<br />UlS-
<br />
<br />103787
<br />
<br />If lendcr requirC'd mOrlgage insurance as ,\ wndilion of making Ihe loan secured by rhis Securiry In-
<br />Slrumem, Borrower shall pay rhe premiums required [lJ maimain rhe insurance in effecr uOlil such lime as a requirement for
<br />the insurance terminates in accurdanct. wllh Burrower's and l.ender's wrinen agreemeOl or applicable law
<br />8, Inspection, Lender or ils a~c'llI n1Ol)' makc' re"sunable emries upon and inspections of rhe ProperlY, Lender shall
<br />give Borrower nOlice al rhe rime of ur prior [lJ ,111 inspeelion specifying reasonable cause fur the inspeelion,
<br />9, Condemnation, The pnlce'e,ls of any' "ward or claim for damages, direel or wnsequential, in connection wirh any
<br />conde(")nalion or olher laking of an)' p.HI ofrhe ProperlY, or for con\'eyance in lieu of condemn'Hion, are hereby' assigned and
<br />shall be paid 10 Lender
<br />In the event of a IUlal laklll/l ", ill(' ProperlY, Ihe pnlCc'l:'ds shall lx, applied III rhe sums secured by Ihis Seeur;ty
<br />Instrumem, will:rher or nUl Ihen due. wllh any excess paId w Borrower, In Ihe evemuf a parrlallakin/l lIf Ihe Properl)', unless
<br />Borrower and Lendc'r mher",,;se ,Igret' 111 wrllin/(, Iht, sunl> st'cured by IhisSt'Wflr)' Jnslrtlmt'n! shall be rc..!uccd by lhe amuuJ1l
<br />of the pnx:eeds multiplied by Ihe 'ollowlI1/( fr"C1lon (a I Ihe 11)(,11 amuun! of Ihe sums secured immedlJlc1)' before I,.klllg,
<br />dividc..! by Ibllhc 'air markc:1 \'.l1ut, oflhe Pili pc rl l' immedlalely before Iht, lakmg, Any balance shall be paid III Burrower
<br />If Iht, Pmperty IS abandom,J by Burmwt'r, or I', alrt'r notllt' by l.c'nder w Horm",et Ihallhe nmdemnor 1Il1ers 10 make
<br />an award IIr serlle a claim for damages, lIormw!'r falls ro rt'sl",nd 10 l.t'nder wllhin ~() dap afll:r Ihe dalt' rhe lIol"e IS g,,'ell,
<br />Lender IS aUlhorizt.d III ",lien and "pply lIlt" ptlK,'eds, ,II lIs opllllll, ellht'r W rc's"'rarlllll or rep,m of rhe Propcrry or III rhe
<br />SUIll; st'<:ureJ by fllls Securu)' Insrrumenf, wtll't111" '" nllr rhen ,Iul'
<br />Unll"~s l..enrJl'f and liurruwer orhcrwl"t" .I~rl'(' In WI HIIl~. .Jn~ .lpplu..1IItH1II' pro\.el....J:-. hI prinllpaJ shall nul t:"x[t:'nJ ur
<br />","rpone Ihe due dalt' of Iht, mUlllhly pal'l1\l'n" ,elt'l rl'd ,.. 1111'''' agr''1'hs I al1J ~ llt ,han/le Iht, alllllUlll of such pal'mcnh
<br />10, Borrower Nor Relcased; I'orbcarann- Uy I.enoer Nfl( a Waiver, l:~,,,nslon 01 rhe rllne for payment <It
<br />modllical1oll oj alllort Izallon Ilfl he WillS st'L Urt'd hI' I h 11 "t" u, III I fl\!rUIIIl' III gr dilled hy I.endt'r 10 any su((essut in Inlerest 01
<br />Burruwl't ,hall nUlope-ralt'lu telt'ase rhe 1l,lhllll)III rht, ,1[110:""1111,,, ,.."l'r Ilr tlorr"wer's ""lessors In ,",ereSI Lender shall
<br />nUllx. rC'quired 10 lUlnmen(t" pnKl'c.'dHl";~ "~"ln\1 .lfl)' "'uu.c.'~', If III InH:,f('~1 ur r~fU~l' [o'extc.."nJ runt' 'or pa)'nu:nr or t.,UhC:..".,".Slo
