<br />88- 103780
<br />
<br />!l. t'ondl-nlnation. Thp procl't.-ds uf any awarrl of chum for (,iamalCes, dirf~ct or c'-'omR'qupnLial. in COnnl"l"tlOn with any
<br /><'lIndt'mnat ion or olher lakinK oC an)' part of the Property, or Cor l'On\'eyance in lieu of condem nation, are hereby asslp;ned and shall
<br />he \laid to Lender.
<br />In the event oC a IOtal taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br />whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking oC the Property, unless Borrower and
<br />Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds
<br />multiplied by the following Craction: (a) thl' wtal amount ofthe sums secured immediately be Core the takinlt, divided by (bl the fair
<br />market value of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower.
<br />II the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Bnrrower that the condemnor offers to make an
<br />award or settle aclaim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is
<br />authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its option, either to restoration or repair ofthe Property or to the sums secured by
<br />this Security Instrument, whether or not then due.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds 10 pri ncipal shall not extend or postpone
<br />the due date 01 the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br />10, Borrower NotReleued: Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension oflhetime for payment or modification
<br />oC amortization ofthe sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br />not operate to rl'le:1Sl' the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest, Lender shall not be required 10
<br />oommence proceedinltS against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization or
<br />thesums secur. I by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in
<br />interest. Any forbearance by Lt>nder In exercisinll' any rill'ht or remt>dy shall nol be a waiver or or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />or remedy.
<br />II. Succeuor'll .nd A..i~ Bound: Join1 and Se\'eral Liabi1i1)': ('(HIipers. The COVE'nants and agreements of this
<br />Security Instrument shall bind snd beneCit the successors and assiltns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions or
<br />parasraph 17. BorrowE'r's COVE'nant.~ And altreement.. shall bl' jOint and 5l'veraL Any Borrower who co-signs this Securit)'
<br />Instrument but doell not executA' the Note: lalls co-sil{ning thiS SE'curity Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br />Borrower's interest in thl' Propt'rty under the terms of thIS Security Inslrument; Ibl IS not pel'5Onally obligated to pa)' the sums
<br />securt>d by thIS Security Instrument; and II'I all"rl'eS that Lender and any othl'r Borro"'l'r ma)' agree to extend. modify. forbear or
<br />make any accommodations with rl'll'ard 10 the terms of thiS Security Instrument or the Note ...ithout that Borrower's COn8enL
<br />12. Loan Charces, If thl' loan !>eCUTt'd by thiS Security Instrument IS subJt'<'t 10 a law ",'hich sets maximum loan charge5.
<br />.nd that I a"" is rinall}' Inll'rprl'ted so that the interesl or othl'r lOAn ,'hargescollf'Ctt>d or to be collected in connection with the loan
<br />excftli the pt'rmitted limits, Iht'n. lal.n~' such loan charp;1' shall be rt>duct>d br th.. amount nl'CI!llS&rY to ....duCt! the charge to the
<br />permitted line; llnd lbtany sums .lr...dy l'olll'{'ted rrom Borro....er ...hich ..X.Clot'ded permItted limits will be refunded to Borrower,
<br />Lender may ch~ 10 makt' lh,. rt'fund by rt'duclnp; the prinCipal owt>d under thE' !'I:otA' or by makinll' a direct payment 10
<br />Borro,,'er If a rt'fund rt'duct'l' pnnclpal. th.. rl.dul'llUn ....11 IIJto trt'alt>d a.. a partIal paymetn WIth out any prepayment charge under
<br />the Note
<br />I~. JA.~al.tion A fffftlnc [."ndrr'. Rilfhla. I r l'nactmt'nt or "X plratlon "f appll..able la.... has thl' errt'<'t of ~nderins an)'
<br />provilion of Ihr Sate or th" s.-CUTlt). In~lrum..nl unenrorceabl.. a<'rordtng to 11.5 lRrms. Lender. at Its option. ma)' require
<br />immediate pa~'ment In rull or all.ums .....,,,..d h) Ih" Stocurlt)'ln.trum..nt and m.y tn\'ok.. an~' remt>dle5 Pf'rmltted by par8jfT8ph
<br />19. If Lender ..xercl_ th.. O~III"n 1.A'nd..r .halltl1kl' th.. sh'l" 'I".(',rwd In thl' >N'ond parllll'raph of paralfraph 17.
