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<br />I <br /> <br />Borrower and Lender w"enant and agree as lollows: <br /> <br />88- 102001 <br /> <br />I. That Borrower wlU pay the Indebtedncss. as hereinbefore provld. <br />ed. PrMlege is resen..ed 10 pa)' the debt in whole or In part on any In. <br />staUment due date, <br /> <br />2. ThaI, together with. and In addillon to. the montnl)' payments <br />uf principal and interest payable under the temu 01 the note secured <br />hereb)', the Borrower will pay to the Lender, on the fint day of each <br />monlh unlil the nid note is full)' pa.ld, the lollowing sums: <br /> <br />(.) AmOunt sufflclent to pro,'ide the holder heroof with runds to <br />pay the !lext mortgage InswallOe premium U this Instrument and the <br />note 5<lCUred hereby are Insured, or a monthl)' charge (In lieu oj a <br />mortiagF i",vranu premium) If the)' are neld by the Secretary of <br />HOllling ilIld Urban De,'elopment, as rollows: <br /> <br />(I) If and ~ long ill said note of e\"en date and this i1utrument <br />.re lruur,-d or are rt'iruuro:d under the prO\'isioru; 01 the NlIlional <br />Bowing ",.1, an amount sufficienl 10 at'<'umulale in the hands 01 Ihe <br />holder olle (I) month prior to il.5 due date the annual mortgage in. <br />sur.nee: premium In order 10 pro,'ide sUl'h holder with rumh to pay <br />sucb prelllium 10'lhe 5<<retuy 01 Howing and Urban De,'elopment <br />punuant to the ~ationalllowing Act, is lImended. and applicable <br />Rq!ulatiolU Ihereunder; or <br /> <br />(11) II .nd loG long &S said nOle or e"en dale and Ihis instrument <br />a:c held b)' the Socu:lar)' 01 Housing and Urban D.e\"eJopmenl, a <br />monthl). charge (in lil"U QJ 11 mQrtgage iruuranu premium) which mall <br />be In an amount C<.jual to one.twelfth (11l2) 01 one.half (1/2) per cen. <br />turn 01 Ihe a\"erage oul.5tanding balanet! due on the note computed <br />, .....ithoul laling inlo al'COunt ddinquencies Of prepa)"menu; <br /> <br />(b) A sum t'<luil! to Ihe ground rents, if an)', neX! due, plu> the <br />premiums .h.t .....ill b...:ome due and pa}'abl.. on policies of EIre <br />and olh..r hllUrd insuranct! conrini the properl)', plw taxes and <br />_met,ls nelt due on the proptert)' (al/ (lj t'.timatt'd b'llhe Undn) <br />l~ all sums alr....d)' paid Inerdor divided br Ihe number of months <br />10 d...... Lo.:fore on.. (I) munlh prior 10 II... d.le when such gsound <br />renlA, prtSnlunu, IUQ 11IId ~ments .....ill becume delinquenl. such <br />SUSID to be hdd by lender in Irwt 10 pa}' said ground rents, <br />prellliunu, tuc:o and 5pt~'i~ ll1S<:Urnents; and <br /> <br />(c) All p,)'ments mentioned in the t....o preceding sub5ectlolU of this <br />pallpaph and all payments 10 be made under the no Ie secured <br />hereby mall be added together. and the aggregate amount thereur <br />ilball be paid b)' the Borro"er eacb month in a lingle pa)'ment to be <br />applitod b)' the Lender '0 the items in the order :iel forth: <br /> <br />(I) prtmium charglS under the contract 01 insuranCt: ....ilh the <br />Secretaf)' of Howing and Urban De..-elopmenl, or monthi)' charge (in <br />lleu QJ mortgage innmmce premium), &S th.. Clllt' mal' be; <br /> <br />(11) gruund renll. taxa. lire lInd other hazard In. <br />,urance premiums; <br /> <br />(III) Interest on th.. note I<<UftO herel,)': <br /> <br />(IV) amonlz.atiou or the principal of said note; and <br /> <br />01 (V) !au chugel. <br /> <br />fuJy cWiciency ill the amount of such agregate monthly payment <br />ihaU. u.al_ made good by the Bono\ller prior to the due date of the <br />~ Neb payment, wnstitute an n-ent of default under thiI Dlort- <br />18.. 