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<br />I <br /> <br />My paymenl schedule will be: <br /> <br />- <br />, <br />, <br />, <br /> <br />Number or PaymonlS <br /> <br />Allltmnl .or Pil)'numl~ <br /> <br />\Vh.n raymenl' .re Duo 8-8....", ttl2-ttS-r <br /> <br />Estllllaled In be 3D dap after Ihe dat,;> - <br />of the Completion Cenificale, <br /> <br />All subsequent inslallments on the same llay <'I <br />each consecutive month until paid in full <br /> <br />i <br />~~~ I J <br />Credit life insurance and credit disability insurance are not required to obtain .:redi!. and will <br />nol be provided unless I sign and agree 10 pay ihe additinnal cost. <br />Tcnn <br /> <br />Tyl'" <br />Credit Life <br /> <br />Pn:rnium <br /> <br />!Il'llh... <br /> <br />Sl~n;,uure <br /> <br />I wanl credil life <br />Insurance. <br /> <br />.1,gnaIUR <br /> <br />u~'er <br /> <br />Sel'urlt)': I ;1I11 giving a security interest in: <br />I the goods, se",il'l.~s and propeny being purchased, and <br /> <br />2, my leal est ale and improvemenls, including my <br />h"\lSe, all al my' "Address" designated lIbove, <br /> <br />Fllln~lRl:'cordlng f<<s $ 00. D 1) <br /> <br />I.nll:' Chllrgl': If a payment is more Ihan ten (l0) days <br />hill', I will he charged $5,00 or 5% of the 10111.' pay, <br />ments, whiche\'er is less, - <br /> <br />Prepayment: If I payoff tllrly. I will nol have tu pay <br />a penalty. and I may he enlilled to a refund of pan uf <br />the finance charge, <br /> <br />7/ <br /> <br />$/~b. /2. <br />$/j.~./t <br /> <br />1st Paymenl <br /> <br />OD.fJD C <br /> <br />'gnalurc - ,,~. <br /> <br />u}"cr <br /> <br />. I will review nlher ponions of this contract <br />for addilional infnmmlion ahout nun-payment, default, <br />any required repayment in full before tlle scheduled dale, <br />and prepayment refunds and penalties, <br /> <br />Credit Accident <br />& Health <br /> <br />sOD.DD <br /> <br />() <br /> <br />I want credit accident <br />and health insurance. S'frul'ur< Ilu~'<< <br /> <br />I <br />! e means an eSllmate. <br />Propert}' insurance is required, and) ma} obtain such insurance ~m an}'one I want who is acceptable to JOu or I may providl' it Ihroullh <br />an existing polic)'_ If I obtain Ihis insurance through you. ) will pa) :) O. -0 0 for 0 months of ..:o\'erage. <br /> <br />COM~!~NCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: The finance charge (interest) is estimated to start on _ <br />(imen the dale) except in the event that you complele the installation of thl' goods and wr\'ices on another date. Ihen Ihe finane \'harge (int"resll will begin to run no the <br />date thai) shall si~n a Complelion Cenificate. The amount of finance ,'harg.' I intereslI may be nlore OT kss than Ihe aml'unt di':c1<,,,'d dq,,'ndiog on thl' 31l11'unts I pay \'011 <br />and my timeliness In making payments. . . <br />PR~PA YMENT: I may \'nlunlarily prepay Ihe amount I owe YllU. 111 full or 111 pan. al any IImc, If I make" p"nial pn'payrnenl. Imu'l Clllltmue tn llI"k,' my regular paym,;>"" 7' <br />unlll) hal'e paid all amounts owed, 5 <br />REQUEST FOR FULL PAYMENT: If I do 001 pay' when due. you can declare all thai I O\\e under Ihis contract pa\'ablc al O"CC, I agl\.'<: 10 pay Yl'U intcn:sl on Ihat amount i= <br />at the maximum contractual rate allowcd by law untillhe amount I owe you is paid. I also know Ihal you can foredme 111e Mortgage I haw gi\'en to y')U. :J <br />':OLLECTION COSTS: If ) am in default of Ihis contract and you demand full paymem. I understand lhal you may send it III an allomey for colleelion and enforcement. !:: <br />If you do so, ) agree 10 pay your reasonable allomeys' fccs plus any coun costs and expenses incurred by y'ou. lhal is. if you are allowed to eollee! such amOUllls by I all , lii <br />MO~TGAGE: I hereb)' granl, bargain, sell. cOn\'ey and mongage to )'ou. as Mongagee. my leal estale and house I,x:ated al my "Address" designated on the top ponion Z <br />of th.s contract as secu...ty for all amounts due to you under Ihis Installment Sa]es Contracl. <br />>- REVERSE SIDE: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE A <( <br />~: Z PART OF THIS INSTAllMENT SALES CONTRACT AND THAT I AM BOUND BY THEM IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT Of THIS VERY u <br />o INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY OBLIGATION, ~ <br />--' NOTICE TO BUYER z <br />~ I. I do not ha,'" to sigr this contract ~fore I read it or if an)' of the spaees intended for Ihe agreed lerms to the extent of then 8nllable informallon u. <br />t- are left blank, 2. I am entilled to a copy of this contract al the lime I sign it. 3, I ma)' payoff the full balance due under Ihis contract lit an}- <br />ffi time, and in so doing I ".'~)' ~ entitled 10 a rebate .of Ihe une~rned linance and insurance charges (if am'). 4. I understand that Ihls instrument <( <br />o Is based upon a home sohCltal1on sale and that Ihls mslrument IS not negotiable. 5. It shall not be legal (or JOu 10 cnler m)' premises llnla",fllll)' Z <br />u:: or commit an)' breach of the peace to repossess goods purchased under this contract, l') <br />Z BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL i:i:i <br />8 I MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIONIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (I HAVE 0 <br />READ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHi,) <br /> <br /> <br />COpy RECEIVED: ) acknowledge receipt of a completely filled in C.1PY' of this Cllntr.ll't along with ~2) copi~s of the :"Illlic~ of RighJ 10 Cancel gql' <br />IN ~ITNES~HEREOF, tht Inst~me" Sa1e~ <)lIltracl and ~Illn!!age "as been sign~d on this ~'" day of _____m~ .19 . <br />al tCIIY) 2':';.)AJ'~ cl/..4K.A.......d ' Slate of :-i~br-d~ka <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION ,SEU.ER \IORll.\GEh <br /> <br />EJ. <br /> <br />Stale of Nebrn,ka / ~ <br />County of ,..~ <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />~/J5/?j <br /> <br />~dllJ Lt.~~.& <br />BVYER . \IORTG,\GOR <br /> <br />j"/j I' <br />~~- ~ :r: <br />CO,llFYER - \IORTG~G R m <br />0,# ~ <br />Th~ fO~ 1_",lru~\\aS ackI'lO\'ledg~d ~~me Olt IhISL_ day of ~ <br />~_VL~4 .19.bYth],ab "edeslgnated <:: <br />Buy,;>risl-~t{lrigagorts) a ~ <br />, ~./l '" <br />:-:olal\ Puhhc -:e (/ ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />M)' commi"ion e'-pires: <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />