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<br />r- <br /> <br />nlls SPACE RESERVED FIlR CDUNTY RECDRDER <br /> <br />d <br /> <br />ofr' ..i- <br /> <br />'.. <br /> <br />,.... <br /> <br />~ Tff: ~ <br />~~ <br /> <br />FOR USE IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> <br />INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AND MORTGAGE <br /> <br />lttE PACEsmER CORPORATION. A CORPORATION <br /> <br />(THE SELLER/CREDITOR) <br /> <br />9505 "I" STREET <br />2550 NORTH DIERS AVE.. SUITE F OMAHA. NEBRASKA 68127 <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 (402) 331-0275 <br />(308) 3114-4414 '-OR METROPOLITAN OM"HA SERVICE CALL 331,0277 <br /> <br /> <br />Sold To ,__.f;)~_.:t,~~ ) L ,_O~"'~ __Dale OI'nli, CunEracl r - 2'if .~~ <br />~ft7~~'()f""\11 unT s~. ~ .,.,A - <br /> <br />" Id' ," J.I J" '7 J.. 1 '. S' . Z' ~ 0-0'0'" 1" I ho . N '3c1/ -;J'ltJ!. <br />Al re, ._L_____~,M<!___"_"_ elf} , _ _ _. ,__ " ,laic _ _ ".Ip ~x...L-_ e ep ne , (), <br /> <br />In Ih" hl,lallmenl S;;I", Conlrael [hl~ words I. me. dnd my reteI' '" Ih,~ Buyer ;1f1<1 Co"Bu~'cr lit anyl signing thIS e,mlract. The words. you and your. <br />we alll.l u~. refer 10 Ihe Sclkr and may ""0 mean a hank or ('I her fInane,al on,IlIUIlOIl It II huys thiS conlract. If it docs, 1 will make my paymenls 10 <br />11 Umll:r Ihe Mortgage "alUll", I am ah" kno\\n a, Ihe'\h,nga!!lIr." and you are rderl'l.'d 10 iI' the "Mongagee". I understand Ih~1 if more than nne -Buyer" <br />"!tll' hel"" Ihul each will be respon"hle for all prnml~e' made and tor pa) 111!l the ohhgatllln(sl III full: ynu may collecI against one nr any, 1 his contracl <br />l'Il\'Cf'\ fll) purdu"" uf manufllclUred products uf The P"cesellcr COfJ1oraltlln, amll'" "dill!,: dlStrlhuted ,lI1d installeJ by The Pacesetter Corpomtion, You have <br />qUllllod me a CilSh Price and a Total Sale Pncc. The Tntal Sale ~Jnl'e "" Ihe IOlal '0'1 "I the pwdue!, and ser\'ices if I huy un credlL . <br />I ""w ch'M.lse to buy, and }'UU af!.rce to sell. fur [he J "tdl Sak Pm'e" sct Inrth hcl\m, lhe producls and servIce, de'>Cnbed below, I agree 10 pay <br />~'uu th., ,on"'Un! financed in aceuntan.-c wllh Ihe payment s.:hedule ":1 lor1h hl:lo.....: Ifl!lClher Wllh .nterest thereon at the annual l.ercentage f'dte which is disclosed <br />helm.. I alsll ..gree In all of th1.' nthcr terms on hoth "des ,,( Ihl\ lonlriKI Onl\" product!t manufactured hy The Pacrseller Corporation are co\'ered <br />l~tlUr 10 year l,imlted W~rranIY, No nterlor or inle~i?~ ,Irim. p~lnllnR or sllIlnlng. wl~ be ~ovld unle. speclfi~ In Ibis CO~lract, <br /> <br />,__ C.