<br />I
<br />
<br />88- 102001
<br />
<br />State o' Nebraska
<br />
<br />Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />FHA ell. No.
<br />
<br />321-1236563-703
<br />
<br />Th!$ D~'Cd of Trwt, ("SL'Curlt)' lnslrumt'nt") is madl' on Apri 1 22nd
<br />19 88 . Thr Irwlor is Robert M. Zahm and Mary E. Zahm, Husband and Wife
<br />("Borro.....er..). Thl' Iru~IL't' is
<br />FirsTier Bank, National Association, Omaha, Nebraska
<br />Central Mortgage Corporation
<br />undt'r th" laws of the state of Michigan . and whose addrcss is
<br />36800 Gratiot, Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
<br />
<br />('"TrustL"''')' Thl' bt:lldiL'lur)' is
<br />. whil-b is llrgalliud IIl1d L'Ai-lillg .
<br />
<br />("'[.l'lIdl'r"l.
<br />
<br />Witnl:SS4:lh: Thatlhe 8orrowt'r In consideration of the deblllnd trust hcreinaftl'r describtd and t"reated, Dnd th(' SUIII uf Onl' Dollar \$1). lu
<br />him in hand paid by th.. Trustee. Ihl' rettipl of which is ht'leby ackno.....ledg..-d. dOC!; b)' Ihese presents .gnlllt. harl:aill and sdl, ("Unn')" alld ('UI\'
<br />firm, unlo the Trust....... lor..ver. all olthl' following dl'seribl:d real <'lot.nt', situaled lying and bl'illg ill lhe Counl)' of
<br />Hall . and State of N"brll.>kll, 10 wil:
<br />
<br />Lot Fifty One (51), in Wolfe's Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />The riders attached and executed of even date herewith are incorporated herein and
<br />the covenants and agreements of the riders shall amend and supplement the covenants
<br />and agreements of the Deed of Trust as if the riders were a part thereof.
<br />
<br />,-
<br />
<br />..hich hlU thl' lIddr~ of
<br />
<br />408 Johnson Drive,
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />
<br />Sebrasla
<br />
<br />68803
<br />
<br />'liI1U.~'
<br />
<br />~U'H
<br />
<br />("Property Addro,~');
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />.z..,~,
<br />
<br />To }fan lInd To [lold Ihe prl:mlses abu,.e doc-ribed, ,,'ith all the appurtenllncn Ihcort'unto hdonglnll and including all hl'aling. l}!ulllbing allll
<br />ligbtin& fulures. and equipml'nl no.... or hl:rl:llrter attaebed to or Wl:'d in connection wilh laid realt'SllIte unlo Ibl' Trust,.." and 10 in SU''l'L'SSOfS
<br />and aulpa, fore'ver. The &rro..'er represenu to, and co\'enantJ wilh, the Trustee. Ihlll the Borrower hu good fight 10 selland com'e)' \aid
<br />premUa;that Ihe)' are free from encumbran,..,; and Ihal the Borrower .....ilI ",'urant and dl'lelld till' same agilirut the l<lwful dllims of :.lIl}t.r.
<br />5Cl\S whomsoe,'er; lInd the said BouiJwer hen'b)' relinquish", all rlghu 01 homlllitelld, IIlld alll1\arlllll righlJi, eithl'r in hlw or in t-quil)', lIlId "II
<br />oth.r continient interestJ of thr Borro..'"r In and 10 the Ilbove-drKrlbed premises. Ihe inlention being to (-on\'I:)' h"fl'b)' Uti absolute litlt:. in IL'"
<br />sirnplr, includini all ripu of homt:5tud, and olher righu al}d interatJ as aloresaid.
<br />
<br />Provided AI""'a)',, andth_ presents are eneutL'll :lI1d delh'ered unlo the Trwteoe, in trusl, ho,,'e"l:r (or Ihl' followinll (lurpoSl.'St
<br />
<br />Whueas. the 8orro..'er un 1M 22nd , day of April ,19 88 ,burrowed Irom the l.t'llder
<br />tMwmoi Fourty Seven Thousand Five Hundred and No/100ths----------------------------
<br />------~-...-.~-----~-------------------DoUan (8 47,500. 00 ). fur whit-h
<br />lumthe 8ouo..e; has elKuted and delinrro to Iht' Lender Borrower', promissory note of e"en da)', bearlllg inlerl:sl at thl: 1I1te o( Eight and
<br />ninety-eight. one-hundredths per ~nlum ( ..8.98 'f.) per annom on thL' ulll'1I1d ballln("t' Ulllill'lIld,
<br />The said principal and inter",t shall be pa)'able al the o(f~ of
<br />. .. Central Mortgage Corporation
<br />III ..36800.. Grat lot, Ht. Clemens. HI 48043 . or lIt,uch otlltr I?I<ll't' ~ Ih" holdl'f 01 the nolL'
<br />JIllIY dlal,nate In wriling, In mOlllh1)' Instllllments "I Three Hundred Eigh t One and 51/1 OUt hS---------------
<br />--~~-------,...------- Dolla.. It 381.51 ), rolllllll'lIl"illg 011 the fiut da)' <If June
<br />I~ 88. .ndoll the lint day <If n~h IIICJIl\h thl:rCllher until the principal alld illll:rt'~1 arc full)' paid. rlCt'pl thlll tl,l' fimll p")'lIuml of "rin.
<br />t'll'alandlnlt'JL!lt. if nol sooner ""id, lhMII br due and plrable on 11M: flrsl da)' of May
<br />.20 18..
<br />
<br />r
<br />I
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />Thll form it uMClln..conllKlion Wlth mof1gagas insured und.r tM ~ to lour.lamil)' program. 01 the Nallonal HOUSIng Act which provic111 lor
<br />periodoC ~ortgao. 1",urane.Pr.mium paym.nt..
<br />
<br />~.
<br />
<br />Pae- I
<br />
<br />Form BUD 11214J Of 110.87 Ed'I<O<1)
<br />2~CfR 203.111_)
<br />