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<br />88- ~ 103787 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender cuverianr a~d agrce as follows: <br /> <br />I. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the <br />principal of and imerest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepaymenr and late charges duc under the Note, <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicllble law or to a written waiver by Lcnder, Borrower shall pay to <br />Lender on the day monrhly paymcnts arc due under the Note, unrilthc Note is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") equal to <br />one. twelfth of: (a) yellrly taxes and assessmenrs which may altain priority uvcr this SCl'Urity Instrumenr; (b) yearly leasehold <br />paymems or ground rems on the Property. if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) ycarly mortgage insurance <br />premiums, if any, These items are called "escrow items, "lender may estimate the Funds due on the basis of currcm data and <br />reasonable estimates of future escrow items, <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits ur accoums of which are insured or guaranreed by a federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution), Lender shall apply the funds to pay the escrow items,Lender <br />may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing the account or vcrifying the escrow items, unless Lender pays <br />Borrower imerest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lender may agree in <br />writing that imerest shall be paid on the Funds, Unless an agreement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid, <br />lender shallo"t be required to pay Borrower any inrerest or earnings un the funds, Lender shall give to Borrower, without <br />charge. an annual accouming of the Funds showing credits and debils III the:' Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the <br />Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional security for Ihe sums secured by Ihis Securily,lnstrumenr, <br />!f the amount of the funds held by lender, rogcther with Ihe future monthly paymenrs of funds payable prior to the <br />due dates of the escrow ilems, shall exceed the amuunt required III pay thc cscrow itcms when due. the excess shall be. al <br />Borrower's option, either promptly repaid f() Borrower or crcdited III Borruwcr un momhly payments of Funds, If the <br />amount of Ihe Funtb held by Lender is nOl suHicielll III pay the escrow ilcms whcn due, Burrower shall pay III lender any <br />amount necessary \U make up Ihe deficienq in one IIr more pa)'mcOl' as rl'<juired by Lender. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by Ih,s Sel'umy Instnlml'nt, Lcrld!;'r shall promptly refund ru Borrower any <br />funds held by Lender, If under paragraph 19 Ihl' Pmpcny is ,old or JHlulrl"i by Ll'ndl'r, L!;'ndcr ,hall apply, no later than <br />immedialely prim to the sale of the Property or liS aC'IIII'lIlon by Lendl'r, ,my Fllnd. held by Lender al the time of applicalion <br />as a credit agaiosl Ihe sums securcd by this &-cumy InSlrllml'OI <br />3, Application of Payments. Unless applic;lble IJW pruvldc, utlll'rw"l', "II p.lymellls reccived by Lender under <br />paragraphs 1 and 1 shall be: applied: first, llJ lale (hUIlCS due unller 111l' Noll', ,,'wnd,lu pre:'pJymel1l charges due under the <br />Note; third, \(l amoullls payable under paragraph 2; fuunh, WIllIl're'l du<', ,Illd lasl, W pnncipal duc, <br />,'" Chuges; Liens. Burrower shall pay all laxcs, asse"melllS, l'har~l", fllll'S ;lnd Ilnpt.