} ......o.i\~_~~Q.. i',--;:-t-::::"__,,Jb..~,.().o, _.IAA~t~}~..., - ~ <br /> <br />1:il~ Oi1:..~::~_~"~:#""V":'''.''. '. I <br />o ' "~ <br />,_~~~~~~~,- ' r "~'" ',' "L"..'.. ~~ <br />i'.f~(~~~~'l~:;~:"~:J~'~";'~;I~(":!' al;J ~~r~"(~~~, ,l~e ;,',,:"" 'r~'I~llct1 "l1dpl~c.:d--L;~;;;~h~':-: I\d~lress" l)e"g~:;;d ~b,,\e. al1d the I"{II dc,cripllOn <br />"'I su.:h 'Mdres',' ".., ~ '1., ~ ~_~-,_,,!l_r.....:l,__}J.x..l1~~l, /11 J JO) <br /> <br />88- 10295L- <br /> <br />TO BE RECORDED IN REAL ESTATE RECORDS <br />SAU:". <br />CONTRACT NO. <br /> <br />77999 <br /> <br />~ j)/L~~41~~o:~ <br /> <br /> <br />"---.-,---.----.------ --------- <br /> <br />lJu,'~n IIrkmn.h,-dgt' HI:!' It Lq::tl [)e'UlPllt'l1 " nlll ,".'!llhlc "I Ih.. till'': lhl> '''l1lmCl " cxecull'd, Seller ha, Ihe n~hl to ",htall\ and ll\"'l't lh" I.l:}!ill Desrnplllln <br />ul a later ditL\.o ~ ~ <br /> <br />SUMMAR\' 01-' SALE: Ih,...: ""h pn.:e S .3 (;, )'J 'w\ Q.O.cO. audltl!1flal "'arranl,lscl'\'lce C\)H,r,,~C 00.0..0 s ...Jb_"l~j'_ <br />. ~. . 'YJJ:./I*- 3.- <br />Tot;,1 c;l,h pm"" .::J.iL!/.3. '" <. <1,'" !tnt;,1 I dlllJ.npil)'ment ",_{,__~".__ ,,-- l'n~aIJ balam,.: of S', >00 ~ <br /> <br />,3_1'. tl. "l.r: <br /> <br />ITEMIZATION OF HIE J\MOl'NT FlNANn:n {It' s <br />~.... <br />s ";?"~Q,,,_,, AmoLlnl l.'r.:dileo l\l thl' aonlracl <Samc 'll1l,mnt as Ihe "t'npalJ <br />'!. _Q..QQ~_ Amount Il;Jlt1 011 nct \lalanlc from pnor ,'onlr;KI wllh u\ <br />AmounU ,j p~1Il1 Jll OltWf> 011 m} bc\lal( <br />S ,.1 90. 8'.... 1<1 lO'unlO....~ l'<lI11p,m, lor Credll I dc lO,uralllT <br />'j, __~ :S-.O~ ':If' 10 in~ur.lll..e ClHl1pan,' for ,.\., "knt,IlHI tkOlllh (l1_uralKC <br /> <br />BahLncc "'I <br /> <br />~ 0 ,Q...O...o,_ <br />~ 0-c_a.J::1.._ <br />'\.CH':)_,OQ..." <br /> <br />10 insumnce company for Propcny Damage lIl,urancc <br />\I) puhhc olf.cials It'r filll1~ recordll1f fec, <br />to (Spec"-)) __ II~ o.c "&.. <br /> <br />ANNUAL FINANCE Amount Total 01 <br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments <br />RATE The dllllttf i:1IJHHJnI tlu..' rhl~ .ul1('tunr ot ("rt'dtt lllc umountl WIll <br />The ,-o~J (If m~ ,,:rt~II,J~ cn'd't w,ll ('ll~t 01.. I,ro\lll.k'd 10 me tI, on ha\c paid after 1 <br />a yearly rate 111~ hchall have made all paymenL' <br /> 2022.6t. 3'tl/1-3Y u, ,ehedu led <br />I '7, t. ~ '%) $ $ $ 5-96'/. '-'0 <br /> <br />T olal Sale Price <br />l'ht-ln1ul ,"....1 or my pun'ha<,C <br />Oil Cf'r"\lt!. llldudinpl1) <br />downpavml'nt 01 " <br />j'l3~ <br />0;, ,_ '"_ .._..,",__""",_,",_...... <br /> <br />$ <br />" <br /> <br />6 107 sa- <br />