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<br />I <br /> <br />8S..... .101692 <br /> <br />rl~hl.~ nnd 1II!IIl'fIt~ nCl'fIlIIl~ Iu thl' IIl1rrnw\'r 11I1I1"r nil>' IIl1d /III nil nllll <br />I(US ICIISI'~ 011 ~nhl pU'lIli~e.~, with IIIll rlAILt tu n'cl'h'l~ IIl1d H!ecl"t for <br />tile ~nlll" and Ap"l)' thelll to snld Il1dehtl'dnc.~s liS well hdur\) os after <br />defalllt In the condlllon~ of Ihls Instrument, alld 11m I.emler IlIUY dc- <br />rnllnd, Sue fnr Ilnd recover IIny such Jlllyment~ when due Ilml pn>'uhle, <br />hlll.~haJlllot he re'!lI{red so tll do. This nssll:nlllelll Is 10 tcrllllllllhl RIllI <br />h<<'OlI1e null nnd void upon reh'n.~e of this InstrUIIIl'IIt. <br /> <br />10, That Ihe Illlrrnwer will kl.'t,1' the hllUdlll~s Ilplln suld prcllll.\I'.~ III <br />Klmd rc"nlr, nllll Ill'llhl'r commit nor permit Wllstll upon said IlItld, 110.. <br />.~uffer Ihe ~lIldprellllscs to Iw ml'd fm un}' 1IIIIIlWflll l'urpll.\C. <br /> <br />II. Thul If IIIl' I,n.mlsl's, ur nn}' pnrt thl'rl'lIf, he 1'0mlcII111ed IIl1der <br />Ihe power of emll1el1t domllin, or aC'Iulred flIT II puhlic liSe, Ihe <br />damllg('S lIwardcd, the Jlroceed~ for Ihe tnklng uf, or Ihe cnmldl'ralion <br />for such IIClI"isilion, In the ('xlent of Ihe fllll 11111011111 of indehledm~\.~ <br />upon this Imlrunll!llt and the nole which iI is givcn to sccurc remnin. <br />Ing nnpaid, lIrc herdl}' lI~iglled h}' tho 1I0rrow<:r to lh" Lcnder, all\l <br />~hl\n he paid forthwith 10 ~",id Lender In he applied h)' thc "Iller un <br />acrount nf tlm next lIIaluring Inslallmenls nf ~uch hulehlednc.~~. <br /> <br />12. Tl1e Borrower furtlwr agrec.~ that sll(llllcllhis imtrlllllenl and the <br />note secured hereh)' nnt be eligihle fur illsurance under Ilw Nlllillnlll <br />Housing Act withlll eight Illnnlhs lrom the dah: hercnl (wriltclI slale. <br />lI1enl or any officer of the DeparhnentulllollSing and Urbal1 <br />Dcvclol'lllcnt or unlhuri7.I.'{1 aKenl or the Secr(,tar)' of lIousing and Ur. <br />han Dc\'l'!oplIlcnt daled subsequent to the eight 1II0nths' lime frolll the <br />date of this In.\tTIIlllcnt, declining tn imum said nole amI thi.s morl- <br />gage. belnl: d(lell1t'{l eoncluslve.llToof uf snch ineligibilily). Ihe Lender <br />or holller of the nole may, lit it~ opliun, declare all sums scenred <br />hereby Immediately due ond lla)'ab](,. Notwithstanding th(' fmeguing, <br />Ihls nptinn Hla)' nol he exercised by the Lender lIT Ihe holder Ilf lhe <br />notl': whell the Inell~lbillty for Insurance IInller the National lIousing <br />Act Is dill' In the I.ender's failure to remit the morlgage insurance <br />prelllilllll In the Depllrtrnent of Ilollsing nnd Urball De\'c1oplllcnt. <br /> <br />1.3. That If the lIurruwcr f..ils to make 1111)' parlllent.~ of Illnnc)' whell <br />the Sllllle h"('01I11' .IIII', m fllll~ 10 cOllforlll In and cOlllply wilh all)' of <br />the l'undltiull~ m l\~l('elllenls l'/Inlaine.l in Ihl~ instrllll1ent. or Ihe note <br />which it Sl'cur('~, Ihen the ('ulire principal slim and acclIlcd illler(~~1 <br />~hall nt onl.'C ltl't~IIllC dne ..lid pll)'llhle, III tllC cfeclilln IIf Ihe Lemler. <br /> <br />I.(,nclcr ~hRlIl!lve lIotice III lIorr/l\\"er prim 10 accelerallon following <br />IIn"l)w('r"~ hreach of a,,)' co\'enalll or ngreclllcnt in this imlrument <br />(hili 1I0t prlur to act.'CleruliulI limier paragrllph 12 111l1,,~~ applicable <br />law Jlruvldc.