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<br />. 88-.-- 101276
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<br />"REPA \,~"~!'j'~ ,\,~D.Al( 'Rr AI. OF TilE 1"1'\.\ '\CF ('IIAR(iE: I.. \ ~'lIlhpu,l.~h I dPllllf 11;1\ t hl j1<l~ Ilunl' Ihtllllhe rq~lIlill ,~'hedLJkd 11llll11hl~ p.l~ IIlflrll. I htl\L....thl' rl~hl
<br />to prepai')he wh'lle,"a1iHllll1l 0\\'1I1'! to yml IlIlull.ll all~ tllllL' ill" III pari troJ1lt"l1~' In tlIlH..' lIthe klldlll~ Ill'-Iltut;'lll or h<lI1" llid' bll~' 111~ ~ pnlrad ~'l'mIHJle' lill' 11l1,IIH.t' thar!!e
<br />dmly. I ~~10\\' illY nl1af)('l"l'h;Jr~~' \\'111 he h......, II I IllJ"-l' ;111 t:arh p.t~ IIlt'lll. and If \\ II! he hl)-'hel III pd; liile I ilh\lIYLtl}.:l1l/elhal illl~ Ilt.t.l'........ar~ ;ldIU....l.I'.1l"IlII~IIll) lllllallllwlH:e
<br />charge will he rcllcdl'd III my 111l;.!l hill: I al...p kllll\\ rhallhl. illllillll1l... ....11I1wn 011 I Ill' Il.\L'r....l. 'Hk lPI tht' t llldlll't'l haJgl'. I \l1.1! III Pil~ ml'llh: ,1111..1 Ihl' I pial Silk' J I h.:l' arc l....II-
<br />mates hased on Ihl' as...ulI1pllOl1lhal you \1,111 ren'l\'l't'adl tlllhe paymen", l'x~H.:ll~ (1lllh dut' dale: ilUd I i-..rww thai there will hl' IlO rdund III prepay becau:...c Ih;:rl' I:'" f)ottllng
<br />10 refund if I am d1ilrgt~d on a dally ha....I.... II lht' Icndlllg 1Il....lltutlPIl or hank dot':'" not \.'tlIllIHItC IhL' tll1;lJh~~. dlargc dally. and II 1 prl'ra~ tht.' whok "IllOl~nt. )'0.\1 wlll refund
<br />tn me the ullccunl"d portlonllf tht" (inancr charge (lnlere...t I hy lhe ;!\.'cllllllting prol"t.'dure "l1o\\'n a... lhe al.lUanal !llethnd. and lhe il11l0UIlI 01 my rehate, w1l1 h.t.' figured o,n the
<br />scheduled dates and amount~ Ilf my monthly ~,aYIlll'1l1 alld IllH Oil fhe ;H:tual dale:... and amounh nl Ihe prepaymenh Ih;1I J pa~ 10 }",lU. I know lhat a refund olles, than S 1.00
<br />\\'i II not he mad;: .
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<br />. . (b) I have read. in delail. Ihe separale "I()- YEAR LI\IIT!'D WARRA:">JTY" whl<,h. if made. '1l'COlllpallles IhlS <,ontract. It C\plains the l'l1nditionsand circumstances
<br />In which the manufactured prouul.."h will he repaIred or rl"plat'ed. I take notICe 01 the IllllllatlOlls on the warranty. and I partlrularly recognize lhat any unpiled warranty which
<br />applies lu the good~ la~~ts only a~ long il~ thl" warranty or ....en.lce ctllltrart.
<br />
<br />Ic) 1 have read, in detail. the separate "1.I:>'lITI'I) I:S;STAI.I\TIO:--J WARRA:--JTY" which. .1' made. accompanies thIS cOlltract.- It explains Ihe condilions and cir.
<br />cumstances in which the installation of Ihe \H,ling \\'111 hl.' I edollc. (take Hotice of the liml!at1OIl~ on the warranty. and I panlcularly rccognJ7l' Ihal any lInplled warranty which
<br />applies to the installation lasts only a.'" long as lhe warralll~ or ....ef\.lct: conlract
<br />
<br />SPECIAL-ORDER GOODS: I know thai) (III han~ llIl'a\lIred illY tHlll~e a1H1 it.... opel1m!!... :..,(1 thai ~ (IU call Illake !he prmJw,:t" to tit m)' particular house. flake notice that. (he
<br />goods thai arc manufactureu for my spL'cifir house prohahly \\ ill 1101 fil any other house.s, and under such l.'onditions. ( "now that I cannot. cancel thi, [Untral.t at any tllne
<br />after the period of Ii me given to me. by 1~IW. in which 10 cant'l'I. After that Icg:;:d pl'riou (lftlIlH:. I know Ihat I ha\'c Iht: obligation to pay you II11ulllhc illllOUnl OWt'd.
