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<br />lSH-102833 <br /> <br />is sDld, tran.ferred or further encumbered without the express or written consent of Beneficiary. <br />Beneflctary its sole DptiDn. declare all sums secured by this Deed Df Trust to be immediately <br />due and payable and proceed to the remedies available tD it under the default prDvisiDns contained <br />heretn. <br /> <br />U. Events Df Default. Any of the fDllowing events shall be ~eelled an event of default here.........r: <br /> <br />(a) TrustDr shall have failed tD aske payaent of any instal1aent of interest. <br />principal Dr principal and intereat Dr any Dthar .oas srcured hereby when due;. <br /> <br />eb) There has occurred a Df o~ default under any tena. cDvenant. <br />6greeaent. conditiDn. prDvision. representation Dr warranty cDntained in this Deed <br />Df Trust. the note Dr any Dther loan inatruaent .ecured hereby; <br /> <br />(c) There has been a default by the Tru.tDr in the p.yment Df sny priDr Dr <br />subsequent lien or encumbr.nce In respect to all or any part Df the prDperty, <br /> <br />(d) Tru.tor shall file a vDluntary petition in b.nkruptcy Dr shall be .djudi- <br />cated bankrupt or insolv.nt. Dr .h.ll an .s.iBD~nt fDr the benefit Df credltDrs <br />in re.pect tD the prop.rty, Dr .n actiDn tD enforce .ny lien Dr encu.brance or judg- <br />~nu ag.inst the plDpeny is cDlDCIlced. <br /> <br />12. Acceler.tion Upon Def.ult. In the event of any def.ult. Beneficiary ..y declare .11 1ndabtedne.. <br />secured hereby tD b. due and and thtl ..... shall thereupon becD" due and p.yable without any <br />preseotllent. dellDnd. prDte.t Dr oDtic. Df eny kind, Thereafter. Beneficiary ..y: <br /> <br />(.) either In per.DO Dr by sgeot. with or withDut bringing any .ctioo er pro- <br />ceediog. or by recd ver .PPDioted by a CDurt JUld w~,thDut! tD the adequacy Df <br />any .ecurity. enter upon and take of the property. or any psrt thereof. <br />in It. DWD n... or In the oaas Df the Truste.. and dD sny acts which it deeaa o.ce..ary <br />and desirable tD pre.erv. the v.lue, ..rtet.blllty Dr rent.billty Df the property. or <br />part thereDf Dr therein, incre... the lnCD.e therefrDIl or prDtect the ..curlty <br />hereDf and. without takiog Df the prDPertY, sue fDr Dr Dtherwis. cDllect the <br />rent.. ls.ue. and prDfit. thereDf, including those past due and aod apply the <br />sa_. l..s CDat. and .xpens.. Df Dper.tion and cDllectlnn. Including attorney f.... upon <br />any incabtedn... ...cured, .U 10 auch order .s Benefielary ..,. d.teraine. Th. <br />enterinl upon and taklna po.....iaL Df the trust p..tate. tbe collection o~ .uch renta, <br />laaue. SAd prDflt. .nd .ppllcatlon th.r.of e. .for..ald ah.ll not cura Dr w.ive &DY d.- <br />fault ornotiee of default h.reund.r or lnv.lldat. any .ct and in r.epon.e tD .uch de- <br />bult or pur......t to .uch nDtlce of default and. DDtwlthst81dlng the contin.....ce in <br />po.seaslon of the proparty or th. collection. receipt and appllc.tlon of rent.. i.sue. <br />or prDflt.. Trust.. or Beneficiary ..y be .ntitled tD exercise every ri&ht provided for <br />1n any of the lOaD tn.rr...