<br />88- 103780
<br />
<br />" the power of sale is invoked. Trustee ahall record a notice of default In each county in which any part of the
<br />Property II located and Ihall mall copea of luch notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the
<br />other penonl preac:rlbed by applicable law. Arter the time required by applicable law, Trustee shall give public notice of
<br />..Ie to the penons and In the manner preac:rllh:ld by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the
<br />Property at public audlon tlJ the hl..hest bidder at the time and place and under the terms deslped in the notice of sale in
<br />one or more parcels and In any other Trustee determlnea. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any pareel of the Property
<br />by public: announcement at the 1Ime and placeof any pi'eviously scheduled sale, Lenderor Itlldesicnee may purehuethe
<br />Property at any sale,
<br />Upon reeeipt of payment 01 the price bid, Truatee shan deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveyin.. the Property.
<br />The reei.."ln the Trullee's deed shall be prima facie evidence 01 the truth or the Btatementll made therein. Trustee shall
<br />apply the proceeds olthe lale in the followin.. order: Ca) to all expeRlell olnle, inc:ludinl', but not limited to. Trustee's fees
<br />.. permitted by applicable law and reuonable attorneys' fees; (bl to allsulRIsec:ured by this Security Instrument; and (cl
<br />any ex_ to the penon or penons leplly entitled to it,
<br />20, Lender in P~lon. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in person, by
<br />BPnt or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take pos8e88ion of and manage the Property and to collect
<br />the rents ofthe Property includ inl' those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receivershall be applied first to payment of
<br />the costa of man:wement of the Property and collection of rents. including, but not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on
<br />receiver's bonda and reasonable attorne)'S' fees. and then to the sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br />21. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall request Trustee to
<br />reconvey the Propert)' and shall surrender this Security I nstrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and vdthout charwe to the penon or persons legally
<br />entitled to it. Such penon or persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br />ft. Substitute Trultee, Lendl.'r, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint asuccelliOr trustee to any
<br />Trustee appointed hf!reunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Securit), Instrument is recorded. Without
<br />conveyaneeof the Property. the successor trustee shall su('c....d to all the title. power and duties conferred upon Truatee herein and
<br />by applicable la"'.
<br />23. ReqUHt for Nolic... Borrower requl!!Its that (,oples or Ih.. nutl(,l'S of default and sal.. be sent to Borrower's address
<br />which is the Property Address, Borrower furtht'r rt'qut'sts thaI caples ohhe noti(,5 or derault and sale be sent to each person who is
<br />a party hereto at the address of such pt'r5on, N'I forth ht'rt'1n
<br />24. Riden to thil Seeurll)' InstrumenL rr ant' ormon' rldl.'rs art' t'xl'('uted by Borrower and recorded loI'ether with this
<br />Security IlIltrumt'nt. tht' COVl.'nants and qTl.'t'ml'n 110 of t'a('h su('h ridt'r shall bt. In('orporated into and shall amt'nd and supplement
<br />the covenants and qrl.'t'ml.'nts of (,lis ~unty (n.trumt'nt L' If tht. rulertsl \Io't're a part of this Security Inltrument,(Check
<br />applicable boJ;It'lI]
<br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condomlnlmum Rid('r 02-4 Family Rider
<br />o Graduated Pa)"ment Rider 0 Plann('(! emt Devt.lopmcnt Rider
<br />By SIGNISG BELOW Borro"'er a('ct'pb and qrt'l'. to Ih..lt'rm, and l"o....nanls l"llntalRM in this Security Instrument and in
<br />any ride"s) uecutl.'Ci by Borrowt'r and rl'{'orrif'll WIth It.
<br />
<br />-<~ L.:-r._ CA'''/(~r.,.....,.".,.." . Seal I
<br />Delores E. Robb -fIorro.,..
<br />
<br />. .... (Seal.
<br />- !IorTv-....
<br />
<br />__ ISpacp BelOW T",s L,ne For ACknow1eogmt'n'l
<br />On this :;t,~ da~' or ,h1,1,)' 19 B5
<br />duly commiulOned and Quallrl<od for saId l"ounly, l*r!oOna.JJ~. ("am..
<br />DeJ,o~.t!~.1; ,~9bb, ,4 S,1..Ii1&.le ,Pe r:1O~J1
<br />identical personl" ....how, namelS' art' suhSl"r1btod to lhl' rorelrOlnll IRstrUml'n1
<br />to 1:t~.J::
<br />Wltneu my hand and notanal ...aJ at Cr~od. Ia.land
<br />date aforesaid.
<br />
<br />Count)' ss:
<br />hdor.. ml', tht' Undl'rSllfJ1ed. a Sotar')' Public
<br />
<br />. , \0 me kno...'n \0 bt> tht'
<br />and a('kno....ledtred tht' eJ[pcution thurof
<br />voluntary art and deed,
<br />, In !'Bid county, th..
<br />
<br />~-=._]
<br />My Comm'u.",p" . ':::'"1:1 't&
<br />
<br />,
<br />I
<br />
<br />("
<br />7'
<br />. Ci.,-i.L.~..
<br />
<br />/"
<br />~'
<br />" . . ,. , ,.u.'.\.:..c'-
<br />Notary Public
<br />
<br />
<br />TroTRt:lIfEE
<br />
<br />Thl.' undrr.ljf1lf'llls thr hold.'r or the nott' or '101ft lOt'<'urpd h~' Ihl' r......d or Tru.t Said naIl' or noIPS. W<<l.'th..r ....,th all othf'r
<br />Indeb~neAll Sf'{'url'd hy thl! Dto..d of Trust, havl.' bfton paid In full You art' h..r..hy ciirN'tf'Il to ('an(,l'l.ald not.. fir notrs and IhlS
<br />IlHd of Trult. whi('h IIr.. dl'II\'I~rl.'d herl.'by. and to r!'eon,'l')'. ....,thnut "'arrant~' allth.. t'stal., nol h..ld h~' you under th.. ONoli of
<br />Trult to t~ Jll.'rlOOn or rJl'TIIons Irlfally t'ntitll.'d MTl.'1o
<br />
<br />a.f.
<br />