>Sltions attribulable to the <br />ProperlY which may attain pnurilY uver Ihis SrolrilY inslfuml'IlI, Jnd le.l,eI",ld p.lYIII!;'l1IS ur ground reOlS, if ;lny, Borrm.'er <br />shall pay lhesc obligalions in rhe manner provided in parJgraph 2,IIr II nUl pJld m Ihal mann!;'r. Iiorruwer shall pay Ihem on <br />lime directly III Ihc peuun owed paymcOl, llorruwer slulll'romptly fUflllsh lu Lender JII nullCCS ul amounts 10 be: paid under <br />Ihis paragraph, If Bormw,.r makes rhese payments dlrel'lIy, lIurrow!;'r ,h,111 promptly lurl1lsh luLcnder racipts cVldencinll <br />the paymenu, <br />Borrower shall prumplly di5chilr~l' any hen Wllldl h,.. pnu'lly uH" 1111' St.'UHIlY In'trllmcnr unles, Borruwer: lal <br />i1grffs 1I1 ...rlung luthe paymcl\lof rhe ubllgal ion securloJ by r hI' Ilcn In J mJnner Jlu'pt;lbk' III lendcr, (b) conrcsts in gout! <br />fairh Ihe lien by, or defends agalO51l'nlo,cemeOlul the hen Ill. Il'~al prou,edmlols wlllch in Ihc Lender's opimon operare to <br />preventlhe enforcement of rhc Iicn or furlellure 01 any part ul Ihe Pruperty; or I () securcs Irumthe holder uf Ihc lien an <br />agreemelllsaridactory lO tender suburdinallng Ihel,cn l<J .h" St.'l'Uruy InSlruml.llI, If Lendcr dt'lcrmtnt., thaI any panofrhe <br />Propeny is subjecl 10 a lien which may allalll prioruy ",,'r Ih" Sc<'uril)' InSlflnlll'm, Ll'ndl'r lIU)' !I,ve Borrower a nOliee <br />identilying rhe lien, Borruwer shall ulIsfy Ihc hcn III 'Jkl' "Ill' '" morl,..f rhe aUloru sc. furrh abo.'c wuhin 10 days of thc <br />giving of nCllI(e <br />~. Hazard Insurance. Borrower .hJII kt'C'p .hl' ullpruvemcm, nllw CXISlin& or hcn'Jlter I. reeled un rhe Propeny <br />insured allain5l10ss by fire, haurd, tnduded wllhHl Ihc .crm "I'xlcndeJ co\'C'ragc" and an)' Olher hazards for which I.enticr <br />requircs insurance, TI,is in,urance shall be millmalllcd 10 the Jmounts and fo, rhe periods Ihat Lender r~'<juircs, The <br />insurance carrier proVIding the:' IOsllroncc shall be dlll'\('n by BlIrrowl'f subfCl'I 10 Lender's appfln'al which shall nm be <br />unreasonably withheld, <br />All nt,uuncc: pcllicll'1i and rencwals shall be a({cprable '" lA:'lIder and shall tnelude a slandard mongagedausc'l.cnder <br />shall have Ihc rillhlto hold rhe pohClcs and rcnewals, If Lender rcqlllre"lIurrllwer shall promptly gi\'e (U l.ender all receipts <br />of paid premiums and rencwill nmices, In Ihc even. of loss, Borruwer shall gIve I'rumpr nOlIC!;' III the in,urance carricr and <br />lender, l.ender may make proof of loss il nol madc promptly by Borruwl'l <br />Unless lender and BlIrruwcr orhcrwi,e agree 10 wruing, insuram!;' pnK:eeds ,hJII be: appliloJ to resrorallon ur repair <br />of Ihl:' PruperlY .JamilICcd, II Ihc r"S1uralioll or repair is l....ollolllically