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<br />/ <br /> <br />DEm OF TRUST <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />88- 103894 <br /> <br />THlSllEEO OF TRUST Ismllle lhis " <br />11188 .lI\'lllnlIlllBTnmor. Ervin D. <br />Hu.bandilnd W' f. <br />Flr.t A..rlcan Tltl. Insurance Co. <br />S..r. COftSUIII., Flnanclel Corporation <br />aocIlIing IlIldBr IIle IIWS or Kan.e. <br />~~ls8226 Indian Cr.ek Perkway, Corporet. Wood., Bldg. 32 <br />O",er land Park KS 88210 <.....Bin 'LendIr">. <br /> <br />d.,of Ju I y <br />Han..n. Charyl L. Han.en <br />l.....eln .Borrow.....l. <br />(herein 'TrU$lee"l. lIIld IIle BeMflclarv. <br />. 1 corporlllon organized lIIld <br /> <br /> <br />1lORAO\IIIER. In contlclBrlllon or IIle IncIBlll_S ""'Bin rectled lIIld IIle lrU$l.....ein cr..,Bd. IrrevOClbly granl! lIIld conveys 10 <br />Tnm...ln Inm. wtlh power of '!III., IIle following dHcrIbBd prllllW1V loclled In IIle COI.fIly of <br />Hal I , Sill. of NebrISkIl: <br /> <br />LOT 33 IN ISLAND ACRES '7, A SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />wNch l1li IIle aocr.u of 3108 We.' ,I de SI r.e' <br />I..... <br />_1Ik1 88803 (hw.n .PrOC*Iy ..._....>: <br />ll.~ <br />TOGETl-ER wi"' III IIle .......-.. now or ""'..II" erecled on file prllllW1V. andlll_I.. riglll.. ~enances and <br />rents (MjeCI _. 10 llIe nglll. andlUl""""" grven ""'81M 10 unclBr fO cQ!lecl and IllllIv SUCh rents), II' 01 whiCh Shat be <br />--..cIIObe andr."."lPA"1 of f...prOl*lV cow...ed ~ 'hi. 0..<101 Trusl: and IIJ 01 'lie loregoong.l~"" wllh Hid prOl*ly lor <br />file IOIHhlll4 ..,Il.lllhiSONd of Trusl'. on IlMSehOIdl.. rwllnln...r.,...redlon IIle.Prlll*1V': <br />To SEClIW: lolendBr I'" r~ or llIe 'nclIlllednlSS B\Ii4BnCellIJf Borrow.....nof.lIIled 01111/88 <br />and .,.,....onI and _II. ''''''101 (her.n "Nol"l, In llIe princijlll Slm 01 <br />us... 16416.50 . wllh 1"'...1St _lion. pr"",~ for monfNy t"'llImam. of prlndpal lIIld <br />,'''.." IlAlh llIe bIIlMC.ol ,lie 1_=_" II nel sooner IlIlCl. _ and "",_ on Ju Iy 25, 199& <br />\he IlIIf'*'l of .. 01"'" suns. wtlh 1"'''''1 lhorIon. advlMCed In ICCOI'dInCe ,*_'h 10 prOlllCll11e SlCU'lIy ,,1 lhi. 0..<1 01 TI'US1: <br />lIRUIle parfc:nnrce 01 llIe ~s andllT-'1 of Borroww _ con'al'1lld. <br />IIarrower ~s IlIBlllarrower I. IlWrlJly HlHCI 01 llIe BSlIl. ,*Blly conveyea and.... I'" "gill 10 gran' and ClYH~ '''' <br />Property. and llIBl llIe PrO/*1'tIS ~Bd, .xCB!>l for enc\lTO'lMCIS 01 rllCord. Borrow.. co.enanlS 11'111 Borrow.. w.rll'll. <br />and_ dBI_ generll",'1Ie lIll.,o\he Proc*",_""II' 'cl.",anddBmands. S<tlJllC' '0 enc:lfflbranc.. 0' '.cortl. <br />1.Nf'0R\Il COVENllNT5. Borro_ and LendBr co.ensnl and lIT" IS follOws: <br />1. ...,... ef I'ItIlIIfBI .... InIIIIWt. Ilarrower Shat !lI'CJrC)lIy PIlI -. _ .1Ie pnncIPII and'nl....., IndBbtednlSS <br />_1I11hl1N01. _1Il.Chlrges.. prowidBd in llIe NolL <br />Z. F...... T_ ........_. ~jllCl'O "cllll. IlWor a_non wa... t>t L_. Borrow..: _ "'" 10 LondBr on <br />tile dlVrnonINy 1lIIf'*'l:; or prlnClllli _I"'...m .. PI'\'IllI.l:t1CIor IN NoI.. ",'i1'1Ie Noll IS PIId In I~I. I sun (her.n "FundS"1 ~ <br />to ON-I_Ilh of tile 'fIWIy ._ and as5IS!I'TlWlI. (Inducing condomn"." ..., p11M1d unll _opTWlI .....'"*'1.. ., onyl <br />_ ~ an.... priorilV over 'illS DeBd 01 T''''l. and ground ronlS on ll1e PrOC*'y, if ony, plus one-Iw.llh of veil'" pronvl61'l <br />Insf_. for haZlld insw'IMCa. plus one-,wBir,h 01 VIlli'" pr.n\lT1lnsll1monlS lor mortllllll inS<ranc.. Ir ony. ., IS r.asonsl>lv <br />BtIt'lIIadlnlllMti IrIIl l~t""lO ,.... b,I LondBr 0<1 IN 1)61 01 ISSISllToBtllS ond tlIUS and r.a_. .Sll'Nlas 1'*801. Borro_ <br />!IhIIIftOl be oIlIiOMedlOMlklSUCh_1Sof FunIlS loLendBI' 10tlleBX.Bllllhal Borrowermak..SUCh PlP,monlS 10 1111 hOI<lt1r 01 a <br />priormonllllllor _ 01 t....hl oucto hOIdB< I. II'llnshlUtlonallonder. <br /> <br />. Gnnd 1,lend <br />101v1 <br /> <br />L .'UIlCA-~ M'ROVEMENT-l/BO-FNMA/FHl.MC INFORM INSTRUMENT <br /> <br />...... , 0 <br /> <br />,_, If. <br /> <br />cnl..U <br />