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<br />I <br /> <br />88- 102001 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />rights IUld o.,ndits accruing tD the under IIn)' and "Il ollllnd <br />gll.l lelLlot:S on said premlses, .....ith the right to Il'Cl:ive and re..",lpt lor <br />the sallie and IIl'pl)' them to J.aid indebtedneu 115 wen belore 115 lifter <br />default In the conditiolU of this hutrument, and Ihe Lender ilia)' de. <br />mand, sue for and r<<'llYer an)' such pll)'lIIenls .....hen due Bnd PIl)"lIble, <br />but 51,,111 not be rl'tJuifl:d so to do. This assll(llInenl Is 10 lermlnule and <br />bec.""me null lIlId \'old upon relellit' 01 this ilUlrument. <br /> <br />10. Thilt the llarrower willkl...p Ihe buildln~ upon said preml~ In <br />good lepail, and neithel l'Ommil nor permit wane upon said I..nd, nm <br />suffel the said plemist$ to be u~ 101 any unlawl\llpurpo~e. <br /> <br />II. That II Ih.. premi><:s, or an)" part IherL'tJI, be condemned under <br />the power of eminent domain. 01 acquired lor a publit, use, the <br />dlllllag~ lIwalded, Ih.. prC)C(...,ds lor Ihe I..klng 01, or th.. l'OIUId..ra\ion <br />for such lIC<jubition, 10 Ihe ntent of the lull amount 01 indebtedlll:!i.'i <br />upon thb irntrulllent lInd the note which it is gl\'<,n tu s.,",ure lelll..; fl. <br />Ing unpaid, art' hereby assigned b)' Ihe Borrowel to Ihe J.ender, and <br />ihall he, paid forthwith to said LeIldt'r 10 be applied by the lallt'r on <br />acrount ul the ne1t matuling installments 01 such indebtedn~. <br /> <br />12. The furth"r agll'tl thai lhould this ilUlromelll ;ifid Ihe <br />nolI' $<<'ua..! I,deb}' nul lH.' digible for insuran"" under Ihe NlIlional <br />tfouslllg Al-I wilhin l'i~hl monlhs from Ih... oale heloof (wlillen slale. <br />ment 01 an)' of/ker 01 the Deparlmenl of !lousing and Urban <br />Dt-,'e!olllnenl or aUlhuriZl'd agenl 01 th. Se<'lelllr)' of Howing and U" <br />ban D.\' datl-d sub5ffJuent to the eight monlhs' time from the <br />datt' of this irutrum..nt, doeclining to flUur.. said lIule and thb mOlt. <br />gag.., being deo:med l'(mclusi\.e proof 01 ,ul.h indigibilit)'l, the Lend.r <br />or holdt'r of the note mil)', "I iu optiun, dl'Clare all SUIIlS secUled <br />herebr immedialely due and payable. :o.;otwilhstanding Ihe 10legoing. <br />this option fila)' nol be t:UICist-d b)' the L"ndel or the holder of the <br />note ,",hen Ihe ineligibilil)' for Insurilnce ulld.r Ih. National Housing <br />Act is due to the Lender's failure to lelllit the mOllgage insurance <br />prO'mium to the Departmt'nl of Howing IInd Urball Dt-\'eloplIlt'nt. <br /> <br />13. That if thO' Borrower fllils to make iln)' "a)'menls of monel' when <br />th.. sam. lH.'('tJ",,,, dut', or filils to l'Onlorrn tu ilnd compl)' .....ith an)' of <br />the conditio"" or agr.".m"nls conlain...1 ill Ihis ilUlfull\.nt. or the nol.. <br />.....hich it __Ules, then Iht' t'ntile prinl'ip~1 'UIII and lIl'cured interesl <br />shall at on(" .......llllle due ami parable, al Ihe dt:<:lion of the t.t'nder. <br /> <br />Lendt"r ,lulII gh.e notice to Borruwer priur to a~lerlltion following <br />Borrower's Lleilch of an)' l'O,.emmt ur agr.....menl in Ihb instlument <br />(but not prior to ace:..lefiltion undel I'aragrilph 12 utll~ lIpplicable <br />law 1',00.idd ulherwisr). The notke dulll sp"dfr' (II) the derllull; (L) <br />thl' action H,!uirL-d to cure the default: (cl a dah:, not 1= than 30 <br />da)'S frum thi: date the notil"C is i!