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<br />88- 103780 <br /> <br />2. "'und~ for Taxes and Insurance, Subject 10 applicable law or 10 a written wai\'er by Lender. Borrowl'r shall pay tu <br />Lenderon theda:; monthly payments are due under the Note. until the Note is paid in full. asum I"Funds")equal toone.twelfth of: <br />(a) yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority ovel' this Security Instrument; (b) yearly leasehold payments or ground <br />rents on the Property, if any: lc)yearly hazlurl insurance premiums: and (d) yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any. These <br />items are called "escrow items." Lender may estimate the Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of <br />future escrow items, <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guarantl!€d by a federal or state <br />agency (including Lender if Lender issuch an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items. Lender may not <br />charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items, unless Lender pays Borrower <br />interest on the Funds and applicable law permitll Lender 10 make sueh a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing that <br />interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unle!l8 an agreement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lendershall not be <br />required to pay Borrower any interest or earninJrll on the Funds, Lender shall give to Borrower, without charge. an annual <br />accounting ofthe Funds showing credits and debits 10 the Funds and the purpose for which each debit 10 the Funds was made. The <br />Funds are pledged III additional security' for tht' sums !\('('urPd by this Security Instrument. <br />It the amount of the Funds held by Lender. IoJrether with tht' future monthly payments of Funds payable prior to the due dates <br />ofthese escrow items, shall exceed tht' amount rt'quirt'd to pay tht' escrow items when due, the excess shall be, at Borrower's <br />option, either promplly' repaid 10 Borrower or cred ited to Borrowt'r on monlhly payments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender is nOI sufficient to pay the es<!ro'" I lems "'hen due. Borrower shall pay 10 Lender any amounl necessary 10 make up <br />the deficiency in one or mort' payments as requl~ed by Lendl'r <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this St'curity Instrumt'nt. Lendl'r shall promptly refund to Borrower any' Funds <br />ht'ld by Lender. Ifunder parall'raph 19 the Property' iuold of acquIred by Lender. u.nder shall apply, no later than immediately <br />prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisitIon by umdl'r. aoy Funds hl.ld by Lender al the timeof application as a crPdit against <br />the sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument. <br />3. AppllraUon of Paymt'ntll. L' n It'ss applicable law pro\' Idl!s "I! all paym..nts rl!Cei\'ed by Lender under paragraphs <br />I and 2 ahall be applied: fint, 10 amuunt1l pay'able undl!r paralfraph 2: ",'('ond. 10 Interesl dut': and last. to principal due, <br />t. Charlr": Liens. Borrower shall pll)' alllut'S, 8Jlst'Ssments, ('harlfl's. fines and imposllions attributable 10 the Property <br />which may' ~ttaln prlOrit)' O\'pr thiS Secunly Instrument. and I I' a..... hold paym..nLsofJcround rl!nts. if any. Borrower shall paythCR <br />oblillations in the mannpr pro\'idf'd ,n paralrrllph 2. or If not paid In that manner. Burrower shall pay them on timt'directlYlothe <br />pel'llOn o,,'ed pa}'ment. Borrower shall promptly furnISh tn l....ndl!r 1111 nOllc," nf amuunLs to Ixo paid under this pal'8lrl'aph. If <br />Borrower makes these payment.