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<br />88- 101,~.~.,~ <br /> <br />\"110' -~~ -.- -: L j. } <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Borrower nod I,ender covenant and agree as followsl <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />1, That lIorrower will PIlY the IlIdebtcdllllSS, as Iwrelnhefore provld. <br />cd, Privilege Is reserved to pay the deht III whole or In part 011 11IIY in. <br />st!\lIment due dllte. <br />, , <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />2. That; together with, alld In uddlllon to, the monthly payments <br />of principal and interest payable under the terms of the uoto secured <br />hereby, the norrowc~ will pay to tho Lend..r, on the first day of each <br />month unlli thl! said nole Is fully pal,I, th~ following sunlSl <br /> <br />(a) Amount sufflcienUo provide the holdcr hereof with fUllds to <br />pay, the next mortgage insurance premium' if this Instrumenl' and the <br />note secured hereby arc insured, or a mOllthly charge (in llf:1I of.a <br />mortgage Iruurance premium) If they are hdd !ly the Secrelary of <br />Housing irnd Urban Development, as folluws: <br /> <br />(1) If and so long llS said note of even dale und this Imtrument <br />arc Insured or are reinsured under Ihe provisions of the Natiunul <br />lIouslng Act,lIn IImount sufficient lu accnlllulale In the hands of the <br />holder oni; ,(I) 1I10nth,,1nior to lis due dale the annuul IIImlguge In. <br />surance premium In'order to provide such holder with funds to pay <br />suchpremlulO to the Secretary of Hous!ng und Urhan Development <br />pllrmanllo the National Housing Act, as amended, amI applicable <br />Regulations thereunder; or <br /> <br />(II) If and so long as said note of even dute and this instrument <br />are held b,y the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, a <br />monlhly charge (in lieu of a mortgalle illsuruoce premium) which shall <br />be in an amount equal to one-twclflh (1/12) of one.half (1I2} per cen. <br />lum of the average outstanding balance dne on the lIole cOlnpuled <br />· without taking into aecounl <!elinquencies or tlTepaymenls; <br /> <br />(b) A sum e(lulllto the ground rents, l( uny, ned due, plus the <br />premiums that will nell bLocome due IInd lIuYllble on policies of fire <br />IImt other hazard insurance covering the properly, plus tUles and <br />lISSessmenls nexl due nn the l>ruperly (all u. es/lma/ed ,'// the l.e'IIIer) <br />Icss all sums already paid therefor divrdL'(1 by t~e nUlllher of months <br />to elapse before one (I) month prior to Ihe date when snch ground <br />renls, premiums, tallcs and llS5C.SSmenls will heL'Ome delinquent, SUl)h <br />sums to he held by 1.ender in tnlsl 10 pay sllilJ grOLlIlll renls, <br />premiums, talles and special A5.iessmcnls; IIntl <br /> <br />(c) All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsecllons of this <br />paragraph and all paymenls 10 be made under the note secured <br />hereby shall be addtd log.:ther, and the agllregule amount Ihereof <br />shall be paid by the narrower euch munlh In a single (luymenl 10 be <br />applied by the Lender 10 the following items in the order set forth: <br /> <br />(I) premium chllrges under theconlract of insurance with Ihe <br />~retllry of Housing and Urban Development, or monlhly charge (ill <br />lieu oj morlBl'ge IrlSur..mce /lremiurn). as Ihe case may he; <br /> <br />(II) ground renls, lales, asscssments, fire and olher hazard In- <br />surance premiums; <br /> <br />(III) interest on Ihe nole secured hereby; <br /> <br />(IV) amorlization of the principal 01 said nole; and <br /> <br />(V) late charge5. <br /> <br />Any deficiency In the IImounl of such aggregllte monlhly paymeill <br />shall, unless mllde good by the Borrower prior to Ihe due