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<br />., <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />\ 88- Q ~ 4 , ADDITIONAL TERMS , ":, :.' <br /> <br />P!lEPA YMENT AND r\C(.!QL~l"TJ1'E I'INANCE CHAR(iE: Even Ihough I du nOI haw 10 pay Illllre Ihan Ihe regular ,cheduled Illonthly' yment.1 have Ihe right <br />10 prep;:y lhf:: whole af\l(~UIll owing 10 you in full at .my limcor in part fmm time 10 time, If the lending inMilution or bank Ihl'l b(IYs m)' contract co pUles the finance charge <br />dillly, I kn,:,~nl'yiinarire charge will be less if I make an early pavmenl. and il will be higher if I pay laIc: I abo recogni7.e Ihal allV necessary ad' stmenlto Ill" tolal finance <br />"har~e ....ill be; reflecled in my final bill: I abo know char !he amo..;nls shown on lhe reverse ,ide for the Finance Charge. Tutal of Payments. an Ihe Total Sale'Price are eS1i. <br />nllltes oascd oq Ihe assumption lhat you will receive each of lhe paymellls eXlI,.tly on its due dale: and I know will be no refund if I epay because there is nothing <br />III refund If I af\l charged on a dallv basis, If the knding instilulion or bank doe~ nol compule lhe finance charge daily, and if I prepay lhe hole amount, you will refund <br />111 me Ihe unear~d portion of the finance charge (interest J by the accounl ing procedure known as lhe actuarial method: and Ihe amount 0 my rebate will be !if..redon the <br />sdleduled dates ~d amounts of my monthly payment and nOI on lhe actual dales and ,HI\OUnts of 1 he prepayments [hall pay to you. I kn Ihat a refund of k" Ihan $1.00 <br />WIl' nul be malle, \ <br /> <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br /> <br />(8) we~~SElLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMP ED, OF MERCHANTA. <br />BILlTY AND ITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON All GOODS A, NO SERVICE UNLESS SEl,lER FUR. <br />NISHES au R WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY.OR SERVICE CO TRACT MADE BY SELL. <br />ER ON ITS 0 N BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE. ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). ' <br /> <br />(h l r ha.e read - In dt\tail. the St'parate .'1(}- YEAR LI \lITED \\' AR RANTY" which. if made. ~ccomllanies IhisconlmC( It explains the ~onditions and circumstances <br />In which lhe IllllllufaclUred ~oducts Will be repam:dor replaced, I(ake notlceo! the limltallOns on the warranty, and Ip;II1icul' lyrecogni7,ethlltany implied WldAIIly.which <br />applte~ In the gO(l,h lasl' Llnly\tts 101lg:.l' [he walr.lOty or se" ICe Conlrdt'l. . <br />(,,) I have read. in delaN.the sep~rate "LIMITED I\iSTAL.L.A TION WARRANTY" which. If Imide. accornpanie, thl' contract. 11 e~plains the conditions and cir. <br />curmtan,'e, III whIch the IINall~l()n ()flhe ~Iding \\ III be redune Ita"c nnl'c'c ot the IIrnllallnn, nn Ihe warranty, and J parti ularly recognize that any implied WIn""dJ1ly which <br />applies to the Ill'lallation laM, m~y a, lcmg a, llie warrant~ (1r sen KC nmlnK! ( <br /> <br />SPECIM..ORDER \.OODS: '~()W thai you ha\<" rnc'asured m~ hou,c and liS Opctlln[!' v, Ihar ynu c'an make the pr Ucls 10 fit my particular houst;. I take nOlice that,tl1e <br />g'KJch that arc manufactured for 'reciflc hou,e prubabl~ WIll nul I'll any olher hou,e,. and under ,uch condnions [know Inml cannot cancel this contract at any ume <br />after Ih... penod of time given In me. Y I~\\, III whll'h 10 ,all,'e! '>'Iter Iha[ let!.1I pcnod of tlnw. I kno" that I h:tve the 0 igation to pay \ou in full the amount owed. <br />OIlI.~~;A nONS PERT AJNING t,~PROJJERT" INSl'RA!'\i(:E A:"oill \1\' RE,<\L ESTATE: I I prnmi,,~ 10 eep my house in good repair and 10 keep it insured for <br />at least 80% uf lIS replacemenl v,due y hU)'lllg a fire and extemled cU\'emge Illsurance policy The IIl,Ul1l'l1ce com anv must be al,proved by you. and the policy must have <br />a benefinary daw.