11le Lender may wllect a ~Iate chllrge- nol to uceal four cenls <br />(4.) fDr each dollar ('I) of payment more than fifteen (15) days <br />in anea,. to co\"er the e~tra elperue Invol\'ed in handling'nt <br />pa)'ments. <br /> <br />3. That if the total of the payments made b)' the Borrower UDder <br />(bl of parapapb 2 pr~ing sba1J UllIlOO the amounl of pa)'mentJ ac- <br />tually made by the Lender for vound rents, tUeI and l.SJCSSD1entJ or <br />inNJance premlwm. as lbe cue may be, luch elct:5i, ir the 10&11 Is <br />cunent. at the option or the Bonower, mall be crediled by the <br />~ on IU~l.Iellt ~)'meDtI to be made by the Borrower, or <br />nlu.odcd to the Borro"'.er. IE. bo....ft'eJ". the monthly paymenll Dlade <br />by the Berro",'", I,\oclft (b) of 2 ptecedln, mall DOl be swfl. <br />cleol to pa)" around rents, t_ and ~enls or laauranoe <br />premiums, as the C&Ie may be, wbeD the same mall t.:ome dlH! aDd <br />payablt, then the Borrow. iha1l PC)" to the Lender any amQUnt <br />~. to make up the deflden..'")', on or before the dale when pay. <br />ment of ,ueh. ,round rents, tu_, &UftUIlentJ. or insurance premiums <br />iliall be due. If 101 Ion)' time lbe Borrower iliall lender 10 the Lender, <br />in &OC'Ord.rlL.. ",ith t~ pro,iIioN or the note $OCureod hcreb)', full pay. <br />meol 01 \he ""lirt Ind..bltd~ ther..b)., II... Lend.., mall, <br /> <br />In t'Ompuling the amount of sud, indd,tloUlll'SS, credit 10 Ihe aL'COunt <br />01 the Borrower all pa)'melltJ m ad~ und.'r th~ pru\'uiuns of (II) uf <br />paragraph 2 hert!(lf which the Lender has not l>L.".,me ubligal'.,] lu par <br />to the Secretar)' of Hawing and Urban De\doplllent and an)' balanC1l <br />ref1lalnlng In the funds accurnulallod under Ihe pro\'uions or (b) of <br />paragraph 2 hereof. If there shall be a ddaull under all)' of the pro\"i. <br />dons of Ihis inslrument resulting in a public 5al~ of the premises <br />covered hereby, or if tbe Lender aCtluirc.l the properl)' otherwise all..r <br />defaull, the Lender shall appl)', at the lime of the t'OllHlIenl'l'lIIl'lIt uf <br />such proceedings, or at the time the properl)' is olherwise actjuirL.J, <br />.he balallet! then remaining in Ihe funds al"Curnulat..d under (b) of <br />parllgraph 2 preceding, as a credit against the amount of principal <br />then remaining unpald under $aid nOle, and shall properl)' adjust an)" <br />payments which mall lIa\'e been made under (a) of paragraph 2, <br /> <br />., That the Borrower will pay ground H'nts, tll.\t'S. ilSSCSSIll"nu. <br />water rates. anli other gO\'ernmentlll or municipal charges. fines, ur <br />impositions. lor which pro\'ision Inu nol b.....n lllad~ hl'reinbl'fore, and <br />ill default theTLoof the Lender lIIay par Ihe .am,,; and th..t the Bur. <br />rower will promptly deliver the oHkial fl,(i;lph Ihl'Tdur 10 tlu' <br />Lender, <br /> <br />5, The Bortow!'r .....iII pa)' aUla,\l'S \\ hich lIlar b(. It'\"ied upun thL' <br />Lender's interest in said rcall:lilllte IIl1d illlpru\l'l1Il'fltS. and which tIIa)' <br />be levio:d Upoll this Inslrument or the d.,1>1 H'('urcd hereby (buI 0111)' tu <br />the exlenl that such II not prohlbitl-d b)" law und unl)' to the t!~ll'nl <br />lhat such will flOt make llrll loan usurious), bUI e~c1uding an)' inl'OrTle <br />tax. Stale or FL-deral, imposed 011 b'nd"r, "lid willlile II", official <br />receipt showing such pa)'ment with tlw I.L'lId,'r. Upon "iulatien 01 this <br />undertaking, or if Ihe Borro""er is pruhil>il,'d l>r an}' 11Iw no\\" or <br />berellfter Clilting from paying the .....hole or .n)' porlion 01 the <br />aEornaid taxes, or upon lhe rendering of ..n)' L'OUrt d,,<,rL'e prOhibiting <br />the payment by Ihe Borrower 01 an)' such ta~L'S. Of if such Ill\\" or <br />decree pro"ides thai an)' amounl