date of the <br />neat such payment. constitule IIn evenl of default under Ihls mort- <br />gage.The LendermllY collect a "late chargc" not to elceed four cenls <br />("-r For each doll.r ($1) of each IllI)mellt more thall fifteen (15) duys <br />in arrears to cover Ihe ellra expense Involwd In handling delinljuent <br />payments. <br /> <br />3. That If the tot III of the I,aymenls 1ll~lle hy Ihe lIurrower IInder <br />, (b) of puag.aph 2 Ilr_11I11l ~h.1I elL,.......11 he allluunt .If paYlnenls ac. <br />tUllly made hy thll I.ender fur KrllIllld rellls, hues lIf1d l15.icssments ur <br />i,u,uam:e prcmhlllll, III I he l'Il'll IllIlY he, meh elL'e5S, If Ihe 101m Is <br />ronenl, It theolltloll of I he' Donowe., ,hllll hll crt.<ditetl hy the <br />under (Iii sul.MlllIellt 1111)'11111/1" to he 1lI11d" by the Borrower. or <br />refunded to the Kllrrowel. If, howe~er. IlullIlOIlthl)' payments made <br />, by the Burroweumde. (b) of 1'lIllgrllph 2 prlll.~lInlllhllll not he suffi- <br />cient to Ilay /lrllund renh, toe. IIrlll ._menls or Insuranl'fl <br />ilremiulm~ .s theCIlJoll lIlaY he, whcm the IlIme shall be<.'Ome due and <br />I'. vable , then Ih.. lkIrrower Ihall pa.' to till' Lemler 1111)' amount <br />rMl::t!Wlr)' !o rnake 11/1 Ihe deficiency, on or hefore Ihe date when pay- <br />me"t 0' !lwh lraund rflnll, lal(''$, lU.'It.'UIII<'nl.s, or insuranl'fl I'lemh"ns <br />sblllllJC! due, If .1 Eny IInlC! the 8orrow4lT ""dllmIlJer lu Ihe uncler, <br />In .,..:cmJall<:<! wllh th.. I"ovhloo> ,,' th.. ....te ~urt!fl hereby, rilll PIlY' <br />"IPnt of the enllr(l ""I.,hlc..lnw r"presellh..llherchy, Ihel..tmder 5h..lI, <br /> <br />In computing the amount of such lndcblmlness, oredlt to the aCL'OllOt <br />of the Dorrower nil p"ynu:nts Illllde under the provisions of (a) of <br />pllrugraph 2 harcof which Ihe Lendor has not becollle obllgulod to pay <br />to Ihe SL'Cretllr.yrof Housing uml Urban Development and any balance <br />rcmalnlne'fpll1e funds llceumuluted under the provisions o({b) of <br /> 2 hereof. If there shull be II defllult under any of the I)rovl. <br />stomaf this Instrument resu1!lng In II public sale oflhe premises <br />covered hereby, or If the Lemler Ilcqulres Ihe property otherwlso after <br />dofault, Ihe I.cnder shall allply, lit the time of the commencement of <br />such pTOcec..,J{nlls, or III the time 1]le Ilroperty Is otherwise acquired, <br />the bulanee theu remululng In tho hllLds acellmulated under (b) of <br />II1Irllgraph 2 preceding, as a credit agninst tho amount of principal <br />tllen remaining unpaid under said lIote, IInd shall properly adjust IIny <br />lUlYlllonls which shall have been made under (Il) of pllragraph 2. <br /> <br /> <br />4, That the Borrower will pay ground rents, taxes, assessments, <br />Wilier rates, and olher governmontal or mu,nlclpal churgcs, fines, or <br />imposltlunf. for which provision has not been made hereinbefore, and <br />In default thereof the Lender muy pay the saBle; and that the Bor- <br />rower will prompfly dcliver Ihe official receipls therefor to the <br />Lender. <br /> <br />5. The Borrower will pay all taxes which may be levied llpOn the <br />Lender's ioterest hi said real estate and improvements, and which may <br />be Icvied upon this instrumenl or the debt secured hereby (bul only to <br />Ihe cxtent that such is nol prohibited by law and only to the extent <br />that such will not make Ihis loun usurious), but excluding any income <br />tax, Slate or Federal, imJlOsed on LCl1dcr, und will file Ihe official <br />receipt shOWing such paYJtlCnt with the Lender. Upon violation of Ihis <br />undertaking, or if lhe Borrower is prohibited by IIny law now or <br />hereafter existing from paying the whole or any portion of the <br />aforesaid I axes, or upon the rendering of IIny