<br />1... Solil'rt!. Any nol 'c.. to Borro" ,'r IIrO\ ul.,'! Cor '" th" :>'..rurll)' Instrumenlshall h4'1{I\'en hy dellverln&, itor b)' malhn&,ot
<br />by fint duo mall unlt'.. aPIlItl'ilbl.. i3" "..qulr.'. ..nolh.... _,w' hud Th., nol,r,' shall h., dlrt'('I...l In IhE' ProPf'rt). Address or any
<br />other addr..u Barrm.t'r d""l[nat.~ I" '101 WO"o l....ndN Am ,wi u'" t"l,,'nd,'r -hnll h"Il,,,'n by f,r.t 1'1..... mall 10 undt'r'saddres...
<br />statPlJ hiPrf'ln or an)' olh~r addr~:'O J)I.ndt'f rit'''I.rn1itl('~ h.\ nulln' 10 Burrll"",'r .~n\' noll("l' J'ron(j~ fur In thiS St-c:-urlt,,'lnt:itrumenl
<br />shall be d(ltlmed to han.' bt.t'n lll\t'n 111 Burro" ,." or l.....rltj..r .... two II!' ,'f'! .1:0- prll\. "h.d In lhl" purlllilrallh
<br />Hi. Go\'rrnlnll La... s..,,'rahiltl\, T.". ~o ,'ur".. In.lr'lnl"~! .h..1I I... ll'''\','rn,~j 1/\ (,',Io'ral I.... and thE' I.... of th~
<br />JurasdictlOn In whl~h tht~ Prol")t.'r1\ I" hll.al~'l~ I r, ~ Ph' ,.\ 1.",1 that :tn\ :.rl'\ '..U,tlllr dau...t. "f 1 hI!' St"4'urlt.. In!<ttrumf'nl or the SOlf"
<br />connicts \l'lth app!tcahl., la\ll ..urt, \'lIflf:II' "L.I ' "IIT ..rf,~.t "Hwr pr,,\ ...lllf'!"llf thl'" ~"'U"I'" I'l..~r\jnwflt lJr th... Su1t" u:hl('h can bt-
<br />1'1\'en (lffrct 'l.nthuut tht, {"lm(1J('t. r;J ~lrtl\ "jll'-. T" t h I'" ,'nd t hi' prill. i" !I,r"" ..r ~ .11'" s..onJr It \ I n...trutTlf'rl1 Jind tht. Sol" art" deda.rl-d 1.0
<br />~ !leverablt'
<br />16. Borro":rr',, {'op~ Burr.,..",." ..;'i.1jll~' Ill....n lint. ('onfurnwtl \'oP\ nf tht, ~tlt(. anti nl lhl'" S.'('urll~' In!'itrumenl
<br />1 i. Tran"f~r o!thO' Praprrl\, or a "..n..fie-i.11 nt..rO'~1 in Borru....r If all or Iln ~ parl..C t h,'I'TtII...rl~' or any intE'rl'st '" II "
<br />IIOld or trlln~r~rrE'd tor d a ~wnt'rlf'lal lnll"'rt"!'ol In Horru........r I" ",U!.' IIr transft,,.r,ad and Burro"....,. .'" nnl a natural ilt"rl,"nn. \\'lthout
<br />.....nder's prIOr .....rlllen cun!ott"nt l.....ndt'r mil).', at It... upLH)o. ft"\.IUlr.' ItTl"Wtbah' pay nlt".rl t In full"f 1&11 ~urn'" M"('urfld h~ thl~ ~urlty
<br />Inltrumt'nt HOI.....Vl'r th" ..pIlOn .hall not I,.. ",,'rn,,'d ~J\ I,,'nd.'r ,( '....rc'... .. I'ruh,hot,'d h) (..d,'ral I..... L' of I hI' date or thl~
<br />Moeurlt). InstrumE'nt
<br />If Lender I'u'rc "..~ th IS ol,ll..n. 1,,'n<l..r -ha i I ll''''' fj..rr.," l.r nul WI'''C a"I..,I,'raUon Th., nut 'l'" .tulllflrO\'"ll' a p.'rlOd of not lE's~
<br />than 30 days rrom I hE' datI' thO' notice IS d..1 "...r"d ur mall..d "'Ithln ,,'h...h Borru"'l'r mU"I p.Y all sums St'{"urt'd b~' thiS Seo:-urit~'
<br />Jnstrumt'nt, If Borro.....r falls hy pa)' tht'se .ums prior to tht'I'XllIratlun ofthls pt'rlOd, I...,nder may IIIvnke .n)' rt'mt'di" permitted
<br />b)' this Sf'curlty Instrurnenl "'"hout rurthl'r nullc.' or d..m.nd on Burrower
<br />18. Borro",'er's Rllfht to Reinsl.t.., If Borrower m....\Ji ct'rtaln candlllons. Borro..'er shall have thE' r'&,hl 10 lIa\'t'
<br />enforcemenl ofthls Securlt)' Inslrum.'nt d,s..onllnul'd al any 11mI' prIor to the earher a!. lal5dayslorsuch period LS .ppllcable la....
