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<br />, <br /> <br />e <br /> <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />My payment ~chedllle will he: <br />Number .,1' Payment!! Amount of PiJyrncOI!'l \Vhen Paym\:nh life Due SecuritJ': I am giving u security interest jr . <br />-. .... I. the goods, services andpropeny being - }urchhs~d. and <br />I Estimated 10 be .'1 (5 days afler the date <br />1M Payment $ 't 7. '/0 of the Completion Ceniflcate. 2. my real eSlale and improvement". including my <br />house, all at my "Address" designated above. <br />I....., CJ "'/0 ~;~h~~~~~J,~~17~,/~~::~:h~~ltil ~liJhi~ f~".c day of HUng/Recording fees $ c. Q . ~~ 0 <br />;,J $ <br />!nsurance _ Late Charge: If a paymcnt i~ morc than ten (1 0) day~ <br />Credit life Illsurance and credit disability' insuran,'c are nol requircd to oblain credit, and will laic, I will be charged $5.00 or 5% of the ~ pay- <br />not be provided unless I sign and agree to pay the addfllllnal ws[. menls. whichever is less. <br /> <br />Type -'-~mlum - ,:~~~, S"Fnulun: Prepaymenl: If I payoff early, I will not have to pay' <br />Credit Life 1-- 1~7';;il credlil~..j) . f\J ,J a penally. and I may be cnlitled 10 a refund of part of <br />Is J?O.'it I:.e> on'ur~nte ~~ Ihe finance charge. <br /> <br />. I will review other portions of this ~<Jntract <br />- j Sl~n"'ure ~u. uyer for mlditional information about nun-payment, default. <br />Crcdfl ACCident 'I ;;H w:mr credll acmlen .' . ny required repayment in full before the' scheduled dale, <br />:md prepa"menl refunds and penalties. <br />& ""lob ~~~;. y~- -:. I-"""""h"'.",,"'--, '-=::, ~ , e "",,, :""'m,,, <br /> <br />Prllprrt) insurancc Is n'qllired, nnd J mu) ohlBin su,'h insurant.c from IIn~'one J wlInl who is IIl'Ceplablc 10 you or J may' prO\'ide il Ihrough <br />an edsUng polky. If I obtain Ihis Insuranl'e Ihr3ullh .~ou, I will pay' $_O--O..-.C:l~_ for -'l.-CL... monlhs of cot'erage. <br /> <br />COrdMf:NCI-:!\U:NT OF THf: FINANCE CHARGE: The' fmance charge (Interest) is cSllmmed 10 sIan on S-. 2 ~--<< <br />iinscfl the dalel excel" in lhe e\'ent Ihar you complele' Ihe In,uII/a1I11n III Ihe ~llods and ",n.'kcs nil allfl[he'r datc. th"n the finant'c charge linrercstJ will begin 10 run on the <br />dale thar r shall sif.n a Complcrion Cenlhcar.: The amount III flllan,,' "hargc IlIllacstJ may be ml1r,' or Ie" than the amount dl""losed depending nn the ,un"unts I pay you <br />and my umchoc!los an m~...IO,g paymcnl\ <br />PREPI\VMENT, I may ""Iulllanly prepa,- Ihe am"unt I mo.. \'I1U. III full '" '" parI. "I an) IImt' If I make a panlal prcpaymenr, I mUst continue III make my regular payments Z <br />UIltd I havc pmd all lImount> n"'"d_ ,..., <br />IU:Ql'''ST FOR FUI.L PA "!'.fENT: If I tin nm pay "iI,'n du<' Inu t'an dedan' 311 dUll I "I<, undcr this Ct.lnlrJct payahk al once I a~,L'C III pay you ontere't nn that amour.! ;:: <br />althc maumurn ('onlractuu.l rJlt allo~'Cd by 11'l\lt unul thL- :tlnoUnf I U\\'l' you h pilld ~ 411~t1 km.l\!l, rhat }OU Lan fflre\:lo~c rht, "'1nngagt.. I have gl\'t4n 10 you ~ <br />COI.I.ECTION CO....TS: If I am III default I1llh" contrm:l and I'''" d....mantl tull paymcnt. I understand thaI you may ,cnd .1 to an allomn lor collectIon and cnl"..,,,,,,,nl t: <br />If you do -'(1. I agret:' III pay your reasonable anorncy!