<br />CONTS:d
<br />
<br />88- 102833
<br />
<br />Thi.. l>et!!!! of Tnaat 1e ..de thb 24th d.y of ~fa1 ,1988, by and aaong ~ G.
<br />1'raudt and Kathleen A. Tra~band and WI e . h..reinift..r referr..d to .. 'Trustor,"
<br />i.~:;u ....l11.,g .ddr.... I. 4$1 Ave.. Grand Island. NE 68803: Arend R. BaacK
<br />Atto..ney ..t Law, lIer..1ft.ftar referr..d to &. "Tr...te..... who..e ..IUns .ddre.s. 111 P.O. Hex '(oo
<br />Gr-dIld Island. NE 68802;..d TIE OVERLANII NATIONAL BAlIK OF GltAMD ISLAIID, hereinafter referred to &II
<br />"1l......Udary... who... ..Ulnfl addre.. is p, O. Ilox Ifllll, Grand IlIland, Nebr..b 61802,
<br />
<br />Por ..loable e"".ideratlon. Tru.tor irr..vocably grant II , tran.fer.., conn,. and ...lp. to Trulltee, ID
<br />trUllt, wItll !,OIIer of ..le, for the ben..fit ...01 .ecudt, of Bm..Uel.ry, under and .ubject to the t..n. and
<br />eondltiOll. af thia Deed of Tr...t, th. folloving-d...crib..d property, located 1ft Hall County,
<br />Il..br..b, to-wit'
<br />IDt One (1), in Capital Heights Fifth Subdivision, being a part
<br />
<br />of the Southwest Quarter (5\'11) of Section 'l\\o (2). 'lbwnsbip
<br />
<br />Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.~I., Hall
<br />
<br />Q)unty, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />tos..th..r with .11 building., 1wprovements, fixtur.... str....t., all..ys, p..."as..wa,u, .........ts, rights. pr1vl-
<br />les.. ....d appurten...ce. located th..reon or In any VIIY peruinlns ther..to. and the rent., 1s.ue.. profiU.
<br />r.ver.ion. and tha r...1ftdar. tb.r.of, lncludlnl .11 auch paraon.l prop.rt, that 1. .ttached to tb.. s..proya-
<br />....t. .0 &II to ccmetUut. . Uxture, .U of whIch. 1fteludinl Tl!t'l.c..-nu and addlU..... thereto. .ra bereby
<br />d.cl.red ta be . part of the real ellt.t. eonveyad in trUllt hereby. it bdll3 .P'eed that .11 of the fore-
<br />solDl .hall be har.1naftar r.f nred to .. the "PrOptlrty,"
<br />
<br />roa THE rtIIPOSI OP SICUlII'C,
<br />
<br />(.l the p.,.ent or lndebt..dne..s evldllDced by Trostor'. note of even d.te herewith in
<br />the pdndpel s.. of SLxteen thon!':llnd and no/100--($ Hi 000 00 ), together
<br />vith lnterellt .t th. ute or retell provided ther..ln. or the prindpal .od Int..re.t on ..y
<br />future adv~ce n~t to exceed the tot.l prlncip.l .us Inltl.lly s..cured hereb, .. evidenced
<br />by prcal..ory 1I0t... lItatln& they ar.. .ecured h..reby. and .ny and all reneval....,diUc.ti"".
<br />and e1rt....ion. of .uch notell. both princip.l and interest on the note. helnl peyabl. in
<br />accor.s-.,. with the te... .et forth therelD. wh1c:h by thie refermce 19 her.by ..de a patt
<br />hereor ;
<br />
<br />(bl tb.. l'..rfotullc.. or each agreement .nd covenant of Trustor h..r..ln cont.lned: and
<br />
<br />(c) the p.,.....t of any .ua or sums of acney Which ..y b.. here.fter p.id or .dvanced
<br />by Beneflci.ry under the te~ of thts Deed of Tru.t. tOlether vlth tntere.t thereoa .t the
<br />ut.. l'rovided in the not...
<br />
<br />To protect the ...."urHy ot this Deed of Tru.t, Trunor h..reby "ovenanu and a~e... .. follOVll:
<br />
<br />1. Pa_t of lAdebtednus. To p.y when due, the principel of. ...d the intere.t ca. the indebted-
<br />"..n eYi....c.. by dill DOte, char.... r...a 1It,,1 aU other .... .. I'rov1ded in the 10... in.tTUlHlllt..
<br />
<br />2. !!!.!!. To:uator 111 the ""","r of tNt property ud ba. t.he ri&!lt and authority to execute thb
<br />11&.. ..f 1'rust In respect t.. the property.
<br />
<br />,. T...... a' u...._nU. To p.y. wit... did. .11 UDS, "peetal a..........U and .U other ch.r....
<br />...i3at the ..........rty. hefon the __ bee.... d.linllu..t. Md, in the .._or I_Uciary .hall so r..a1re.
<br />to IIdtt to the l'..,.nIU requIred und..r t.he notl! .ecured hueby, .uch _t a. _y be .ufflc:t....t t.. --
<br />aliI. hnef1ciary tn pay .lIc:h t--., ...e._t. or ot:her char... .. they bec.- 40..
<br />
<br />.. a.uruc.. To keep the t,..>r_ts now or hereafter loc.t..d "" th.. real e.ute de"crtb'"
<br />herela iaaured ..stn.t d...ge by fire and .uc:h other ha~ard. .. leneflei.ry _y ~uire. in ~t. ...
