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<br />88- <br />v A GUARANTEED LOAN RIDER <br /> <br />(For !Be wi.. FNMAI FlILMC unif_ iJUtnunenb lor <br />Veterus Admilliltnllon paruteed IlIUIlI) <br /> <br />10378-0 <br /> <br />THIS V A GUARANTEED LoAN RIDER is madc this. , . . , , . . ,~t;l}. ' . , . . . , , . , , . . day of ... .J:lI:Ly, .. . . . . . <br />, , , . , . . . . , , .. 19, ~~ and is incorporaled into and shall be dccmcd to amcnd and supplcmcnt a Mortgage, Deed of <br />Trusl or Deed 10 Secure Debt (hercin "security instrument") datcd of evcn dale herewilh, givcn by the undcrsigncd <br />(herein "Borrowcr") to securc Borrower's Notc to . !--~!l.d,E!Z: ,~~Ii~;r!l..1, ,~(rr~g!l8.e, ,l;q<:. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . <br />, , , . . , . . , . , . . . , .. , . , . . . . " (hercin "Lendcr") and covering thc Property dcscribed in Ihe security instrument <br />and located at .... ~f~~, .~t:~~,. ~,r,~~~ . +~-!-~!1~.., ,~f; , , , , ~~P,l. , . . . . . . . . . , , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . <br />CProperly -..., <br /> <br />~."!:. <br /> <br />. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. <br /> <br />VA GUAIlAHTEEP LoAN CoVEN"NT, In addilion 10 Ihc covcnanls and agrccmcnls madc in Ihc securily instru- <br />rocnt. Borrower and I...endcr furthcr CQvcnanl and agrce as Collows: <br />If the indeblednC55 secured hcrcby be guaranlccd or insurcd under Tilic 38, Unilcd Stalcs Code, such <br />Titlc and Rqulations issued thereundcr and in clfect on Ihc date hcreof shall govern the rights, duties and liabilit;es <br />of Borrower and Lender, Any provisions oC Ihe: securily inslrumcnl or olhcr instruments cxecuted in connection with <br />said indebtedness which arc inconsislcnt with said Title or Rcgulations. including. but not limilcd to, the provision for <br />paymenl of any sum in connection with prcpaymcnl of Ihc sccurcd indcbtcdncss and the provision that the Lender <br />may accelerate paymenl of the secured indcbtcdness punuant to Covcnant 17 of the security instrumcnt, are hereby <br />lUI1Cnded or ncgalcd to the extcnt ncccssary 10 conform such instrumcnts to said Titlc or Rcgulalions, <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WUI!IIEOI'. Borrower has execuled this V A Guar.tntecd Loan Rider, <br /> <br />,,{i,~,0"-:.:., (, ..4~L. <br />Delores E. Robb <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />---- <br /> <br />~677 U8~ <br />,a UAUI11U l.OM "-I 10 .1..1l1'_7/Jt-1..,,......~MTl_...IltSTlATIO. ""'"II <br />