<br />
<br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO J'ROPEHTY INSl'HANCE AND MY HEAL ESTATE: I, I pronme 10 kcep m~ hlluSt' 111 glllld rcpalr allll to keep il tIlsuret! for
<br />at least 80l'k of its replacement value by bU)'lIlg a fire anu c\lended co\'erage insurant'c policy. The insurance cOIl.lpany mU...1 bc arpro\'cd hy y,~u. and Ihe polu:y must have
<br />a beneficiary clause which says thai you are 10 be p;uJ If there is a lo..,s, The in"'lIrance l..~}mpany Illu...t agree that It will not cancc my polil.:Y \\,Jthout first tellll~g you. I au-
<br />Ihorize Ihe insurance company to pay you direclly for any loss, Yuu can choo,,' 10 u,e liltS insurance payment 10 l'Ither repay any amounl, I owe you or 10 rep,lIr my hOllse.
<br />I have the oplion of providing property insurance Ihrough an csisting polit'Y or thruugh a pili icy independt'nllv ohtallled and paid for bv tIlC, 2, I alsu prllmise thai I will not
<br />allow anyone else to {'lace any liens on my real e..,late without your written permission. 3. I promise to pay aIlla\l'~. a...sessmcnts and other charges ,~n Ill)' real ~statc when
<br />due,~, I promise 10 IImely make all pay men Is on Ill)' pnor loans ,ecured hy my rcal eqate, I also pronme Ihall WIll not extend. renew or change pnor loans wllhout your
<br />written pe~mission. .5. If I do mll insure my house or fulfiJlmy other obligati~lI1\ to m) real ~statc. then,You can do it for l~lC if you \~'al~t tbut you do not have to). If you ~o
<br />pay any of these obhgallons for me. I agree 10 pay you hack on demand plus II1leresl at the hlghesllawlul conlracl rate of l1Heresl. Cnnll pay you hack. these amounls Will
<br />be added to my debt to you which is secured by fTl! real estate and hou...c I know that If you uecide tll buy insurance f,lr me Ihat you un not have to ohtain any homeowner
<br />or liability insurance.
<br />
<br />SALE OF !\'fY HOUSE: I promise nol to sell. lease or give mv house 10 anyone untill havc fullv repaid my deht 10 you,
<br />
<br />DUE ON SALE: If I sell. lease or give my house to an)one hcr,'re I have fully paid alii owe under Ihis mntraCI. vou can declare alllhall owe under Ihis contracl payable
<br />at once and I agree 10 immediately pay you Ihat amount
<br />
<br />UEFAULT: I will be In default under thIS l"OnlraCllf:
<br />
<br />J. luof)'tmakeapayml"nlWhl"ndue:or
<br />
<br />2, I hreak any promise I maue 1Il Y(HJ in thl.\l'onlract: or
<br />
<br />J. Something cbe happens whll"h Ci.h...'}C.\ you III helic\'c in good faith that I do Ill)ll11ll"llJ In pay YOli a~ promised: or
<br />
<br />.1. I default on any obligalions for whicb I am using lilY hOllle as collateral: or
<br />
<br />), Something happens 10 my hOilse whIch threatens your rights. if any. in II.
<br />
<br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I understand thaI you have Ihe right 10 foreclose Ihe Mortgage I bave gIven 10 you and have lilY house sold 10 repay any amounls I owe you if I
<br />am in default under this COlllracl. Hefore m)' house is sold. you will do everylhing thilllhc law requires. If you hire an allorney to assisl you to sellm)' hOlISt'. or, to sue me.
<br />or. to protecl your ri~hts. I agree to pay you for your reasonable i:iuorneys' fee:... and for other related expenses such as court costs. title searches and money YOll expended
<br />to proleclmy house. If you are allowed 10 t'llllecl such amOUllls by law,
<br />
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not 10 enforce any ofll~e rights under Ihi, conlract as often as we walll withoullosing them. Or. we can delay enforcing any of the righls
<br />wilhoullosing them. We can also use an)' righls now or in the fUlure given 10 us by law,
<br />
<br />DELAYS: I know Ihal you willusc your besl efforts 10 inslall the products I am purchasing onm)' bouse. bUll also understand thai in some siluations you may encoulller
<br />delays that are .-aused by strikes, weather condilions. delays you have in obtaining materials. or for other reasons thai are beyond )'our control. I understand thai you will
<br />not be liable for such delays.
<br />
<br />ARBITRATION: If I have a dispute or claim wilh you concerning Ihe quantity. qua"ty or performance of Ihe producls. I understand Ihat m)' dispute ma)' be submined to
<br />and setlled according to tbe medial ion-arbitral ion program Ihal may have developed in illY communit)', I also know Ihat any decision made by an arbitratorls) would be en-
<br />tered in the court havingjurisdiclion ovcr me and you,
<br />
<br />SALV AGE VALVE: I know thaI tbe windows. wondwork. siding. brick and mher malerials that have to he removed by you for tbis inslallalion have NO salvage value.
<br />When you remove them. you can have Ihem for whatl"ver purpo~e you want.
<br />
<br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due 10 Ihe uniqueness of some of the products Ihat you sell, I undersland thai in special situations thai your Regional Oftice n;<<y have to review
<br />and accept this contract. I also understand that this sale occurred 111 my home anJ that you and I may not have had all the correct infomlUtion important to this transaction
<br />at our fingertios: I Qive vou mv cnnsent to correcf anv oh\.ioll... errors thai rnav have occurred when the hlanks in thi... Cf:ntr;:lI...t were completed.
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