<br />88- 103787
<br />
<br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Burrower and Lender furrher cnvenaO! and agree as folluws:
<br />19, Acceleracion; Remedies. Lender shall give notice 10 Borrower prior 10 lICcelcracion following Borrower's
<br />brellCh of any covenant or agreemenc in this Security Instrument (buc not prior to lICcelerarion under paragraphs 13 and
<br />17 unlessapplicable law provides oche;wisel. The notice shall specify: (al che defauh; (b) the action required to cure the
<br />default; Ie) a date. not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured;
<br />and (d) that failure 10 cure the default on or before the date specifit.od in the Dorice may result in acceleration ofthe sums
<br />secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property, The notice shall further inform Borrower of the
<br />right to reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any
<br />other defense of Borrower 10 accelerarion and sale, If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in 1he notice.
<br />Lender at iu option may.require immediate payment in full of all sull!s secure~ by this Sec:urity Instrument without
<br />funherdemand and may Invoke 1he power of sale and any other remedIes permitted by apphcable law. Lender shall be
<br />entidedto collect all upenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 19, including. but not
<br />Ii mired 10, reasonable auorneys' fees and COS1S of tide evidence,
<br />If the power of sale is invoked. Trustee shall record a notice of defauh in each county in which any pan of the
<br />Property i.locaced and .hall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the
<br />other personr prescribed by applicable law, Afterthe lime required by applicable law. Trustee shall give public notice of
<br />sale to tbe persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law, Trustee. without demand on Borrower. shall sell tbe
<br />Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the cimeand place and underthe terms designaced in the noticeofsale
<br />in one or more parcels and in any order Truuee,decermines. Truslee may postpone sale of all or any,piUcel of the Property
<br />by pubiic announcement ac the time and place of any previously scheduled sale, Lender or its designee may purchase the
<br />Propeny at any sale,
<br />Upon receiJ'c of paymenl of Ihe price bid, Trusree shall deli\'er IU Ihe purchaser Truscee's deed conveying the
<br />Propeny, The reeuals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of Ihe cruth of Ihe state menu made therein.
<br />Trustee shall apply che proceeds of the sale in the following order: lal to all expenses of .he sale, including, but nm
<br />limited 10, Trustee's fees as permincd hy applicable law and reason"ble auorne}'s' fees; Cbl 10 all sums secured by this
<br />Security 'nscrumeOl; and (el any ex,'ess 10 .he IlCrson or persons legall)' emilled (0 ii,
<br />20, Lender in Possession. Upon ;I11:deraliun under para!:raph It) lIr abandonment tlf the Propert}', I.ender l in
<br />person, by allenr "r by ju<iicially appointed re<:eillerl sh;1I1 bt- elllllll.d III entl'r uptln, lake poss,'s,ion of and m:lnage Ihe
<br />Property and IU wllec..he relll~ of Ihe ProperlY indudinR rhuse pa,r du.' Any rl'nt~ wlk'cu:d hy Lender or Iht' recei,'er shall
<br />be- applied firsllo payment 01 rhe CUSIS 01 managem"IlI111 rill' Prop"rly ;lnd wilen"," uf rents, including, bUI nmlimiu:d fU.
<br />reccivt'r"s fees. prcmlUms un rt'(<:I...'r's bomls and rea"lIlahk' "lrorm'~" k.,s, "",I then Illlhe sums se<.'\lred b)' Ihis Securiry
<br />InslrumeO!.