-nt. or by law upon occurrence of any event of default. 10- <br />cludlna tha rl&ht to exerci.e the power Df s.le; <br /> <br />(b) Ca&aeDc. an action to foreclose thl. Deed Df Trust e. . acrta.Sp. .ppoint <br />a receiver. or .peclflcally enfDrce any of the CDvenants hereof; <br /> <br />(c) d.liver tD Trustee a written decl.r.tlon of def.ult end deaand fDr sale. <br />and . written notice Df defeult .nd electi,q tD ceu.e Truetor'. interest in the prDp.rty <br />to be .old. whleb Dotlc. Truat.. .h.ll c.use tD be duly fUed for record in thtl official <br />recDrda Df the CDunt)' 10 wblcb the propert)' i. loc.ted. <br /> <br />11. Foreclosure b,. POYar of Sale. Should Beoeficlary elect tD for.clo.. by ex.rcl.. of tbe power <br />of .ale herein contained. leneflci.1")' .hall notify Trust.. and shall deposit witb Tnaar..e thi. Dead of <br />Trust aDd tbe note and .uch recelpu _el .vldence Df expandlture. SlId ..cur.d .. Trust_ <br />..y requtr.. llIIel upon request of the ....Hel.ry. the Trustee .hall fUe for record, in tbe lealater <br />Df o.ede Dfflce in the County where tbe property is loc.ted, . nDtJce of def.ult, aetting fortb the <br />n... of the TruatDr. the look and Dr Docuaent ND. Df thJ. Deed Df Truat .. recDrded In a.ld <br />"SS.ter Df Deeds offlc., the lea.l de.crlptlon Df the .bDve-descrlbed r..l est.te .nd tbat . breach <br />Df an obligation, for which .ald re.l eat.te v.. conveyed .. security. has occurred. .nd settinl fortb <br />the nature of .uch breach and the Trustee's election tD ..11 the zeal e~tftte t~ .~~i.fy tbe DbllS.tica; <br />and dter the laps. of nDt l.s. thao one (1) aonth. tbe Trustee ~h.ll .~v~...-l'-..."" Dotice of the rt.. <br />and pl.ce of sale ~Ilch ..y b. between 9:00 .... and 5 p... .t tbc preal.... Dr at the CourthDuse in <br />the Count,. wherein such property 1. IDcated, de.crlbina the prDperty tD be sDld by Its lel.l descrip- <br />tion. said DDtlce tD ba publIshed In a new.p.par Df gener.l circulation tn tb. County ~.ereln .ucb <br />property i. IDc.ted. once. week fDr five (5) cDnsecutive weeks. th. publIcation tD be .t least <br />ten (10) day., but nDt acre than thirty (30) prior to the ..le; and tbe Trustee sb.ll tbeo ..11 <br />..ld prDpotrt)' Sl the t'" _d place d..lll"at.d to tb. nDtice. In the provided by law in effect <br />.t tbe tl~ Df fSling notice, .t publ~ .uctlon tD the highest bidder fDr c..b and shall deliver <br />tD such purchaser a deed tD tbe property .Dld. con.lateot v1t.h tbe 1_ in effect at tbe tlae. <br /> <br />Upon receipt of tbe price bid. Trustee ahall deliver to the, Trustee'. deed cODveylnl the <br />property sold, & 10 tb. Trustee's deed .hall be pr'" f.cle evJdence Df the truth Qf the .t.te- <br />llents thereln. Tru.te. ah.ll .pply the proce.4. of the ..1. In the follDwlng order: e.) to all <br />re.s~bl. cost. &Ad expense. Df the ..le. lncludina but DOt 11aited to, Trustee's fee. of nDt IlOr. <br />tbaD J.O 10f the Ir~. e.le price, rea.on.ble .ttDrney fees .nd CD.t8 Df tltle evidence; (b) to .11 <br />.....