~ olherwise). The nolice ~hall ~pccif)', (a) Ihe .lefalllt; (b) <br />Ihe action rCllllin~1 to cUrl' llie ll('lault: (e) /I dale, nlll Icssthull 30 <br />da,.~ from Ihc date Ihe nollce i~ gi\'en III Ilorrowcr, hy which the <br />defalllt hlll.~t he Cllred: alld (d) that failure III curl' Ihe default on ur <br />hefore the rIa", spcclfied in 11m nlltice may rl'Snlt ill llcccfl'rntilln Ilf Ih" <br />SIIIIlS St'Cureo b)' thi~ instHllllent nml sal., of the Properl)'. The lIlIticc <br />shall further i"fmlll Borrower uf the right to reimlate afler accelera. <br />lion and the right to bring a court actioo to Bs.~"rl the Ilon-e.dstcnce of <br />a defanlt or an)' other defense of 1J0rrnwer to :Icceleralion and .~ale. If <br />Ihe default is not eured on ur before Ihe dale specified in the Illlticc, <br />l.ender at il~ ol,lioo lIla>' rl'll"ire Imml'lliate pa)'lllenl in fllll of all <br />~\lms Stocurcd hy thi~ ln~lmment withuut further dellland 1111(1 may ill' <br />\'okc the III sale alld nil)' other remedies !,ermillcd h)' ap- <br />plicable law. I.endl'r ~hall he l'nlltled tocollcct alll'xpel1Sl'.~ incllrred <br />in I'uuuing the rellledi"" I'rn\'ide<) in this paragraph 13, including, hut <br />not Iimilct! to.. reasonable allorneis fees and costs nf litle e,'Idellce, <br /> <br />If the 1'0\1'('( 01 ~l\lc I~ IIl\'okL-d, T,,"slcc shull (('curd 11 lIolice 01 <br />dcfulIlI in ellch couuly ill which nllY IlIul of Ihe I'rnpcrll' I.~ loculed <br />nllll 5111111 mull cuple.. of slleh nnllec In Ihe mllmler prl\~crlhcd hy ap- <br />pllcllhle Inw 10 Borrower Illlclto Ihe olher persons pr('~~crihed hy III" <br />pllcable hlw. Aftcr llle lime required h)'llpJllicnhle Inw, Trmll~e shall <br />Illl'c pllblle nollce of ~III(, In the persons and In the manner Jlrc.~crlhed <br />hy nppllcllhle IlIw. Trllslee, wllhonl delllllnd on Ilnrrower, shall sdl <br />till! l'rulll,rly nl puhllc Illlellnn 10 Ihe hll(hc~t hldder III Ihe time 1111(1" <br />plllce and 11Ildcr Ihe terms dc.~lgnnled In Ihe nnllee of slIle 111 one or <br />IIl1m! purcds IIIllI in nil)' lITdllr Trnslcc d(llerlllines. Truslee may <br />IllJ~lpOIlI' snle 01 nil ur lUll' pllrecf of the I'ropert)' h)' pnhlle IlnnOUllcc. <br />111\'111 III tll\' lime and plncl' of nllY Jlrevlon51}'~chedllled sllle. Lender <br />ur ils (Ic.sigllce 1lI1l)' pnrdlllse lhe Properl)' at an}' sule. <br /> <br />UpOIl receipl nf pUYInellt of t ,'" price hid, Trustee shull deliver tll <br />the purchaser Trllstee's dl'ed CIlIl\'eylllg the Properly. The recitals In <br />Ih" Trmlcc's deed shall he primo larie cvidence of the truth of the <br />stlltemcn(s made thcreill. Troslee sllllllnpl,ly the proeceds of the ~ale <br />in the following orcll'r: (ll) to nil eXpel1Sc.~ of the snle, illcludillll hul <br />1101 lillliled 10, Trnslec's fct).~ as permitled hy apl'licuhh, law alld <br />reasnnuhle allome)'s' fees: (h) 10 nil SUlIIS .~ecured hy Ihls Securily In- <br />strllllll'nl: oml (c) ony I'XCc.