<br />COlIIII_i_ ace.ptallle to BeneUclary. and with 10.. pay.ble to Ie....Uciary. 111 CIIM of 1..s. ..ter acIl
<br />pollei... ....Uclary 111 Iluthorued to adJ...t:. collec:t and cOlOprOllli.... in tt:. dbcreU.... .11 e!at..
<br />thereualkr ..d. .t ita .01.. opt:tOQ. 1& .uthorbed to altb..r apply th.. proceed. to tNt reBtorstlDll of t_
<br />property or T1l'Oft the indebt.""e.. .ecured bereby, but "apenU requIred b:l' t:Nt Aote .M11 contia. .tll
<br />tlla ._ ..cureII hereby .re paid in full.
<br />
<br />5. ltpa1~. Mainten.nce and 'U.e. To pr~tly repalr. re.tore or rebuIld any buildlng. or ~rowe-
<br />_ta IUJV or hereafter on bbe property; to ltHpth" "roperty In lood condttlon ..,d ...."alr. wlthold _ate
<br />_. free fr.._c:1amlcs or other lien. not e"l'r....1,. .ubordinat:ed to t:1Ie lien }u,reDf; too not....e. ..ffer
<br />or ....It ...y nui....eeto exlllt D<>1' to dialn1ah or s..palr tNt v.lue l.'lf th.. property by any act or OIIlnl_
<br />tn act; ... to eaaply,with .11 requtr.....nt. of lav vitb respect: to tbe prop..rt"
<br />
<br />, . 6. CoDoI_tlon. In the .....nt the prOllert,.. or .ny part thereof. ..haU be t.""" by _1ftl!ftt "",""in,
<br />'__Uei.ry is eatttled to e..llect an. receive .U e.........UOII wltieh _y be paid for any propen:y t....
<br />CII' fnr ,._.e. to "roperty not taken. .... Beneficiary .hall .pply ..lIc:he~..ti"". at 1t. opti...
<br />e1thltr to a reduetl...af the iDdebtedneu ..curd hereby or to rer>a1r ...d re.tor. the prop..rty so taka.
<br />
<br />7. r.rfo~ce b,. """fleury. I!eneUctary ...,. but .hall h.ve no obUlation to. do any .ct v1deh
<br />Tnutta~ ha. .11'''. "..tfaUed to do, ... _eUe1ary ..,. alllo do MY act it ...._ Aece."ryto protect
<br />the 11... hereof. h...tor .1""'. to rep.,.. upon cl_d. any _. .0 eltPl!!lded by IImef1d.r,. for the
<br />...... purpo.... .. .,. _ 1110 expeIIded by __Uc1ary sh.n he added to the indebtedne.. Mcur.. here-
<br />by ... becC8a eec..... by the 11m beraof. __fkillry sh.ll not 1ftcur ."y per_at 11.b111t1 bec.... of
<br />..",h1ft, it: _,.... or ...It to .... here_der,
<br />
<br />8. u.~t11 of hilt., IIeneflcury sb.ll bs_ the dsht, puver .nd .uthorl1:,. durlnl; the c<m-
<br />tta_el! of thi. bud of Trust to collect tlwl rent., la.Ut!s and ,,~of1ta ot th.. property .ndof MY pet-
<br />.on.] property toe.t:ed th..reon vlth or v1.thout taki"ll poss..sston of the "co""rt,. llrr.ctP.d h"r.."y, end
<br />h'wtorhClT.",. .baalutel, and "",c...dlU",,.U,. ...ip. aU .uch re1lt.. te...... ...d "roUu to __flchry.
<br />llrMUd.ry. howrwlT. "'.reby conHat.. to TruIlt"r'. "oHeetl"" _II retention of .uch "",t.. 1..- MI'
<br />proUt. a. tMry ac:e~...'" bec.,. payable, eo 10111 a. TTUBtOT 111 lIot. .t .uch U... Ind.rault vith 1'.-
<br />.,eet to ".,._ of..,. 1ft4ebteanes. ..eu"", htereby. or in the ped....-e. of .ny "sre_t h.re....r.
<br />If at)' _nt of 'ef.ult d.aeribed hereaftel' iDA.peCt to this lI&.d of TrUllt .hall have neeuned MI' be
<br />eOlltlwulal. lefteUciary. ... Mtter of ri....t and wltlDut ..otlee to Trunor 0" any"". "Jel.lnl un...r
<br />T~u.to... IIftd without re~.rd to the v.lueor ~he trust e.t~e or the tntere.t of the Tru.tor therel~.
<br />ahall ...". t1la rilht to .pply to any court: hllYlng jnri.dic:U on to appol.Dt a recd vel' of t,", I't'Ol'I!rt.,.
<br />
<br />9. !!!!.t!!:~., aeneUc!ary. "I' It. .sent., ....pre.nt:.Uve. ot vorlullen, .r" .uthorl...d to ruter
<br />at _, ..a_1l1.t1_ upon II't in ..y part of the>. property for the I'urros" ot losl'""Una thl! ._I! and
<br />for the pur,.,.. of p...fo.,.I"1 any of the .cta !t b authorllled to rerfol'1ll und..r the te...s of ..ny INtI
<br />tMtr_U ..ec:utM by TrUll tor.
<br />
<br />10. Tr_f.r of r",P4'r!~. If all or any plITt of thlt noperty or .ny lntenst of Ttu.tor ther.,ln
<br />
<br />-1-
<br />