\'en to Borruwt'l. b)' which the <br />def.ult must be cured; and (dl thill failure to cure lhe ddllult un or <br />belore Ihe date specili....! in the noli..... mil)' "',"11 ill "''Celeration uf th. <br />sums __ured by thb imtrumenl and sale of the I'ropert)'. The notil"C <br />aL.IJ lu"her inform Horrowt'r of the righl to rt'jrntate .Itl'r ,,,;c...I..,.. <br />Uoo and the ri&ht to brini a cou" .ctiDn to a=rt the non.e1iste!K't' or <br />. def.ult or an)' olller defelUC of Borrmnr to lIC'l"leration and we. If <br />the def.ult 15 not cu,t>d on or before the date specified in the notice, <br />Lenda atltJ option may require immedlllte plIrment in full of all <br />sums I<<Ured by thb innrurnenl v.-jthoutlurther demand .nd may In. <br />\lllb the po..'er of $IlIe .nd an)' other rt'm~iO$ pelmilled b)' ap. <br />pllcable la.... Lender shall br entilled to coU"", all apenses in~JJed <br />In pUl$uin& the remediES pro\'id..d in thb paragraph 13. tndudilli. but <br />not Iimltrd to, reasonable allolllefs fees and costs of title O'\'ldence. <br />" <br /> <br />If lilt' power of sale is In\'oked, 1',u>lr.' ,h~1I ""'-OId II noti,.., of <br />default III I'ach county In whidl un}' pari of Ihe Propert)' is 10clIl,.d <br />und shllll mail cop;cs of such nolke ill th~ maunel prescribed b)" ap' <br />pUl'able law to Borrower and 10 tl.... olhl'r pelsons prescrilx.-d b)' ap. <br />plicable law. After the lime leqllired by applicable law, Tluste<.' shall <br />give public 1I0tke of laic to the persom lInd In the manllel pn'.\cribl..! <br />by upplicable IllW, Truslee, withOUl demand on Borrower, shall sdl <br />tne Propl'rl)" al public auction to the hil( bidder al the Um... <llId <br />pIal'(' 1I11d ullder the IUlms designated in lhl' nolll.., of sail' In 011... or <br />more (larl'els and In allY order Trustl'e d...te I III il1L'S , Trusll't' mal' <br />poslpone sale of all or any paTet'1 of tne Prop...rl)" b)" publil' IIl1noun,'e. <br />IlIl'ut lit 1111; liml' and plllce of an)' previousl)' schL.Jull-d sale, Lend,'1 <br />01 il. dcsiglll't' ilia)' purchase the Plopelt)' lit all)' sule. <br /> <br />UpOIl Ilwilll of pa)'menl of the (lIke bid, Tlustee shall deliwr to <br />Ihe'r T,ustt'(!'s dt't'd COII"l')'illg lhe J'rol'.'rl)'. The rl'(.'lIlIls ill <br />Ihe Trusle,,'s deed shall be prin~a facic. e,ldenl'" uf the truth of the <br />.1..lemell!> lIIade Ihereln. Trw,,"e .hull apply Ih.. prOl'(.....Js of the ,alL' <br />in Ihe 10110\\ iug order: (a) to all exp"II'\,S of Ihe s..(e, Includillg bUI <br />nol IImitrd to, Tru~t.'e's fees as pl'rmitll'll by <ll'l'lil'abl\' law and <br />IClI501l"ble illloflle)'s' fee$; (bl 10 all ,ums "''l''IIl..! b)' lhis SL....Urity In. <br />strument: llnd (e) IIn)' exl'e5.S 10 Ihe (ll'rmn or lll'nuns leglllly "l1tlll...1 <br />to il. <br /> <br />l-I UpOIl ~n'l'ler~lioll ullder pllluglaph 13 or ..balldulllllrlll of IhL' <br />Properly, 1.,'l\Iler (III lI\'rSOIl, b)" agl'nl 01 U)' judiciall)' <lppollltl-o <br />rl'l't'i\"Cl) lnall be en\illL..! to en leT upon, lake IlOsst's.slun of and <br />Hlllllllge Ihe PlOpI'll)' and to C(l\ll'Ct Ihe r~nls of Ihe Propelty indudlng <br />those pilSt due. All)' renls collectl'll b)' I.elld"f or Ihl' Il'l"..i\....r ~hall be <br />upplk.J fiTSt 10 pll)'menl of the cosls of mall~!:l'mt'lll of Inl' P'op,'rty <br />~lld coll'"l'lIol1 of f,'nls, Including, but nul Iimit...d to, rec..