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<br />103894
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<br />If Borrow... pay. F..wls 10 lsnder. I"" Fund. _I be held In an Inslilullon I"" deposll. or acCounlS 01 which arelMUI'ed or
<br />gUIl'lnl88d bI/ 8 F8dInI or SllIe ogenc:y (including lsnder If lsnder I. such an Inslllutlon). Lender shill IIlIJIy I"" Fund. 10 pay .lId
<br />II"e.. ISselS'TlBnls. IIlSlIIllC8 ptlmhml Illd ground r.",.. lend8r may not chllge for SO holding Illd applying ''''' Fund.. anIIyZing
<br />said accounl or ~Brifylng Illdcornpillng said ISseI"""'" IlldIllU.. UI'IIell lendBr payl Borrowerlnlere51 on I"" FundI and appIlcabl.
<br />'"W permil1 lBl1dBr 10 rnoke such I chlrge. Borrow...lIIld lender may Ilgr..ln wrlllng.' I"" lime of .".cutlon of lhis D.ed 01 TrU'1
<br />''''''lnl....Il on I"" F..wls _I be paid 10 Borrow".1lld ""'.1. such Ilgrnmenll. made or IppUCabl. Ilw r.QUir.s such InlerelllO b.
<br />paid. lender _I nol be rBQUlred 10 pa.j 1lor70w... Itni I",....sl or earnings on lhe Funds. landsr Ihall give 10 Borrower. wilhout
<br />chlrge. an lrnUIIaccounllng 01 1"" F..wls ShOwing credils and dellllS 10 lhe Fund. and lh. purpole for which eoch dellll10 Ih. Funds
<br />WlSmode. The F..wls ....pledged luddlUOIIII securlly forlhe suns secured bI/ lhis Deed ofTrUS1.
<br />If lhe ImOUI'\I of the F..wls held bI/ Lender. logelher wilh 1"" futuro monlhly inSll1lm8nlS of FUI"ods payallls prior 10 the due
<br />dillS of ''''IS.ISS8$smenlS. Insuronc. pt6'Tli<l1\S oneI groundronl.. _Ie"ceed lhe lmOUtll rBQUlred 10 pay said 13".'. ....SsnenlS.
<br />IllSlIonc. ptll'nill11S Illd ground r8l11.1S IhOy I In duO. SUCh ."c.s. shill be. II Borrower'I DIllion. ellher pra"'~lIly replid 10 Borrower
<br />or crediled 10 Borrower on monlhly InSllilrn8l1lS of F..wls. If lhelmOUl'\l 01 lhe F..wls held bI/ Lend8r S"1I1 1101 be sufllclanl '0 pay
<br />,'''... 1U8SlmBI111. Insuronc. ptll'nill11S Illd ground ronll II IhOy fill duO. Borrower Shall PlY 10 Lender Itni lI'1lOunl nsc..sory 10
<br />rnoke '" lhe deflclency In one or more ~s IS LBI1dBr may reQUir..
<br />Upon ___I In lull 01 III SU'nS secured bI/ INS Deed 01 Trus" Lender _I pranp'ly r.fund,o Borrower atYf Funds held bI/
<br />LBI1dBr. If under p...1lgrIlltl17 hereof 1M "'"operty I. .oId or ,""","operly I. otherwlS. ICquored bI/ lsnder.l.ndBr Shall apply. no 111.r
<br />INn tTm8dIII8Iy prior 10 lhe sIIe 01 I"" Property or lIS acQUiSlllon by L8n<l8r. atYf FundS held by L.nder at lhe tome 01 appIlcltlon as a
<br />cr8dlllQlinsllhe """" SKured by lhil Deed of Trust.
<br />J. AppllclI1lon e' '..-ma. U'1Iess oppIiClbl. '"W prOVIde. Olherwlse. III p.,."er"s received by Lond8r under lhe NOI. and
<br />lllI'ogropI\S 1 oneI 7 hereof shill be oppIled by Lender IlrSlln P"","""I of lrT1OUI'IIS paylblS to lllf'lder by Borrower under paragraph 7
<br />hereof,lhen 10 Inl...OSI paylbl.on I""NoI.. oneil""" lOlhe princiPIi 01 the Not..
<br />4. PrIor Mort..... _llMcIII D' TnIBt; Char...; u.ne. Borrower Shall perlonnlil of Borrower's obIlgallons under 11>{
<br />morlllllll. deed 01 lrust or 011,", S8CUI'ily Igr...,."t Wllh . lion which hiS priority OVM lI'is Deed 01 TruSI. Including Borrower's
<br />CO\lBnlllIS 10 1Nk.ll'tfTlDIlll when duO. Borrow... Shall plto/ or CIUI. to be plld III ,""el. asS.ssnenll and Olher Chlrgel, linel and
<br />mpoSillons 111rlbulabl.,o I"" Properly whiCh may ""11" I pr.orlty OV... ,,... De.d of Trus'. and I.asehold p_t. or ground ranIS. II
<br />lhi.
