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<br />I <br />1 <br /> <br />I" <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS <br /> <br />88-102087 <br /> <br />I <br />PREPA YMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: E~c',i tholl~h I dn nor haw 10 pay mor~ Ihimlh,' r~gulilr ,,'h~dlll~d monlhly p"Y1lle'~I, I have the righl <br />tOj>(epa)' th9 y..hql~ a?)\lunl owing .10 )'ou in ~ull ill any' lime or in pan fr\ll1llilllC lolime ,Iflht'knding inslilullllll or han~ lhal hUl' m) ,'''nlna,t nll1lputes Ihe finand: charge <br />dallY. r know my finance l'harge Will be less Ifll1lake an early pCl)'l1lenl. and :t WIll he III~her If! pa)' Ime: I "hI' renl~l\Ill' Ihal anI' IH.'n""'r)' adJusllllenlln m)' tOlalJinance <br />c!mrgc will be reflecled in Ill)' final bill: I also know Ihallhe 'UllOllllh shown nn the reverse side for Ihe Fin.IIKe Charge. Tolalof IlaYlIlel\ls. allll the Total Sale Price arc esli- <br />mates based on the assu1llPlion that )'ou will recei\'e ellch of the payments e\aclly on ilS due dille: and I know Ihal then.' will he no If I prl'pay !>ecause Ihe.... is nNhing <br />to reFund if I am charged on a d~il)' hasis. If the lendmg inslillll(,'n or ban~ docs nnl <:01111'UIl' Ih,' finance charge daily. and if I prepa)' Ihe whole 'Imount. )'ou will retund <br />10 me the unearned ponion of It,e finanre charg... llnr...restl hy the acnltll1ting. proeedur... known a, lhc i!c:llll,rialm"'lhod: and Ill'" mll(luntof Ill)' reoate will be figured on the <br />scheduled dales and <Il11oums of my monthly payrnt'm and nolon the al'lual dates ,lIld amount, of Ih..' prepaymenls lhatl pill' 10 ~'ou, 1 know Ihat a refund of less than $1.00 <br />will not be made, <br /> <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a) We as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA. <br />BILlTY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN l.IMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS:OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br /> <br />(b) I have read, in delaiL Ihe sep'arale '"IO-YEAR U;l.HTED WARRA:... P..... whieh, if ..ccompanies Ihis contract. It explains the condiliolls and cirrumstant'es <br />in whicl1lhe manufactured producls Will be repaired I lake nolice "flhe Iimilillions on Ihe waln~ly. and [ panicularly recognize thaI any implied warramy which <br />applies 10 Ihe lash only a, long as !l)e warranty or cuntml't. <br /> <br />(cll ha\'e read. in delail. the separate "U:-'fITED 1:-.15T Al.LATIO;-': WARRA;'o.:TY" which. if, ..ccompanies this commcr. II explains the condilions and cir- <br />cumstanees in which Ihe installation of the siding will be redone, Ilake notice of Ihe limitall(>ns Oil the w..rralllY, ..nd I p..ninll..rl~' recogniz... that any implied warranty which <br />applies 10 the instaJlallon laSIS onty as long as Ihe Wlrtanly ," s...r\'ice contr~cl. <br /> <br />SPECIAL-ORDER GOODS: I know Ihat you haw measured my house and ils opt:ninp '\llhal )\111 can make Ihe pmducts tll fit my parliCUlar house. I take nmie... that the <br />goods that are mar.ufaclured for my speeifir house probably willnol fit any l'lher houses. and under ,u,-h "(lfldilions, I know thai [ cannol caneellhis Col\!racl 'II any lime <br />afler the period of Ii me given to Ole, by law. ;11 which 10 cancl'l. r\fterrhallegal period of lime . [know Ihall have the obligalion to pay you in fulllhe a1ll0UI\! owed, <br /> <br />OBUGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY I:'I'SL:RA:'I'CE AND !\IY REAL EST.-\TE: I. I pronme to keep my house in good repair and In keep il insured for <br />at least 80% ofils replacement valu... hy' buying a fire and cXlcnded roverage insurance polICY The m,ur,mre company mustoe arllfoved hy you. and Ih..: policy must have <br />a beneficiary clause which says Ihal you are III be pald ,I' there" a 10", The insuralK... compa"y mU~1 agrec Ih,lI il will "Oll'anl.... my policy withoUl first lelling you_ I au- <br />Ihorize Ihe insurdnce company 10 p..y you direcll\' fur :my 10" You can choose 10 use IhlS insuranre paymem !o eilher repay any amounts I owe you or 10 epair my house. <br />I ha\'e Ihe oplion of providing property insuranre through an eXlStll1g policy or through a policy mdependem]\' o"lained and paid for by me. 2, I also promise Ihatl will nol <br />allow an}'one else 10 {'lace any liens on my eSlale wilhoul yourwrinen permission, 3. I promi'l'IO pay al1laxe" ""essmenls and Olhercharges on my real estale when <br />due. 4. I promise to IImely make..1I paymcnt' on my prilllll1<ln;, secured by my real cslal~, I "hll promise thaI I will nOI...xlend. renew or change prior loans wilhoul your <br />v.Tillcn permission. 