<br />r
<br />
<br />;;, .. .
<br />
<br />~'p.n ff}
<br />88--. '.101'692
<br />D.eed. of Trust
<br />
<br />FHA C..e No,
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />Stlte of Nebr8ska
<br />
<br />321-1230679-703
<br />
<br />("Lcndcr")~
<br />
<br />
<br />. ThlslJeed 0' TrUJt, ("securlly Instrument") Is made on March. 23, 1988
<br />19". <;,The trustor b Daniel L. Boroff and Renee M. Boroff,
<br />o . . .. .. .. ("Borrower"). The trustee Is
<br />Fhfider Dank, National Association. Omaha, NE
<br />Occ!den-tal Nebraska Federal Savings Bank
<br />.. under/tho l.wI o'Nebraska .. .
<br />11704 West Center Road Omaha, NE 68114
<br />
<br />Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />, Rml whose Rddrcs.~ Is
<br />
<br />("Trustee"), The uuneflelary Is
<br />'. which Is orgllnlzed and existing .
<br />
<br />.WltneSsethl That the 8lJrro~cr In con.~idcrallo'" 0' Ihe debl Rnd trusl her~inBrte~ dC5crlbt'(lnnd crr'lIled, and tl\llsnm of .one Dollar ($1), t.o .
<br />him In hand paid by the TrUstee, the recdpt 0' which b herebyncknowledg~'(I, do('.~ by these prc.~enb Rrant, bllrgalri and sell, convey andclm-
<br />..Ilrm. unto the Trustee, forever, allof the following described real es.lale, SitUAted lying and being In the County 01
<br />Ha 11. . and StEile of Nehrash, to wil:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />2504 West 8th
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />
<br />
<br />.0-1
<br />
<br />f~UJ1
<br />
<br />Nebraska .
<br />
<br />68801
<br />
<br />f'l'roperty Address');
<br />
<br />
<br />,ZOre...!,.
<br />
<br />. .
<br />:-'toiJ.~aDcfTo.llold the(lremi~ abOlle described, with .11 the appllrtenan(:es thereunto ttelonging and including all healing, plumhing and
<br />UptlnK ri~li~'.nilequipineni.lKlW'or hereallerBUaehed to or 1I~'(lln C(mnccUon will, said real estate IInlo Ihe Truslee. and to its succes.~or;;
<br />.ncI:..,sJ~.r"'~'The Borro",er represenls 10, and CQllen.nls with, the Trll~tee. that the Darrower hliJ goodrighl in ~II and convey .~aid
<br />p~ilMs;.t~,.t'hey.re freerrom~n.Clllnbrance; and Ihal.the Borrower will warrant and defend Ihe same againsllhelawlul claims 01 all per.
<br />sonsWhclnuoeV~;lnd the.saI~ Borrowerhereby rellnquilheJ.1I rlghls 01 homestead, andall marital righls, either in law or inequity,and all
<br />ot~.~ntlnge",lntersts of the BorroW'cr in arid to the .bov~.descrl'-l prtlmlses, the Intenllon being 10 conlley hereby an absolule tille, In 100
<br />sbnP1i; Includ~nlln rlpb of ho~estead, and other rights ....d Intrrtl5ts a$ aforenld.
<br />
<br />- ' . - - . - .
<br />,1'.,;v~'A1",.)'S.:.rllxllhese presents are execuled and delivered unto the TrustL'C, in IrUSI, however lor Ihe following pu'pose.~:
<br />_, ,-.-. - -. c" ~.. - . - - . . . -
<br />. ..
<br />
<br />. -,-"--- -" -' -
<br />;:,y.ii;~;tttej!o;'oW~ontm; . 23rd . ' day 01 March , 1988 ,borrowed 'rom the Lender
<br />the.I.u;~:~o~;:.'J.'liel1~y';;S:ix. Thousand Five-Hundred Seventy-Two and OO/IOO---------~-------_..._-'---
<br />. . . T':77,i.:'::';'"'77~'~77"7-----~":---------7'----~--- Dollan (f 26 572.00 . . '), fll( which
<br />.<,.~.~:~~~tir}iu....ecUttid .Il~delllleredto the Lender Borro)Ve(s proml:.wry noleof even day,bearing Inlere.\1 al the rate of Eight and
<br />~c,.,Nine.i:'y.t~ight;Ot.l.e:"'lJun4redths per centum (.8.980. . . %) pcr annum on the unpaid balance unlil paid,
<br />.>~;.' .'~.~!cIPJInt:I~~.ndlntere$~..ll"Ube payablulthe ofllce.ol Oce ldenta 1 Nebraska Federal Savings Bank
<br />/ :..,~II704nlt!8tGenterRoad . ..... .,' .
<br />
<br />~f~~.I~:I~~t1tl~:'JJ~thly:,b~st.ilm~n15 01 Two HUlldred Th i rteenand '40~j'1 ~~I~~I~~~I:~~~~~~~~e~~~~:~~~
<br /><..:"'';;;."''~'. i>u!!1f!('.,213~42 .......... .. ), Cl!mmenclngonlhe finl dai)'of May
<br />il 88 .' and On the 'Int d.yofeaeh m"nth therea'"ir until the. prlnclp.1 .nd ,Interest lire fully paid, eaccpt Ihal the f1nall18)'menlof prlli'
<br />~.J1ftc1}nt~, II not toonerpald, shall he dlle iand p.yable onthe flrsl d.y of Apr i 1 .
<br />10 18 : .
<br />
<br />
<br />..~ .bJn. t. UNd InconMclion with mortg.o.,. Insured unde, Ihe one. 10 lour-family programs 01 tho Nationalliousing Acl which provide lor
<br />e"iodtcMaft.. IntUtaoce Premium payments:
<br />
<br />Pap , 01 4
<br />
<br />F':>rm HUD 92143 or (IOJJ7 Editlonl
<br />24Crn 7.03. I 7(01
<br />
<br />