<br />88-
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<br />103894
<br />
<br />'1. A....-nt of IlBnlr, Appol_ of _1-. Lencll, In P_lon. As Iddlllonal socurlty hereunder. Borrower
<br />herBll'f ssslgns 10 L..- lhe ,enlS Of the Properly, provided lhal Borrower shill, prior 10 accBlerltlon under paragraph 1 7 hereof or
<br />~101 ,he Proporly.hWIlherlllM 10colIICI_r.llin suchrenlastheybecane due and PlYlIbIe.
<br />~ ICC.....lllon under PlI'lI!lI'aph 1 7 hereof or Ibandolrnenl of lhe Properly. Lendor', In person, by agent or by Judicially
<br />appointocl rOCllv... 5/1111 be enlllloclto Illl... ~ IIkI pOsHsslon of _1nIIl1gB lhe Properly _10 colllCllhe renlS of lhe Properly
<br />Including tllOH PlSldue. All renls cOlloclocl by Lender OI'lhe recBlver 5/1111 be sppiled fl<5110 P""""" 01 lhe coSIS of managemen, of
<br />tho Properly _ collscllon of rems. Including. bu1 nol IlmIled 10, recllver's f.BS, prlmhms on recelvlr's bonds end reasonablo
<br />snOflWfS' f.... _I'*' to lhe 5U1lS secured by Ihls DIed of Trust.LBnOer _ the roceiver shill be IIl1b1e to acC0\l11 only for IhOse
<br />rBlllS laCIUlliy rec_
<br />ao. RIoaftvey... ~ pa>,menl of all SImS secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust. Lender shill r_sl Trustee 10 reconvey the
<br />Properly _ 5/IaIlllUM'ender lllls DIed of Trust _ III no'" BVidenclng Indebl'-SS .ocured by thl. DIed Of Trust to Truslee.
<br />Trust.. _ rocOlWBV lho Properly w111lOul wwrlnly end wllhOul Charge to lhe person or persons I.gllly enlllled ,herBIO. Such
<br />person or persons 5/1111 PlY III COSIS of recordallon.lf "'i.
<br />1I,. SUIIatltuta T....... L..-, at Lander's opllon. may frc:m lime 10 lime remov. Tr\l$l.. _ eppolnll SUCCOS$Ol' Ir\l$lee
<br />10 "'i Trust.. IPPoInled herBllldBr by IIIlnslnmonl recorded in lhe CO\l1Iy In wI1lch Illls DIed 01 Truslls recorded. WilllOul
<br />COlWllylllCO Of the Pro/lOMV. the successor llUSI.. shill succeed 10 11IIhe 1II1o. power _dullBS conferred upon lhe TrusteB herein
<br />endbv appIlCJblII_.
<br />lI2.llI.-et'lI Net'-- Borrower rlQUOsts thaI Copies 01 lhe notice of del"'l end notice 01 sale be senlto Borrower's
<br />_ass wNdIll lhoProPll'lV Address.
<br />
<br />
<br />Borrower _Lender r_sl the hoI_ of "'i mortOIll8. deed of truSI or otM!' enclll"brenco WI,h I lien wI1lclllllls priority
<br />over lhis Oeod of TrUSl 'o~oNotlco 10 llOdOr, at Lender's _OSS 58t torlhon PIlI8 one 01 Ihls Deed 01 Trusl. of anyoehull under
<br />'he s<c>o<lor IIIlClIl'lbrlllC. Il1O of any salO or Olher foreclosure acllon.
<br />N INITh.ESS \IIIl-EREOF. Borrower hIlS ,"oculea lhis DIed of Trusl,
<br />
<br />
<br />~
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<br />- lot'...,
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<br />x
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<br />4-<.
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<br />. lor'ltMf
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<br />STATE r:s ~flRA5I(A.
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<br />eoun,y ss:
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<br />()1IIllS / / a., of ~d ~. ,ff' ,beloro me,}/Ie ~gned. I Nolllr'l,P\AlIIC
<br />-""\Y/~S"one<I ~ ..Jl'JIl'Ioea lor SIlO CCJurlly. pllrSOl'llllIy ~ ('. _ <-_4-4_~ D flY a_---<.-._~ r~<-~
<br />b.=iLL~;.L.- '-.(.' j(.;f a__ ~"'''_' to me known 10 be lho loentlCal per10nlll wfloH .........ell ... ",,*,SCTibBCl to lhe
<br />lor~ IllIll",*" IIId ICI<nowtedr,Jed ,he o"oc.mon 'hereof 10 lie ) r ..l~__--<- / volun'llI'V ac' _ deed.
<br />
<br />INIT1'o(SS "'" IIInd Il1O no'"'' se.. II --.:;' -<-~,- ~~" .........~---,.. ~~ In .lId CO\l1ly. IhO
<br />dIlo sloroSllo.
<br />
<br />My Ca'rm",,,,,
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<br />
<br />The underSllF'ed IS ,... _ OllhO nolO or nolO. secure<l by thi. DIed of Trust. Salo nolO or not.S, 'ogether with III o'her
<br />_1eG'ieSs SOCU'ed by llll. Oeod 01 Trust. _0 been p..d In lull. You WO _OIly llorOCle<lIO cane'" SlId nolO or nolOS IIId 'hiS DIed
<br />01 Trust. wIlICh ..o_ed herBll'f. Il1010 reconvey. WllhOu'w..ranly.III lhO o'"to now helo by you under 'hiS Deed 01 Trust to lhO
<br />person or persons ItgIIly Illll1led IhI<.to.
<br />
<br />OIls:
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<br />rs,.e lelo. ,.... t.. lieu,..... for l.-kt.... .~c~'1
<br />
<br />l NEBRASKA ->001: fvI'ROVEMNl - 1/80 - FNMA/ntLMC UNIfORM INIT1WMENT
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<br />'_40f4
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