<br />Illudlly amortization 01 Iht, ,urns sccurt'd by IhlS Se, urlll II1\!rumenl hy rt'olsun 0' ,Ill)' ,ll'mand nladt, by the llllgmalllorruwcr
<br /><It Borruwer', 'U((~"Ors '1l111INt'SI Any furht,,,, a Ill" hy l.t'ndt'r In "kl'H ISing ,my ri~hl "r rt'mt'dy shall not be a wal\'('r uf ot
<br />pr<<lude lht, t'xC'rust' ul any righr or rt'rnedy
<br />I J, Succeu,)t! and Anil(ns Hound; Joint ano Se"cral Liabilily; Co-,iKners, Tht. w\'ell"'lIs and alo:ret'menrs 01 Ih,s
<br />SeeullI\' IIl>Hument ,hall bmd Jrld Ix'ncflllhe 'lI"l"")" alld ,I\\I/ln, III I.t'nrkr and lIurtll"t'I, sub,,"I rll rill' pro..wm, lit
<br />paralrtraph 17 lIurrov.'cr'!Io luvc:nJnl\ ..n..l .1J.;rtoc"rnc:ru-.. ,lull ht, JOlnf Jlld "tt"\'l.rJI Any BI)rrOWc,'r u.'hu lil'\I~n"t dll~ Sn:unr)-
<br />lnsrrumcnt bur tioc:~ nUl exc(utl' rhe Nuu,~ (J' I' ("I) "I~nln~ dll"- S{.uuulln!locruJnc"IH uol)' In Jnun.J.:,J~c,'. J.:r.ulI Jnl! UJIJ\.c:'}' th"u
<br />8nrn,wc'r', Inlere" II1lhe 1'1llPt'rtl' ullllt'r Ihe It'rlll' "t It"s "l,.urol\, I 1IS1,ulllenr, I hi" n", i....rs"II~1I1' obhgdlt'd 10 pay Ihe
<br />\ums "'n1It'd by Ihis "e,ufllyln,rrulllelll, an,\ '" JIo:""" Ihal I..'nd"r ,'11'\ all\, ..rh"1 I\o""wer lIIJ\' .Igrt't' It. extend, 111...111,',
<br />furht'.n ur rndkc: .lny an:unllllodaIIOn\ ""Hh rl-J.:,ud (II the.' U,"rnh lit du"! ~l"lUrnl In...IfIJI1u.'nr ur the.' Nu[t. \\'uhour ch.u
<br />8()rrow(.r\~ lnn1tton1
<br />I.! , loan Ch.r~t's, If rhe 1....1 "',ult,,1 hl Ih" Snur"l' InSlfUlllt'f1f " '\JhJ"ct hi J I.w wt"ch "'" nUkimurn loan
<br />dlolr,.;t"!\.. Jnd Ih.J( )..IW I~ 'u1nll)' IIUc"qHe..r("J \0 rh.1f rhe: IfU('!l'"r llf ,.II1(:r IIJan ,har~t~"t ,-olll'( tt.J of to bt4lulll'lu,'J in uutne'UItUl
<br />wllh Ihe loan ekceed Ihe p<:rlll II l('d 1111111', I h"11 ,a I ,111\ ,u,h 10.111 d"'r~t. _h.1I h,' redll,t'd h)' rhl' .1ll..1I1ll nne"ary 10 reJucc
<br />Ihe, h,'r~t' It> rhe Ix'rtl1lrred IlInll , J lid I hi,. n\ '\JIll' ,\1 rt',,,11 U1l1t,ct,'d f I om I\or "''','r whit h eXCl,t'd,'d perlTlIrlt'd Ilmll' will be-
<br />refundl..l Inllntr",,','r I.t'ndl'l mal dHlo,,' I.. m,lh ,h" ,dund hI I,'<llllln~ I Ill' prill< 'pal owc'd under Ill(' Nole "r hy makll1j.; a
<br />direllP,I)'lIIt'11I In Ilnrruwt'l If" rdund It'dll,n 1"111< '1"'1. ,Iu' ,,,,Iu, I,on w.III,,' IIt'.lnl J' ,I p"rt,,,1 prt'p")'l\lenr wllhllUI any
<br />prt'puyrnt'nr ,h,uge undt'r rht, NOll'
<br />I,\. ul(islation Affc...'ting under', RIKI,,~, It ('I1,IlIIIll'111 ..I .'xp" allllll '" "I'pll,ahle law, has rh,' eHecl III renJ..-rul/l
<br />any prlJ\'I~Ulll of rhe NUll' or r lu!'t ~C:UIt II). I It\r runU,'IH uru,'nft.fr.coJhlt- JLlllrdlfl~ II. u, cern". Ll'ndr:-r,.u II'!! upclun. Ilta}" n-qutn-
<br />..nm<:d,al" pay me", tn full III all SUllls ,nUll'" hy Ih" ,,,,,,"'11 In,IIuIIll'I11 ,IIlJ m,,)' In\'lIkt' any rellleJles pl'rmllll..! h\
<br />paragraph II} If l.ender exeru't's rh" Ulll 1<)\1, [.t'I1,lt'r ,h.1l rJkt, tht' 'leI" 'f'''' Jlll,d ,n Ihe se<..nd par"/lr "ph u, para/olraph 17