so paid by Ihe lIorrower s),ull be <br />credited 011 the debt, the Lender .hall hano tht. right to gi\'e nilll'l)' <br />days' writtell nulire to lhe owner or the prl'mi...s, H"'juiring the pa)'- <br />ment of Ihe dt!bl, IE such notire bt. giwn. th~ said debl .hall 1>.."COllle <br />due. pa)'lIble and colll'Clible at the l"pirulioll ,.1 said I\IIlt'I)' da)'s. <br /> <br />6. That shuuld the lIorrower to pa)" IUl) .UIII ur \'''''''1' un)" con. <br />nllnt pro,'ided for in this lrutrulllent. then Ih.. I.,'nder. at its uptiun. <br />ma)' pa)' ur perrorm the same, and all "'pt!ndilurcs so mllde shall be <br />Ildd<<l to th.. principallum owing on Ihe abu,." nule, .II all 1>... .,,,,..ltl.,] <br />hereb)', and shall bear Inlerest at Ihe rate .el forth in the sllid nUll', <br />untU paid. <br /> <br />7, Thai Ihe Borrower hereb)' assigllli, tran.\rers and sets on:r to the <br />Lender, to be appliLod lo",<ud Ihl' pa)'l1Ient of Ihe nOle and all sums <br />1t'lC1Ired hereb)' In C&5t' of . default In lhe perfor rnanC1l 01 'In)' of the <br />terms and conditions or Ihis instrument or lhe 1I0tc, all the renls, <br />re\'enueJ and InroUle 10 be derived lrom Ihl' said pfembes during sUl'h <br />lime &S the indebledness shall femain unpaid. and Ihe lender shall <br />hne puwes to llpvoint an)' IIgent or ugt'lI1s it Illll)" desire Cor the pur- <br />IXl:ie or replliring said premu..s and of renting Ihe .\am" and colllding <br />the rentJ, re"enueJ llnd inwme. and it ma)' pa}' out of said incomes <br />all elpetlS<:S of repairing said premises IInd n''("<'SSlIry l'OUlm4-iuns and <br />uperues incurred In renting and managing the Sllllle IIl1d of coll<<'lIng <br />reDtab thefefrom; the balanCt: remaining, if any. to be llpplied toward <br />the discharge of laid Indebtedneu, <br /> <br />8. That the Bonower will bel' the impro"ementJ no.... nisting or <br />hereafter erected on the property, insured as ma)' be required from <br />time to time by the Lender a,alM los.s b)' fire and other hazards, <br />casual lies and contlnsencl. in such amounl.5 llnd for such periods 1$ <br />may be required by \he Lender,and will Pll)' promptl)', when due, <br />any premlunu on luch Insurance pro\'islon lor pa)'ment of which IIlI.l <br />not been made hereinbefore, All insuranC't' shall be carried in com. <br />panlfti approved by the Lender and the policies and renewals theroof <br />mall be held by the Lender alld hn.. atladlL-d Iherelo luss pll)'able <br />clauses In f.,'or of and In form lICCt:pl~ble tu the Lender, III e\'ent or <br />10Sl; Borrower will gi\'e Immediate notil'C br fIlOlil to the lender, who <br />may make prool 01 Iou if not made prompll)' b)' Borrower, and each <br />insurance com pan)' roncerned II hesebr lIuthurized and dirt'Ctoo lu <br />make pa)'menl for such 10Sl; dirl:('tl)' 10 Ihe Lender irutead of to Ih.. <br />Borro...'er and the Lender jOlntl)', and Ihe insurance proceeds, or llfl)' <br />pan thEreof, may be applied by the Lender al ill option eilher 10 Ihe <br />reduction of the Indebtedn_ hereby k'Cured ur to the restoration or <br />repa:r of the property dama"ed. In e,'..nt or foreHosure of IlrlJ Instru. <br />ment ot other tranNer or title 10 the mortgaged property In t'ltingubh. <br />ment 01 the Indebtedneu MlCUred hereb)', llll righi, title and Intereit of <br />the Bono,,'er In and tu any InsurAn"" policil.~ then In rorce ,hallplW <br />to the purch...,r or pantee. <br /> <br />9, That.. additional and l",ll.lerlll ......'urit). lur the pll)'lI1elll uf Ih" <br />nole described. .nd all nulU to bt...'tJlIlt du~ \mdl'r Ihis irnlrullWl)l, Ihe <br />Bo, IUIllns to lhe L"'lId"r Mil I'rulits, ,..""IIU.... fO).alti,..... <br /> <br />Paua 2 <br /> <br />HUO-1I21.30T <br />