ft-a..blc: Jnd Lendcr's Sl'mnty " nol )!;'"cned, If the <br />reswration or repair is nOI cconlllnically fl'as,blc or Lender', sccu"')' would be: IcsSl'nloJ. Ihl' lIlSuranle pltK'eeds shall ~ <br />applied w .he sums secured by Ihis Securiry I nstrumcnt , wht'Ihcr III n"l rhl'n dUl'- wllh an)' I'XC!;'., paId 10 Uurrowcr, If <br />Borrower abandons Ihe Pruperry, or ducs nUl answer within W daY' ;I nulice lrum Ll'ndc' Iha~ 1I1c IOsurance l'anier has <br />offered w sell Ie a claim. thell LClldl'r roay culleu Ihc insurancc proceeds Lendcr roay USl' Ihe proCl'eds 10 rl'pair or restore rhe <br />Property lit w pay SUI11' sccured by Ihis 54'curilY Inslrumcnt, whell1t"r '" nUl Ihellllue Thl' ~(),day pcruxl Will be:glll whcn Ihe <br />nOlieI.' is givrn <br />Unless I.ender and 8<.rro,,'er mherwise agree III Wrilln&, JlIY ;I!'phcalloll 01 plllCloeds lu prulllpal ,hall n'lIcl<lend ur <br />p05lpt.lI1e rhl' due date ...1 the momhly paymcnts rdcrred l<J 1Il paragraph, I and 2 III dunge Ihe amllunt III rhe paYIIIl'lIh II <br />under plfilgraph 19 Ihc Pruperty is al'quired by Lender, !iorruwcr', rlghl 10 allY 1Il,uranCl' POlK"" anJ I'ltlll.""oJS rc,uhlOg <br />from damalle lU Ihe Property prim l<J Ihc acquisillun .hall pass wl.l'nJl'lro Ihl' CKIl'nt III Ihc sll'll' sc<:url'J h)' IhlS Sl'l.'\lril)' <br />Insrrumem lInmelhalcly pllllr to Ihl' aequls"'on <br />6, Presenation and Mainten.nce of Propeny; U:llk'holdl, BorflllA'CI ~hall Ill" de,eroy, damaj(l' tlr subslamially <br />change the Prupcny, allow Ihe Pruprny 10 deleriorale or wmlllll W,15II' If rhlS Serurll)' Instrulllent i, tin a I('a~huld, <br />Borrower shall comply wilh Ihe provisions of the l('ase, and If Borrowl'r ,Iululrl'~ tl'l' 1Il11' IlIlhl' Prn!1CrI}',thc leasehold anti <br />fee lide shall nul Illl'rgr unless tender agfl't's lU .hc mcrgcr in wrillllll <br />7. Protection o' under'l Rights in thr Propeny; Mongage Insuranl'C, II Hurrowl'r IJII. III petlurlll thc W\'l'nalllS <br />and allr~mrnlS wlluined in this Securily In~trumeOl, or there is " ICj(al proce<:oJinlllhal 11111)' S1l1nifical1lly al/l'('I I.endet" <br />riAhts in lhr Properly (Iuch as a procrrllinll in bankrup"y, prubalt', fur Wndl'lIlnall,mor tLlenlmct' la...s III tC'gulallons I. then <br />ltndtor may do and pay for whalever is necessary lCl prutl'ct Ihc vallll' ul Ihl' Pru!'l'rty oIlId I.l'ndl'''s ri,llhn in Ih<> Prnpert}' <br />lendt-r'li!Ctim" may include payinll any sums securcd by a lien whit'h 1,." I'f1LlfllY ""l'r I IllS SI'cllfll)'ltnrrUIIlI'Ill,nppe,"rrng in <br />coun, ".,inll rruonable allurnrys' fel's and I'mering un Ihe Prupert)' tll l1IaKe rl'pa.n t\lthllullh Lt'ndt'f IIlIIY t,I~I' ,"'tion <br />under 1m' paragraph 7, bnd!:'r dol'S nur havl' 10 du so <br />, Any .moun" dlsbuned by l.I'ml..,r under this Ilarallfl1!,h 7 shall be'Wltt.. "ddllllln,,1 dehln' IInnowl" \l'lur<'ll by IhlS <br />Security Insrrumrlll Unless Uorruwer and I.ender agtel' 10 ulhl'r 11'111" III p,,)'nU"nt, I Ill'S<' ,lIl1nllllls sh.1I hcur lII.erl'S! t"'lII <br />rMdslrof disoorsemcrll at Ihe Nnte nil' allti ,lullI bl'I'JY'lbll', wllh 1111 I'fl'S I , "I~HlIlIlI "I' tflllll i.<'lllkr '" Hnnllwt'! fl'<IUI"11II1l <br />,.aymenl <br />