~d by thie Deed of Trun; and (0) the excen. if any. tD tb. person or person. lq.lly en- <br />titled theretD. Auy, includlnc BenefiCiary, ..y purclwNe s.ld propert7 .t s.ld ..le. <br /> <br />The person coeductlD& the s.l. as)'. t Dr any he Dr she d._ expedlent, pDatpone tbe ..1. fr.. <br />tlae to tlae UDtll it .hal1 be caapleted and. tn .var, such cae., notJce Dr pD.tpon...nt eball b. liven <br />b, p"bUc declar.tlon thareDf by .uch pe.uDn .t the t lae and pl..ce appDlnted fDr tbe .ale; pro- <br />vided. 11 tb. ..le i. postponed for longer tlum on. (1) d.y beyond the d.te de.lgn.ted In tbe notice of <br />s.le. nDtlce thereof .hall be liven Sn the .~ -.nnsr .. the Drllln.l nDtlce Df ..le, <br /> <br />14. .....1eallot bduahre. Tru.t.. and ....Udery. _d Df the.. .hall H <<nUtled to .0- <br />fOl'ce pay.ear ancl pcrror..u::e or any tndebtcdn<<,.. or ubI laaL tOil lllecured hertby and to exerclse all rllhts <br />cid pOlle... under t.bla Deed of Tru.t or under any loan llIat rL8ent or ot.her .Ire~l 01' aD)' lav. now .or <br />ber..hllr ..rDrcetl. nDtwlt.hatendlng 110_ or aU Df t he indebtedness and Dbligations secured hereby <br />wb1c:b .., 00" 01 her..fter be otherwl.u Bt.!cured. wlnuher by ,.,rts&gl!', deed of trust. pl.ed8c. lien. ...a:len- <br />_t or otbervbe. ..llber the .ccept ance of tb" 0..01 of Tru.t nor I te enf Drc....nt. whether by court <br />.cttoa Dr pursuaat to the power of ..1. or other powar. her.ln coot.tned. shell pr.J~ice or 10 any <br />--.ner .fl.ct Truatee'. or aeaeftelaTJ'. ~.&ht to fealize upon or enforc~ any other srcurlty DOW or h.~e- <br />after held b, Truat_ or "nef leiar,. 11 blllnll .In".d t hel Trustee ....d lleneHctery. and eech of tb_, <br />shaH b. entitled to eoforce Cb.. Deed ..., TrUll! ."d any olher security nDw Dr her".fter held by the Bene- <br />Uclarr or Trustee 10 .uch Drder ..... ..nnp. .. th.'y, or elther of thell. _y tn tbelr ..b.olute dlacret Ion <br />d.t....ln.. No r.....d' (:onfened upon or r...rwd to Trunee or l1eneftcbr, is Intended to be e,.- <br />clusl\'tl of en)' other r-.t, heretn Or b, I... "ro"ided Dr Pllnl1tted. but shal I be cumulattve .nd <br />.h..11 be fa _dld.l.tun 10 every other r~d,. II.Y~ll heranmdt!r or now or t...rt:"a't.~r rJ:l>>tlng At law or 1n <br />eqult,,, or by eta'ut.", pDWll'Ir at' 1'e_dy Riven by .any of the loan lnslrumt-nlS to Tru..r~e Ot' t\cnr.- <br />ft<,S,.r,. or to which ell>>jer 01 I,tw.a ..y bt ul hiVrvS nil Itnt It h-d SAy htl t'.l~rc . !!it'd . ("OflcurTt"nt ly at" tndG!pt.'lu- <br />uncI,.. Irea tt_ to tl.. and .. often .. ..y hit d~e..d .iql4!'dlonl by Tru.(roe or a-etu~ftcl.rYt RllJ (l1th~r <br />"I ......., JI1,.tr_1.afI Int:on.'.till'nl r.....dl(l.. Nolhlna hl!'r.t.n Cllia11 b€' {,(In..trul,,d .a,. rrohlblt1ng f\~nC'!f'c1tuy <br />Irt. .....~.nE - dl!'ftctIfflC'" 'udftJlthl .....In.. Trutltur to I'hllt rJ:tf."1l1 uuch un hm 1r:J Jlp......'..,""d 11'Y la\ol. <br />-1- <br />