllf1t~ OH'r Ih" SeL'unt~ In..lrumenl. Lcmler ilia) gl\C Ilnrro\\'cr a <br />nolll:e idenufYl1lg lhe hen lIorft1\\ ('"r ,llllll..all..,-~ Ihl.' hen or lake une or mllrC: oflhe al.'lIon.. "e..'t fnnh ahoH' wilhlll 10 day\ <br />oflhe giving of nlllll.'e <br />5. 1.laurd Insurilnce. Unrro\H'J ...hal1 ~l'Cp 'he ImprllH'ml.'f11' nil\\" c::\...unF "f hercuf1er erccted Itn lhe Propcn~ <br />m~urcd Dgain!t,1In\!Io hy flft.'. ha/,auh IIIdudl.'d \\'1111111111(' lernl "l."lenoC'd clwC'ra~t''' and an) other har:.luh fur w}nch Lender <br />requITe!'. m,uralll.'e, Thl\ m..ural1L"l" ,hull tlt" l1Ial1llall1ed III Ihc amount' and for ,hl' ~rllllh Ihul Lender rcqUlr~ The <br />IOsuranCe carrlC'r (ln1\'1dm~ the m,ur:U1L"l' r,,1t~,J1 he dlO"-<.'n h~ Uorro",cl ..utlJl"C1 hI I.cnder', i1pprmal whh:h ,haJllHlI he- <br />ullrcnsnnnhh' WIthheld. <br />AlIlI't\UraI1I:C fKlhclC.... .uui rl"tlI:,^,a";lll he.- ac\.;'eplahlc 10 LellJer .snd ,hall IIH:luur: OJ ...tnndaTlll11l,nga~!.l: dllu!\.C' <br />Lemler 'ihull ha\.c the nglllhl hold thl" POhLI(''' ilnd JC'nC'\\ILI~ If Lender re4ulfe... Horro\\cr ,hall prnmptl~ gl\t.tO Lender <br />all recelpt!lo of puld prC:l11lurn, ,tlld re..'nt'\\al nOllc..'l"'\ In Ihe e"cnl of h".., BllTTIt",Cf ..hall ~t..c pnmlp1l1ultL'C In Ihe III!loUrallCt" <br />carner and LcmJcr LClldcr 111a~ rnal..e P'lltlf Ilf 1\1," If Ilt't made pnlO1(lt I~ h) n'1fTl,,,,,cr <br />Unl~.. Lender and BlITTO" e..'r tllherwl..e i.t~re..'t' III \\ ntm(!.. IJ1..UTaIh.:"C flnKced.... ..hall he apphed H' roHlrallllf1 or rcpalr <br />uf ,he Prnperl~. dalJ1a~ed, If lhe rcr,,111rullon or n~ralr " e\.'llIlllnm.'ally fcaMhtc: and Lender.... 'e.."1:urll} I' 11tH tc:....cnc:d. If The <br />re~t(lrallol\ m repalT " lIot C'l'mIl1l11lCull)' fea"blc nr Lender', 'e!:unt)- ,,-mild he le"ened. I he 111..urancc pru<:eed'lo ,hall hc <br />llpphed to the ,urn' ..l"\.'un:o h) tltt.. Securlly In..lrurncnl. \\helher or nlll Ihell du~. with ;111) e\c..:e" paid to Bmrowcr If <br />Borrower anundoT1!\ the rfl'pcrt~. or dt~ nllt .1I\"'....("r wllhm \(1 Ja~'" ;1 nolli.'C from LcuueJ that Ihe lI1\Ur..IIl'C carner ha, <br /><lffered tCl...eltlr il chum. 1hen l.ender mu)' collecl .'hl' IT1\UTiIT1c.."e..' pnX"ceLh I.endcr rna) u..e thc pro<.:ced.. 1t' rc:palr (II r~t(lre <br />the I)ropcn)' or III pay ,urn' 'l't:ured hy thl" Sel.'unt) In,trulOl'nl. "hether IIr nnl then duc The lO~\'<l~ penod ....,111 hcgm <br />when Ihe notKc l!lo g1\1C't1 <br />l1nlt."'