~ which says Iha! y u are,ln I~ ~aid tf there h,a 'I'" The In,ur..nt'e company mo,t agree thai', win not cance my policy without first telling you. I au- <br />Ihonze the Ill;,urance company In pay y 'u dlre"tly lor all~ Ju", ) nu c,m ,'ooo;,c to U'C IhlS lll;,tlranCI:' payment to llher repa)' any amounts I owe you or 10 ~pa1r my h,ouse, <br />I have the ,'ptwn of proVIding properTY l\1,urance throu[!h an "X Istlll!! pollt') IlT Ilnnugh a polic~ Independentl\' Wined ,md paid for by' me. 2. I alsD promr;,e that I Will nOl <br />allow anyone '-"'se 10 pJllce any liens on I~' real ~talc ....ilh(lUl ynur wnllen pcrnll""lll 3, I promise \<I ray all axes. :J"essmems and uther charges i!n my real cSlllte ",-hen <br />due - -'I I promIse 10 IImely make all P"YrT\ent, Oil my pnor loan, secured oy my real ">late. I :Ibo pronll,e th II Will not cXlend, rene,,' or change pnor Joans WIthout your <br />wnllcn pemli-.S1oll 'i If I dn not in,urc Ill\ hou,e or tulfillll1~ other ooll~at"'m f(l m~ real "lale, then you- ,t>> tin it for me it you ~'anl ttluI Y'ou do not have to.!. If you do <br />P,ll ay uny of the", ",.,lIgallons lor me. I ar:rce'10 p"y you had. "n demand plus IIl1Crt'sl ar Ihe h.ghesllawful c ntract rale (,t Inlt'resl t;null pax' you back. ~ese amounts ",,11 <br />be added ((\ my deOtll' you which" sc,'un:d\. by my fcal ,.-,Ial,. ,!Od h"u'c t "now Ihal If you dende 10 buy murance for Ole thai you do not ha\'e 10 obtam an)' homeowner <br />or lIabllm Ill'uranc'c ' <br /> <br />SA".: oi:1\f\' HOt'SE, I prOlnl\e nottn sell \e"se nr g"e lTI\ hou,e 1(> :snvune unit I I ira"c lull), "~rald 1 . deol to ynu <br /> <br />DEF AUL T: I will be in de-fauJl under this contrAct if: <br />I, I don't make a payment when due; or' <br />:1 . I break any promise I made 10 )'OU in ~ contruel, or <br />3. Something el5ehlppen~ which causes y\!u [(J believe in good fallh thaI I do not intend I <br />4, I default on any obligations for which J ~ using my' home as collateral; or <br />~, Something happens 10 my house which th~alens your nghts. If any . in it, <br /> <br />IF I AM IN DEF AUL T: I ulldersland thaI you have \t". nghl III breclosc: the Mortgage I h e given to )'OU lIlI1d have my house sold 10 repay any amo\IDts I owe you if] <br />am in default under thIS contrllCt, Before my' house: is st.)d, you will do everything IhlLl the I requirc:." If you hire an attOfllC)' 10 assisl you to sell myhoutc:. or, to sue me. <br />or, 10 protect your ri$hts, I agree to pay you for your reasonable attorneys' fees and for ot r related expenses such as court costs, lille searches and money you expended <br />to protect my house, if you are allowed 10 collect such amllum, by law <br /> <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose nOllOcnforce am' of lbe nghts under this contract flen a.~ we wanl without losing them. Or. we can delay enforcing MOll oftt- -rights <br />without losing them. We can also ulieany nghts no"' ,it In l~ future given to us by law, - <br /> <br />DELAYS: I know thaI you will use: your heM ellorts to Illst_1I the pl'(Jduct.~ I am pmc using on my house. but I also understand that in some silll8tions you may encounter <br />delays thai are caused by strikes, weather condltl(lns, delays\you have in obtaimng lerials, or for other reasons that are beyond your control. J understand that you will <br />001 be liable for such delays, \ <br /> <br />ARBITRA nON: If I have a dispute or claIm wilh ynu coocel1l1ng the qUlllltity. aHty or performance of the products, J understand that my dispute may be submitted to <br />and settled accordin~ to the lTlediation-arbilration pmgnlln thall1iay ha ~'e develo in my community, I also know Ihatany decision made by an arbitralor(s) ~iould be en. <br />tered in the court ha\'lllgjurisdicllon over me Ilnd you, " <br /> <br />SA'- \' 1\(;.: \' i\l.L'E: I knllll tll~1 :11,' 11111<1,," s. " (llld" \lr~, "dllis. bnc~ an other malenah Ihal have 10 he rcmmed b~ you I'm Ihrs IIlslallariOn hlt\'C .sal\'1lge \'a!ue, <br />When you remoVe them, you '.,lfJ hil\('II".lIl lnl "IIJle<er purpose Yl~ ".1111 <br />SPECIAL SInlA nONS: Due In the ulllqlJenc'~ ,.f some of the I'rodiACl' t t you sell, I understand that III special situations that your RegIOnal Office may have to review <br />and accept this contrncl. I also underM..nd Ihatlhls ~ule occurred III my"ho and that you and I may nol have had all the correct information imponant to this tnlIIsacl:iOl1 <br />al our fingenips; I gi.e you my conlenllO ,:urrecllIn)' ubvlous enurs that' bavcoccurred when the blanJl:s in this contract were comple1c:d. <br />INVALID PROVISIONS: If nnv ntll"'I-..i"n ..,f,hili ,....'nf,.",,.' ...,.tnlnhalj 1'h_ 'u ontf';c ""__".,......I"p.I~h'.. ........ _"'4 .........t.. ~ _ ....._,. _a n :11 .. <br /> <br />