5. IF I do nOI insure my hou~e nr fulllll my olher obligation" In my real estale, Ihen you can do il for me if you wanl tbul you do nol ha\'c to), If you do <br />pay any oflhese obligalions for me, I agree 10 pay you ba,'k \>11 demand plus imereS! allhe highesllawful L'lll1lntl'1 rate of int...r...s!. Unlill pav you back, lhese amounts will <br />be added 10 my debl to you which is sel'ured hy my re..1 c'tate and housc. I know \hallf you d...c,Je 10 hu) m~ur.\I11'e fnr rue Ihal you do nOI ha\'e 10 obtain any homeowner <br />or [iabilil~' insumnre, <br /> <br />SALEOF:\IY HOUSE: [promise not losell, leaseur give myh(lUSe w anyonc unlill have full\' rcpaid my delll toyou. <br /> <br />DUE ON SALE: If [sell. lease or give my house 10 an)'on... heforc I h..\e full~ paId alii owc under thIS <,onlra"1. ~ou can ded...... all that [owe under Ihis contract payahle <br />al once and I agree 10 immedialely pay YOlllhat amounl. <br /> <br />DEFAUI.T: I will be in deFaul1 under Ihis cOnlmel,f: <br /> <br />I. Idon'lmakeapaymenlwhendue:or <br /> <br />2. I break any promise I made III you in lhis conlrael: or <br /> <br />3. Somelhing else happens which causes )'oUIO believe in good fallh Ihall d\, nnl intt'nd 10 pay ynll..s pmmi,t'd: or <br /> <br />4. I default on any' obligalions for which [am using my home ,1S collalcral: m <br /> <br />5. Somelhing happens 10m)' hou~e which Ihreatens your righls. If all)'. III II. <br /> <br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I undersland [hal YOll haw Ihe righltufureclose Ih,' ;l.hll1~age I ha\'e gl\cn to )'OU and h..\'\.' my house sold to repay any amounts I owe )"ou if I <br />am in defaull under Ihis contrarl. Before my house is sold. ~OH \1'111 do e\et) Ihmg Ihal Ihl' 1..\\ Icqulres. II ynu hire an :lIlorney to assisl you to sell my house, or, 10 sue me. <br />or. to proleel )'our rights, I agree 10 pay YUII for your reasonahle '1IIOrllt.~,' leI" ;lI1d It'r ,,11ll'r relaled eXJ1l'mes su,'h as cOlin cOSb. lllle searl'hes and money you expended <br />to prolei:1 my house, If)'ou are allowed to colleel su,h amounts!>y la\\ <br /> <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We s:anchoose not 10 enforce "ny uflhe nghh undclllns nJlmaCl as "lien as \\C want without losmg Ihem. Or, Ilecan delay enfoJ'l:ing anyofthe righls <br />wi [hoUl losing Ihem. We can also use an)' righi' now or in the future gl\ en to u, h) la" <br /> <br />DELA \'S: I know that you will us... ~'our best efforts 10 inslallthe pr"dueh I ,nn purdla,mg ''''111\ house, bUll also understand Ihat in some silualiolls you ma)' eneOUlller <br />delays thaI are caused by s!rikes, \V'eather condilions. delays )'011 h..w In "htainmg Illalenals. nr (')1 other reaSOIiS Ihal a.... he yond your cOlllrol. I understand Ihal you will <br />not be liable for such delays. <br /> <br />ARBITRATION: If I haw a dispule or dailll \\IIh yuu cUIlCCn"ll~ the qU.J111I:) . 4u.,[II\ '" perfllrn)'ltlCe of Ih... produl'ls, I underst..nd Ihat nlY dispule may be submiued 10 <br />and sellled according 10 the medi:mon-..rhitralion pro~r,Hllthal Ill~) hast. dl'\elnl'cJ III 111) COIllIllUlllt) I aho knnw Ih..1 allY,ioll made by an arhilmtor(s) woutd be en- <br />tered in Ihe coun havingjurisdiclion 0\'Cf me and you. <br /> <br />SALV AGE VALUE: I know Iha. the wmdo\\'s. woodwork. Siding. hndo. and IIthcr Ill<llenals Ihat h:I\'e to he renuwed hy )'OU for Ihis il1slallation have NO salvage value. <br />\\'hen you remo\'e them, )'ou can h~veihem for whate\'er purpose you \\ anI <br /> <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due 10 Ihe uniqueness of some of the pn.x1u.,ts Ihal you sell. I undersl..nd Ihal in special situalions Ihal your Regional Office may have 10 review <br />and accepllhis contraCI. I also understand that this sale occurred," iii) homl' ..nd Ihal )"" ..nd IIIM\ n,'1 haw had ..II the correcl infllmlal;on imponal1llO this Iransarlion <br />at our finl!er1ill~: '\!live VOII m\' ron~nt rnrflrr~(,"l :'In\ nh\"i"l'''' ~TTnr... rh.,t In~' h,It." .~.-.".lfTl-.l" n.-n Ih..l..I.......t. ;... ,h.. ....'H.......... n.."....... .-........~....t_-...1 .. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />