<br />15, Request for Notice. Trustor,hereby requests s copy
<br />notice of sale hereunder be ~iled to Tructor st the sddress
<br />Deed of TrWlt,
<br />
<br />16. Appoint.ent of Successor Trustee. B~eftctary may, from ti.e to tiae, by written instrument
<br />executed and acknowledged by Beneficisry, mailed to Trustor snd recorded in the County in which the
<br />property is located snd by otherwise cOGplying with the provisiona of the applicable law 0, the State
<br />of ~ebras", subatitute . successor or successors to the Trustee na..d herein or acting hereunder,
<br />
<br />17, Succeasan and AtoaiIllS. Thla Deed of TrUllt applies to and inuns to the benefit of and binds
<br />all partiashsreto, their heirs, legatees, deviseee, personal representativea, succesaors and aaaisna,
<br />The tei:a "....fieiar'" shall ean the ovner and holder of the note, whether or not n_d .a BenaUci.ry
<br />hereln.
<br />
<br />of any notice of !~:: aof Qa? f}y3 3
<br />
<br />set forth in the first paragraph of this
<br />
<br />18, Beneficiary'. Powers. Without Bffectins the liability of any other person liable fur the pa,-
<br />..nt of an, obliaation herein aentioned, and without affecting the lien or charge of this Deed of Truat
<br />upon any portion of the property not then or theretofore releaaed es aecurity for the full par-ent of
<br />all ~paid obliaations, Beneficiary ..y, fr~ ti_ to tiae and without notice:
<br />
<br />(a) release any peraona aD lisble;
<br />
<br />(b) extand the maturity or alter any of the te~ of any auch obliaatlQn;
<br />
<br />(c) grant other indulsencea;
<br />
<br />(d) releaae or re-convey or cause to be released or re-conveyed at any
<br />t'" at llenefieiary'a option, any parcel, portion or all of the property;
<br />
<br />(e) take or release any other or additional security for any oblisat1on
<br />bereln _nUoned; or
<br />
<br />(f) ..ke co.positlons or other arrangeaents with debtora in relation thereto.
<br />
<br />19. GoveminK Law. This Deed of Trust shsll be soyerned by the laws of the State of Nebraska and.
<br />In the eYent anyone or ~re of the provisiona contained in this Deed of Trust, or the note or an, other
<br />aacurity inatruaent siven in connection with thia transaction ahall be for any reaaon be held to be in-
<br />.alid. illa..l or unenforceable In Bny respect, such invalidity, illesality or unenforceability shall
<br />not affact any other proviaiona of this Deed of Trust, but the Deed of Trust shall be construed a. if
<br />such tanlld, Utepl or enforceable provldon had never be,m contained herein or therein.
<br />
<br />20. Effect of Forbearance. Any forbearance by Beneficiary or Trustee in exercisins any riSht or
<br />r....s, hereunder, or otherwiae afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exer-
<br />el.e of any such ri&ht or re8edy hereunder. Likewiae. the waiver hy Beneficiary or Trustee of any default
<br />of the Trustor und.r thia Deed of Trust shall not be deeMed to be a vaiver of any other or aiail.r de-
<br />fault .uba..uently occurrlns.
<br />
<br />21. Ie-conveyance by Trustee. Upon vritten request of the Benefielar, .tatins that all sues secured
<br />hereby have been paid, .nd upon surrender of thia Deed of Truet and the note to the Truatee for cancel-
<br />lation and retantlon and upon payaent by Trustor of Trustee's feea, Truetee sh.ll re-convey to Trustor,
<br />or the paraon or peraona leKally entitled thereto, without warrant,. any portion of the propert, thea
<br />held hare..ul.r. le<:itaJa in auch re-conveyance of .ny "Uen or facta shall be conclusive proof of the
<br />truthfulness thereof. Grantees in the r.-conveyance _y be d..cribed ea "the p....on or penon a le..lly
<br />e.title' thereto."
<br />
<br />22. Accaptance by Tru.tee. Trustee accept a this trust When this Deed of Truet, duly esecuted and
<br />acknovladlad. la ..d. a public record aa providad by lav.
<br />
<br />I" IItnf1SS WllElIEOF, Trustor ha. e"ecuted ,hi. !leed of Truet on tlla date f1.fAt noted above,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />COIMT Of' HALL
<br />
<br />Oft tlda 24th day of May
<br />Public ....ly cOiiiiiii'Ui'oned and ~ual1f1ed for
<br />to .. b...... to be the identical pereon{s)
<br />and .eaowlN.e11 the eur.utlon thneof to
<br />
<br />II.:
<br />
<br />Witne.a -r band and Notarial Seal at
<br />a'or...lll,
<br />
<br />, 1911 8 . bd ore ..., the underalKfted. a !loury
<br />said County, penonally c... L."lrr\! G. &. Kathlpen A
<br />vhoae naae(a) are aubscribed to the forelOins inatruaent
<br />be His/Her voluntary act and deed.
<br />
<br />Grand Island, NE in sdd County, the date
<br />
<br />Traudt,
<br />
<br />Husband
<br />IV. Wife
<br />
<br />My c~ia.lon espire.,
<br />
<br />101,/-;1
<br />
<br />/'
<br />
<br />A:;~( /~4~u~< ~
<br />
<br />Notary Public
<br />
<br />IS --==-)
<br />-.......--
<br />
<br />L
<br />