~~ 10 Ihe pl'rSOIl pr persons lel:lllly entitled <br />In it. <br /> <br />14. UPOIl ucccll'raliOlI under paraWflph 1:1 lIr ahllllllolllllcnl of !Ill! <br />I'ropert)', Lellder (:n [ll'rSIHl, h)' IlAell1 or hy jndleilllly aplluinled <br />recei\'er) shall be entith'd to enter upon, 11I~e 1''' III allll <br />manage the Property amI 10 coli eel Ihe rcnh nllhe I'rnpert>' illeluding <br />Ihose Ilast due. Any renls colleclcd hy Lllmler or the u'cl'ivcr shRII he <br />applied first 10 pa)'mcnl of Ihe cusls of IIlllnllllclll"'ll nf Ihc Property <br />and eolledion Ilf renls, including, hut not limlll'd In, reeei\'l'r's fec.~, <br />premiums on receiver's Imnds Ilnd rcnsIlllahle IIHome)'S' rc(~~. and then <br />III lhc .~ums secured by Ihis instrument. <br /> <br />15. Upnn I'aymenl of all smm R'l.llTl'd Ity tlll~ inslrunll~nt, Lllllller <br />shall fl'llucsl Trustee In IC('OI1\'e~' Ihe I'mpcrl)' 1I11\1 shull slIrremler thi.~ <br />inslrument and ull nol\'5 ,,\'ldenehlll ddll s\'('urt'd Ity this Il15trunwnt In <br />Trmte". Trmlee shall r(,CIlI1\'cny Ihe I'ruperly wllh""1 wllrrullty IInd <br />withnlll eharJle 10 Ihe I'l'rson or persnns l('gnU>' enllllcd III II. Such <br />l'I'rs<Jn or per~om shall pa)' IHlY nleludllUIlIl l'lISh. <br /> <br />Hi. Lellller, al its nplinn, lI1a)' from IInl\' hI Ilnm fllm<JVC Truslee <br />and appnint a SIIl'Cl'ssnr Irllslcc In IIny Tmstl'e IlPlmlnkd herenndcr Ity <br />an instrumcnt recorded in Ihe connt)' III which Ihis instrument is <br />rL'Cordell. Witholll con\'l'plllee nf the I'rolll'rty, the sllccessor lrustl'e <br />shall sllcceed In all Ihe title, pnwer and dulil'.~ conferred upnn Trustce <br />I",..cin and hy a""lieabl(' law. <br /> <br />17. Ilnrrower rcqllc.'ts Ihulcopic.' of the nollcc.~ of defulIll and .~9Ie <br />he scnl tn Ilorrnwcr's Rddrc.~~ which is the I'rnperly Addrc<.~, <br /> <br />IR. If one ur more riders arc exeeuted hy 1J0rrnwer and recorded <br />togethe.. wilh thi~ instrulllent, Ihe cnvenanls and agrecmenls 01 cadi <br />~uch rider sholl he incorporated inlo and shalllllnend amI slIpplemenl <br />the covcnaots and agrl'elllcnls of Ihls instrument II.~ if the rlder(s) were <br />a !,lIrt III thi.~ inslruml'nl. <br /> <br />W. The co\'cnanl~ heu'in conlained shall bind, ,md Ihe bellefits and <br />ad\'"UltllgC.~ shall ioure to, Ihe respeetive heirs, excclllors, ad. <br />ministrators, snccc.~ors, and a~signs of Ihe partie., hereto. WhenC\'er <br />IIscd, the singular Ilumher shall include the plnrlll, Ihc'l'lurallhe <br />.~iogular. and the me 01 an)' gender shlllllndude all genders. <br /> <br />U)' ~iglling below, Borrower aceepls allli agrl'c.~ 10 the terms covenanls conluined in thi~ Sccuril~' Instrumcnt and in Iln}' rider(s) executed by <br />Ilorrower Rnd recorded with it. <br /> <br />Stllte of Nebrllsb, <br /> <br />f'..oUllly of <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />~/L~% <br />~ L. Boroff sa ~. <br />AL / .f CJJt 01 <br />Re ee M. Boroff . <br /> <br />[Scal] <br />Rcnl[Jw-rr <br /> <br />[Sclll] <br />IInrrowf'1 <br /> <br />} .., <br /> <br />The fllreauinglnslrumrnt WllS IlCklloWIt.u~ed before me .ILh 23rd day of March <br />19 SS ,~y Daniel t, Boroff and Renee M. Boroff, Husband and Wife <br /> <br />Witness lilY hllnd Ilnd noturial will lit <br /> <br />ill ~ai" COllnly, thl' dale arCHl'.~i1id. <br /> <br />M)' n:J1llllllsdo'l "'1' 15' C1ErflY.lIUTAllY.StIla If .... <br />DENISE KAY LOWIrt . <br />"!y Comm hp A\l1 25, 1"1 <br /> <br />~ -~~ <br />/" -- <br />_ . t?-<!.<- ~ . _ ~4.Yl <br />"lllry I'lIhllc . 7~_m_~_.__--, -....--- --.-..---. <br /> <br /> <br />i'SlJll :) 01 4 <br /> <br />II\IDMI4:lIH <br />