cOllrl decrL'C pruhibiting <br />the payment by the Borrower of any such tllXes, or if such law or <br />dL'Crce provhlr'S thut Ilny amounl so paid by Ihe Borrower shall be <br />credited on the debt, Ihe Lender shall have Iho right to give ninety <br />days' written notice to the owner of the premises, requiring the pay. <br />ment of the deht. If such noti~'C be given, the suld debt shall become <br />due, payablo and colleclible ul the elpirallon of said ninety days_ <br /> <br />6. That should the Borrower fail 10 puy any sum or kecp any cove. <br />nant provided for in Ihis instrumcnt, Ihell the Lemlcr, ut its option, <br />lOllY payor perform tlte sume, allll all expenrllhlTL'S so made shall be <br />added to the principal sum owing nn the above nOle, shall he secured <br />hereby, and shall beur inlerest at the rate set forth In Ihe said note, <br />until paid. <br /> <br />7. Thllt the norrower hereby ussigns, uansfcrs und sc;ls over 10 the <br />Lender, to be applied toward tllll payment of the note and all sums <br />secured hereby in case of II default in the IlCrformance of any of the <br />terms and conditions of Ihis Instrument or the said note, all the rents, <br />revenues und income to be derived from Ihe said ilTemi~cs during such <br />time as Ihe indebtedness shall remain unpaid, and Ihe Lender shall <br />have power to apJlOint any agent Or agents It may desire for the pur- <br />pose of repairing said premises and of renting the same and collecting <br />Ihe rents, revenues and incume, and it may payout of said incomes <br />all expemcs. of repairing said premises and lIcces.5ury commissions and <br />expeoses Incurred in renling and managing the same and of collecting <br />reotuls tl.erefrom; the bulance remaining, If any, to be applicdtoward <br />Ihe discharge of said indebtedness. <br /> <br />II. Thill Ihe Borrower will keep the improvements now existing or <br />hereafter erected on Ihe property, insured as Illay be requited from <br />time to time by the Lender agalml loss by fife and other hllzards, <br />cllSullllies IInd contingencies in such amounts and for such periods as <br />may be 'required by Ihe Lender und will pay promptly, when due, <br />lIny premiums on such illSurance provision for IJayment of which has <br />not heell made hereillbefore. All insurance shall be carried in corn. <br />punles approvtd by the Lender and the policies and renewIIIs Iherenf <br />shall. be held by Ihe Lender and have attached Iheretu loss payable <br />douses in fU\iOI of und in form acceptable to the Lend.:r, In evenl of <br />loss norrower will givc Immediale notice by mail to the Lender, who <br />may mllke proof of 105.5 if nol made (lromptly hy 1I0rrower, ulld each <br />IOSUrlllll'e colllllany conccrned is hereby authorln..1 and dlrect(.'(llu <br />make (Iaymcnt for sllch loss dlreclly to the Lender Instead of III the <br />Borrower and Ihe Lender joinlly, and IlIe Insurunee IITOeecds, or allY <br />part thereof, may be allplied hy the LClldcr Ilt its option either to the <br />reduction of the Indebtedness herehy sccurL'(1 0. to I he resloration or <br />rellair of the IJTOIJerty dll/lluged, In event of foreHosure of Ihls Inslru- <br />ment or olher Iransfcr of title 10 Ihe mortgllged propc!rty In eKlingulsh. <br />ment of Ihe indebtedncss secured herellY, all righi, 1IIIe IInd Inlercst of <br />the jJorrowcr In and III uny Immance policies I hen in 11'111:" shull pass <br />to Ihe purchaser or grantee. <br /> <br />Il. Thai a. ."ldilionululI" ('() '<"l'udty /", the pll)'n"'1I1 ..r Illc <br />Jlote c1'llic,II"...I, II III I 1111 .1I11l~ 10 llt'colLle ,It,,,, Ih.. 10",""",,,,1, Ihc <br />Borrow,'r hfJJchy assigns 10 Ihe LCIIlI.'r ulI p(I"lls, 'C\.cnnl'., "'~'8Ilh',. <br /> <br />PJ\j4r 2 01 4 <br /> <br />IIlJD U~I43[H <br />