<br />I-i. NOlic&.'S. Any mlllce [lI Hlltr"..'er p"'Vld,'d to, ". Ihll "elLI[IlI' 1ll\lrtHlll'nr ,hall be /(I\'en by Jl'lt\'t:nn/; II IIr by
<br />mailing II by' I ir,r cia,. Illa rI unit,,, appl"ahle I..,. "'<lUll'" U\(,. It J n"l hl" ITlt'r h, kiTh" nul Itt: ,h,,1I he' dlft... red I" Iht' ProperlY
<br />Addtess or any mher addlt,,, Ilurmwer de'l/lnalt's by' nolltt' lul.end,'r ^ nl nUll,,, l"l.ender ,hall be gl\'en bl' hrsl da.s marl
<br />III Lc:nders address S1alt'd hereon ur all)' urht't addrt''' 1"'IllI,'r d"\I/lnJIl" hy nul"t' ro lIurr.lwer AnI' nUlll(' pru\',dt-d fllr In
<br />thIS SeCllrtrt'lllSlrUmt'1H \h.1I be- det'll1c-..j ro hJ"" h"'l'n gll,'11 10 11.."..wt"." I.t'l1d,'r wh,'n ~'\'t'n ,IS prU\'ldl,<11Il rt", para~raph
<br />1<;, GoverninK La....; Severability, Till, St'lurllY ImHurn"1H ,hall lx' go\'elllt.d bl kderall,l" ,md Iht, law 0' Iht,
<br />IUn~dl(IIUn in V1,tuch thl" Pruperry l...lc.u:al(.J In du' (.\t'nl (h~1 .iny rn )\"..nlrl or ll.lU..t: lit dll!i. St'" uflf}'ln'trunll'nl ,Ir du: Nl1t(-
<br />cunnier, w irh ,.pplicablc law, sUlh <Illlfh" ,hJIII1111 a 1ft', I ..r her prtl\ I\t"l1\ ot rtll\ St" tllIl \ I n,lrtlm"II1 ." f he 1\;111(' whll h, a n
<br />lx' glvt'n efleCl w;,holll lht' cunfllLton~ prm'ISOOI1 To rill' l'l1d Ih,' 1'''''1\1011\ ollhl\ St"tlrllY II1S1r11l1ll'nt ,md rill' Nort' .rt-
<br />Ilcclart,cl hi be St'\'..r .bll'
<br />1(,. Borrower's COI'Y, 1I0trllWer ,hall bc' /l1\'l'1I Oil<' ,ontllrl1ll'd "'1'\' ..I rl1l' Nore all" ..f rillS St'lLHIIl 111,Irtlml'IH
<br />17, Transfer 01 the ProlJerry or a Ucndic'ial Imere\1 in Borrower, II all ot .IIIY part 01 rht, Pr"pt'rt\ or ,111\
<br />inr,"n-"I In II IS '!ioulc.l or IfJI1!aofcrn'.j lor I'.l bcnchllJllnu:rt'''tf III U.orro'wl'r 1\ ..,.Id ,Ie 1I'.Jn...kt rl'ti .ltul nurru\\-!'. 1\ 1l11t .1 n.ltur..1
<br />per!iClIII Wilhuul I.ende", prior Wrltlt'1I10nst'rIl, I.t'IHJt.r may, ar '1' "PI 1011, r'''-lUltl' IIIIIlIl.dl,II" p"l'tllelll 111 full 01 "II ,"m,
<br />!lCrured by Ihi~ Securiry In,trumelll Huwt'\'c'r, rill' 01" II 111 ,h,.III1'" hc' "Xt'llIst'r! b)I."lllln ,t t'XC'" I'" 1\ I'" ,lllbllt'.1 hy Ir'<kr "I
<br />law a~ of Ihe c1ale lIf t111~ Securiry Instrurnt'lll
<br />If I.endc-r ('X<:fClSCS ,Ill, OI'l iun. Lel1der sha "ll,vl' !llIrro""t" 11111 Ill' "I ""l'h" ,II '''11 Th.' 'HllIIt' ,lull pro\".ll' ,I I't"" "I..,
<br />n()lle~, Ihall ~() day~ frurn rhe dale rhe 11111 Ill' IS dc'II\'t,ft'd or matlt'd w II ;1111 ",llIl h I\urrow,'r ""1\' 1',1) "II 'lJlll' ,t'llllt'd 11\ ,h"
<br />Securiry Inslrulllenr If Burrower /;tils III pay rhese ~lIrns pllur ,,, rh.' e'l'lt,ll'O" ", rill' p,'r..,,1. It'ndt'r ma\ II",.k<' ,III!,
<br />rernetlJt.~ perrnille,l by rhls SelurllY Instrutnerll ",,"hIlUI furtht'f 1l01lLe' m deman,1 "" 1\""",Wt'l
<br />18, 8orrllwer', Ril(hl 10 Reinslale, Illlurruwl'r met'rs ,,'II;IlI1 "'11.11111111\, I\""""'er ,h,,11 hil'" Ill<' lI,1:hl ro ha\'..