!t'!io Lendcr and BOTTo\\ er (llhcrwI'e..' agrce III \\ nllng.. .:tn~ iJpplll'~tHH1llf pftlc..:ccd\ III pnnclpal..hall not eMend or <br />pos.tpone the due dale oflhc monthly pa)mcnh rdcrred III In paragraph.. 1 and 2 nr r.:hangc Ihe amourll of the pa)mc.l'" If <br />under paragraph IQ the Pwperl) I'" UL:4U1red hy l.endc:r. Ilnrw",cr'.. nglll In an~ U1,uraIKC' pnhl..'le!>. .:md prn~.ct.'(h rt.....ulung <br />from damage to thc J'rnpcn~ Prill[ hllhe iSt:qUI\I!10n ,hall pa!lo" In Lender lothe e\lcnt "fthe..'' h\ Ihl\ SCr.:Uflt~ <br />Imolrumenllmmt.'<1latel) pnllr 10 the ul'4UI,\Ulon <br />6. Preservation and \-lainlcnRnel' of .)ropert).; Leaseholds. Bllrro',\.('r ...hall nl1l \.k"l rll~. darna~c: llf r"uh,(anl1all~ <br />change Ihe Proper1y. 01110" Ihe I)roperty to dcterHlrnte or comml1 \\"il!'llc If thl\ "it'L\lrlt~ In..trulIleut I' \m a It:a...c:IwIJ. <br />Oorrower "hall cnmply ",llh lhe p((l\'I"Il'lI!\. of the lea'lot. and If Borrowcr aCl~U1Tl'" kc: (Ilk tll I Ill" Pf\Jrl'rI~. Iht' ka,ehnld and <br />fee title !'.hall nol merge unle<.o" Lender a~rce!o to the merger III \\ flung <br />7. IJrCJleC1ion uf tender'" RiKht5 in the Jlnlpcrt~..: "(JrtRO~(' Insuruncl'. II H.,rrmHr falJ.. III pl.'rfOfO' Ihc <br />covC'nants and ilgrl"cmc::nt!l L"PfllalOl'd It1 thl" SCl..'unty Irl..trllmcnl. nr tht'Tt' I'" ,I kl!al rrll\.'l'l.."lhng Ihal rn;l~ "lIz.rlltil.lntl~ alk...t <br />lender'!"lo nghh U1 lhl" I'ropcrl)" (..uch Il!>. a pwcecdlflg In hankruptq-. rnlh:lh'. tor ~'tllldl'rnn:1I1IHl tH In L'nlllrn: 1.1\\' III <br />regulal1ol1\l. then Lender may Un and pay fnr \\ hale" t" 1\ nl'L" In rwtC'..:l thl' \ ;tlue "lllw Prdpl'rl ~ .J.1Id I cndl'I" rl!!hl" <br />In the: Proper1) lender'.. "l'lll.lIl\ ma~ II1duul' pa)ltl~ JlI~ "Un1!lo ,ccurl'd h.. .1 lIt'lI \\ IIl...h h.I'" rllilfl'~ ,'\(.'1 Ih... '('dlTlt\ <br />In!!olrument. appeanng In ulUI1. pil~lt1V. r~.a,{1nahlc: alhlflle)\' fee.. and l"nll'rlll~ L111 Ihe Pr"rcfI'o III 11t.l\..C fLop,llr.. AhhlllllZh <br />Lender ma~ Take <.IL 11ll1l under 1I1I" parn)traph i, lender lh)c, nol hot\(.' HI dt' "1 <br />An)" :Jmounh\ll\bur,eJ h~ 1 clIller ~Hhkr ,hI'" parll~ruph'" "hall hl.....tlI1U.,lddlllllll.ll lit-hI "I!iI,rrtl\\cI ....~lIrnl h\ Ihl' <br />~\1rn~ In'l.1rumenl l'nlC'\." 141111"\1,('1 .Ind I t'lldcr .I~rt'{" III Illtll'r It rnl.. Ilf pit\ 111cl11 1 ht'''l' ,1rt1I'UIlI" ...h,111 tx'al Illlcft'" Ilt'lll <br />rhe dale of dl..hur'C(Jl("HI ill 1111' "'-,,1.' 1.11,' 111141 "h.111 nl' f'u\.tbk. '.'lIh 1111('lt'" UP,'1l Ihl1ld' 1!"1lI l (,lIdl'l h' !J..rr.\\\cl <br />requC"'\lm~ pII\ lIlt'nt <br />