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<br />.. o' ,- .--- -._ "1,~' -..-." .............................."". .u.... "_"'" VI uu..',""VUUtU,.'I'WUI'OC::' Yi111U. II WI)' pttnOI tnIS'conttactrequll'Cs, <br />payment of more intereslthan the law permits, thell you will only have n'~ht tocoUect frrim me the amount of interest which the law allows you to coJ1ecl. <br /> <br />COMPLETENESS OF THIS CONTRACT: This COnlract can only cha~ed if both you and I agree in writing, <br /> <br />"fhe following notice hrings to my aUention Ihe rights Ihatl hav even ~en this contracl is sold to a financial instilution or abank, and I shou.d notice thaI the impor. <br />tance of Ihis provision is stressed by its appearance in len point, bold f type: \ <br /> <br />N.OTICE ' IA_ 109{}54 <br />This credit contract finances a pure H. All 1.1 rlghtl which the Buyer hal~alnlt 1M t..'rer .rlslng <br />out of thll tranucUon. Including .II~'.' I .nd defepsel, .re. .'10 valid against any holder ofthl. contract. <br />The right to recover money from the h der under thla provlllon II limited to the amount paid by the buyer <br />under thll contnlct. ~ <br />A claim Is a legally valid realon r lulng the Set r. A defense II 8 legally valid realOn for not paying <br />the Seller. A holder II anyone trying collect for the p ch.... <br /> <br />INSURANCE CANCEJ.LA nON: [f I have requeMed in, rance in this purchase, I may cel such request for insurance for any re&uil within fifteen (15) days from the <br />date of this contract by notifying you or the holder of this ntract in writing, I know that th cancellation of my coverage will be arranged with the insurance carTier(s) and <br />II full refund of my premium(s) logelher wilh appl icable fi ance charge will be credited to this ontract. <br />PLEASE NOTE: If I have requested Insurance in this rchase, I will receive within thiny (3 days II certificate of fully describing the insurance coverage. <br />I know lhat jfthere is any conflict in the coverage or t language of tile ce:nificate ofinsu and the following Notice of Proposed Insurance that' am~vered only to <br />the extent staled in the following Notice of Proposed I unmce. I also know that I have ins coverage only if I have been charged for it. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />I lake notice: that either Credit Ufe or Credit ",cidentand He:llth InsU.-ancei orboth; will wticable to Ihis Sales Contract un the reV( n'~ side only if I have chosen <br />it by sillning the request for such insurance. This i surdllce will only cover the ~on signing the uesl at the cost for each type of insurance shown. SUbjeellO accepiancc: <br />by the msurance company. the insurance: will effecli ve .IS of lodav and WIll continue oDly for e number of months aflerrhe effective date equal 10 the DIIIIIber of <br />monthly payments, I understand lhalthis parti lar insurance may nO'I provide coverage for my few l?!\ymenlS, and that during that period of time I will nOl have any <br />insurance coverage. AU benefit, and proceeds f the insurance will be paid to rou or to a financial in tilul10n or 8 bank if il purchases the Sales Contract to the extenl of its <br />interesl.~ and any balance will be payable to The initial amount of Credit LIfe Insurance is the nt required (0 repay the Total of Paymenl.~; thc~r. the insurance <br />decrea.scs by the amOl"'t of each monthly , ment on a scheduled 30 day basis, If I am jointly obligatld on the Sales Contract with a Co-Buyer, and we have bolh signed <br />the requesl forCredie Life Insurance, deaih nefits will be payable only With respeclto the firsl one of us to die. Subject to excluJ>ions. eliminlllions or waiting period stated <br />in the msurance policy or cert:ticate. Credi I&.ccident and Heafth Insurance is for the benefit amount of 1/3lnh of each month. s payment for each day that I am totally disabled <br />due (0 an injury or sickness while I Ollie "pay mentlo you; however, I understand thaI I have to be preveftted from working due \(, 'uch total disability for more than four. <br />teen (' '\) consecutive days before Ihe III rance benefit IS paid back to Ihe first day of my total disability.i..also kDow thaI I ClIDIlOt obtaD aay Iftmraaoe r~ yClU ifl <br />am over 65 Y~.1U'5 or qe today. IInd I know thaC tlwill5llra~ connge provided Co me may contain. maximum IUIHMUIt or covef1IIe wlUdl.W 1IOt pa1 ill so.e <br />ClIlleS, the en~ amount Chilli 0_' . Due to the mUlmum llmount of coverage stated in the insurance policy. I know thaI any unpaid amount in excess of the 1IISUJmICe <br />coverage will stillbll1o' be paid, If Sales Contnu:tls prepaid in full prior to the last any ~ insuflmcc premium:; will bef'lliu!lded fomein die man- <br />ner prescribed by law Within thii1)' 0) dllYs, I will reCCI\'e the certificate of insurance more fully describing'l!1Y insurance co\"Crage, If the insurance is not accepred by <br />themsura:nce,-ompany ,I wlllrecei,' a refund uflhe insumnce premiums I have paid, ~ <br /> <br />BUYER: The ncU lWu parng phs contam warTllJllles relatIve to thi~ s.tle given by us to the financial inslitutio r bank in order for jl to buy this contract, <br /> <br />SELLER'S WA RANnES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALLMENT SALES ONTRACT AND MORTGAGE <br /> <br />FOR VALUE RF.cEIVE ,Seller hereby \oClb. assIgns, conveys. transfers and delivelO to \ <br />(Assignee) all of liS rigms. lit! and Inte,re~1 III and 10 Ihe Installment Snles Conlract and Mortgage. (Ogether with all lie existing to secure its PiI}'1IlCnt. and the proJlCI1y <br />enrumbered hcreb~' Assign s hercb,' sub~llluted as Mortgagee under the Morygllge provisions of thIS contract. Seller ts ~ represents; (I) It has the right to make <br />this IlS5lgnmem; (11 All state nil; and figures 10 thIS contrdCt and to the Buyer s statement are malenaUy true and com:c (3) This contract arose from the bona fide sale <br />of the goods /lnd &Crvl{:es de ribed ~rein. (41 The cash downpayment show1l in this conlract WlU actually paid by Buyer no pan (If said downpaymcnllli1l..s loaned di- <br />rectly or indirectl" b" Selle 0 Buyer. t 5) Each Buyer is legally compere.m to CUIlIr.u:I; (6) TIlis ronlrdCI is 001 llIld will not be bje::lto any claim. dC:femc:. demandorriEht <br />of offset; (7) The 'e~Cculio of' thi~ cOnlract and the underlying sales transaction givin/ll rise thereto did not violate any federal state law. directive. role or reptlllion now <br />in effect. (8) In the event al thi~ C<ll1IraC( or lhe underlYIIIg sales lran&action is wbjed to a right of rescission or CllIlCellation y the Buya. such tncission 01' caIIl%.lla. <br /> <br />lion pcnod hll5 expired a neIther the ~a1e nor thl~ c-ontracl has been cancelled or rescinded. tillS COIITRACT IS SOLD 8Y SEU.ER OUT REeMS!. <br /> <br />IN TESTIMONY 'HEREOF. the underslgnl'.:ll~ an authom-e.d repreliCi,wive of the Seller and has signed below on behalf \ the Seller on this <br /> <br />day of .19___ \ <br /> <br /> <br />The foregflmg illS ment ,"'llS ad,nowledged before me (In .___ THE PACESETTER CORPORAn~ (Setler) <br /> <br />SOllU)' Public : <br /> <br />;:, <br /> <br /> <br />,19__ <br /> <br />B) <br />