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<br />88-103894 <br /> <br />12. Notl... E"cepl for /InI notice r.qulred under applicable II"" 10 be given In another manner,(el Il'i notice 10 Borrower <br />provided lor In this Deed 01 Trust 5/1311 be ~en by dtlIlYerlng II or bym;;illng such notice by certllled mlll.d~essed 10 Borrower II <br />the Property Address or It such other OS Borrowermay deslgna,e by notlc. '0 Lender IS provided horeln. In,Hb) Il'i notice to <br />Lender shill be given by certlfledmailto Lender's eddresssllled herein or 10 such other address IS Lendlr maydeslgnlte bynotlce to <br />Borrewer OS provided herein. A", notlc. provided for In Ihls DB8d 01 Trust shall be dBlrn8d to hIVe been given to Borrower or <br />Lender when given in lhelTWV'l8r d.slgnated herein. <br />11. Oovernln, L-. Sever.lll11t,. The stile Ind local IIWS oppIlcable to this Deed 01 Trusl shall be the Ilws 01 the <br />jurisdiction In which lhe Property Is loca.Bd. The lor~ng senlence Shall not limlllhe applicability 01 Federal law to thiS Deed of <br />Trust. In the evenl that II'f( provision or clause 01 .hls Deed 01 Trust or the Note conflicts wllh Ippllcable IIW, such conlllcl shall nol <br />allsct other provisions 01 Ihls Deed 01 TrusI or lheNotB which can be given eflec' wllhoUllhe conlllctlng provision. Ind to Ihls end <br />lhe proviSions 01 this Deed 01 Trust Ind.he Note are dsclared 10 be SlIVeroble. As used herein. "costs". "e"plnses" ond .altom....... <br />lees" Include all SimS 10 the e><len, nol prohibited by applicable law or limited herBIn. <br />M. 'orr-n I:op,. Borrow... shall be l..niShed a conlormed copy 01 the Note and 01 this Deed 01 Trust at the 11m. 01 <br />e"BCUtlon or ""errscordlllon hereol, <br />11. AehUllltatlon L..... A...-ment. Borrower shall IulllII IU 01 Borrower's oOllgltlons under Il'i home r.habiIUatlon. <br />improvoment. repair or other loan agremenl which Borrower enters Into wllh Lender. L.nder. al Lender's opllon. m"i raqulr. <br />Borrower 10 e"8C\JI. and deUver '0 Lender. In a lorm acc.ptable to L.ndor. an assll,\"lT'l8flt 01 /InI lIg11IS. claims or d.,enses which <br />Borro_lTl1>ihIV. ogains.panl.s who s~ labor. materlllsor servic.slncomectlon wilhimprov""","tSma<leto .heProp.rty. <br />1.. Tr_fer of t... Propert,. II Borrower sells or all or Il'i part of the Property or an Inter.SI 'hereln. e"cludlng <br />(Ill lhe creation 01 a lien or enc\lTlllrance sul>ordlnll. to Ihls Deed or Trust. (oll transfer by deviS.. descent. or by operation of law <br />..,on lhe death of a joint tenanl. or (cllhe grlllt 01 /InIleas8/lOId inter.SI 01 It...e ye...s or Ins nol conn"nlng an option to purchase. <br />Borrower shill cause to be 'S\b"r'vt1e<1lnforrnafiOt\r& by lender 10 evaluate the transferee as If I new loan were being made to <br />the lr.uf.H. Borrower wHl con111lue 10 be obhgaled unOer the Nol8 lOCI n'lis Deed of Trust unless lender releases Borrower in <br />WIlling. <br />If lender. on thll b&Sl5 of aly Inf ormation obtibned regard:tng the transferee. reasonably determines rhat Lender's sscuriry may <br />bllTlp.rect rx That There IS an ~1I01aD1. Iik8HhOOd ot I breach of tJfPf covenant or agr..