-i\'t'r'> IloeS, <br />premiums on "'l'l'iwr's bonds and ICllsollable atlorneys' fl'l's, and 11"'11 <br />10 tht' sum~ SL'l'Ull.d by lhis Insllument. <br /> <br />IS. UPUII p")'lIlenl 01 all SUIIlS secured b)' this instrument, I....nd..., <br />shall rl'<lu.,>l TIUstl~ 10 1l'<<l1l\'I'Y thl' Properl}' Imd shull surrl,tld,'r this <br />Instrum~nt alld ..II noles e\'idencing debt Sl'CUll..! b)' this llUllUlIll'llt 10 <br />Truslt"l', TrmtL'l' shallll'COn\'ell}' Ihe I'IUI't'lt)' without warrllnl)' and <br />wilhout l'I,,"!:,' to lilt' p",son 01 perSOllS IL'gall)' t'nlitlL..! to II. Su.:-h <br />p",son 01 pl'lsons 5h..1I pa)' an)' "'l'Ofdation l'Osls. <br /> <br />Hi. l.endn, at its uption, l11a)' Irom lime 10 lime lemon' Trusll'l' <br />alld appoinl a SU'"l:l'5S0r truslee 10 an}" TIU,tL'" Ilppoilltl'llIIl'feundl'l h~ <br />illl irulrulll\'ul rl't'Ord.-d in Ihe l'QUllty in whkh this instruml'1I1 is <br />ll'COfd.-d, Withoul,'On\.t")'ant'" 01 Ihe Plop..'rt}", lhe SUCl'l'ssor trusl." <br />,11..11 .ul'.....:" tu ..lIlh., tide. power and duli.", ('Unfern'll upon Tmsll'l' <br />helein aud U)' applicable la...... <br /> <br />J7. 80rro\\l:r lequests that copies of IIIL' uolke, 01 dl'fllult Ilud s~le <br />bt, sent to 80l(owel's ..ddreu .....hkh is tht" Prop...rt). ....ddr\'ss. <br /> <br />Ill. If one or mOTe rldc:n 1I't' .XCCUtL..! b)' Ilurro"""" and "'l""rded <br />together with this irutrurnent. the l'O\"Cnallts ..nd lIgr....,menls of \'uch <br />such ridel shllll be incorpcirited into and shall ..mend and supplemeut <br />the CO\'tllanls IInd agreements of this irutTUlIlent lIS if the rlder(s) wrre <br />II part of this instrument. <br /> <br />19. The co\'enanU herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and <br />ad"lIntllges shall Inure tll, the respecti\'e heirs, eneutors. ~d. <br />mlnistraton, SU~fI, .nd u.signs of the parties herl~to, Whene"er <br />used, the .In~ular number ihalllnclude Ihe plural, the ph.:ral till' <br />singular. and the we: of any iend.r shall include ali genders. <br /> <br />B)' signing belo.... Borrower a.'Ct:'pls and agll"'CS 10 the temu covenanls rontained in Ihis S,'Culil)' .rntrumenl alld in an)' lidl'l(s) ...x\'Cuted b)' <br />Borro....l'r Ilnd recorded wilh it, <br /> <br />~~<-:r ~ .J~~L <br /> <br />Rob~rt M. Zahm ~ <br />'7-' '2, 'l' n J <br />.' i ~ ">411/YI--- <br />Mary E/zah (/J <br />I ( <br /> <br />Slale of :-.:..bIlUl<_, <br /> <br />CoUllly of <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />ISew) <br />&;rww.-", <br /> <br />IScal) <br />8o.rrv""t'r <br /> <br />} u, <br /> <br />. The forl'guinll instrument brfure me thls 22nd dll)' of April <br />Ii 88. b)' Robert M. Zahm and Mary E. Zahm. Husband and \-life <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />WUno::u Ill)' hand a"d notorial seal al <br /> <br />~y l'OIt">IIiD eOI'll...: <br /> <br />.J:GWAl .mjiy'sW;,,;r~r <br />RO.!RTA L REED <br />.. r-. fIJ ..,.. 111) <br /> <br /> <br />Grand <br /> <br />in said Cou"t)', the uall' aloll"Said <br /> <br />Pa~3 <br /> <br />HUD.\l2\'3DT <br />