<br />I
<br />
<br />-. .__..~.. 'n"" "'"-"'~""""'" ........~. '"'I.n....u
<br />
<br />(;\;\' ALII) PROVISIONS: If any pmV"'Ollllr Ih" ""nlra,'1 ",olale.' Ihe law and I' unenfon:eable. the re,t "r the ,'''ntr"c, \\ 111 lx' \ "lid If any P:lfI "llh" '''lIlra,'1 n'4ulre,
<br />paYIll!'1Il of more inlerc,t Ihan Ihe law pennih_ Ihen y"u willnn]y ha'... thl'l'ji:ht l{\cnJIl:CI frtllllll1l'lhc amnunl"f lI11crl',1 Wllldl the 1,,\\ allow" 1111 ", "ollec'
<br />
<br />COJ\-!I'LETE;\/ESS OF TIllS CONTRACT: Thi"''''l1fil\'1 ""II only he changed ,fbolh y"u 'uHII agrec in writll1g,
<br />
<br />The following nolice hrings 10 my alienI inn the nghls [hall have ""en when Ihi, l'lmlraCI i, snld 111" !inancial in'llluli"1l nr" hall~, and I ,hould nolllT Ihallhe 1I11pnr-
<br />tilncc oflhi, pro\'i,ion is Slressed hy iI, appear ann.' In tcn p"int. b"ld facc ly'pe: NOTICE 88- 10208 7
<br />
<br />
<br />This credit contract finances a purchase, All legal rights which the Buyer has against the Seller ariSing
<br />out of this transaction, Including all claims and defenses, are also valid against any holder of this contract.
<br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision Is limited to the amount paid by the buyer
<br />under this contract.
<br />A claim Is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A defense is a legally valid reason for not paying
<br />the Seller, A holder is anyone trying to collect for the purchase.
<br />
<br />INSURA.NeE CA:'IICELL.ATIO;\;: If I have rcqucslcd ,mur;II1CCUl ttmp<:rchasc, I may onccl SUd1 re4uc'Sl for in,urance for any reason wilhin t1flccn OS} d.IYs from rhe
<br />lIale of this conlraCl by notify'ng you (11' lhc holder "r lh" Lontracl In \\'rilln~, I know thallhc ,-a'1l'c!lafion of my c'llI'erage wllll~ armng::'d \\'ilh !he insurance camcns) and
<br />a full refund ormy premium" llogetherwilh apphcable financc charl!c w,lllx' ncdlled IlllhlS conlract.
<br />I'LEASE 1'\01'1':: If I haw rcqucslell insumnce in thlS purchasc, I will rcce"l' w'lhllllhin\ 1.101 da\"s a cenifil'ale of imurancc Inore fullv des",ihmc Ihe IIlSlImn,'e coveragc,
<br />I know Ihal if thcrc is anv connie'l inlhe ,'owragc or the language of lht' certltic--!(c "f insufilm'c a'nd thc follow'''g NOlice of Proposed-Insurance 'hall aml'owreo only 10
<br />the cxtent slaled III thc follOWing NI'lic'c uf Proposcd Insurancc, I "i.", ~J"l\\ lhal [ h..,c insurance l"'\'C'age only if I have becn charged for it.
<br />
<br />I lake nolicc thai eilher Crcdil Life or Credil ..h'cltlcIll and Heallh Insurancc, or bOlh, will bc applicablc 10 Ihis SaIL,s C"t1lfiICI onlhe r,'vcrse Sldc UIII\" II I h;I",' d""c'lI
<br />il hy signing Ihe re4ucsl for such insurance. This 'nsur;mc<, willoni\' L,ner lhe f"-'"on ,igl11l1g Ihc rcquest '1l1he cml for cach IYpe of insurance shuwll Suhjc'c'IIO acccptance
<br />b) Ihe insurance company, Iht' IIlSLfancc will be etTeCll\'l' as ,,1' tOllay and wl!1 t'{lIllinue only for the numher of monlhs afler the dfeclive dale l''iU;I! 10 lhe numller of
<br />monthly payments. I undersland Ihat this particular ""urance llIay I1nl pnwide nl\'cra!!e fnr m\ last few payments, 'lIld Ihal during thaI period nf limc I willnnt h:lve nny
<br />~l1surance co\'Cragc, All b~nefll' anll proceeds oftne illsurance will be pallll\l you or hI a financial in~tillllion or a bank if U pllrcha~es the 5'lles Conlracl tnlhe l'\lenl of ils
<br />mlercsts :ll1d .my balance will be pay,'ble tOllle, The inai,lI amounl of Crcdil Life Insur,uKe 1<, lhc anHlUnl Tt'quired to rcpay' fhe TOlal ofPnymcll!<,; Ihereafier. the insurance
<br />decrenses by Ihe amount of each lI10nlhly paymcnl Oli a ~chedllled JO day ba,,,_ If I am .Io"'lly obhgaled nn lhe Sales Contract wilh a Co. Buyer. anll we ha\'c buth signe(j