-nenT in this Deed 01 Trust. or if lhe <br />"",JI,ed Inlonnallon is no. SUIlmIltQd. LencI8r m"i deCI.... all or lhe SimS s.cured by thiS Deed 01 TruSl to o. lrm'\8dIately due Ind <br />_abl.. " Lender ."erClsas SUCll opt.on to accelerate. LencI8r Shall maol Borrower nollce of acceleration in accordance with <br />p"'lIII'"lllh 12 hereol. Such nolice_' prOVIde I~od or n,,, I...,h.... 30 ditl. franlhe llat.thenotlce i.lTlIlled ordellver.d wilhln <br />_ell Borrow... may _ the S\lnS dBClared due. II Borrow... f Dls 10 Pitl such SimS pr.or to the ."ptratlon 01 such period. L.nder <br />m"i. WI.hout I..'hernollce or dOmand on BorrOw....lllI/O... /InI ,.".dles permitTed by paragraph t 7 hereof. <br />r-o.-lJIIFQRI,1 COVENANTS. Borrower and LencI8r lurther covenan' and agr..os 10010ws: <br />17. ACDlentlen; ........... E_pt . prevl_ In p.......1. hereaf, upon 'orr_" Ilrndl of en, covanMt or <br />....-m of ...._ IntNa DaM of Trust, IncllIlIIlII ..,,_.. filII.. ta p.,. II, the.nII If 10 calDndar deJa eftat t"', are <br />... ..,. ._ _01 ~, tNa llBaol .. Tr.... &..noIer prI.. t. .....atlon .....1 ..... not.... to 'orr_ . provl.oI In <br />....... 12 _f ..fvl"" 111 t...1lrD1lCII: 111 t... BCtIsn raqulratI t. cure .uelIllrDlICtI; IJl . lIatB. not lea t..... 20 oI.~ <br />fr_ thallatBtha netlce Ie 1II....oIlolorr_" b, whlcluuellllrDechlll...... ourooI; BIllII4I thBUBllure to cure .uelIllreech on <br />.."'fore tha lIatB "fIaolln t... not.... III., _u1t In _..atlon.f t... ...... _01 ~, thlll DaM of Trust _.... of lhe <br />Pr.....,. The not.... _I furtllDr Inforlll ...,_ .f I'" rllht t. "'lWtm .ttar _ration BIllI the rllht to Willi . court <br />BdIon t. ~ the............ .f . lIDf_ .. ...,. at_ ...._ .f '0"_ ,. _,atlan BIllI..,.. If t... ~reBcll Ie not <br />cureol on.. _fora the oIm a.fl.oIln t... notl... IAn...., at IAnllD,.. option, III., lIIaclare "I of t... ._. _0111, IhI. <br />llBacI .f T,... to _ 1111....._' duD BIllI p.,..... wllhout fUft..., deIII.nol enol III., Involla t... _, of .al. BIllI en, at..., <br />.-... -'tteoIlI, ......1cBIIID 1_. IA.... .....1 ... antll.... te collad all '.._11 _ _ Incur..d In <br />purBllIlII the -.IDe provl_ln IIlIB plII'lI'.17. Inclucllne. bvt not 1I1111tD0I to. r..on"'l. attorrw~' .... <br />If t... 11_ .f m'" Ie 1..-01, T,_ 111811 _01 a net... .f .f....t In.ech count, In whIcIt t... P,apart, 01 .- <br />118ft tlwfDDf Ie 1_01 ...,.....1"'... copleB of luelI not... In the 111_11.-1_0111, appllcBllla 1_1...._ MCI to the <br />otltar ,.,._ ...-....01 ~,BJIPIIcBIIIa 1_. AftDt 1...1...f...... t_ illII.,'" ..""'ratllI'......1cBIIID 1_, Tr_ .IIBII <br />..... puIlIle net... of .... to t... ,.,._ enol In the 111_ ..