< dlrl'Ctl)'. Borrt,w('r .hall proml,tly furn"h to I....ndl!r ree..,pts evidenCing lhl' payments. <br />Borro_r thall promptly' discharjte any lien ,,'h,ch hLs prlOnt)'uH'r IhlS Sl'curlt)'lnslrument unless Borrower:lalBlfJ'ee5 in <br />writinllw the paymentofthl' obi, ,ratIOn ....curt'd by thr Ill'n ,n II mannrr arreplabl.. to I...ndl!r: (blcontest.< In good faith tht' lien by'. <br />or defend. alrainst l'nforcrment oftl....l...n In, '..jtal prn".'(,llnlf' '" h",h ,n thl' Lendl'r's oplnoun operate 10 prl.'venttheenforcement <br />of the lien or for'l'lturl' of any' part of Ih.. Propert). fir Ir ',,'('ur," (rum till' h"idl'r of I hI! hen an'nt satlsfaclory 10 Lender <br />subordinatlnlr thl' IIrn 10 thl' Srcunl~ Instrum.'nt If 1,,'ndN d.'h'rm lrll'S I hal an)' part of the Properly IS subJeet Ioalil.'n ,,'hich <br />may attain priority oYt'r Ihls s.,('ur.t). In,lrum,'nt I,,'od,'r lT1a~ If"" Horr"'....r II 'wt,c.. ,dl!OllfYlrllf th..lien Borro".t'r shall satisf)' <br />the lien or takl' onl' or marl' uf the art.lOn, ...'1 (orth ah"", '" ,th,n III ila)', o( Ih., IIl\'1njt I.f notll'l.' <br />5. Huard Inlurant'e. Borru"l'r _hall kl'I'P t h.. Impr""'''l.'nl. no",' 1'1 'sllnlr or herraftl!r I'reet",J on thl' Propert)' insured <br />apil\llt lOllS by firl.', hazard. Includ,'d "'Ith,n ,hI' t.'rm ""II.'od"II,'u\t'rall"" and any lIthl'r hazard. for ,,'h,ch Lendt'f n>qulrl'S <br />insurance. Th,tln.urancl! shallt... ma,ntaln..d ,n II,.. am,,,en,, Ilnd fllr th., l'..r,"d. that I....'n'jl.r rt'QulrP!l Thl' Insurant''' carrll'r <br />providing thl' ansuran('l' .hall boo chlN'n h) B..rr",\ I'r 'uh}l','1 I" I..'nd"r. apllrfl\al whlrh .hall nol b., unr..asnnably "'Ithhrld <br />All inaurancl' polocll"lIond al. -hall h.. ''''I'''pla bil'l.. I...nd,.r and -hall'nducll' a standard mllMIflllr.. clauSt'.l..rndl'r shall <br />hayl' the rlll'ht to hold thr pollr..... and rl'nl'" al. If I...."j'.r ""IUlr.., Borr"" l'r shall prumpll)' If"'l' ((, I....ndl!r all r....e'I'L~of paId <br />premlum.ano rent'wal nOUl.i~ II) tht. t'\tOnt lIt ICJ!Jol'l HtlrrH\4~'r ..h~ll il\"'I)fompt nut ICt. 1c, thi" In!'ouranrt' C'arrlt"r and u-"ndrf Lender <br />may make proof of lo.s If not madl' pro""J.t!, il~ B"rr,,""'r <br />Unless Ltondl'r and Burro....'.r "thl'r" ,,~ a"ro',' in.... rllIIlll' '"",ra""" prot','(..h ,hall h.. aJlplled to rl'sturatlUn ur repair of thl' <br />Propert), damll6rf'(l. If thl' re,toral 11m or repllo'r " """n"m lI'all)' (,'a" hit, aocll...'nd,.r.' St'runt~. IS nllt II'Ssc,ned If thl' rt'SloratlOn or <br />repair is not ....onumlcally. fplL<lhll! ur IA'nd,'r . .....ur'll w"uld t". It',,,..n,'d. th.. In'uram'.. pr....,....]. shalllxo applied to the .ums <br />secured b)' thIS St'cuflty Instruml'nt "h..(h,'r "r nul If"'" du.. "lIh an.\' .'~t' paid IAl Borrn"'..r If Borro"'er abandons tht' <br />Property. or d..... not ans"'er '\lttun :lIt ria,I', a nul II'" (rum 1,,',"1.'r thai I hi' 'n,uranl'" ,'arrll'r hL' off..rl'd tll selll.. a craim, then <br />Lender may collet,t the ,nsurlLnn' pron',',!