<br />I. .....1II ......... Borrower SI\III keep 'he wnpro.-.-nents now lucISllng or hereafter .rected on the Property InslSrtd
<br />ogIInstloss by fir.. _...do tnClUOl<l WI,"'n '''''.erm -.,,'ended COV"'age". and such 0'''''' haZard. IS Londor may r.QUire oneIln such
<br />lmOI.f1lS oneI lor IUCIl poriOClllIlBnClor may rlltUr..
<br />The onsall'oCe~.. prOVldong ''''' IMlIonc. SI\III be chOsen by Borrower Sub)eCt 10 lIlP<'ovll b\I Londor: lJIovllled. 'hal .uch
<br />1PPf'0W'1II shIH not be ,,"11SONtIIv wtt~d. AJlIMU'InC. DOIlele5 and renew"s thereof ShIll be In I form acceptlbte to LencIer and
<br />st\Itt ,rC:h,1OlI Istlnda""dmongageCfIUM In f..,or of ..-.d In I form acclIJ)tllb'e to Lender. Lender Shall haY. the rii1't to hold lhe POliCies
<br />,w,d r"wllS ',*eof. Sl.ttJICl to ,.... Iwms or Inf mortgage, deed of trust or olher searl'V 19I'..-nenl wit" alien whiCh haS priority
<br />OV'" .hlI Doecl 01 Trusl.
<br />tll"" 8YIlU of Iou. Borrow... _I \tie prlJT1ll1 lI01Ie. '0 ."" insuranc. c..".. and Lender. Lond8t maymll<B prool 01 10'S II
<br />nol mode prlJT1ll1ly bI/ Borrow....
<br />I' the Proper", IS IIbIndoned t1\I Borrow.,. Of tf Borrow... f.ls to r.SDQnd 10 Lenoer Wllh1n 30 BayS fram (he dale notice 1$
<br />"..leeI D>i LendIIr 10 Borrowtlf' ''''' the rnsur.-.c;. C"I" of fers 10 ~.ttl. . Cfllm for ln$lIl"Ce bM"lIfll$,. Lender 15 aJ1honZec:lIO collect
<br />I"C2IP1*v ,.... I""'anc. pr~ .. LIInOIf'S. O(WCWl .""... 10 r.1torlllon Ot repllr of I'" Properly or 10 lhe S\lnS HCl611d t7.,- this Deed
<br />of TrUSl.
<br />I. "'-vlltl... 8IIlI MIInt_ Df """"'; la_.; C8IIlI....lnI_.; 'I_Ill UnIt De".~. Borrow...
<br />_ k88ll ,,,, ProperTy In \1000 r_ end _I no' eClm'Tlt' w..,1 or p...",,, ~rmenl 01 d81...,orl1lon 01 ,,.. Property end _I
<br />~ W1tl'ltheprCMSlons of M'1lU.:s. If ''''5 DHd of TrUSII! on 11.,~a. I' IhI~ o..cJ of Trus, IS <Y1I\.n11 In ICOt\dc:'rT'MnU.lTl or a
<br />plnwc:J "", oev"cJ(rner". Borrow.,. $1\111 pertorm *1 of Borrow....s OOhglllont under the cJecJJf"allon or coven.,lIS creatmg or
<br />~"'ng I'" conocrnon.m or pI_ ...., or.r"_,, '''" b\I-I'W' ond r.l1-J'uon. of t"" eondcr'nl...rn 01' p1amod .....
<br />or.r8lOlrn8nl. oneI cons1tl..... dOC\rnon'"
<br />7. ,,~... (Of......... 18curlIJ, .f Borrow.. f.1S '0 perform ,... c,,",DnIfIlS ond lIgI'_lS con'"med In ''''s Doed of
<br />Trust.or.' lhilCUonor pr~ loearrnenc8<l _chmot....lIly."oclSL.".,..,"nl....".n .""Properly. '''''''Lender..t Lender'.
<br />"Pilon. ""'" nou,," '0 Borrow.... may maIle SUCh _lI'oCos. dllluH SUCh '\lns. Includlng rusonolll. Inornoys' I.... r.d ,..
<br />sucn IClIUrl II'S Jl8Cfl1ri '0 prOTOC, L.....' ,n'III$1. If L_ 'ecur8<l mong1g8 'nsurlOC. IS I concltllOll 01 rnoklng the lOIn
<br />-.,8<1 l>i"n Doecl 01 Trust. Borro_ "'" PlY ,,.. pr..."". roq,o'8d '0 I'1'lIIn,.n SUCh In~once.n .rlOClln,1 such lorne n,""
<br />r.(J.llr.".... fe.- suctI........ww:. IlI'TYVt\I1es In IlCcOt~e wtlh Borrower', and L~' wr1tlen IQI'~I D'" JPPIicabll law.