<br />21. Reconveyance, Upun paymelll of all SUIllS secUl...:1 hy rillS St.":Urlly Instrument, Lemler shall wquest Truuee 10
<br />reconvey Ihe Properly and shall surrender 1I1IS Scc:urilY' IllSlrlllllt.'lll and all noles l'\'ldl'IICIIII' d,'bl Sel-Url.J by' this s...o.rily
<br />Inslrumenr lU Truslt'r. Trusl<<' shall rrn,"lIey Ihc ProperlY WIthout ",'arrant)' and ....llhUUI dlar!:t' 10 the pennn 01 persuns
<br />legally emitJt'd In il Such persun ur persofls shalllli'y any n.'cordallon wSlS
<br />22. Substitute TrLscrr, l.ender, at in opllun, may frollll"nt' loll/ll.' 1.'mOH' TrUSlce alld "1'1""111 a successor IIU",'e
<br />III any Truslee aPl"lInt..J hen'under by an mSlrumellC rt'lllnlt'd !II lhl" 'mlllY' III whIL h II"s SeturllY InSlrUJn"1lI IS I...:orded
<br />WilhlluI (CHwt.-yancc of II... Property" the successor IrU"It'e \hall sll,"'cd 10 ,1Illht' lI1k',pOwl'r and dUll.,s clInferred upon
<br />'l'ruuee herem and by' .Ipplicable I.lW,
<br />2.\. RCCJut'tt for NOliet't, 8orru.....'r rl"que5n Ihal UlptC5 oj Ihe nolllCS 01 ,It-I,,ulr ~ml \.11., h<- ..'Ill 10 Burrower's
<br />addrrss which '5 the Pmpt'rty Addre.'ss Borruwl'r IlIrlhrr fl'<l\l.'~IS Ih.r Ll'P"" 01 till' nOlllC~ of de/auh d",1 ~~I."be scnt mcach
<br />penton .'ho is ~ pauy herem dl rhe addre~s of \uch pc:rSlltl \l'l fllrth herem
<br />2,1. Riden to lhis Security Inltnlmenr, II on.. "' mllH' rrJcr~ dr<, "Xl'lull.J hy Borrllw'.', and r<<urdc:tl w~elhcr "";Ih
<br />IhlS Securjcy Instrument. Ih.. covenams "nd "~In:lt1enl\ "Il',o<h such rrdt'r \h.l11 bt- ,tll"UlI"".r,.,I,OIu .InJ shall amend and
<br />511pplemeOl Ihe ("vcnallu .Il1d .lilrl'CITIl'l1l' III Ih,. -;.,,,,, Ily In\lrllll1cOI ,IS " rhc rrd.,,,,, w.'rl' " r.lft 01 Ihis Selunty
<br />loslruIIIl'nr. ICheck arplicable bl.xl(,.1 I
<br />
<br />o Adlllslable R~Ie R"ler
<br />o (iradualed Payn\t'llt a"ler
<br />OOthef(s) I.pe<ifyl
<br />
<br />o (,lIndllnlltl'Urn Rld.-r
<br />o 1'l.nr1l'J II nil 1 }evcllIl'lllt'nl I{ Ider
<br />
<br />o !..l !'.anllly Rldel
<br />
<br />BY SIGNING 81:LOW, Borrllwer d"CpIS oint! dillel" to Ihe ICrlll\ ,md <O\'l'I...I1I, wl1lained III this Semnty'
<br />1t151flllllC.'0I ,,",i in any ndt'r<,) eXC'<IlIed by' """o",'er .111,1 rno..l..J ...... h ..
<br />
<br />,x.~T~"""",,'Seall
<br />Robert J. Swenson -8ortoWtlr
<br />
<br />.x. '~1~~."~~~"~'~'.I11
<br />Deborah S. Swenson -Borrowtl.
<br />
<br />(Spec. ._ TIM. laM fot "'c.~"
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />STATE 01' NH\R^SKA, ",.",..."""""".,..,..",..,.,.,... l.oUIllY"
<br />
<br />On Iltlt ,,', ~~,~~",.".,' ,ldY III ,,', ~~l~",..". , 1'1 .88, ,lll'l"rl' IIll', rill' undl'r'!1;Ill"j, ,I No.ary I'ub",
<br />d I '1C"li d . I f 'i f d '. . , II ' ,Robert J. Swenson and Deborah S.
<br />II Y. (I)mml~S1Ul Hu'& qua I Itl ur sa. CUUUlh pt I\lIn;l y ,alll~ """",."."""",."""""""""",.,
<br />, ,~~.~I!~~~,., , , , !II, ,~~~, ;I,~~ . ~~,~~ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , . , . . , . . , , . , . , . , , , , . , . , , , ,. ,hI lIll' knll..n III Ix' rill
<br />i,ll'nlinl peUUlllsJ whll\(' nUllelS1 all' .ubs<rrbc:,lllllhl'.IlIl'!:'"f1!: IfI'"L''''' III "rlll,,,kll,,wll~lil.~i ,h...'X'.""l1lfllhl.r.". rll b.:
<br />, , , ". , , . , , , , , , ,\:!I~At: . , , , , , , , , , , " ,'uIUIlI.1rt'.Il1 ~II<J dl"t~i
<br />'IlIIitnc.. my hand ~nd t10laflal .t'al ill "".".', ~,t:~~~, ,~':I~:s.~d, , , , , , , . , , , , . . . . 'f1 ,,,,,I ,,,unl~, tl". ,1"ll'
<br />alorrsaitl
<br />
<br />My (umrninion e.pires M.rch 10. 1990
<br />
<br />[;I:-=--J
<br />- 1Ir~""'."_
<br />
<br />n.~..t~
<br />
<br />~ Nllta,v PlllJltr
<br />