_ L.'ndl'r mllo~ u"'lhl' pr'",I'('cI, 10 rl'pa'ror r.'slnrl' Ih,. I'ropl'rl\' uno pay sums ~ured <br />by this St>curlty' Inslruml'nt. ,,'h,'Ih..r "r nol Inl'n du.' Th,' 'il' dll.' I",ru><i w,lIt"'llln "h..n th~ nlll"'., "j/'IH'n <br />Unll'SS u.ndt'r and Born.......r IIth.'rWlSl' 1IIfr..!' In " r!\,nlf. an~ aPI'IIl'atllln of procI"od,lo ~.r'nt'lpalshall not I'xIl'nd or postpone <br />the due dale ufthl' monthl)' payrn..nt. r..rrrrt'd 10 In paralfrllol,h, I and :!llr ,'hanll" Ih.. amounlllfthl' pa)'ml'nLs If under paragraph <br />19 the Propert). ,s acqulrf'd by l...nd..r. Burru"l.r's r'lfht 10 any' Insuranl'" l.ollc,,,, and prnl'l,,'dlnl\'!l resultlnll' from damllll'P 10 thl' <br />Property prior to th..acQUISltlon shall paos 10 I...ndl'r to thl' l'xtent of Ihe ~ums ......url'fi h)' thoo s.".urlt)' Instruml'nt ,mmf'diall'ly' <br />prior to lhl' acquisitIOn. <br />8. Prnen'atlon and Maintt'nant'r of ProlH'rt~.. 1.A'....,hold.. Ilorro"','r shall IIut dl'strfl)'. damlllt'l' or sub!<tantlally' ehanltp <br />the Property, alia". thl' ProJ>l~rty' to dl'terloral(' or ,'ommll "' If thIS Sl,,'urlt). IIIstrurru'nt IS on a Il!lL",hold. Borro".t'r shall <br />comply with the proviSIOns of the leUt'. and If Bllrrllw..r al''lulred f"" lIlll' to the I'rOlK'rlY. thl' Il'a,Sphold and ff'p tllh. shall nol <br />rnerp unl_ Lender aa'l'l'elI to thl.' m..rlll'r an wrl\anlf <br />7. Pro"dlon of ....nder'a Rlr;htllln thl' Pruprrty: Mnrtr;alre I",~uran..l'. If Hurrol4'('rfall~ In 'It'rform lhl' rn\'pnanL, and <br />ar;rH'mentll oonlainl'd In thiR M..unty' Instrumt'nl. or thl'fl' IS a lpjtal procf'l'dinjt that ma)' S1jtnlfirllnlly affl'Ct lAondt'r', rllrht., ,n <br />thl' Propert)'lsuch IJIII procl'l'chnllln bllnkruplt.).. l,roball'. fur condemnallon or ((I Pllfllr.'I'lawsllfrpllUlallonsl. thrn I...nder ma)' <br />do and pay far whate\'er I~ n"cl',S"ary- to ,'rotl'Ct th., \'aJul'u( [hi' I'rlJl",rty' and lAondl'r', rllfhL' an Ihl'Pruperl)' IA'ndrr"lll.tlnn. ma~' <br />,"l'lud. payinlr .ny sum~ At't'url'd by a Iil'n ,,'h,rh has prlClnt)' IlVI'r lhls Set'unty' Instruml'nt. Ilppl'arlnll In l'Ourt. l'II)',nll <br />rl'aaonable attorn"),,. ft'f'll.nd t'ntrranlf IIn Ihp I'rll,,,,rt." III mak., rt'~lal r~ A Ilhoulrh lAondl.r mil)' tak.. art ,nn lJ ndl'r t h I> parallraph <br />7. Lendl'r dOt'~ nul havl' tn do All, <br />. Any amounlJl d..bun..., by- Lencll'r undrr th"I'arlllfra~lh 7 .hall bl'coml' IIddillllnal cll'hl IIf Bllrrnl4'l'r 'l'curl'll by' thIS Sl'rurll~ <br />Inatruml'nt l.'nll''' Borrll"'f'r and l.A'ndrr IIlCrH In nthl'r ll'rms Ilf paympnt, theS(' nrnllunLo shalll",ar anh'rl'st from Ih.. dalo' nf <br />lllahurllt' allht' NotA< rille and .hlll hf' pay-abll', with In lI'rrsl , ullOn nol,cl' fro." I..'nd,'r lA, Borr'......r r,'que5tlnlf Jla)'ml'nl <br />It L..ndl'r rl'llulrNi marllraltr ,"I"rancl' alia cnndil,nn of mak,nlltht'lulln JIl'l'urt'fl II)' Ih" S''l'urll\ 1,,-trlJl1wnt. Ilorrm...'r .h~1I <br />pay chI' pr..m,uml rl'qu I red III ma,ntaln lhl' ,n.llranCl',n df..,.t untll'ul'h Itr"e a.lh., r"'jlJlr"Illt'nl fflr I h,',oSlJran,'" I,'rmll,ah', In <br />IIccurdanrr ....Ith Ilorrnwl'r', alld 1"'lIdt'c', "'rIU..n lIolI'fl"'''lf'nlur aJI""I'.bh' laVo <br />H. fllllJlt't'llana. I",ndrr nr Itsllltl'lIt may makl' reL.n"ahlt' rnlrl"" upon IInd trlSllt'rl,nn. Il( Ih.. 1'''''I~'rt\ I"'"d,'r .halllfl\'" <br />Rorrnwf'r ntltl("(' at th.. time- of or IJrlOr t.o 'UI In"fH'rtlon ".WI'lf)'I"R' rif'L\(lftah!fl rAIJ"r rnr lh,. l""'IMlor\Ultl <br />