<br />Ani rno..r>l. ctlluSed bI/ Leno..- 1"1""-' 10 ''''' p.-Ilgraph 7. WI.h .n'.....' ''''''eon. '11"" No.. rl... _I b8Cane lddo1lonol
<br />_-.s 01 Borrow.. 58CU1'ed b\l1"" Deed of T"",. U'1II.. Bot'OWII' ItId Lender ogr.. '0 other 'erm. 01 ___'. such
<br />"""",s_, be PlY.... ""'" nol.C. Iran L_ '0 Borrow... r_""11 ~llherlOl. No''''ng conl.nod In ,,..s IllI'llgraph 7
<br />ShIll r_D L_ 10 InCU' lhi elCl*lS1 or t.... ~ ICI.on her"'--,
<br />.. l......-ctt.... Lender I'1\>>imlke 01 c.aJH 10 ~ m.oe r.l$enabI. enlrt.! l..DOf'1lnd In5OfK110l"\S of lhe ;:lroperty. prOYJc!ed lha'
<br />Lender ~I ~. Borrow.,. nonce pnor 10 InI such InspecllQn specI''w''ng r...s.onabt8 CilUS8 1,..,..fOl' r~aled 10 Lender's InlereS1ln
<br />lheProperry.
<br />.. C........rwtlon. The proc..", of "'" IWlI'd 01 cJ.-n fO' d~$. (irect Of CClt'1HQUenIU.I. In CCJnI")8Cllon wi1h 'MYy
<br />C~11on ex other llktng of t,.. Propen", CT part lhet-.ot. or for conv....if"'lC. In lieu of CondIr1'v'lIl11J1'l. ... hereby asSigned and
<br />ShIN be ~O '0 Lender. S\.C)IIC' 10 rhl tlfTnS of Illy mor1g..aQe, ClNdof trus' or other secunty~..-nent wlrh I Hen which haS priority
<br />ower II.. tJoed of T rUS!.
<br />10.1Drr_ Net "",,,-d; F..M....... Iw landor Not I WII_. Ex."""on 01.... 'me 'or~, ormadll.c""on Of
<br />1mOM".l'ftOnOf the S\IT'IS MCU"e<J I:P;' rhis o..o.at Trust "In'eel by Lenoer 10 ~ SUCCe$$Or In ln1.,.est of Borrow.. Shafl nof eper...
<br />10 rllMS<<. tn "~. '''-IUlblhfy Of t". on~M BorTO!Net' and Bcrrow....s successors In Inf.,..sl. Lender shliil no1 be re()JIred 10
<br />~. proc.~ agIInSl $UCtI SUCC.5~ or refuse 10 extend 1,",,- for pao.,n'l8f\t or olherwIH mod f'l.-norll11llon of the ,\.IllS
<br />WC\I"ed CPt tl"is Deed of Trus.~ by fNSOn of "" dIrnrL.1 ~ by 1~ on"nIII 8oI'l"oww."ld Borrow..', 5UCCe$sorS In In1..est. Arry
<br />forD...."C.bI/ l_ In .""'C1J1ng Itni ri~ or '''-'' her...--. 01 o'_wlse ., 100ded bI/ .,pIiCIbI. low. _I not ba . WIIYII 01
<br />or predudl uw ex..asa of rPt lIUCh flghl ex rlWNtCtt.
<br />11. '-_ _ "..,_ lDUIMI; JDlnt _ "_B1 lIl11ollltr. CD-.IIMn. T... covenantS oneIllgr_tS ""'eln
<br />COI'lI_ _lJinQ.1lld I"" ngi"s her...-- _I.nur. 10. ,,,. r.5P8C'IY. succ.ssor> and USlgns of lon<lBr end Borrow.... .ubjOCI
<br />1Q t" pl'OiI\:lIons Of p.-IQI'"IOf\ 1e hlreof. AU COlteNnlS.-'Jd .....,.,,'5 Of Borrower Sl\lfl be JOInt.-KJ severll. A"'I Borrower who
<br />CO-1ignJ '''' 0Md of 11'1J11. but ODes not ..Kull ..he No;e, (Il IS CO- SJOf'lno IhlS o..d of Trust orIV 10 'Tlnl II'\d COt'Ney 1h1t
<br />BorrOW8l'I 1n'...DI1In I'" Properly 10 Trusl.. under I"" lerms of ''''' Doed 01 Tr"5I. (bJ IS no. _sonllly lIabl. on I"" No.e 01 un<W
<br />l1Iil Doecl 01 TIUII._(c)Ilgr_ ',,",Lender ond lhio'her Borrow"'herlUl'ldll may ogr.. '0 ."'ond. modify. lorbe... or maIl.lhi
<br />Of"., KC-~KJns wi''''~ 10 lhe lenn~ ot. thiS o..d of Trvst 01' t.... Nor.. Wllh(Nt thai Borrower's consent iIl1(f WllflOul
<br />rMeting 1,..,8cITowwr or rntMJfVlnglf-', Deed of TrUs1 ., fa thll Borrower', Inlere51In Ihe Prop.,.t~.
<br />
<br />I NE'''''SItA.~ ~~ - lIBQ-"'''''''FHLMl: UNIFORM INlfRUMENT I
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<br />........ "ill
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