\' it.c... plu.... ijn~ l.OUn l'n~(~ and ~\pcn!'l(,~ IncurTcd by you. Ihat 1~. If you arc alh~'4t..d h1 cLllf~C1 "-uch af11tlunt~ h)o 'a\A,- ~ <br />MORT(:;t\{jE: I hereby gram. lr41!1ain. ~lI, con,'c)' and lllllngage 1[1 ~"lI, ii' Mongagcc, my rcal t'state and hou,e ItlCated al Ill) "Addr""s" deSIgnated on lhe Illp pof1lon Z <br />of Itlls ,'onln1l:t ... !>CClInt)' tOT all antOOlllS due In you undel thIS Imlallmen! Sale> Conlracl_ _ <br />>- REVERSE SIDE: I UIIDERSTAJfD THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AID PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTAllMENT SAlES COIITRACT ARE A <- <br />z PART OF THIS INSTAWlEJT SALES COtITRACT AID THAT J AM 8DUIID BY THEM IN TlfE SAME MAIINER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE fROIIT Of TlfIS YERYD <br />o INSTAlLMENT SAlES COIITRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIONS PRINTED 011 REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDIlIOm TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRAm DIUGA"OI. ~ <br />... NOTICE TO BUYER z <br />~ I, I do noe ha"~ to SIgn Ihb ronlrxl before I rrlld il or If IIn} IIr Ihe ~pace~ inlended for the agrft'd It'rm.~ to lhe extent of then nailabl!! inflll'llla1ion ;7" <br />Z are len blank. 2, J am entllled 10 II n:ry of thi, mnlrllcl III Ihe' lime 1 Mlln Ie. 3, I maY' pa,' 01T the full balance du!: under this rontnlct al 0lD~ - <br />w time. and In <0(, dolnlt I may be rntille 10 1I rt'bale or Iht' unearRl-d finllllCl' and insurant'l' charges (if anf). 4. J understand that this instrument <t. <br />o it basrd UIKJD II home Mllicitatlon ~alt' and lbal Ihl, In!i1rumcnl is nol negotiable. 5. II shall not 1M' It'Jlal "or }'OU to cnlfl' m~' pRIIIi~e!i ualawfaDJ Z <br />~ or commll an~ hreach ur Ihe peact' 10 f't'pouot'$5 good& purchawd undff Ihl. ctKllracl. G <br />o BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL _ <br />U I MAY CAJlCEL THIS AGREEMEIIT AT AllY TIME PRIIlR TO MIDlUSHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS OAr AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION, {J HAVE 3 <br />READ THE ACCOMPAIIYIIIG NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CMCEL FORM FOR All ElPLDATlOJl OF THIS RIGHI.) <br /> <br />- ~. . <br /> <br />COP\' RECEIVE!): I a~'l"'l\.-h~d~,' It'Ct'lpl 01 ,. n""pklel~ tlllcd III ""r~ Itl IhlS ,'ol\[rn,'l ulnn~~ with lwu 121 mpll."s (,f th~ :'I:I'H\-'C of Rt~hl I.... Can.el Foml <br />IN \\'ITNES~ \\-'IIEfH:Ofllrhl' In'lallrll('lIi 'ak, CUlllra" ~fHJ \-lun!!"~r ha~ llt'~n "[lncd on lhis __..;L.g::'_ da~ .,f ___L____ ,19-.Si:5(:. <br />at In(), ~___ _ .._. "r"lc 01 ~d'ms~" <br /> <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION,,, II t ~ <br /> <br />.'n~f- :::~__~.__:__L~_ /.:..L..:-..::._ <br />i~'~'nlnR1Jr.l ()f.It(.~ '1 <br /> <br />Ily <br />- J',F~-~i'I'i'l iIi; "F~F....r_\lWI'I <br />Stalc ul ;":elml>~a <br /> <br />\11 Ik 'It. '\1 It f ' <br /> <br />C,'unt~ uf <br /> <br />_'J:1~ <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br /> <br />~mr~~~:f .~ <br />V 'o/_...~ ,1 +t;;~__~___~?J II?!PJL__________. <br /> <br />,. "'(11:fj~~ <br /> <br />- .,0' 7- <br />)fl:'g(~ln~ H1,'nH1t.1..'nl \\ jl" ~H.:knn"':h~dgcd ~tnn:' mc.~ on lhl' ~A_ J.a~ ,nt -=- <br /> <br />__ut.. l"iffis:'. l'~ thc al>,,,<' dC>lgnalt'J == <br />q. \.1or1!!i.q.!ull',,; "......:; <br /> <br />"'4~ ~ ~ })\~._ ;r <br /> <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />= <br /> <br />\-1) l..'ornnll"lnn c\.plrt'"" <br /> <br />'ntilr~ Puh!1\. <br />