<br />Ihe requesl fur Cro::lIill.ife Insurance, death henetlt, will be payablc only wah fe'pc,'lln lhe fiN "III" or us 10 dic, Subjl"ct 10 exclusions, elimimuinns or walling period slaled
<br />in Ihe IIlsurance 1"'1 icy or cemllca!e, Credil Aceidenl and Health Insumncc I' !('r the bellefi! alllnUIll of I JOih of each monlh's pa)'llIent foread; day thaI I alll lotally disahlell
<br />due 10 an IIljury or sickness while I nwc any paymenltn you: ho\\'c\"er, I undersland Ihall h;l\e tn be prc"ented fmlll working lIue 10 such lo[al disabilily for Illnre than four-
<br />leen (141 consecuti\'e days before Ihe insurance henetlt i, paid back to the li.."t day "f lilY InIal di,ahility, I also kno\\" thallcannol obtain any' insurallc~ from y'ou If I
<br />am onr 65 years of age today, and I also know that Ihe insurance conra!:l' prm'ided to IIIC may' contain a maximulII amounl of ('O\"t'rage \\"hich will not po\' In some
<br />cases, Ihe enlire amount Ihatl owe Y'ou, Due 10 Ihe maximum alllnunl nf cow rag" 'Ialcd in lh,' II1SUTalKe policy, I kno\\' lhat an)' unpaid amount in excess nf [hl' lnsUfillll'e
<br />('werage will slill ha\"(' tll be paid. Iflhe Satl"s Contract is prepa,,] III full prinr In lhe "'slpaymenl dale, any unearned insufilf1c'l" premiums will he refunded In m,' in the man-
<br />ner prescribell by law. Wilhinlhirty (30) da)'s, I Will reccl\ c Ihe "emfi,'alc of ;nsmanct' nltlrl' fully dc",'rihing m)' insurance C(lWrage. If the insurance is nol aC<'l'ptcd hy
<br />the jnsurancecompany, I will rccei\'1" a refund oCthe in<,urance premium, I ha,'1" paid_
<br />
<br />BUYER: The nl"xl two paragraphsco:llain warranlies rt'lall\'C 101111, "lie lo'iwn hy u, IOlhe finanl'ial inSlituliun or bank in nrd\"r f(lr il to buy lhis cnntrac!.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />FOR V ALL:E RECEIYED, Seller hereby sells, aSSI!!n" conveys, transfcrs and dl"li\crs 10
<br />(Assignee) all of ils righls, (1111" and inlerest in and Inlhe rmtallmenl Sale_, COnlfilcl and :'\Iongage. IOgelher Wilh alllie'ns C\ISlillg 10 seCUfe I(s pa)1I ent, ;nllllhe pmpeny
<br />encumberell hereby_ Assigr.~e is hereh\ suhstiluled as :'\lorlgagee undl"r Ihc :'\Imtgagl" pft\\"isions uflhis conlract. Sellcr \\arranh and rcprescnls: (]) It has Ihe righlltllllake
<br />this assign men I; t:!) All ,lateml"nls and figures in Ihis C(lllli.lCl and in lht' Buyers slalemcnt lire malerially true am.l correct; (3) This conlraCI arosc frOlll the bona fide slllc
<br />of Ihe goods and se,,'ice, des<Tihed 'Jerl"ln; l~l Thc cash dO\'-npayment shown in Ihi, contracl was actually paid hy BUYl"r and no pan of said downpa)'menl was loaned di-
<br />reClly Oi indirec'lly by Seller 10 Buyer: (5) Each Buycr is legally compelcntlo ctlntral'l: (6) This contmcl is nOI and will not be suhjeclIO any claim, defense, demand ur right
<br />of offsel: (7) The e\crullnn oflhis conlract and lhe und!"r1\"lf1g sales lransac-linngi\'ing rise therelo did not \"iolale any f~deralor slatl" law, directive, rule or regulation now
<br />in effecl: (8) In the evcnl Ihal thl' ...,'nlm<,1 or Ihc underl) ing salcs ltansa,'(I"n I' SUhJeCl 10 a nghl tlf rescission or cancellation by lhe Buyer, sUl'h rescissionnr callcella-
<br />tion period h..,explred andnellher the s,lle nllr thl', nnlral"tlw lx'cn lam,'Il,',1 or rc'r1nde,1 THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BY SEllER WITHOUT RECOURSE,
<br />
<br />IN TESTIMO:'-iY WHERH7Jp;"g,n"1" an :!ulhnrl/l-d ll'p"J'5Iall\l' "t Ihe Seller and has Signed he I 0\\ on behalf oflhe Selll'f on Ihl' ~_
<br />
<br />day of _ J.._U III }(j'
<br />
<br />The foregoing IIls1rumem \\ '" ac~nl''' I,'dgcd 1...'1"", '",' "n
<br />
<br />~J~~ ".~.
<br />
<br />by Ihe authori1ell agent of Scller \\ hn is-/Yl,-:--:.;J;141( jJJ) /)'(1
<br />My commission c~pires:
<br />
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