<br />m.)' spec If)' ror rt'IIIstat.l'mt'n II b..rore sail, or Ih" Propert). flU rsuan t 10 An)' po"'E'r or !<Jil" contalll"'! ,n thIS St'cu rll)' I nstrument; or
<br />4blentr)'or II Judllml'nt ,'nforclllllthls SE'CUrll~' In.trumt'nt Thuse rnndltlons arl' that Bnrra.....r. I., pays Lend~r all sums ....htch
<br />th..n would be due undl'r thIS MCUfll)' Instrument and lh., NotA' had no acrelprllt"," o..currt>d. Ibt cur.'s an)' d..rault of an)' olhtor
<br />eovrnan~ or a&'r....ml'n1.Jl. II'I pa~'s all "Xllt'n.... IIIcurrt>d In I'nfnr"lnl[ thiS St'<'urlty Instrunlt'nt, IIIdudllllt, bUI not Iimitrd to,
<br />re..,nablr altornt'ys' fl.'t's, and Idl tak"" such IIctlOn L' u.-nd...r ma)' r.'allonabl). rt'qulrt' to LSMurt' that the hen or IhlS Seo:-urlty
<br />Inltrumrnt. L.'ndt'r'. rllCh"'.n the Propl'rt). and Borro.....r'. nhhll'all<ln to pa)' the sums ...cur...1 b)' lh,s Seo:-urll)'lnstrumt'nt shall
<br />cant III UP unrh.nl{l'd t.' pnn retn~tatl'mpnt by BorrlJwpr. th '" Nocur't). I nMtru mt'nt and thl' "bilK.' InnA ..'('ured h,'rphy ~hall r..maln
<br />fully f'rrl't'llvf' U If "" a('c,'II'r&t1hn h.d "c('urrrd IiO"'I'\I'T I hiS T1llhll" rrtnAtatr Ahall nul alll'l)' In Ihl' ,'.,,, u( alTPh'TallOn undrr
<br />paracr.phA 1:( ur 17
<br />NON.t 'Nlt'IIItM ('lIn:s.\sn; 8orro..'..r .nd Lend..r furthrr "un\'('n.nl .nd ...""' .. folio..'.,
<br />It. Al'rflrralilln; Jltomrdll!ll. L..ndrr .halllrh'~ notkr to Borro..~r prior to .1'".,lrntlon follo,,'ln, 8orro""~r'.
<br />br"lI('h of .ny l'o.'..n.nt or ..r....nwont In thl. Sfotourity I n.trumrnt (but not prior to al'l'rlrration und~r par-.raph. 11I.nd
<br />17 unl_ .pplk.hl.,. law provldH oth~rwi",,1 Th~ nollrr ehallePf'Clfy' lallM drfaule; Ibllhr 8('llon l'f'Quinod hll'u,...IM
<br />d.f.ult; Il'la da~, not I_th.n SO day. from th~d.tr1hto nllldl'~ hll(i\'l'n to Barro.'n, b)' which 1h~defaul1 mu" ~..unod;
<br />aftCI Cdl that fallur. to l'ur" tM d.fa"lton or btofor~ Ihr da~ 1Pf'C1n.d In thto nolI' may ,,"ullln a<<el.r.llon of Ihr lum.
<br />IHurrd by Ihi, !!Hurlt)' IMtrum.n' and ..I. of Ihr Pro,..rt)' Th.. nollr~ .hall furth..r Inform Borrowtor of 'h. riall' to
<br />r.......tr a'~r 11('1''''''111011 IIftd I'" richt to brln, . rourt al'11on to _rt thr non"I\"~nrf' of a d.faul1 or all)' other
<br />.f._ Itf BarrawfOr to M'r..lnallon and ..If'. "tfNo d"r.ult Ie nol "unod on Dr lM'fo", th. datr IlpP('lflrd In thf. neti..1' ,
<br />I.....nd"r al III nptlon ma, requl,. Immrdlatr pa,,,,,,n1In full of all .UIN WM.Inod II\,' Ihill ~urlty Inatrum.nt ...tthoul
<br />furthn d..mand and ma, Involt..lh. powrr or ..1" and any nthrr- rrm...t1H lH'rmlttrd II)' .Illlllrahl~ la.. lA'ndrr .hall '"'
<br />....1111.." to ,."lIrd all ".'M'n_ lnl'urr.." In 11IlNlulnll Ihr ,rmr"I... Ilrft.-lol...lln Ihl. 1,.r..,atlh III In"'lIl1lnll hili not
<br />11_.U_... I.. ,.............1.1,. ",'f",._.." f....~ ....~. .,....... It' fl.I,. ....-loA.........
<br />