<br />C'11'urc.:mcru uf du!'i SeuJtit)' II1\trtlnll'fH dlsl,OrHIf1Ul'\! ole .Iny t Inlt' pi (lH lit the ('M ht" lit I .ll ') d.ll' (III ...m h 1)1 htT pt'f1od .1'
<br />aJ1phCdhle la w rn.,~ 'IWl Ify f,.r II'HlSl alt'lTl"11I1 hd, Ht' 'a It' 0' I h,' 1'11,1'" I ') I'" "","" ". ,111) 1" ,wt'r ,.1 ,,' It- ,.'111 ,IlIlt',iIl1 f h 1\ S..
<br />(tlriry Instrurnt'.H. Uf I hi (~nU)' uf ,I ,utl~n\('l1t {'f1fOH il1~ 111l1'i St'l, \Irl(~' 11l~1 rurr('llt Thtl\l' l pnd'"tln, .11 (' r h,lI Hnrr<l\\TI I.l'
<br />I'~~' I~nclt'r JII \1I11l~ whirh rhl'll ",ould be .IIII' IIndt'l dm S"L1H"l' Il1\rrllll1"1I1 ,lIld Ill(' NIIIl'Il,I.t II.. ,'" el, 1,.1I,,1I,," "' "'.\ ,b
<br />(urt~, .:any d(."tulr uf iHty udU,'f 1.I11l\'e'UlII't or ,1~f{'{.,nl'f1t\. (l I p.IY' JII [''''p("r,,(', Jrtlur n't,111l {,,,tll1\ In~ I hI'" ~('llllll \ 111\1111111<<'1\1
<br />IUdUlhnJ4. hut nul IlInJle~d tt!. H,.lltUrtilblt.' .HIl)t'II('Y~ f('t'~. ilnd ,ail I.lk('~1 ,mil .Hlllln .l\ 1l'lhkl 111.1\ fl ,I\III\.lhl\ rt"l'lIu I.' .,'
<br />liUfr th.df th(' htn 011111\ S.l'~Ufll)' 1f1\lrullu.'ru, J...t.llllt.' ... '11th'" 11'1 tltt: Pr"pt.rt, .Iod 1~(I"t)\""('r '" llhll,L:.,PI.Il\ I., P,I\ dll .."m..
<br />.,t'cufed hy .tu, S<'(lJrlf~' l.hlfUIHt'f11 ..h.lllull1llflUt' ulIlhJ.nW..d 1 :1"-1(11'.'1""',11[.'111("11 h\ H'Hltl\\l'f ,Ill'" .....1'\11111\ 11l""IllllH III
<br />,1",1 rht. nbhJ.tJ11f,n.. ""(llJ('lllwn'h~ ,h.dl rt',n"Ul fully {,'h.tfl'" ,1\ 11 !IillHll,k,,1I1'1I1 h.ht lll,llllft".l tt.,v,( \1' 'hl\ ",~,,! I,.
<br />tt'Hl....He.. \tull nul "pl'l,; Ifllht, ',1\('11' ,Ult.lt'f,HIlHllll1de', pM.I~~t.lph!\ I ~,if I'
<br />