-l1lDtl1l, appllcBllla 1_. T,_. without ....._ on <br />,"'_, 1111111111 t... Pr-", at p...11e .u"lIon'. t... hi...... ItIdder at thetlllll enol pI_ _......1... tenne deBlgnBtDd <br />In the _ .f ....In _ Dr lIIora p_1e .....,n BUCh ...... . T".,.. III., lIDtDrIIIlrw. Tr_ III., poetpone .... of III or <br />..., plII'CIBI .f t...Pr_rt, .., ......11c IIMO..........nt at lhe tlllll ..., ..._ Gf 1ft, pre.laUBI, _dul.d .Ile. Landar or lAnder" <br />__ 111811 ,..,- the Propart~ at 1ft, .Ile. <br />Upon ....Ipt .f p."".nt of ,... pr.... blll. T_ ...... detl_ to I'" p_, Tr..t.... .... _,1"1 the Propert, <br />aald. The redtlll. In t... T'....... _oI.h.lI... prllll. f_ .vt...... of I'" trvth of t... atBt_nte ilia" t"'",ln. T_ 1111111 <br />..pi, t... pr_" of 1....1le In t... foll_lnl artllat: elll to 1111 "aata and .1lpD.... of t... .".. Inclullln.. lIut not <br />Ill11lteol te. T_'. ... Ktu.lI, Incurratl of not IIIora I..... " of t... .._ .... p,l.., ...onBllla <br />attorrwye'... ...01_18 Of lItl.evl.....; Ibl to .11...... IKUfDd b, thl. DDDd 01 Tr..': andld I.......... If an~. tot... pareon <br />01 ,.,.0,. 11,111, antltlool <br />tl. 'or,-n At.., to Aal.....m. Notwithstanding LandeI"S accel.ratlOn or lhe Sl.IT\S SGCLI'.d by IhI. De.d 01 Trus.. due <br />to Borrow....s br.ach. Borrower shall haIoe t... r'gIIt 10 hIVe If'P# prOCGed<ngs begu'l by Lendol 10 enlorce thiS OB8d Of Trust <br />clSCCllUIll..IId It..., In'Ie prIor 10 the e..ller 10 occur of (I) thl f111hdly t>etorell"1e sale of 1M ProperlV pursuant 10 lhe power of :sale <br />c!:W'\laned In 1h$ o..d of Trust Of' <II) entry of I }l.JCIgnen1 enforong ''''s Deed of Trustl': (a) BOfTower pays lender all SI.ITlS whlch <br />would be 'hen dJ111.nder IhlS Deed of Trust.-w:J lhe Note hac no acceleratIOn occurred; (0) Borrower cures all breaches at anv other <br />covINf'lls or 1III'"_18II1S 01 Bor,ower conl_ In IhlS Deed 01 Trust; Ccl Borrower P"iS an raasonabla B"penS<lS. incurred by <br />L..... .-ld Trust.. In enforcmg 'he covenants .-wsagr..,....,rs at Borrower contillned In ttlts Deed of Tru31 and in enforCJng lender's <br />and Trus,"'s ,_.s as prOVlded.n paragraph t 7 hereol.lncludlng. bul nol Imot8<l to. reasOf'.able .norneys' IGes; Ind(d) Borrower <br />'._S'SUC.1\ KIlen aslendlf ~ reQ.JIre to n~. thlt the 11411\ of lh5 Deed or Trust. Lender's Interest In the Prope"'v.-ld <br />Borrow..... obhglhon 10 _ 'hi Slm. HCLI'8<I by Ita. DH<l of Trusl shall continue unmpllred. Upon such pa-,ment and cLl'e by <br />Borrow.... INS Deed 01 Trus1 -'CJ the ObIioat1onS 5eC\Ied hereby Sftall r~n In full force.-lCl efreel IS If no acc"erahon !\ad <br />oc-CU'rad. <br /> <br />.IRASKA-HCMf MPROVEMENT-1Ieo-'NMA/'HLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT I <br /> <br />"",....10 <br /> <br />'p_ J GI 4 <br /> <br />rel....e <br />